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Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks Empty Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks

Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:21 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

As Hulderic gazed on he walked forward, his two protectors in follow with him. He was planning on dealing with the matter of the Shinigami and Quincy for once and for all, this matter needed settled as the last task really before things were clear. Hulderic's gaze was firm for once, it was only gentle when it had to be but this was a matter of grave importance. The Gotei 13 could attack the three, but it would result in the other Vandenreich coming in. And the organization had enough power to fight them off and perhaps destroy them. But this wasn't the purpose of these Quincy. Hulderic let them know well of his presence, he came in via a teleportation device they had in the home. This matter of course was nice, Raiki and Akia were suitable protectors for Hulderic and perhaps to protect others. But the truth was simple that lingering in the wings were other Vandenreich members whom were fiercely strong. Hulderic wished to settle this matter between the two races whom had been at odd's for an eternity. Depending on how this went, war or simple avoidance were likely. What would the outcome be, that was the question in need of answering. Hulderic thought for a while on whom would greet him, he knew the list of Captains. So he placed beat's on Six being one to show itself. Perhaps the 2nd as well, he had fought their people before. Being well aware of their inner ranks was easy enough. Hulderic was quite old he did wonder how they were fairing without the guidance of Head Captain Yamamoto. He recalled him being a fiercely powerful man whom lead with absolution much like Yhwach did in those days. He rubbed his beard softly gazing through his glasses as he contained his reiatsu. Making sure he didn't feel strong to anyone, but only a fool wouldn't notice it.

This would be be helpful in grading the caliber of those sent to speak with him and to hide some of his power. Besides showing what the Quincy had yet was foolish, he didn't really give his two sense just yet. His children's desires needed to be handled properly with good managing. He needed to also gauge the threat the Gotei 13 was, but honestly he saw no reason to fight them. Unless they picked a fight with the Quincy he would not. But if like so many years ago war broke out, how would they handle it. His people's honor and pride were at stack after all. He wore white robes that symbolized the Emperor status within the Quincy fairly well, but most knew about his power. Hulderic had no reason to use it, as he didn't see a point in using the pasts powers for his own benefits. His hand lowered from his beard as he looked on at the two Quincy with him, what would they do under a combat among the people if a situation broke out? Hulderic needed to make sure they the future made it out.

So much to do to ensure the balance of the Quincy was restored. But as the Emperor he would see it through, after all making sure people didn't know his intentions fully was part of the job he'd been tasked with as well. For his people's place would become more known here then perhaps to any other. The Shinigami would find out as the Queen of Demons did, exactly the intentions of the Quincy and the Emperor whom stood at the helm of the rebirth of the lost race whom had simply vanished into the shadows of war and death. He stood at the entrance of the Gotei 13 now, nothing was going to stop him. Some Shinigami did look tempted to attack them, but he looked at them and spoke. "Go get a couple Captains, then go home you do not wish to face us..We are here to speak with your leaders...If you do wish to challenge us, I am sorry we will have to decline as business between the Quincy and Shinigami must be handled today..My apologies but we will have to ignore you today, Raiki and Akia let's go and wait under the tree's for them.." He said calmly as he walked over finding a group of chairs, several under a nice set of cherry blossom tree's. Hulderic' simply walking away left the Shinigami at the gate's baffled but some did go get Captains. As one of the more experience one noted that Hulderic wasn't an easy customer nor were the two along side him.

The meeting would commence soon, among the cherry blossom.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks Empty Re: Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks

Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:21 pm

Such arrogance. These were the thoughts that echoed in his mind while he walked along side his master, the gotei 13 had fallen into hard times, yet there foolish ideals and blood soaked history hinders them the most of all. When Quincy appeared they responded by cutting them down in the name of “balance” but Raiki didn’t let such thoughts hinder his views. He knew comparing the Gotei 13 of now would be pointless. While they did gather strength he knew if push came to shove, Quincys had the higher ground. While they're trained to confront Hollows in order to defeat them just as Shinigami do, the biggest difference between the Quincy and Shinigami, since ancient times, is whether to kill or not to kill Hollows. As the Shinigami, who tried to purify Hollows with their Zanpakutō and send them to Soul Society, versus the Quincy, who stuck to the thorough killing of Hollows. The idea is a simple concept of Human Justice/Vengeance. "Hollows devour souls of Humans, so why must it be that those who harm and kill friends and relatives get sent peacefully to Soul Society?" Raiki is very proud of his own power, but unlike other members of his race, possesses no physical signs of arrogance or overconfidence. He rarely speaks, and when he does, he's fairly serious but is known to be around his allies to be kind, and care to talk to them to get to know them better.

Spiritually aware Humans, even Quincy, don't naturally project Spiritual energy that could gain the attention of the likes of Shinigami or Hollows. Generally, Quincy are much more notable for harnessing energy rather than projecting it, unlike Shinigami. However, like the Stern Ritter, and the Vandenreich as a whole, this is untrue, as they have proven that Quincy can easily reach the same level and caliber as even Captain-level Shinigami. Raiki is typically no exception to this revelation. He projects a level of Spiritual Pressure that is unheard of by Quincy standards, harnessing and controlling it with such a profound affinity and restraint, one could often assume that he was a Shinigami under the guise of a Quincy. It is great enough to where that releasing such a power can darken the area around him, giving a visage of night falling upon the day time like an apocalypse. The area around himself and his opponent takes a dark blue hue, and Raiki's entire body radiates a light blue Spiritual Pressure, making him seem as if he is a shining beacon of salvation in the darkness, one who battles and destroys beings of dark power and corruption in the name of his own pride and duty. His Spiritual Pressure, as mentioned above, takes the form of a light blue shade of color, a symbol of maturity and righteousness, and it's exertion has a tendency to make his opponents and his allies perspire in fear. Of course, as he makes it a habit to keep his power contained, Raiki rarely exerts such Spiritual Pressure unless the desire to show his dominance over his foe begins to take more and more hold of him. And like other humans, Raiki is not one to shy away from emotions when under duress. Often, enraging him will cause him to release this magnificent power in an uncontrollable amount, signifying his unyielding wrath being projected upon those foolish enough to provoke it. Despite this Raiki is able to completely hide his spiritual energy to the point people can confuse him for a normal powerless human. Much like now how his power is hiding making himself appear to be nothing more than a powerless human.

Like taking candy from a baby, unlike the human world soul society is filled to the brim with reishi the source of a Quincy powers making them having a virtually endless power supply, and given the nature of Raiki powers and skills the possibilities are truly endless if he were to fight today if they try to assault his master. Such as how Raiki is subconsciously altering the atmosphere and hence the projection of light, creating various rainbows to fill a vicinity. If someone were to gaze at the projected light, their bodies would and minds would stop any violent nature from lashing out, due to subliminal messages, rendering them practically immobile and weak to the Quicnys, however Raiki did not make this as a means of a attack and it did had it fair share of weakness. The willpower of each everyone looking at these Rainbows would be checked, and thats only if they looked at it, second strong feelings can overcome such a power. Also simply refusing to look at it would make it unable to work... but because in Japenese culture Rainbows are often seen as bad luck, however time has changed.

When ordered to wait simply by a tree Raiki did as he was told, but he was on guard, he had a gentle breeze flowing around the Gotei 13 making sure no one could attack them, picking up air vibrations he could “hear” everyone talk, even there heartbeats. Leaning on the tree the male looked around waiting for the captains or other members of the Gotei 13 to appear. Can peace truly exist between the two forces? Either way Raiki shall wait, if an attack comes they shall fall before the storm. Let the meeting begin.

Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks XmGUKMS
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Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks Empty Re: Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks

Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:28 am

the emancipation of the world required a reason to walk ahead, until one could walk that path they would never see the truth of the world, come ..... walk with me.

The colors shone throughout the sereite a beacon to any and all around. The gotei had long been a stronghold for those with the power to defend the weak and stand for the equality and balance of the world, however these reapers would not be the ones to first step forth. The man who would come walking towards these gates, just a glance making the men guarding them know he wished them opened, just a glance making them know that it wasn't an ordinary shinigami stepping forth but one who was not going to be even slightly rocked by these quincies standing at their door. This was a man whoi held athority within the gotei like no other the expectation of him intervening however was incredibly low. But this instance was different he had a personal claim over this place amoungst his comerades, this was a place he was charged with protecting, and by the just feel of these men both of whom were currently holding back all lashes of their true power. How would he know this you wonder? he had been around long enough to know just what he was facing, he knew just who this man who now stood in front of him the long blonde hair and glasses on.


The giant of a man stepped forth his long dreadlocks flowing in the breeze a simple black shirt and long cargo pants on, but these weren't the things one would notice, no as he walked the clanging came forth the rustling of metal in the air. He wore a collar and what looked like hand cuffs that had been broken apart, these were obviously no normal chains however, in fact these were a gift from the central 46 after his stance of "imprisonment" in the lowest pits of the maggots nest, but even with these little stoppers on his pure deathly aura spread around him encompassing the area shrouding the surrounding terrain with this uneasy feeling, truly this was a man who was here not for pleasure but for ...... balance. As was the way with the giant who now approached them, standing over 8 ft with the all to familiar look of disinterest on his face, truly this was Noroshi Haruka.

Haru stopped as the dust blew around this little field in front of him, this stand off of silence was one that wasn't to be known through history but it was necessary for the time. This man who had so easily walked to the gates of the gotei and come knocking for a meeting wasn't just any old man .... no this was a man haru had seen before. Stretching back to the blood war between the quincy and shinigami Haru as his time being the commander of the front lines division met a man. A man with long blonde hair his glasses gleaming in the sun as he mercilessly brought down almost 4 of the captain level shinigami that surrounded him. Haru was known in this war as the butcher of over 2000 quincy after only the first day, but even he respected the one man who completely crushed the rest of his unit, captains lieutenants all of them were beat down by a lone man.

Balance is an equator, quincy were ones who stood to break the Equator years ago .... what is it you seek now .... Hulderic

The man's face seemed to show no real emotion if any just undying sadness, a calm serenity hidden on his face sure, but behind his eyes lay the feel of just pure death. Harus arms were folded over no Zanpakutō within sight but there was reaons why he didnt need one and currently the master of the fist was more focused on the Monster who stood before the giants response. The man for so long had been just a tool of the 46 and now that he stood before a man who actually posed a threat the only words he could remember soon fell from his lips aimed at Hulderic and those where the words of his adoptive father, a man who could truly call himself a true shinigami, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

What defines a man is not his strength but his resolve. how far are you going to go for your people?

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks M9rTQZk

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Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks Empty Re: Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks

Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:23 pm

Artist: Gary Jules - Song: Mad World - Word Count: 892

The Soul Society

Akia could feel her heart beating in her throat. This.. this felt wrong.

She knew the second that Hulderic had asked her to aid in his protection that this would happen. She had known this would be the result. She wasn't supposed to go anywhere near such a cursed place. She had sworn to herself she would never venture there. All it had taken was one execution.. seemingly ages ago.. though it was only barely a decade prior.. to make this place a bane to Akia's very being.

Murderers. The word clapped like thunder in her head over and over again. It dominated her thoughts. It consumed her whole self. She needed to be peaceful, neutral, stoic.. she was here as a bodyguard, after all. If fighting broke out, then fighting broke out, but for now, all was quiet, and there was no reason to disrupt that or jeopardize it because of personal bias. She was.. more mature than that. Or, at the very least.. her position required her to act as if she was.

Regardless of her own grudges against the Seireitei, she had agreed to come, and anyone who had met her previously would've instantly known that she was one of the three that approached the gates as they exited the portal. Not from appearance, though hers was certainly distinctive. No. One who had met her could tell that she was coming from quite a distance away, if one simply listened. The silence of the day was periodically broken by the "clack" or "thud" of Akia's cane connecting with the ground onto various surfaces. It was quite a hindrance when one was trying to be sneaky, but it was necessary. Unlike some, Akia didn't use her cane for a cosmetic appeal. Akia needed hers. Desperately. Her leg was useless. The muscle of it twisted, ripped, and essentially shredded. The cause behind this was not one she shared regularly, or openly, with anyone.

Anyone who heard that Akia was here as a bodyguard might find the notion laughable at best. Even beyond the messed up leg, Akia was frail, her shaky stance and white-washed hair evidence of a completely worn out and practically useless form. To anyone who might view her, she would probably seem like easy pickings. Although anyone with a brain would know not to judge a book by its cover, and this rule goes doubly so for Akia. Cripple or not, she had some pretty vicious tricks up her sleeve.

As she walked next to Hulderic, approaching the gates, Akia's eyes bore holes in the walls of the Seireitei, her gaze locked as she hobbled forward. Would they have to enter? Would they be ALLOWED to enter? This was the inner sanctum of the Gotei, after all... The security wouldn't be anything to sneeze at. Although if it came to blows, they were prepared. That was just.. not the ideal outcome.

Akia breathed out, trying to let some of her stress, fear, and nervous energy go. There shouldn't be anything to worry about. It wasn't as if she was alone here. Raiki had come as well, one of the only Quincy in the whole of the organization that she actually trusted. She knew if push came to shove, he would be more than able to take down the opposition. And, of course, Hulderic, the bellwether for this campaign, was here with her as well. He was the closest thing that she had to a father these days, as he had so willingly adopted her and nurtured her into the Vandenreich, even with her disability, and her history.. She owed the man more than anyone realized, and far more than she would ever let on.

When Hulderic requested for herself and Raiki to rest with him as they waited, Akia happily obliged, sitting herself down and laying her cane across her lap, her deep blue eyes flicking back and forth as she kept herself focused on trying to watch for threats.

And.. speaking of threats.

As the first of those who were sure to come showed up, Akia's eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at the giant of a man. She could feel that he was nothing to be taken lightly, and even if she couldn't, he didn't have to give off that feeling. He looked the part of someone you simply didn't mess with. She wanted to be scared, to hide, but she knew that couldn't be what she did. She had to act as if she had been doing this for decades upon decades. She had to pretend that this was something she was used to... because at nineteen years of age, a giant covered in chains... was not normal.. and was, quite frankly, terrifying.

He seemed familiar with Hulderic. She didn't know whether that was good or bad yet... Did he have a grudge against Hulderic? Or was it comradery? Only time would tell, she guessed.

She stayed silent for now, slowly standing back up and propping herself against the tree, cane planted firmly in the ground as she did so, the snake-head handle of the cane itself angled so its eyes were watching the new arrival, just like Akia's was.

And so it began...

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks Empty Re: Second Operation: Deathgod's and Destruction Monks

Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:22 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Hulderic's eyes rose to meet the form's head, knowing who it was with simple glance. This was the fifth whom escaped Hulderic's fury unlike the other four whom fell before the Quincy's strength and skills. He patted Akia on the head softly, looking at Raiki after settling the female. He was good at reading her for the most part, he looked at Haru when the question of his resolve was brought up. "I believe you better then any other Shinigami would know the extent of what my resolve is.." Hulderic stated calmly as he looked on, the other ones seemed to be backing away now. Raiki and Akia seemed for the most part stable here, he knew bringing Raiki here had tactical advantages and Akia was someone whom was misleading. So the two would be a fierce combo to those whom didn't quite grasp a Quincy's true strength, though even then their natural skills were unknowns. And Hulderic's strength, well needless to say being in a place of pure reishi was interesting. His power felt higher, but needless to say he wouldn't let it go to his head at this point. His eyes took a narrowing as he spoke now, Hulderic didn't believe the Quincy were completely to blame at that time either. "The past is the past for a reason, whom broke what is up to a large and pointless argument..I am here simply to put an end to this, we Quincy of this era will not see this past judge the future, I have thought on this for sometime..These young one's do not need to indulge in the past mistakes...Made by their former leaders, it's the task of Leaders to provide the best future possible..I will offer the Gotei 13 a Friendship in an attempt to rewrite what happened..If it works that's good it means we've both come far, if not..then I don't know what comes next.."

Hulderic paused from his seat, he'd kept his reiatsu bottled up not letting out yet. He wouldn't bring it out just yet, to many people would be harmed if he did that. In this place he was fueled up with lots of power, after all this made him a rather powerful Quincy wasn't it? No not in his mind, he was a soldier and always would be. Hulderic had enough combat experience to know the in's and outs of fighting, Haru got to see him fight at about 50% of his former strength as he recalled. His eyes looked at Haru now, before he exhaled a sigh as he looked on at the other shocked faces among the Shinigami. Judging them for a moment before looking over that of the expressions of Raiki and Akia's before he spoke once more and a final time. "Do not assume this makes us good or bad, we are Quincy and for now our role is that of a neutral one..Till these young ones decide the path they wish to take..However this is the one time I will tell them it is best to let the past die so the future may blossom like these tree's.."

Hulderic kept a calm and seemingly composed expression on his face, a warm smile on his lips as he waited for the backlash from his comments. Only time would tell what would come next from the seemingly well kept giant, though strange for a non-Captain to handle the business though he supposed it could be this one wished to look upon Hulderic once again perhaps.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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