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Acquiring Soul State Empty Acquiring Soul State

Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:03 pm

Artist: Hanstone - Song: Mabinogi Halloween Login Theme - Word Count: 233

James found himself in the Hebi Lab once more, looking around and taking stock of the area. He hadn't felt so right-at-home in a long long time. A place oriented to science and research. Mongolia was essentially the research capital of the world, in James' eyes. It was for this reason James appeared in Kabuto Hebi's lab. Apart from being summoned, anyway. Honestly, he didn't truly trust these people very much, but trust was not necessary if James was allowed unfettered access to research subjects. Doctor Hebi had called him personally to his lab, and though James had a laboratory of his own, the Doctor's was leagues greater than his own. Seating himself in the lobby area of the good Doctor's lab, James quickly thought back to that girl he'd met recently. Carine. A Sueki was a rare sight, and one that actively admitted who they were to you was even rarer. She thought his blood was rich. Full of darkness... What the hell was that supposed to mean? At any rate, the Doctor would arrive soon, and perhaps explain what exactly he wanted to achieve today. From what James understood, the Doctor either was very smart, or absolutely bat shit insane. A chill ran down James' spine. Fear perhaps? Surely nothing the Doctor could do would be worthy of such a reaction... But James of course, didn't know the Doctor at all.

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Acquiring Soul State Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Acquiring Soul State Empty Re: Acquiring Soul State

Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:27 pm

"Hmm… someone is within my Laboratory…"

The small words left the mouth of the man as he looked about, blinking. It was not often that the Doctor had guests. Usually, they were only members of the Akatsuki. Usually, they were sent exclusively by Nagato. Usually, they were to be experimented on. And always, they never left his laboratory the same. The Doctor sincerely doubted that this new arrival was any different.

Out by the entrance, the Doctor's body slowly rose out of the ground before the man. "Ah… and who might you be?" The Doctor asked, though only being half serious. On the one hand, he wanted to hear the man's full introduction. On the other, the Doctor knew exactly who it was. After all, he had sent for him .What he wanted to accomplish today, at any rate, was the acquisition of a new resource.

After the introduction was complete, the Doctor would tilt his head to the side, before smiling wide. "If you are wondering, you are here today for me to make you an offer. That offer is: Would you like for me to unlock that power that you have as a human? The cost is: your loyalty to myself and my cause, which is the unending pursuit of science."

With those words, The Doctor would wait for James' reply, though he was already almost certain about what it would be...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Acquiring Soul State Empty Re: Acquiring Soul State

Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:13 pm

Artist: Hanstone - Song: Mabinogi Halloween Login Theme - Word Count: TL;DC

"My name is James William Caldwell. Former member of the Force Feedback. Your lady friend Suzu Zumizimu aided in my escape to this area. I am an inventor." James peered suspiciously at the snake-eyed man, passing his eyes over the room around them as he marveled at the lobby alone. It was not often a place was built so architecturally perfect. Of course, as far as research goes, a well put together office can mean the difference between success and brutal, destructive failure. At any rate, James tore his eyes off of the magnificent atmosphere, and back to the Doctor.

"But of course, Lord Hebi." James bowed formally, shaking and shivering lightly out of anticipation. If there was one thing James enjoyed in this life it was power. Power over Man, power over Nature, and in the case of magic, power over God himself. A wicked smile crossed his face. It wasn't possible that James could eke out some majestic living using his brainpower alone... Sometimes it was necessary to recognize ones betters, and rely on their aid. It was for this reason alone the Kabuto Hebi was, is, and always will be the sole person in this wretched abyss of a world that James would ever refer to as "Lord." James detested humans, honestly, so much so that the thought of ever respecting one beyond the level of an insect seemed like an impossibility. Raising his head from the bow, he looked the Doctor directly in his eyes. "What are your terms, if I may ask? Anything life altering? Because I do have my own affairs." James had a vague idea that this man's terms would be very life altering, but he stayed his tongue. That being said, James was also very much interested in the methods by which this power would be obtained. Starting to walk toward the actual laboratory, James paused and turned to face the Doctor once again, quite sharply this time. "Also, how is it that you intend to unlock this power? I have tried for years and to no avail... My magical prowess simply isn't enough..." James sighed a pitiful sigh, then made gesture as if asking whether they were taking the abnormally placed elevator or not.

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Last edited by JWC on Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:20 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Holy fuck that took too many tries.)

Acquiring Soul State Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
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