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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:49 pm


Perseus Nobel

Song: THE TRACK - Artist: GOES HERE - Words: N/A

"Something wasnt right here." Perseus thought to himself. Those two, their fight was so strange. He didnt know much about the new recruit but he was fighting at a much higher level than his recorded and Shatari was..... being more of a handful than she usually was. Not that she wasnt strong in her own right, bt some of the things she did were beyond her normal capabilities. Her attitude was also much larger than it usually was, almost as if someone was inflating her, and as time went on it was getting more and more eccentric, or at least that is what he noticed.

He pulled up his power analyzer screen and looked at the two blood thirsty brawlers. What he saw would have shocked him, but in his emotionless state he could only process what he was seeing rationally. Their power was augmented, and in fact some of Shatari's power was being funneled into the new recruit. It seemed as if he was becoming part Yuudeshi "Interesting" he said as he recorded these effects, he had never seen this before, research must be done on this man.

Shatari's power levels were much higher than normal, which could mean only one thing. "Yuudeshi Drive" Perseus said to himself. Knowing that this increase of power special to the Yuudeshi was more of a curse than a blessing time was of the essence. He needed to stop her from being in this state. Luckily it seems that there are no more things to kill in the area. But thinking about it, she had been in this state since they were at her home. He had to get her to stop, but without emotions, he could only try and talk to her at first.

After she delivered that nation wide message he flew on his disk of hair over to the warden and said "Miss Yuudeshi, I suggest that you stop using the Yuudeshi drive. It has been a while since it seems you have entered it and you very well know that there could be long lasting side effects if it is used for too long." He said in a monotone voice, knwing that his emotions will be coming back in full force soon.

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:10 pm

Artist: Adrien Von Zielger |Song: Some Men Don’t Die |Word Count:667

Oh no. It’s coming.

Hayden would for himself began to turn black for a second as an overwhelming but familiar pain began to engulf his upper chest. The strange feeling felt like someone was placing a small sun in the the middle of his heart as it expanded with each pulse. Everyone would see Hayden on his knees as his body convulsed slightly his hand coming up to grip his heart, no matter what they would yell to him he would just keep convulsing in pain and letting out his own yells. In his head he knew what was going on, the overload of power into his being and his lack of control over it was causing his instabilities to become hyperactive something that now had gone past the point of control. His hands gripped his robes before his head shot up his mouth opening as veins pulsed over his face.

“Get away!”

He roared these two words before everyone would begin to feel a massive amount of spiritual energy pouring from the boy, more than was physically possible his body could maintain. The dark aura pouring from him began to take on a ethereal and physical form as it shined from his mouth and eyes as for two moments he ceased movement. But his body kept convulsing so rapidly and violently it was clear whatever was happening to him that it was reaching the climax- the massive amount of energy pouring from him would easily make him a target to the hollows but before anything would reach him he shined brightly for a duration of time as his body went slack his head simply staring into the sky almost like the calm before the storm.

The briefness that passed for that calm moment felt like forever to the young man but for everyone else it would be ten seconds, ten seconds that was all they had before Hayden was engulfed in a bright light and where he once was now was engulfed by black flames. In fact the whole area felt like a tiny nuke had went off, but a nuke non the less. The shock waves that admitted from the spot he once was was enough to instantly up-root any nearby trees for a few miles, the lethality of it enough to kill any hollows that were directly near where the small group once was. A giant cloud of black energy and fire extended covering the land for a while mile diameter in a perfect circle as the sky darkened for a moment damn near anything within that circle would be either instantly vaporized or in an excruciating amount of pain provided they could survive a small nuke in terms of raw power. There wouldn’t be any radiation but one might think from that power it was some type of nuke- yet it was just the young man Hayden overloading and the drastic consequences that came with it.

As the smoke and carnaged cleared showing a crater where the whole event took place, a good mile of cleared forest in it’s wake was no longer Hayden. But something began to reform there something of black like goo. First it started to make it resembled a heart followed by lungs and then the internal organs, followed by a skeletal system and muscles the skin. It took a rather long and painful time but once skin formed over the mess it showed Hayden naked for a moment before his robes and Zanpakutō formed on him as he remained still for a moment before he let out a yell of pain as he had to feel everything from the muscles reforming to his tenders latching onto the bones. It was rather painful before suddenly he just went limp in the hole, alive, but passed out. Little did he knew that explosion had did more to him then he knew… in fact inside his inner world his Dragon let out a roar- it had an unwelcomed visitor now.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:28 pm
[adm]We are going to assume that during the lull in my post that Nix otherwise tendered to constructing things in the forest. So, he left the group and joined another. Thus, we can now skip him and I'll begin work on my post.[/adm]

[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:45 am

Artist: Adviruz - Song: Run [Nomix] - Word Count: 1530

Well, the ground work for the forest seemed to be done. By this time, most of the forest had been secured by the arm forces and the revitalization of Karakura Forest could ultimately be done with them being undisturbed. However, it seemed that some of The Warden's talents didn't go unnoticed. As Shatari's body relaxed and adrenaline lowered, the eyes of The Yuudeshi eased and she turned her scarlet gaze straight towards the stare of Perseus's emerald eyes.

Given her understanding of where this teacher stood, The Banshee of Karakura assumed he knew enough about The Yuudeshi to understand their drive. Yet, in spite of that, Shatari was in no rush to necessarily to deactivate it. Why should she? This power -- was great. In the past two years since she achieved, there had been great strides in her strength, ability and potential that were unlocked and it was like a non-stop express into ecstasy.

Every morning, every afternoon and every night for The Yuudeshi reflected the essence of wonder and beauty in the world. It was like a never-ending drug that took away any stress and brought only chill and happiness into life. The scene could be a hellish war zone straight out of a persons nightmare, but there The Banshee of Karakura would stand as content as ever. Everything would be fine and life was a reflective rainbow of pure pleasure that masked her from seeing the truth of her actions and the pain of the world.

It is for this reason why Shatari did not even realize the extent of how far she had changed. To most, this would be an erratic and overly intoxicated way to live, but for The Warden -- it was just normal. Like an addict of heroin, The Banshee of Karakura was absorbed and attached to her constant fix of power, chill and bliss. So why on earth would she give this peace and love up just because someone didn't understand this wholeness The Yuudeshi Drive gave her?

"Yahyahyahyahyaha~★ I wouldn't worry about that. I've got this bad baby locked and under control. I feel great. I feel in control. I feel -- hella rad~★! So please, don't be a spoiled sport and tell me to knock it off. I might get a bit grouchy otherwise~ ★!"

While her voice was totally tubular and giddy, there was a slight hint of annoyance hidden behind the tone of her words. It was the kind of inflection that gave off a warning: "Keep pursing this issue -- and things won't turn out too pretty for you." Yeah. Despite her downright rad attitude, The Yuudeshi had little patience for those who tried to warn her of the effects of her family's blessing -- and curse. She shrugged off concerns from her parents and had little tolerance for their worries. Most of her schoolmates were just so far gone out of The Banshee's perception after succumbing this far into the rabbits hole and no one could have the capacity to tell this chick no.

After all, the crux of this drug was forged to help her cope with the reality that she was still a child solider. Thrown into the fires of war and awakened during her first bloodshed mission to Australia, The Yuudeshi Drive helped her otherwise endure and deal with the hardship that came with a position like this. Following Justin Washi showing her the wrongs of her previous actions, all she wanted to do after that critical battle against The Monsuta was to forget those horrid feelings of guilt and move on with just making the world a better place in her own muddled way.

And, as the sounds of Hayden screaming out in panic echoed into the forest, the relaxed sigh was all the response Shatari needed to give as The Yuudeshi Drive once again prepared itself for battle. Waves of coolness oozed down her spine and an almost ruthless smile eased on to her face as she stared into the hellish sight of the instabilities of The Fallen Solider coming to pass. Oh yes. The Warden could feel it churning and twisting inside of him as if there was a demon wanting to rip out of his rib cage and claim his spirit for his own.

Yet -- Shatari remained unphased. Why wouldn't she be? As the circuits of her mind became a lit with life and delirium, the brain and essence of The Banshee was just as much of a monster as Hayden's own instabilities. So it was as if The Yuudeshi was staring back into a mirror at this point with the chaotic mess that was Desmond's embodiment.

Thus, like a true monster would, the response Shatari gave was swift and unafraid. In a matter of moments would the space around her and Perseus became devoured by a dense cluster of plum and blood red energies. This served as a branch to the immaterial nature of The Warden's willpower. Her chi acted as a medium for her desires to be invoked and The Yuudeshi's wish was for both herself and her doting teacher to be shielded. Hence, with the sacrifice of energy did the metaphysical wonders of Shatari's prowess activate and her precious Yudueshi Drive comprised a one hundred layered shield to otherwise help them survive the explosion without so much as a single scorch or burn.

When the danger faded, The Warden then stepped out of the protective space and stared with absolute zeal at the contorted abomination Hayden was becoming. The deeper she walked into the smoldering carter, the further this fanaticism spiraled and erupted within herself. The absolute dismay and rawness of his power made her feel so much at home. For, against the subconscious of The Stary-Eyed girl laid a person being tethered along by the temptations of her own power and controlled by The Beast of implanted within The Yuudeshi.

"Shhhh. It'll be okay, angel. Just let it swell inside you and show you the way. It's all a process and that process will give you an ecstatic battle high greater than any drug man or god could produce. So don't worry, I'll stay with you until it gets better~ ❤"

Even as he screamed in agony, The Yuudeshi did not budge or waver in the slightest. While his mind and body was in disarray, The Warden acted as an anchor back to reality and kept him submerged in this world. As, Through her influence still coursing within the bloodstream of Hayden's very essence, did she ensure all of his vitals be held in stasis. The power of The Yuudeshi Drive was awakening and it would not allow him to be overwhelmed by this toxic beast within him.

Thus, The Banshee of Karakura infused a seal within the core of his being. While she could not totally and utterly subjugate the thousands of irregularities within his shell, The Yuudeshi Maiden could lessen and adjust his pain to allow him to be within these unstable states for longer periods. The theory is that if he practices in allowing himself to be consumed by this devilish power -- the more endured his body would become and the more potential he could awaken from its highly potent state. Humans were adaptable creatures, and if subjected to pain long enough, it simply becomes a dull and persistent fact of their existence. It is noticeable, but you adapt and move on with circumstances. Such would be the case for Hayden if he wanted to control its rich and destructive nature.

Ergo, by the time he slipped into the shadows of unconscious, The Yuudeshi then embraced him within her arms and kept the hulking figure of his body in from falling face first into the dirt through the strength it possessed.

"You can rest now. You've done enough, sunshine~"

With a final whisper and pat on the back, The voice of The Yuudeshi seemed quite placid and serene despite how hellish the energies within her own essence felt. It was almost as if she absorbed the chaotic mess of Hayden's hell into herself and quelled the atmosphere through her desire. Hence, as she stepped out of the carter, the entire field of space around them was quiet and Shatari stared with an eerie, but eased over and laid back smile back at Perseus.

"We're done with this operation."

Those words, stated in a calm fashion, was all that needed to be said. As a purple holographic screen materialized in front of The Yuudeshi, it took only a few input commands to have The Vanguard produce a vortex for them to come straight back to their base. Hayden needed to recover and Shatari figured it would be wise to hurry so one of her own soldiers would not fall ill on her watch. Thus, with or without Persus did she begin to step into the swirling white abyss until she was no longer there.

This mission -- was over.





[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:59 am


Perseus Nobel

Song: THE TRACK - Artist: GOES HERE - Words: N/A

Uh oh. Perseus' emotions came back. They hit him like a bolt of lightning. This happened as Shatari protected him from the massive explosion, but while this happened he was filled with rage. Rage. Rage. An emotion that he hadn't felt in so long, possibly even 100 years. It was all consuming. All because of that little bitch. How she acted in school, how she acted in the battle field. How dare she. How dare she refuse to listen to her professor in respect to something that could endanger her life. Everything was boiling inside Perseus, and not only that, everything around him started to get hot too. The air shimmered as tiny sparks started to appear as it got so hot that oxygen and hydrogen started to ignite.

"You little power hungry whore. Dont you get it. That power that claim to hold can destroy you. The serch for power isnt something that is easily achieved. That kind of power will end you if you use it so willy nilly. Take it from a man that was created from people wanting that sort of power. Someone who has seen what the desire of an unstopable army leads to. It leads only to pain and suffering." He said trying to contain his rage.

His emotions had taken over his body. This was a side effect of his emotions going away for so long. Usually this wouldnt be this bad, but he had history with Shatari, he had a lot of pent up anger towards her, mostly from her actions at school. All of that was magnified with her basically telling him to shut up or else she would beat him up. How could she dare say that. He just stood there hands baled up into fists as the ground beneath hims started to burn. That wasnt normal. That could only mean one thing, he was going nuclear.

While this was going on someone else entered the field "OY WHATS GOING ON IN HERE!" said a tall man that came running in from the forest. It was the Nature Iramasha of Plants, Pierre. Initially he had come here cuz he felt so many trees and plants dieing so quickly, but when he got there he felt an intense sense of radiation. He noticed that there were three people in the crater, Perseus and two more he didnt recognize. He instantly knew that the spike in radiation was his doing. He ran over to the group and tried to touch him, but h was too hot to touch. "Perseus whats going on talk to me man!"

Perseus gritted his teeth as he said "Rage too strong. Have to release it somehow." Pierre didnt know what had caused this but he knew what was probably going to happen.


He had to do something to contain the radiation. The explosion wouldnt be the problem, it would be radioactivity. Of course Perseus and him could take care of that later, but right now the forest was craling with people, if they were still here when he went of it could be disastrous. He raised his arms up as a dense patch of trees and plants grew around Perseus. History had shown that plants were great at taking radiation, so with a little natural tinkering Pierre could make them into effective radiation sponges, hopefully collecting the majority of the radion, and when Perseus blew his top the trees would be destroyed but the radio would be contained withing the mile wide radius.

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:05 pm

Artist: Kiる厭KiLL - Song: Nui's Theme - Word Count: 1573

Didn't she tell him to otherwise mind his own business? That was the first line of thought that would emerge into the feisty Yuudeshi's head as she heard her Teacher prattle on in an outrage about the usage of her powers. It was clear he didn't receive the message, and with his irritate tone, the male was otherwise serving to piss off the The Banshee pretty well. In fact -- she wanted to smother his face in the dirt for having the nerve to speak her in such way. After attaining the rank of Warden, just where did he find the nerve to disobey an order like that with such reckless abandon? Why, if Shatari didn't know any better, that just might be grounds for insubordination and terms for imprisonment if she so pressed the issue.

However, before letting these toxic and volatile emotions bleed out into the world, The Banshee of Karakura still needed to tend to her solider. Even with all the aggressive might of The Yuudeshi Drive screaming for bloody murder, she was still conscious enough to know that the life of her fellow ally was more important than some form of vengeance against Perseus for his moronic statements. So, through this desire to help her comrade did she temporarily disallow the influence of The Yuudeshi Drive to otherwise guide her decisions and emotions.

Instead, Shatari guided the path of recovery straight for Hayden before tending to the loose cannon teacher. With a few insanely fast typed inputs into her holographic device, The Banshee of Karakura left orders for Vanguard operatives to otherwise receive and transfer The Fallen Solider to the Vanguard's medical chambers. Once he was transported there, they would see to furthering his rehabilitation and The Warden could otherwise get a sense of relief.

"Ah~ I'm sorry sunshine, but it looks like I have some unattended business to attend to. But don't worry, I'll be there before you know it~ ★"

Those words came off as soft and placid as she gave him one final kiss on the forehead before sending him off in the vortex. At least there he wouldn't be subject to some of the unwarranted threats that were running amok on these battlegrounds. She'd hope for the best as The Yuudeshi honestly didn't want to see anything bad happen to him after all that. But, alas, her focus soon shifted back to Perseus and the hostile blood within started rushing to the surface once more.

"As for you...."

Soon, all of the cheeriness that Shatari's persona had up until this point vanished in a flash lightning.There was an absolute scowl across her faced that the indicated a sense of great rage brewing inside of her. The Yuudeshi Drive was quite agitated at this point and Shatari was prone to break this guy off a thing or two for otherwise putting her in this foul mood.

", my little bundle of joy, should know well enough to stay out of my way~"

Despite such "sweet" words, the tone behind them was as rigid as steel and cold as ice. With her subordinate now having made his decision as clear as day, it was obvious that The Vanguard Warden was going to have to contain and control the situation. Things were getting increasingly unstable between both parties, and while the rage of The Yuudeshi Drive further boiled, the objective of completing this mission still kept a strong grip on The Banshee's conscious.

Thus -- a solution was devised to otherwise control him. Reaching into her bra, The Yuudeshi pulled out a spherical device that was dull gray in color. After pressing a button and flicking through an option screen, a black collar seemed to materialize in her left hand after she used her right to store the device back in her dress. With a stare that could make the dead shutter in terror, the crazed Warden put her plan into motion and gave an awful combination of a manic grin and downright terrifying frown.

Through her infamous speed did she otherwise bridge the gap of distance between the two of them and emerged from behind. Should she not be hampered, then the choker which was held in her hand would otherwise be slapped on the neck of Perseus by overwhelming with her quickness. This was otherwise known as a D.E.S Choker. It was one of The Yuudeshi's go-to-methods in order to subdue and control unsteady individuals.


By injecting a stream of metaphysical nano-machines into his body, The DES Choker would aim to produce particles of energy that otherwise induced the proprieties of supernatural negation. After methodical value scans of The Russian's body, The D.E.S. Choker aimed to shut down and clog up his pathways of energy to otherwise cease the nuclear meltdown he was about to undergo and heavily limit his superhuman capacities while this collar was actively placed around him.

However -- Shatari wasn't naive. If this first attempt did not work, she would otherwise have a pack of twenty needles explode from out of her dress. These were designed by The Cybermind and were intended to paralyze and stun an opponent. Ten needles each in pairs of five were aimed at his legs, while another grouping of ten were aimed at the backside of his arms. This was intended to otherwise subdue her prey and make it harder for him to escape. They would aim to shut down his nervous system and outright make him a cripple for roughly one or two post. Long enough for her to make her impact.

Even more import is the fact that she would press on to try and restrain him further with her Chi Energy. A serpent like figure would be produced from the shadow of The Yuudeshi. It held a dark plum glow to its embodiment and was roughly, in size, the length of a seven foot person. Infused with enough raw strength from Shatari's altered Yuudeshi Drive, The Warden commanded this energized construct to constrict and crush Perseus to otherwise keep him under her boot and hamper his efforts from moving. With enough force to equal a master level hakuda user, it would be quite the strain place on Perseus body. And, most importantly, it would not cease until he otherwise surrendered, calmed down or figured out a way to destroy it.

So, with these facts placed on the table, Shatari decided to clue both he and his annoyingly loud friend on the situation:

"I may not be the strongest Warden. I may not even be stronger than some of my own men. But, what I lack in that I more than make up in my tactics and potential. And with the tools I have, I'll make sure you'll regret ever having the balls to rise your temper against me, Perseus-Sensei~ ❤ And that's all that truly matters."

Voice drenched in malevolent intent, the smug expression of The Yuudeshi's face was only contrasted by a mix of fury, sadistic pleasure and amusement at the situation they were placed in. Truly, from her point of view, the male had it coming. And if this hadn't been an important mission? Things could have become much worse than they were for the hot headed teacher. So indeed, she'd see to it his powers would be kept under control for his insubordinate actions against her.

"Until you can learn to be a nice little boy, I'm going to have to otherwise detain you and make sure you get nice and calm~ ★"

Then, with the press of a button, The Banshee of Karakura activated one of the protocols within The Yuudeshi Network to otherwise induce the production of a dense force field within a one mile zone in all directions around them. Most of the men associated with the different factions of Karakura had long since evacuated and it would only be herself, The Nature Iramasha and the rabid Perseus contained within this colossal cage. A cage roughly on par with the Seireitei's own Seki-Seki Stone; making it quite the difficult process to destroy it or break through.

"Oh, I know Sensei is quite the dangerous person. That's why I've taken these precautions to make sure this bad boy's temper was put under control. I may hate his guts right now, but my rage hasn't blinded me to the fact that he is obviously stronger than me~ ❤"

Licking her lips, The Yuudeshi would take pleasure in this moment before pausing and looking at Pierre.

"So, Nature Boy, you can flee if you want. But I'm going to make sure this situation is contained and diffused by any means necessary~"

And with that said, The Yuudeshi's moves were played and it would be up to Perseus to otherwise figure out what to do with them.







[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:40 am


Perseus Nobel

Song: THE TRACK - Artist: GOES HERE - Words: N/A

Perseus let out a blood curdling scream as the D.E.S Choker formed on his neck. The moment it formed the metal started to glow red hot and started to warp. The readings would show that it was decreasing his power usage, but it couldnt hold all of it. Not because it wasnt capable of doing it, it just couldnt stop something that was already an external reaction. He put his hands on the sides of his head before the needles punctured his skin delivering the paralytic poison. He fell on his knees, and as he did the needles just melted off of his body and onto the scorched ground. As he was on the ground the snake coiled around him, compressing his body, and causing him to topple over onto the now melting ground.

"Stop this!" Pierre yelled at Shatari. "Cant you see that he isnt in control of himself!" He said as he looked at Perseus twitching in what seemed like extreme pain on the ground.

"This happens when he uses his Complete Conversion ability. I wasnt here but he turned some hollows into elements and diamonds didnt he?" he question Shatari, but he knew the answer was yes.

"While that machine wont stop the meltdown you did buy me some time to explain whats going on here. So please listen to me before you do anything else." He let out a big sigh as he readied himself to deliver a history lesson.

"200 years ago Perseus was created by the Russian government as not only a super human, but a mobile weapons factory. With his Complete Conversion ability he can turn any object into any element in its purest form, but that wasnt enough. The government was interested in creating humans that were composed of other elements, such as living plutonium, so they could send them into wars and instantly kill those attacking. But these experiments were terrible, crimes against humanity, its a fate no one should suffer. This caused terrible cognitive dissonance in Perseus as e didnt want to cause this harm to people, but he was forced to witness it all. To stave off madness he disconnected his emotions from the acts he was creating, so he wouldnt go insane. The drawbacks is that emotions are needed to survive, and when they come back, they are intense for him." He let out another sight when he finished his explanation.

Pierre crossed his arms and turned to look at Shatari. "Whatever happened when they came back made him really mad at you, so he lashed out at you. All the pent up feelings of anger he had towards you boiled to the surface, out of control. In a sense his body is purging himself of this anger. I heard what he said to you, and it honestly didnt sound that bad. He just sounds frustrated with you. He wants you to stop doing something that he knows wil hurt you in the end."

He let out a small chuckle as he then said "Believe it or not he cares a lot about you girl. He doesnt want to see you get hurt. He knows what happens when people have too much power and it comes bac to bite them in the ass. Take it from the nuclear mans mouth. He knows that nuclear power is wonderful thing, but when it goes wrong, it goes terribly wrong."

His voice then changed to a stern tone as he said "Now I suggest you leave. He trained me just in case such a thing happened. And think about what he said to you. Life is full of choices, and someone as young as you has many more to make in your long life. And it seems that you have two big ones right now. Only you can make them, and time is running out."

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth - Page 2 Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:20 pm

Artist: KLK OST - Song: Nui Harime Theme v2 - Word Count: 1146

Heh, well, at least some of her restrictions were having an effect on the male. It seemed that she was unable to entirely stop the external reaction that had been unleashed, but The Yuudeshi certainly put the confines on the male. There was little to no chance of him escaping at this point and she was quite happy with that fact. Honestly, she had half a mind to kick his teeth in at this point. And, Shatari was about to do just that -- before the shouting of The Nature Iramasha nearby otherwise ceased her movement to do so.


Apparently he was shouting something about him not being his self. At first she had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but a quick second thought reminded her: they live in a world where powers can easily corrupt. So, it begs to stand that perhaps maybe he wasn't feeling himself today. After all, there were many a sadistic freak in the Vanguard themselves that turned ravenous after the aching of an inner hollow or inner demon otherwise tampered their better judgement. So maybe, just maybe, he could of had an excuse right there.

But -- that still didn't mean it didn't piss her the hell off. There was a lot of smack talk uttered out of Perseus's mouth that otherwise agitated The Yuudeshi Drive within Shatari's mind. It wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp, torture him and make him rue the day he ever dared gathered the nerve to speak to her like that and ignore her orders. Yet, there was still apart of her that knew such things weren't worth it if he truly wasn't speaking those words with an honest state of mind. So, as she curled her fist into a ball and drew blood, The Yuudeshi would hold off her savage anger and listen to the male as he pleaded his case.

To start things off he seemed to ask a question relating to the diamond ability she briefly recalled him using earlier. While it was odd that he had a vacant stare, it didn't actually seem too out of place at the time. The reason being is because she saw many a solider dwell into the thousand yard stare during the many battlefields she had seen in her time and it was to be expected that such an event would be taken with the utmost of seriousness. But, alas, she'd give a straight and simple answer:

"Yes, but it's natural to seem stoic in the midst of battle. It isn't exactly a walk in the park...."

Afterward, she'd take another look at Perseus ugly mug before turning her crimson gaze upon Pierre as he seemed to be ready to give a history lesson of sorts. To make a long story short, though, apparently her "beloved" teacher was apart of some freak Russian experiment. They tinkered with his body and turned him into a super solider of some sort at the cost of breaking his emotions.

Oh -- well that's just dandy~

Now she needed to somehow manage experimental nutjob's emotions and somehow keep the course of this mission from going astray. What a pain in the ass this was turning out to be. With a gruff sigh, The Yuudeshi fundamentally understood she couldn't get upset at him for now. It would like being mad at an untrained dog for shitting on the carpet, or barking endlessly at nothing. It was irritating, but it couldn't be helped.

So as Pierre started to preach about friendship, believing in others and all that other crap; Shatari just lazily waved her right hand at him and started stating "Uh-huh" and "I get it" over and over. There was no point in pursuing this any further as The Banshee of Karakura already understood that his emotions got the better of him and he wanted what was best for her. Too bad she still disagreed on what was best for herself. Thus, she'd make that point known:

"Alright, alright. No need to mull over that sentimental downpour. You can do what you want with him, but I'm going to conclude this mission and get on with things. I want no part in this anymore."

Exhaling another rigid sigh out of a reaction of irritation, The Banshee of Karakura started inputting controls into one of her many holographic input devices. The controls were being sent back to The Yuudeshi Network in order to divert a decent sum of its energy towards further narrowing the dome around them. This was done in hopes of containing the nuclear explosion and only having it destroy a very, very small portion of the forest under an artificial area.

This is because the quantum capacities of The Network actually started transporting them into an overlapping dimension that existed above the forest. It looked exactly like it, but The Supercomputers of the Yuudeshi Network could otherwise induce a superficial space similar to that of the kido Aizen used in order to produce "Fake Karakura Town" during the winter war. This way, he could explode in peace, rest up and then they could gather his body afterward.

"I'll send my men to collect him and bring him back to the medical chambers back in the Vanguard's base. In the mean time, I'll leave you two to do whatever it is you plan to do and I'll take my exit from here. I'll have some harsh words for him later, but I'll at least let him get back on his feet."

At this point, most of the energy from her voice had dissipated like a fog and she felt neither excitement, anger or hyperactivity. Instead, it was just dull and it seemed she really was ready for this ordeal to conclude. Thus, she'd pack up her things and exit the artificial space around them as The Forest had been secured well enough. From there, she would lock down the borders of the forest and begin to direct resources and men where they needed to be to finalize the mission. All the while, she'd at least have something to keep her busy from getting dragged into dealing with her "emotions" and "Yuudeshi Drive". She liked the power it gave her and the sense of highness it generated within herself. And there was no person or thing in this world worth giving it up for~ And that was that.






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