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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:57 pm
Namine nods her head as she laughed. Half demon huh? WEll just kep clean and i won't have to come after you. And as for them They are hollows They snif out strong souls and deour them to create new hollows. they come in many shapes and sizes and powers. That was a weak one but there are ones that are much worse. Though there are things out there that can be worse then demons and plain old hollows. But you are lucky you met me. Most others would prouly kil you unless they were to give you a chance i suppose. Oh go on kil the brat. I know he may not seem it but the demon in him may get to him eventually. After all its only a matter of time unless they can actually work together. Judgeing by how he is i dought they do work together.

she nods her head as she giggles slightly. Yea but we do not always work together also. You never know what one can do until the end game is shown. She said with a smile as she looked back to him. Besides you have not done anything wrong... Unless you want to admit some evil doing to me right now? CAuse then i may have to slap you a few times. Or more depending on how bad it is. If its not to bad then a few slaps then id be done. After all not all things can be wrong even if it may see it.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:32 pm
"I think the most corrupted thing that's happened in my life was when I took a guy in my dad's.....nevermind." Sijel quickly derailed that spill of information before it got to far. "And you say I'm lucky like I couldn't handle a few of those...hollows." Sijel said with the look of offense. Several butterflies began to appear flying in the sky from way above him. He looked up for a second before looking at namine. "And Tell your friend that I don't need him telling me whether I'm capable of working together with my other half." Sijel said.

It's not that he's a telepath or anything, but it was just easy to figure out what her other half said when she responded. She would repeat a piece of what he said then add her own spin to it when she finally directed her conversation towards Sijel. "The guy in her head is a total jerk." Enoryan whispered in sijel's head as he stared at the girl. It was embarrassing to say but the girl did seem stronger than him, and he felt as though she was challenging him in a sense. He especially didn't like this woman thinking he was weak and couldn't fend for himself.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:22 pm
/me nods slowly as she giggles and gives him a light slap on the face. Nothing that would leave a mark though. It would seem more playful then anything else. That was for not finishing that story.. To be honest could not tell how dab it was And yea she never listens to me when i say to be nice. she just kind of says her own thing and i tend to have to flow with it after its said. She continued to nod her head a shse smiled. I do not dought that you can work together. But it does seem you lack in it in some ways. Much like when the voice started with me when i was like 6 i think. I found some stuff in a cae and the voice came to me after that. Even now we stil do not always see eye to eye.

Thats cause you are such a ditz most the time. You run into things blindly and end up makeing a total fool of us. I am a part of you in a way and that makes me look bad when you do stupid stuff. Its rather annoying but i to have to deal with it and you will hopefully grow up someday. Or else something bad will happen to you and i will not say i told you so when it does happen. Namine let out a soft sigh as she shook her head. Well at least you wont say i told you so i suppose. But i am not that messed up in the head you know.. I am beter then some. You should try to be nicer you are a guest after all. ohhh sory about that. And yea i will try to tell her but no promises that she will not say something rude again. She tends to be in a bad mood alot.. I am not in a bad mood i just do not trust others. That is something you should go with untill you know otherwise.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:35 pm
The last speal that came from namine confused sijel to his finest, but he wouldn't let it bother him. She playfully slapped his face telling him it was for not finishing his story. He laughed as she continued to say that her friend of sorts was always in a bad mood. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Trust me when I say I know the feeling." He continued as he looked to his side. The comment was aimed towards Enoryan once again and from the grunt in his head he figured he got what he wanted. "So then what's your move now?" Sijel asked, this time he was truly curious as to what she had planned.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:52 pm
Namine tapped her chin as she thought about it. She really had no clue. You have no clue what you are going to do now huh? You really need to think ahead and stop being such a ditz Maybe you shoud get something to put on under the outfit you have on just in case someone gets graby. And yes i can tel i just ask you do not ask how. THe voice said in a slightly shuddering tone and this caused namine to tilt her head to one side. Never say do not ask. You know it makes me want to ask. After all your voice makes me even more curious. You sounded slightly bervous when you said al that. She had looked away when she said all this as she gigled. but she slowly shook her head and looked back the the male before her. Sorry about that. I suppose i need to get something to put on under this. I kinda threw the outfit on that i found in the cave and have not been able to remove it. and i was told that i need to just in case people get all rude n stuff. She said with a soft giggle as she gently placed a hand on her shoulder. And her hand would pass right through the outfit she was wearing so she could give her shoulder a nice little massage.

HOw about you what are you going to do now?
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:07 pm
"Well I'm trying to avoid my trainaholic father for the time being before he sends me another back breaking vein bursting training event." Sijel looked around before brushing his hair from off of his shoulders brushing it into the wind. "If you want I can help you get some new clothes." Sijel said calmly as he turned to catch an all too familiar feeling across his body. "Lets go." Sijel said as he gestured for the girl to move hurriedly.

His father was looking for him and from the vibe he was cathching his father was not happy at this time. He was sure to be slammed into the street and through the earth to china.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:34 pm
/me namine blinked as she looked around. as he got so far away from her she simply noded her head and vanished. A few seconds later she would appear a few feet infront of him with a smile. She then moved to follow him as she giggled. Thats okay. I just need stuff better that you not be with for. Though i do not get why you will never see any of what i put on. She said with a soft giggle as she closed her eyes and smiled. She usually did not follow strangers. But she had to admit she was curious. And for the the first time ever the voice was not nagging her to not go. IT was actualy being silent. cause it to was woundering what was going on.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:46 pm
"It's a great way to pass the time and you seem like you could use some help with picking out clothes. I mean I don't know about you, but since we've had our shared conversations and you told me about your friend and the clothes you have on that aren't really clothes I can only assume that this voice is going to steer you in the wrong direction when it comes to looking for clothes." Sijel said as he turned a corner and found the store he was looking for. It was a very small store and not many people went here. However it had really nice clothes from brands that aren't that known so they are really cheap.

Sijel had a fancy for a brand known as waistland meltdown, it was very very new and nearly no one that he held conversations knew about them. He pulled out a green skirt with a black tank top and a black jacket. "I think this looks nice." He began then he looked confused once more. "What kind of stuff do you prefer to wear anyways?" Sijel asked enthusiastically. He seemed genuinely interested, mostly because he was. This was stuff said to be done with friends and though he's done this before, he hasn't gone shopping in stores with someone he could call a friend for a very long time.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:59 pm
namine looked around as she giggled. I do not ned much just undergarments. I am not wearing any so i do kinda need to get sonme on. I think thats what she ment. After al the clothes i have on are just cursed. They are cursed to the point where once you put them on you can not remove them. I did not know that when i put them on and well here we are.

Like i said you are an idiot that rushes into things. And thats why i am stuck with you. Though it is not all that bad. At least i have ome company now. Even if that company can be rather ignorant sometimes. Namine nods her head as s she looked to him with a smile. Thats why she said i should go alone. Even though you will not see anything cause the items will pass right through the outfit so i have no idea why she was so worried about that.
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Namine out on the town - Page 2 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:10 pm

Sijel paused then put the clothes back. He bit his lip in embarrassment as it became somewhat awkward. If he stayed he'd probably be seen as a creep, if he left he would be slaughtered by his dad for several days straight, and he was actually interested in getting to know this girl. She seemed really nice and he needed nice in the forms of other non human people or creatures. He scratched his head and laughed lightly. "Valid point...well I guess you can go look for some underwear, I'm going to look at some of the clothes they have here for men." He said embarrassed.

He then began to gesture towards the back where most of the underwear and such were kept. "They're over there." He said.
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