Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2013-03-09
Posts : 438

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Namine out on the town - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town - Page 3 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:19 pm
Namine gave a soft smile as she walked over and started to sort through the underware. She tilted her head to one side and as she looked through she decided the wwhite suited her more then anything else. She gathers a few pairs of the whites and put them on about half way. When she noted they would fit she took note that people were possibly stareing at her sese what she was trying on was simply passing through the outfit she was already wearing. She could not help but giggle as she took them off and walked over to the register and boughteverything she had just tried on. Heh that was.. um interesting. but i think i got everything i need. She said holding up the bag with a smile. She was nervous but at least she had something on that was not cursed at the very least. Geez what is wrong with you? Trying stuf on in the middle of the store... Have you no shame girl? Namine was confused by this and it caused her to tilt her head to one side.

What shame not like i was topless or bottomlett or just plain naken in the store. I mean why bother going to a changeing room when youe clothes are cursed to where no one can see anything while you put them on? She said with a soft smile as she soon put on the top and bottoms she had bought . They al fit perfectly and she could not have been happier. You act as it i stripped in the middle of the store or something. She said with a soft giggle as she closed her eyes.
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Posts : 147

Namine out on the town - Page 3 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:52 pm
Sijel laughed with her slightly as she thought about how awkward that could have been. He then decided on buying black net shirt and a red long sleeve with a grey beanie. went to the register and bought the clothes and then walked towards the door where he would wait for Namine. "Well anything else you need to get done?" Sijel asked. He had to admit he's being very outgoing at this moment, normally he wouldn't have spent this much time getting to know someone. Sijel just shrugged and figured it was one of his many changes to come with learning about being a half demon. "Don't you dare pin this on me." Came enoryan's voice in a calm but slightly feared tone. Sijel cringed as a chill fell down his spine.
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Joined : 2013-03-09
Posts : 438

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Namine out on the town - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town - Page 3 Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:11 pm
Namine slowly shook her head no as she smiled. No i can not think of anything else i would need. After al this was pretty much it. She said with a soft giggle as she closed her eyes and slowly opened them a little while later. We should get going its late. We can deal with everything else later. She then nods her head as she let out a soft sigh. Yea you are right i should get back The patrol wont patrol it' self. And i will need to get back soon. The others get nervou when i am away to long. I tend to come back with random things the longer i am away. You have a nice time now. I should get going. She said with a soft smile and a gentle nod of her head. As son as she did she took a step forward an vanished within a burst of speed.

That was anerveing. You had to go and do something so stupid didn't you? Though then again i supose thats normal you do tend to do things without thinking. Of course i do thats what makes everything so interesting you over think something and you pas by all the fun things you can be doing. She said with a smile as she made her way back home.

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