Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 744
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:52 pm



Name: Azela Kochi
Appearance Age: 19
True Age: 595
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Vizard Corps Sector One


Azela is a woman of beauty to most. She has long and elegant purple hair, the length reaches just below her waist. She has blue eyes, a tad bit on the darker side. She has a perfect hourglass figure, with curves in all the right places. She has long slender legs, helping her with her height ending at 5'7". She's also fairly skinny for her build, her weighing in at 137 lbs.


Odd: Azela is somewhat different when it comes to social interactions with other people. For starters, she doesn't really know how to properly greet people. So instead she ends up jumping right into a conversation, skipping social pleasantries. She likes to stare at people a lot, thinking that the eyes are the windows to the soul. She fails to see how people take interest in various things and doesn't really understand most things.

Independent: Azela thinks of herself and herself only most of the times. Rarely does she ever ask for help from others, believing that she only needs herself to get by in life. She also doesn't care about what others think about her, with her confidence and self-esteem to fuel her.

Thinking out loud: She is surprisingly direct with her words. She speaks whatever she wants without thinking of how others would react to what she says. She's very blunt when it comes towards her feelings towards others too, with her being a very honest person due to this trait as she can't think of lies

Problem Child: Azela likes to cause mischief and drama whenever she gets the chance to. Her favorite thing to do is set up pranks and be a nuisance to those that she interacts with. She's also a very stubborn person, stubborn enough that she denies that she is. She's persistent to what she sets her mind on and doesn't like the input from other people.


Zanpakutō Name: Ātisuto

spirit appearance

spirit info

Personality: Ātisuto is a very hyper and positive person. He likes to talk a lot, mainly because she likes to hear himself speak. He's very carefree, not really caring about anything just because he doesn't really have the time to. Laziness is one of the things he has going for him, mainly when an obstacle faces him. He's often bored, whiny, and complains a lot about things he doesn't like, which is actually a long list. His favorite thing in the world is candy. Anything that is sweet is his guilty pleasure. He's a very forgetful person, as he won't remember most things you tell him. Ātisuto's voice is very alluring, which helps him become a very persuasive person when he wants to. He is also quite childish, wanting almost everything and finding the most immature things funny. Showing off is something he frequents too, saying he can do one thing and show everyone, even though half of the times he can't making him labeled as a liar.

Inner World: Azela's inner world is modeled off of peace. It's a forest full of sakura trees, all of them blooming. There's always a strong wind there, causing a nonstop flurry of sakura leaves at all times. It smells of sweets, a smell that very few know how to put into words. The sun is eternal, but it's nothing like the sun in the real world. The sun here is a bright pink, and it emits no heat. Thus, the world is always on the colder side.

Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: It looks like a standard katana, but the guard is round and made of gold while the hilt is black and gold. (There's a link)

Release Phrase: "Fade to black, Ātisuto"


Shikai Appearance:

Shikai Abilities:

Masterpiece: A very 'artistic' ability. Whenever Ātisuto comes in contact with a liquid of any type, it turns black, which Azela refers to as 'Ink'. This ink has no special properties to it besides one: it never comes off. It is a permanent stain, or at least until the shikai is released. While on a person, the ink is harmless in a sense, many would think it's water if it weren't for it's color. The main use for it is when it comes in contact with Ātisuto once more: once together, whatever is covered is like butter to the blade. Basically, there is no resistance against the blade as it slices through the ink covered object or person. This only affects a person's body and items without spiritual energy, so Zanpakutos and other spiritual weapons are left normal.


Bankai Appearance: (What does your character look like in Bankai?)

Bankai Abilities: (What type of additional abilities does your character get in Bankai? Please describe them in 3 paragraph's; six sentences each)

inner hollow

Inner Hollow Personality:

Clever: Azela's inner hollow is a very clever person. They tend to throw out long world while they're talking while always picking out the most logical action when approached with a problem. They think out all of their action before they do them, and can even predict other's actions. Basically she does whatever Azela does, as Azela normally doesn't think while the inner hollow does. She's also quick to learn and adapt to whatever situation is thrown her way.

Cold to the touch: The inner hollow doesn't really care for anybody or anything. She takes no regard to Azela most of the time, only talking to her when she feels like it. She tends to tease Azela a lot too, knowing what annoys her and how to pry into her feelings. The inner hollow is also harshly honest, telling the truth no matter if it's good or bad. She doesn't have feelings either, so that's something.

Inner Hollow Powers:

Time Wizard: While in Azela's inner world, she's able to control the time of things there. Though the only things affected by her time control are things around her. Thus, if she were to rewind time, everything around her would go back but she would stay the same and have free reign over her body.

Hollow Mask Appearance:

vizard powers

Vizard Powers:
Super Human:A pretty basic power given to her by her mask. Whenever he mask is equipped, she is physically stronger and faster than if she were to not have the mask on. With it, she's able to life about 200 lbs and can reach speeds of about 20 mph. Her reflexes are also heightened, with her able to dodge bullets while she has her mask on. A drawback to this though is that it has a physical strain on her body whenever her mask is destroyed. It's not major but still noticeable.

360 Vision: With her mask equipped, Azela is able to see completely around her. Her field of view from the front of her is also greatly enhanced, with her being able to vividly see and object a mile away. In the areas around her, she has blurry images of what's going on constantly being shown to her inside of her head, thus allowing her to see completely around her. If her two normal eyes were to be injured, she'll still be able to see with the mask on.


Resurrección Appearance: (What does your character look like when they transform into their Resurrección state?

Resurrección Abilities: (When a character ascends to this state, they at their peak power. As such, you will need to post at least 5 paragraph's describing their powers.)


Background: Back when she was alive, Azela was like any normal human girl. She was raised by loving parents who tried their hardest to keep her happy and well. Though all their trying ended failing, because when she turned 16 she had become deathly ill. At the time this disease wasn't known to man, and only a few people had have contracted it. Eventually she had gotten worse and worse, until she died at 19. Her plus life was a calm life, calmer than her life as a living. She didn't have that many encounters with hollows, only seeing one every few or so months. She was also rather accepting of her state. She knew she was dead and was alright with it. After about 2 years of being a plus soul, she was found by a Shinigami and transferred over to the soul society.

Her life in the soul society was somewhat eventful yet peaceful one. Almost immediately after she arrived in the Rukongai, she was adopted into a small noble family. They were a bit more on the wealthy side, and she was their only child. Being the type of person she is, she at first declined the offer and lived on he own for about a week. Though after seeing and comparing the way a homeless would live to how a noble would, she reconsidered and joined the Kochi family. During her time there, she was taught by her adoptive parents about the world of the soul society and recommended her to the Shinigami academy. At first, like always, she was reluctant to join or even consider the place. She wasn't really one for fighting, as she just wanted to live her life in peace. She tried avoiding anything that would remind her or her parents of the soul society, which was actually quite hard because their second adopted child aspired to be a Shinigami when they grew up. Azela ended up growing fond of her little sibling and decided to become a role model for them, and for her to do that she ended up joining the academy.

Her time at the academy wasn't a pleasant time. She at first had fallen behind in terms of skill, plus she wasn't that much of a as social person so people tended to stay away from her. She was mainly alone and by herself, though she really didn't need anyone else to get her though her life. Even when other people tried to approach her and help her, knowing that she needed help with her classes, she still pushed them away. Eventually, she did break from her shell, approached by a handful of other boys that had tried to get close to her because of her looks. She was naive and gullible, too quick to trust these boys and follow them wherever they told her to go. She was desperate though, for friends and to graduate from the academy.

All of her efforts were for nothing though,as she was held back. She didn't take this as a failure, but as a motivation. She tried even harder to improve herself in both Zanjutsu and Kido. She was still in touch with the boys that tried to help her out last year, and she frequently asked them questions on how to do various things. At the end, she ended up being one of the people with the highest skill in her class. She even ended up graduating a year early, with the class she was originally with.

As a full fledged shinigami, Azela was assigned to squad 1. The people there treated her no different than how the people at the academy treated her. She at first began to think that something was wrong with her when she was approached by a fellow squadmate. She began to become awfully closes to this squadmate, as they began to do various things together such as eat lunch and kill hollows. They ended up becoming best of friends,and at one point they had ended up asking her out, which she had harshly declined as she had thought of them as a friend.

Though one day, when they were out in the Rukongai, her friend had invited her to train with them. Trusting them, she had followed and was knocked out by said friend. Her friend had only gotten close to her so they could do this: transform her into a vizard. At the time, people going missing wasn't that uncommon, but most people had written it off as hollows because soon after they had disappeared a hollow was sighted.

Injected with the virus, Azela had met her inner world. It was beautiful, but she wasn't able admire it for long as she was met by a person. This person was a female, completely white with purple eyes. She looked like something Azela had never seen. The mysterious woman had referred to herself as Azela, which was confusing to the actual Azela for obvious reason. She went further on, explaining that she was Azela's inner hollow her to take over her body. Azela had drew her sword, ready for combat, but her hollow stopped her. Saying that they were going to play a game of wits, a simple game known as rock-paper-scissors. This was a game that seemed simple to Azela, a game that she did not think at all for, luck being her guide. They kicked off the game: first round went to the hollow as she threw rock and Azela threw scissors. The next round occurred: Azela coming out victorious with paper and the hollow losing with rock once more. The final round was surprising: Azela won with rock, overthrowing the hollow's scissors. The hollow gave up, appearing to kill herself with the a reverse-colored Zanpakutō that looked like Azela's.

The battle was short and over, but Azela found herself still in her inner world. Yet another spirit approached her, this one looking to be a dark-skinned child. They didn't meet nor have a conversation, as the girl only said one word: Ātisuto. At first it sounded like static, so the girl repeated herself: Ātisuto. It was clear to Azela, but she didn't know what it meant. Though she didn't have time to think it over as the world around her began to crumble. She decided to repeat what the girl had said: Ātisuto. On that command she came to in the soul society, but not where she went unconscious. She found herself surrounded by destruction, covered in blood, dead bodies scattered around her.

Apparently while she was in her inner world, she went on a rampage. She killed a number of soul reapers, including her best friend. Not able to to deal with her guilt, she fled the soul society with her gigai, calling Earth her new home. While on Earth she caught wind of people like her, that had grouped up to do some good. Learning of this, she pursued them, hoping to get some answers on what she was. She did end up learning from a rogue Shinigami: she was a Vizard.

RP sample

Role Play Sample:

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Cero/Bala/Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Code by Azela

Last edited by Daddy on Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:26 pm; edited 9 times in total
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 744
Age : 23
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:02 pm
So , uh, I'm just gonna bump this thingy here to let y'all know that I'm done an all.

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Sumera-character-list
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:55 pm
Personality needs to be ten sentences long, you're currently at eight.

The problem with this Shikai is that it CANNOT turn anything in to the acidic ink. Indiscriminately transmorphing anything to that material is blatantly overpowered as it is currently written. There needs to be considerably more restrictions on what this Shikai can break down.

Also to get an app quality meriting Shikai you really need to flesh out a lot on this app. She's a nearly 600 year old Shinigami/Vizard and you don't really have anything on her training to be a Shinigami. You mention that she went to school and was average(but excelled at Kido and Zanjutsu, which feels decidedly not average, like you could expand on it and how she discovered she was awesome sauce at this)
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 744
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:28 pm

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Sumera-character-list
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Joined : 2012-10-02
Posts : 1018
Age : 84

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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:14 pm
A very 'artistic' ability. Whenever Ātisuto comes in contact with a liquid of any type, it turns black, which Azela refers to as 'Ink'. This ink has no special properties to it besides one: it never comes off. It is a permanent stain, or at least until the shikai is released. While on a person, the ink is harmless in a sense, many would think it's water if it weren't for it's color. The main use for it is when it comes in contact with Ātisuto once more: once together, whatever is covered is like butter to the blade. Basically, there is no resistance against the blade as it slices through the ink covered object or person.

So this only affects people? You can't have this cut through other people's Zanpakutos or weapons or etc?
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Joined : 2012-10-02
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Left_bar_bleue227620/999999Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (227620/999999)

Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:36 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: The Shikai will be available upon reaching 3-1
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Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5] Empty Re: Azela Kochi [Approved 3-5]

Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:46 pm
[mod]Moved to Adoption upon Author's request[/mod]
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