Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
Joined : 2012-07-19
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Chaos and boredom Left_bar_bleue30/100Chaos and boredom Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

Chaos and boredom Empty Chaos and boredom

Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:14 pm
Yoma was bored once again he wanted to further himself on obtaining strength but in order to do that he needed to become stronger. He needed to find someone to fight. He wanted to find someone who could help obtain higher levels of power. He decided that causing some trouble in karakura city would be the best idea to find someone. Within the loud noisy city Yoma would place his fire mines around and set them off once he left. At first the explosions were small and harmless just to get a nice laugh but as he grew tired of doing the same thing over and over his explosions becoming more and more dangerous. Now people were panicking and those near the explosions were starting to get hurt. It seemed as they were still clueless as to who causing the explosions. Yoma grew annoyed as no one was aware that this was all his doing.

The cycle of explosions continued until yoma reached a quieter part of town. It seemed that this area was known as the bad part of town as the roads seemed in more of a disrepair compared to the other parts of the city. Even some of the houses were boarded up and in disrepair. So Yoma thought he could at least lore out some people to vent his frustration out on a bit. Yoma opened his pouch full of rocks and charged them with his energy and tossed them causing them to explode the moment they hit other buildings and the ground. It didn’t take too long till people came out angry wanting to know who was the cause of this.

“Sorry if i caused you folks any trouble but i'm quite agitated and need a target to vent. It seems that you 5 will have to do. Get ready.”

Yoma knew that these people held no strength they were just weak humans. To them this would be nothing but a simple brawl. Yoma was able to easily avoid the 5 men attacks and take them out slowly one by one with his Zanpakutō still in his sheath. Yoma would first scare them back with his flames if he had to then strike them with the sheath. After a bit Yoma scared the mean away as they knew they couldn’t beat him. Yoma Sighed and laid on the ground annoyed that still no one powerful appeared to fight. Yoma grabbed and held his Zanpakutō and stared at it.

“I want your power why won't you still allow me to obtain it? What else do i need to do? What is it that i am supposed to do? Damn it is their no hint in obtain more strength?”

Yoma did the same that his other half did before him. Still questioning what the connection to the Zanpakutō was. He understood that a Zanpakutō can be the key to obtaining greater power but how is that door opened?
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Chaos and boredom Left_bar_bleue25/100Chaos and boredom Empty_bar_bleue  (25/100)

Chaos and boredom Empty Re: Chaos and boredom

Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:46 pm


"Oi." A voice beckoned from a shadowed alleyway. One of which stretched out just where the man stood, had watched everything that had just taken place. It was odd the way that this fellow took restraint of people he wished to release an anger upon. He was exactly sure why he had chosen to follow the fellow that decided to set a series of explosions throughout the town, all he knew was that he might have the chance to fight the man and test his strength. That was the shadow-clad man's only desire in life: to grow stronger.

"What's the deal?" His figure was brought out into the light, his scruffy look would come off as one of a peasant. Someone that was weak and feeble, unable to fend for himself. His scrawny limbs would only dig deeper into this first impression, yet a moment with his idle reiatsu would speak for his strength. He'd dare not try to hide it, he wished to draw people out with it. If they wished to test their might against that of his own then so be it, they were fools. Yet, he prayed on fools if they were strong enough to last more than a moment against his own power.

Bringing the side of his hand up to his nose and flicking it before taking a deep breath in to gauge the kid's reiatsu he crept closer as he lowered his hands into his pockets. His body leaned in close to the man before him, his wide eyes sizing him up close and personal. "Tch." He sucked his teeth, unimpressed. "Why the hell are you talking about to that thing?" He queried, he was well aware that the guy before him was a Shinigami and what he spoke to was his Zanpakutō. However, he also knew that the guy was going about it all wrong. It brought him back to past memories of when he was young and had obtained his Zanpakutō. He knew so much about them but had no idea how to use it to its true potential. Ah, to be naive.

He reached his hand out and aimed to shove the guy's shoulder as his words came to an end. "What's the deal? If you're going to humiliate weaklings at least put them out of their misery." He spoke bluntly, reaching to his back to unsheathe his blade. "You even know what you're holding?" Seiko would ask as he ripped his sword to his side, sparks flying as the tip of the blade met the ground beneath him. He'd drag the blade as he began to slowly approach one of the downed men. The blade would sound off many metallic sounds as it bounced upon the rigid surface, being lackadaisically dragged till it was halted by the flesh of one member. He flipped the blade around to the dull side as he plopped down onto the back of the man, yelping and losing the breath within his lungs as he did so. Looking up to Yoma he'd flip the sharp end of the blade onto the back of the man's neck, then alternate it back to the dull end. Waiting for a response.

Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Chaos and boredom Sbb1I7e
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
Joined : 2012-07-19
Posts : 932
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Chaos and boredom Left_bar_bleue30/100Chaos and boredom Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

Chaos and boredom Empty Re: Chaos and boredom

Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:38 pm
Yoma’s Zanpakutō held all of his focus. He expected a response, a sign that he was reaching that power he desired to reach to bind him to this world. As his other self grew stronger he at times would feel weaker almost as if he was being drained. He worried that his spirit would disappear from this body if he was surpassed by the idiot he shared his body with. In order to counter this Yoma knew all he had to do was obtain a power great enough to bind him to the world. A goal and wish full of selfish desires was driving this one forward yet even with all his struggles amounted to nothing. Yet, here he was holding a old rusted sword at this point surprised him how it still held any color and sharpness. A sword that was supposed to be his own tool to fight his enemies yet appeared so fragile, That was his Zanpakutō. Ignorant of what was going on in the world around him Yoma’s mind remained in a bubble of selfishness.

Caught up in nothing but himself Yoma heard a random shout. He was unable to make out what he heard but, This caused him to Jump up and get back on his feet. He won't allow himself get caught defenseless. He heard a figure from the shadows state ‘What's the deal?’ to Yoma the voice sounded as it was annoyed yet not very concerned or bothered as the figure revealed itself. The figure appeared to be a tall thin man, very thin and seeming as he could be snapped in half easily. The man walked towards him yet in this moment for an instant Yoma felt that his strength surpassed his own strength. The man stood in front of him seemingly glancing at him before responding.

The man had asked “Why was he talking to that thing” Yoma was curious as he didn’t know if this man was aware that this was his Zanpakutō in this instance. Yet the man simply spoke “What's the deal? If you're going to humiliate weaklings at least put them out of their misery." and pushed Yoma aside. This bothered Yoma held a fist angrily staring at the man before him, who the hell was he to just show up and tell him what to do thought Yoma. Next thing he saw the man take out his blade and heard him ask ‘Do you even know what you're holding?’ before yoma could say anything he felt the pressure change around the man and the atmosphere around his blade grew, it felt as the blade was beginning to roar with sparks starting to fly off of it. Moving forward Yoma Watched the man he finished off one of the downed men that yoma had just humiliated but now Yoma was left with a choice of what to do, yet all he could was get annoyed at his own weakness.

Yoma knew what he could to respond, He forced power through his blade and attacked another of the men the he could find closest to him and proceeded to finish them off just as the other man did before him, Yoma did it simple and as quickly as he could. Stabbing the man where his heart was then one single strike to the middle of the neck. Yoma then proceeded to look at the man.

“Do you think i am that stupid? Of course i know what this is, this is my tool. My weapon for growth and power,My Zanpakutō. Who the hell are you? What is it that you want? Are you here to become a simple stepping stone to push me forward?”

Yoma spoke with his anger seeping out of him. The words of the other man had annoyed him. He tightened the grip he held on his Zanpakutō and attempted to attack the stronger man. Yoma knew that this man’s power surpassed his own but yet it meant nothing. His desire fight to grow almost as if he was fueling fire with coal pushing all his power outwards and forcing his power into his Zanpakutō he know he wouldn’t allow his weaknesses to get the better of him. Yoma rushed head first not thinking his Zanpakutō releasing smoke and fire wildly as he attempted to make contact with the man all in the same instance yelling out with all his breath.

“My name is Yoma Yazaki, i wont allow myself to continue on this worthless path of weakness”

Yoma knew even if his power was nothing to the person before him he would just have to continue forcing everything he had outward. Even if he gets torn apart he would continue fighting because to him one wont grow if they dont experience the power of the enemy. Pain is a sign that you are still to weak so to erase that pain is to grow stronger. That is what he had to do. Grow beyond the now.
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