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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:09 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Iramasha Vendetta  6EdIfMt

Kimitsuki yawned softly as she walked through Karakura; having clearance to enter the city thanks to her allegiances. She popped her neck quietly as she walked through the streets, simply trying to find something to cure her boredom. At least, that was until Kimitsuki heard a commotion from a ways away. She groaned and walked briskly towards the area in which she heard the commotion coming from; never a day off in truth after all. Kimitsuki sighed and scratched the side of her head as she closed in on the area. She looked around a corner, keeping most of her body hidden out of habit, to watch what was happening. Frankly, nothing too out of the ordinary; some guy beating up other beings. Beings that appeared to be powerless compared to this guy.

Kimitsuki sighed softly as she watched. It was true that there was another person there who the group getting their shit kicked in were clearly deserving of it. But, sadly, this guy was quite literally going about it in a way that was wrong; straight up assaulting them without the need to even think about self defense. Kimitsuki groaned and slowly walked towards the area; towards the cyborg man who was clearly not here to be "peaceful".

Kimitsuki popped her knuckles as she watched the strange man obtain a laptop from the college student; as well as various other items. Kimitsuki groaned once more as she stared at this, crossing her arms as she stopped at a distance; watching this man more. Well, obviously, he was performing some illegal things here. First things first, he appeared to be doing something with the laptop. Obviously, it wasn't simply "surfing the web" no, hell no; this man straight up assaulted a group of people and then took one of their laptops as a way to "let them go free". She sighed softly as she heard the ATM go wild and basically start shooting money everywhere. She was watching him closely and saw the smile form on his face the second he hacked the machine. Kimitsuki sighed softly and popped her neck once more, the other way, and then quickly drew the sword she always uses; an Atma vatou.

Kimitsuki sighed softly and walked over to the police officers as they arrived at the scene. She sighed softly and flashed both her ID's for Vastime and for the Guild of Heroes, gesturing to the teen they arrested who looks scared shitless.

"You have the wrong man. Now then, get any citizens out of this area; and possibly most of the city if you can."

The second the cops tried to question her, Kimitsuki sighed softly and flashed the guild of Heroes card again; fire appearing on her left arm. A clear sign that she was not screwing around here and these guys should clear the fuck out. She sighed and then turned back to the cyborg man as she spun her sword and walked closer; an air of danger emanating from Kimitsuki.

"Hey there, so, unless you intend to stick around and commit more illegal actions; I suggest you leave before I have to turn you into a pile of charcoal. So, wanna do this the easy way, where you leave, or the hard way; which is the 'turn you into a pile of charcoal' part."

She stopped spinning the sword as fire flared around Kimitsuki; fire that basically incinerated nearby asphalt. However, Kimitsuki was making sure the heat was more pointed towards the cyborg Iramasha; Sid. Kimitsuki sighed softly and stared at him, not letting up her glare or the heat one bit. If he decided to stay and bring havoc to Karakura; Kimitsuki would simply initiate one of her more favored abilities. However, if he did leave, Kimitsuki would not attack; though she had doubts he would leave at all.

This ability was called Crimson Lotus; a terribly hard ability to avoid thanks to Kimitsuki using both her speed and racial movement capabilities to seemingly appear nearly immediately before she would then strike at Sid with the eight strikes the ability would output. Of course, in that instant before striking, the fire covering her, and the blade of her sword, would suddenly turn to a blue color as the heat bursting from her fire rose from it's original 1500 Kelvin to a heat of 3000 kelvin; increasing the heat greatly so the attacks would even become harmful to block, not only because of the blade, due to the fire lapping away at Sid's cybernetic appendages and little flesh he still possessed.

Of course, these 8 separate attacks were coming from every single direction imaginable; making sure that she aimed for every single crack in Sid's defenses. She would make sure to do this even if he brought up defenses to protect against the attacks that were coming in at about 3900 degrees Kelvin; thanks to the blade she was wielding possessing a temperature independent of her fire. After those eight strikes, Kimitsuki would pull back a little and pull fire in front of her fists and shins; focused so they were nearly like super-heated blades.

Kimitsuki breathed outwards as she appeared to the right of Sid, forcing her fire to attack him from the left as she attempted to slam her fist into Sid's face; the fire focused in front of her fist likely either burning or melting his face if it made contact or if his racial defenses could not hold. In either case, a second attack would be launched at Sid from all sides as she surrounded him in that same blue, 3000 Kelvin, fire that would likely melt his mechanical parts with ease if he stuck around in the fire for too long. After all, this was fire at heats that could easily incinerate almost anything; 2000 Kelvin short of the sun. If you're gonna survive it, better not be calling any bullshit or the Danava of Fire will personally torch your ass.

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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:25 am


垣 根

Japan was always freezing at this time of year, the ice that covered the roads and footpaths paling in comparison to the mounds of snow that built up around doorways and garages. In the middle of Karakua Central this appeared to be less of a problem, very few mounts of snow and ice falling upon the city center as anything more than rain by the time it hit the floor. Waves of heat excreted from the brown haired man's mouth as he walked among the streets of Karakura, with each wave of heat exhaled from his mouth a hand was raised - taking a sip of the still hot coffee. "I'm tired of this cold weather." His voice was clearly irritated as he spoke to himself. Clad in a maroon suit, this man was clearly Kakine Yuudeshi, one of the original members of the Yuudeshi family, someone whom held a lot of notoriety among the city and world.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Three clear shots popping out, the sounds of gunshots ringing in his ears. It was close, yet where? With a brown scarf wrapped around his neck, Kakine turned to the side, ears and eyes falling upon a conglomeration of police cars heading in one direction: into the heart of Karakura Central. 'What is it this time...? Kakine pondered to himself. It seemed every single time he went out of his door, something was happening, and he would inevitably have to stop it in some way.

Following the police cars, Kakine disappeared from the ground and reappeared on the top of the giant skyscraper style buildings, following the police sirens, using his shunpo skill to jump to each roof top, not once touching the floor. Coming to a halt, Kakine's frown turned into a soft smile, eyes darting between the two beings before him. The most obvious was a man clad in tech, his body seemingly made up of endless cybernetic augmentations and deadly weapons - how did someone so dangerous looking get into Karakura in the first place? It didn't seem right. The second was a woman whose red hair matched the very fire she spawned around her, most noticeably having a giant blade in her right hand whilst the other circled with fire. She spoke of turning him to charcoal, a threat that would be terrifying to most beings, Kakine imagined. He followed her movements as the police backed off after showing them a peculiar badge, yet civilians still remained within range.

As the asphalt around her began to meld and break away, she would find it instantly being replaced, the asphalt being recreated with each portion her fire touched. It didn't matter how large the crater, or how deadly the destruction; with Kakine's power anything could be reborn. With a slight yawn, the Yuudeshi watched the assault and scratched the back of his head curiously. "Hey kid, mind not breaking the environment while you attack this asshole? Creates more work for me." His brown eyes flicked back to Sid, a being whom was heavily modified. Scanning from head to toe, Kakine could count very few portions of him which remained human. Each strike moved fast, faster than most humans could follow, flames of power following with each strike. Kakine dropped down from the rooftops, landing elegantly inside the ring of created by police around the situation.

For now it seemed rather tame, but if she was intent on fighting this robotic man, she couldn't simply let loose in the middle of Karakura. If it came to it, evacuation or a simple end to the fight itself might be necessary. "Meaningless violence in the middle of a city... what a joke." The asphalt and surroundings continued to get remade and fixed upon destruction, Kimitsuki really causing him to work in overtime simply to keep the city stable. Placing his coffee down on the ground beside a police car, Kakine tilted his head and looked at Kimitsuki once again. "Mind telling me who you are?" Upon closer inspection, Kakine's teeth began to grit. Not because of her actions, but because of what he realised. She was a demon. Kakine's entire life had been forced to change thanks to Demons, and yet now one was in the middle of Karakura seemingly upholding the peace. Disgusting, he thought.

His gaze shifted towards Sid now, frowning as he did. "And you? I fail to see a pile up of cars not having a catalyst." Kakine continued to keep his distance from both these beings -- without a clear idea of their motives, especially that of a demon and cyborg like being, you couldn't be too careful.

Iramasha Vendetta  Ap8OoJO

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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:16 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Iramasha Vendetta  6EdIfMt

Kimitsuki groaned as she watched the bastard of a cyborg; hearing the Yuudeshi man talk to her and ask who she was. Kimitsuki sighed softly and shook her head, noticing the look he was giving her; definitely not favorable. Kimitsuki looked at him and simply spoke to him quickly.

"Hey! I'm Kimitsuki Yamamoto; and I have a feeling you know what I am. Hate me later, worry about getting all these people clear of this area. These buildings can be restored after destruction; human lives cannot! So hurry the fuck up and get moving so I can take care of this asshole of a cyborg!"

Kimitsuki growled as she turned her attention to the cyborg that had apparently repaired itself. Yeah, she's gonna call bullshit on that front. Even if he was able to restore his body, he would have lost enough energy to repair from the attacks that a good strike would likely send him down into the trash heap. Kimitsuki sighed softly and brandished her sword as she exhaled softly and glared at him; that same sword starting to dissipate in her hands. She then spoke again; in a tone that sounded much more like a harsh whisper than anything else.

"Come forth, Atma Vatou forged from a dragon's rage..."

As Kimitsuki spoke, there was a vast influx of energy from her being as everything about her seemingly increased as she gained a giant greatsword in her hands as well as an appearance change. She was now in her Unnata Release; her most powerful state, and, well, the state with which she was going to end this Cyborg's random destruction. She exhaled out her mouth as fire literally followed from her breath; sparks and smoke emitting as the fire slowly pooled around her mouth before her sight was averted to the bus that had a line of fuel leading to it. Kimitsuki cursed under her breath and then disappeared and moved the bus, and surrounding beings in danger, in near moments before the blast and fire could take hold of the bus. Of course, Kimitsuki was severely abusing the bonuses she obtained in this release, but, she had to if she wished to finish this fight quickly and take out this man.

Kimitsuki popped her neck and watched as two beings appeared from Sid. She was going to intercept them both, but she had the concern of some missiles flying straight for her stomach. She tilted her head to the side and then, with a very swift movement, she cut all of the missiles in two with the giant sword she was holding in her right hand. Before the missiles could explode, she surrounded them in fire and forced the fire to compress down onto the missiles so the materials would be mostly incinerated before a small explosion elicited from the missiles; Kimitsuki walking out of the explosion unscathed. She glared at Sid with eyes that could easily burn him alive; likely not shaking him.

Kimitsuki growled as she wished her Legendary Beast presence was already taking effect; but due to how early on it was in the conflict she would not be able to scare this guy shitless. Yet. She looked at Kakine again and then sighed, her left hand glowing red like coals as she spoke.

"I suggest you try to get as many people away from here as possible; I don't want people to be hurt because I'm getting annoyed by a lunatic who has no idea what he's doing."

Kimitsuki sighed softly as she noticed the two beings trying to cause more havoc. She sighed softly and appeared next to bladewolf; grabbing its head and then throwing it directly and Jon. She threw Bladewolf at speeds approximate to mach 1 or mach 2; showing how much her Unnata release had augmented her abilities. Kimitsuki popped her neck and then reappeared next to bladewolf and Jon; the fire dancing around Kimitsuki nearly incinerating the two beings. She slashed the two of them in quick succession; leaving giant cuts from the left to the right of each of their chests. She then kicked them both aside before appearing in front of Sid. She looked at him and sighed softly; her fire incinerating any mech geckos that strayed to far from her and Sid.

"If only you weren't such a daft idiot; this ends now."

Kimitsuki bared here teeth as her left hand, which appeared flat like a blade, sent itself into Sid's chest; the heat from the glove easily melting into his chest and piercing down to where his esophagus may have been. From there, she grinned a little as her fire bit into Sid's skin; not letting go or simply going out thanks to how the fire literally hungers to burn. And burn it will unless Sid can put out the flames with enough struggling. However, he wouldn't have the time to struggle, or even launch his attack from before, as Kimitsuki would pull her great sword back as she surrounded the blade with fire.

Kimitsuki growled as the blade got completely covered in fire in mere moments; she spun the blade around and grabbed onto its guard. She then slashed the blade in such a way that it would appear to be a stabbing motion; when in fact it was still a slash. She made sure that the way she slashed would direct the fire straight down into the ground; after it went through Sid that is. In that same slashing motion, she also made sure to slash open Sid's chest.

Kimitsuki wasted absolutely no time as she forced the man onto his knees and kept her teeth bared as sparks flew from between her teeth; here cheeks enlarging as she held Sid next to her with enough force that escaping would be near impossible for a man who had just gotten cut open. In near moments, Kimitsuki opened her mouth as a gout of fire flew out of her mouth and started to incinerate Sid where he knelt; the fire incinerating his flesh and easily melting the metal augmentations he possessed on his body. Of course, that would be if he couldn't resist the flames in a way that made sense after Kimitsuki literally forced him to stay where he was via her shoving her hand into his chest cavity. Not to mention, due to the immense power up she gained when in this form; Sid would, more likely than not, be as Kimitsuki promised. He would be charcoal; dead and unable to activate his final attack that he needed some time to charge up. Unfortunately for him, Kimitsuki wasn't gonna wait; there was a threat and she dealt with it.

Kimitsuki would then remove her hand from the burnt heap of a man and spit to the side; spitting out a lump fire that was stuck in her mouth. She popped her neck and looked over at Kakine, gesturing to the charred Sid.

"I'm pretty damn sure he's dead now. Also, we should probably make sure no citizens were injured during this... I would hate to hear that they died for no reason at all..."

She sighed softly and returned to her true appearance; no longer in her Unnata Release as she popped her neck and made sure there were no stray devices from Sid. She looked over at him again and then brought fire down on him; likely incinerating him further. Just to make sure the bastard was dead of course. Kimitsuki sighed softly and started to tend for any wounded being around her and Kakine; after all, even if the thread was eradicated; she still had to deal with the city's destruction. Only after everyone was cared for would it hit Kimitsuki that she was forced to take another's life; only because he would not relent.

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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:37 am


垣 根

So that's how it was going to be, huh? A demon fighting for the better of Karakura was a weird sight in itself, but Kakine couldn't help but feel there was some form of ulterior motive. As flashes of lightning and flame crashed about, Kakine's face turned to a frown, buildings and general surroundings being scorched into ash. 'I'm tired of asshole wrecking this city... The Creator of Nothing hadn't even moved a single step, yet his eyes darted around the entire area like a bullet ricocheting off the surroundings. Every area the flames incinerated, the buildings, trees, plants and cars began to reform, flashes of light appearing all over the center of Karakura. With a yawn, and hands placed in his pockets, tilting his head at Kimitsuki's request. "Do I look like a need a demon to tell me to save these citizens? Jeez."

In reality what Kimitsuki was trying to do was definitely good, each attack she threw out was to destroy a disturbance to the peace of Karakura, yet Kakine couldn't look past his bias. His family, his kid, his wife. All murdered by demons whom had nothing in mind but destruction. At the moment there wasn't a single thing Kakine could do to intercept or question the red haired woman, nor did he care, she was right. The objective was to save the citizens, and whether he liked it or not, this job now fell upon him. The demon was savage, every assaults she threw out being more aggressive and powerful than the one before. Truthfully Kakine was impressed, watching someone of incredible power go all out and assault someone was always fun - no matter their origin.

As Kakine rebuilt and constructed the center of Karakura into a more stable state, Kakine's eyes quickly snapped to Sid whom had summoned two more beings. 'Maybe these will prove a challenge for her.' As that thought left his mind, Kakine's eyes fell upon a lightning bolt shooting directly for him - aimed at the center of his face. He didn't even move a muscle and simply let it make contact, the electric bolt zapping a cybernetic shield that appeared around his body. Buzzing and deactivating for a moment, Kakine gritted his teeth. A cybernetic shield had intercepted the electric bolt, but now it was deactivated momentarily. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Cybrog?" Before he could even retaliate in any manner, flames protruded and incinerated the two beings summoned, turning them into nothing but ash. Yet again a small smirk crossed his face. 'Fun.' he thought.

With all of this going on, without so much of a hint of notice, every single flame that threatened to hit or so much as come close to a citizen was met with a barricade, large pillars of incredible steel wrapped around mobs of people and sheltering them from the incredible fire. No doubt it would heat up within there, but it was better than simply letting them be cooked alive and sent to ash. For the ones whom couldn't be covered, Kakine handled manually. Within the blink of an eye, Kakine zipped in and out of different locations - using his blindly fast speed to pick up, move and protect civilians. Some he simply stood in front of, allowing his cybernetic shielding to take some of the fire hits, others being relocated as the fire hit their location. "How about you fucking control yourself next time, idiot." Reappeared at the same location as before, Kakine's eyes fell upon the red haired woman, sitting atop of the cyborg, incinerating him in a heap of fire.

The flames from the breath of fire incinerated the ground alongside him, even spreading to trees and buildings to the sides, that of which was being instantly rebuilt at the same rate it would be destroyed. Exhaling softly, Kakine thought about how overkill this demon had gone. It was true she had incinerated the man, yet even as she hopped off her words seemed to show concern for the civilians. Was it really necessary to go that far, though? She could have taken the fight elsewhere or simply tried to talk it out. Kakine didn't know the specifics of the situation, but her actions definitely didn't match the innocence of her words. "This doesn't exactly help you. You just incinerated someone in the middle of Karakura, and I'm meant to believe you're on my side? Give me a break." Spitting out a wad of saliva, Kakine's maroon blazer had now been opened and his shirt unbottoned at the top, visible sweat dripping for his forehead. As he talked, the steel barricades incinerated, allowing the people within to walk away freely.

"What is a demon doing fighting for the better of Karakura anyway?" His eyes shifted over to the now charcoal pile that was once Sid Iramasha, a sort of melancholic feeling washing over him. She had just killed a man, yet she didn't really seem to care. The world was full of terrors, and perhaps Kimitsuki wanted to make a better Karakura for everyone, but she proved surprisingly numb to this.

"Kakine Yuudeshi, if there are to be formalities."

Iramasha Vendetta  Ap8OoJO

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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:37 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Iramasha Vendetta  6EdIfMt

Kimitsuki sighed softly as she looked back at Sid Iramasha; confirming that the Iramasha was dead by the fact that he didn't regenerate his wounds or even move. It probably also helped that most of his body was melted instead of whole; not to mention he was missing any flesh that used to be on his body. The Danava gave off a soft sigh as she tended to surrounding civilians, making sure they were okay, helping any injured to keep them stable or at least make sure they would be fine, started to help clear the traffic by moving wrecked cars out of the way, and she also made sure that the corpse of Sid Iramasha was moved out of the way. She sighed softly and looked at it for a moment, the thing basically a sculpture of abstract art sitting in the middle of Karakura Central. Kimitsuki shook her head softly and looked at some officers.

"Do what you wish with the aggressor who tried to destroy the city. Could leave him here since it's possible to believe it is strange art... then again, I don't exactly want to see this more than I have to..."

Kimitsuki shook her head and sighed softly, walking towards where Kakine was; still not believing she was good in any way. The Danava sighed softly and scratched the back of her head as she listened to his words. It certainly did not help her case that she just mercilessly killed a man who was trying to destroy the city. She sighed softly and looked up at him, her piercing red eyes looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes, I understand your skepticism, after all, you aren't wrong I did just... end that man's... life..."

Through the process of that statement, Kimitsuki's mind slowly got off of the high it was in to survive and eliminate the threat and arrived at the conclusion that she killed someone; something the Danava never, ever, wanted to do. It was also something she avoided doing so she could talk think out with the opponent and simply avoid any death. A single hand, her right hand in fact, slowly came up to Kimitsuki's face as a single tear slowly ran down her face.

In what would basically be thought as a dramatic mood shift, Kimitsuki quickly changed from her more in battle personality, one that was as it was so she could survive, to her more natural personality. Kimitsuki quickly fell to her knees as her other hand came up to meet her face as tears continue to run down her face. The Danava quietly cried for only a moment before she wiped the liquid from her face as she looked at Kakine.

"R-Right... I killed him... I-I had to, he would have destroyed Karakura, he would have killed many innocents for his strange desire; so many lives would be broken and lost. I had to act... I had to kill him. I-I do not regret doing so, b-but, I didn't wish to kill him... I've never wished to kill anyone. H-He was a threat to the lives of innocents-- I-I--"

Kimitsuki shuddered softly and felt more tears run down her cheek as she was in somewhat of a breakdown. She never really did want to kill, she really didn't. But, in the moment of battle, it was determined the most effective method to rid Karakura Central of the threat; of the man who was going to effectively destroy it and so many others. She hiccuped softly and rubbed the tears from her face again and chuckled softly.

"Look at me... 1200 years old and at the thought of killing someone causes me to breakdown... childish wish or not, I don't want to kill anyone... Even with this Cyborg Man, I had to for the sake of the people... if there was another way I would have taken it... sadly, there-there really wasn't. He had that look and mindset of one who could not, and would not, listen to reason."

She sighed softly and rubbed her face clear of the salty liquid that were known as tears. She sighed softly and simply stayed on the ground, sitting on her knees, and she looked back up at Kakine Yuudeshi, giving him a soft smile through the fact that she was a blubbering mess not too long ago.

"N-Nice to meet you, Kakine Yuudeshi... again, I'm Kimitsuki Yamamoto... I have a feeling you already know I could have no relation to, hum, I think his name was Genryusai Yamamoto? I am unsure. Anyways... Why am I fighting for the better of Karakura...?"

Kimitsuki's gaze slowly fell to the ground after she restated the question, tapping the asphalt with the claws of the glove on her right hand. She pondered that thought for a moment as a single tear ran down Kimitsuki's face again as she thought again of having to kill another being. It was a horrible thought that had always haunted her; on reason why she always made sure to wear the glove that was on her right hand. A glove to help her control these flames so she wouldn't kill anyone on accident.

She sighed softly and tapped the single tear with one of the golden tips of the glove, causing the liquid to sizzle for an instant before it was gone. Kimitsuki sighed softly and looked at Kakine, looking up to him basically since she had since fallen to the ground from realizing she just killed a man.

"I'm fighting for the better of Karakura and of the world because I want there to be balance... and I despise those who kill for sport. Like that Cyborg, he was going to simply obliterate Karakura Central and then walk away like he did nothing. I couldn't let that happen... I wouldn't let that happen; too many innocents have died to psychotic ass holes who only destroy this world more. I just wish I didn't have to kill him..."

Kimitsuki sighed softly and slowly stood up, wiping her face clean completely; clearing off any tears or random debris from the fight from before. Her stance was shaky for a moment before she walked over to Sid and sighed; looking at him for a moment before turning away. She walked up to Kakine and then bowed to him.

"Thank you for your assistance... I'm just glad no citizens got hurt..."

She smiled at Kakine for a moment before she sighed softly and then resumed surveying the area; knowing that she would likely get a talking to from either Cirno or Hayden for the damage she accidentally caused to the buildings. Now that would be a fun time.

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Iramasha Vendetta  Empty Re: Iramasha Vendetta

Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:51 am


垣 根

What a strange day indeed. Kakine had watched the girl explain and command the local Karakura authorities to clean and make sure the civilians remained safe, yet she didn't seem to realise what she had done yet. As he spoke, and told her that she just killed a man, the mood seemed to change. As her posture turned into a more timid and scared one, Kakine straightened his back and watched Kimitsukil. As she fell to the ground, he simply stood still, brown hair blowing with the slight bursts of wind that swung through the area. His hands were placed inside of his pockets while his head tilted to the side, almost as if he was giving a curious look at the red haired woman. Maybe she truly was here to help, and this would perhaps be the first demon Kakine had encountered whom had not thought of destruction as their main motive. She showed remorse. Regret. Something that was in low supply these days.

"Uh-huh. Kimitsuki, you did what needed to be done. But surely there were better ways to go about it, right?" Kakine sighed softly, he closed his eyes and pulled his right hand out of his pocket, with a snap of his fingers, a soft tissue appearing and falling down upon the demon's right shoulder. "1200 years old and still crying when killing someone, that's kind of weird." Yet as she continued to talk, Kakine sighed again. She had mentioned the name "Yamamoto", but then also brought up Genyrusai. With a wave of his right hand and a tone of annoyance, Kakine dismissed the statement. "Genyrusai was an idiot anyway, he's long since dead and I don't have to care. It wouldn't surprise me if you were related though. Fire Demon, fire Shinigami. I'm sure there's some weird family antics possible there."

Following Kimitsuki as she stood up, Kakine stood beside her as she overlooked the now charcoal body of Sid Iramasha, a slight feeling of relief crossing him. He didn't fully trust Kimitsuki yet, but he couldn't help but feel on guard around her. A natural, inborn, feeling of anger towards demons was something that had built up with him over generations - it would take time for him to adjust to an ally, nay, a friend like Kimitsuki.

"You show remarkable ability. I'm surprised you were even let into Karakura in the first place." Kakine looked to his feet following these words, an aura of melancholy falling upon him. Looking back up and meeting the blood red eyes of Kimitsuki, he spoke in a quieter voice. "I've seen the horrors inflicted upon this world, I've seen innocent people be killed for no reason. If I have this power, this ability, to make life better for the unfortunate... why wouldn't I? I'm just doing right by the people in this world." Shaking off his glum aura, Kakine scratched the back of his head and let out a deep breath of relief, followed by a short laugh. He walked back close to Kimitsuki and put his right arm on her shoulder, fingers wrapping around her rather small frame. "I may still not trust you, I may still not know you. But Karakura is thankful. You did what you thought was right, that's all anybody can ask for."

Sirens wailed in the background, more police had begun to flood into the street, followed by interested civilians and media crews. Looking around, Kakine kind of spat out a wad of saliva and removed his hand from the demon's shoulder. "Let's go elsewhere. Kimitsuki, I don't know your reasoning for being on this "side", but we should talk somewhere else before our faces end up all over the television." For a moment, Kakine had spoken from the heart and on behalf of the city; yet one thing still remained for him. His bias. It was hard to watch your only son, and only wife, be murdered right before you by demons and not hold some form of bias. The Yuudeshi's, Kakine in particular, had many battles with demonic entities in the past, all of which aimed to crush everything he stood for. Perhaps it was short sighted and rather racist, but he simply wanted to protect what was close to him. I can't handle the thought of losing someone I love again... he thought.

Whether Kimitsuki followed or not was up to her, but Kakine vanished. Within the blink of an eye, the Yuudeshi disappeared, a small note with four words written on it.

'Meet at Fuma Park.'

Kakine didn't know what Kimmitsuki had to offer, or how she would be able to swing Kakine into a more favourable mindset, but a possible friendship was capable of spawning here. Perhaps Kimitsuki could have used some cheering up as well.

Iramasha Vendetta  Ap8OoJO

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