Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Cat
The Cat
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Assault of the Abyss Empty Assault of the Abyss

Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:34 am
Event Creation Template
  • Name: Assault of the Abyss
  • Character: Literally whoever the fuck
  • Type: Who gives a shit
  • Info: The Abyss has completely fucking destroyed Tampa, Florida! What is it? It's a big black hole in the middle of the city that is releasing corrupting energies that either convert whatever it touches into a monster, or if they're too weak to be used as a template for some kind of monstrosity, they just die. The further from the hole in space/time that leads to the actual Abyss Dimension, the weaker these energies are. Lower tiers will have missions that allow them to fight enemies of varying strengths and sizes in order to become stronger and protect innocent lives while higher tiers will be tasked with closing the entrance to the Abyss. But beware, there's more to the Abyss than meets the eye! The closer you get to the center, not only do the enemies become stronger, but they become more sentient. In fact, it looks like there are actual humanoid beings guarding the Abyss. Who are they, what do they do, why are they doing it, and most importantly, how will you beat them? I don't fucking know, you tell me!!!2!!11!!1!1

  • Notes:
    For the sake of keeping the memberbase of the site interested in this event, I have omitted any particular details about the Abyss from the main even thread. I do, however, have a Google Doc that lists the properties of the Abyss and how it works. I'd have to work out tiers of the enemies with the Staff while me and Blade finish making NPCs and finding images to use as templates for the various creatures from the Abyss. We'd like the members to figure out how the Abyss works first via scouting missions (again, most/all of the details are already worked out in a Google Doc for the site and event Staff to read only) and whatnot so as to keep them interested and so everyone has a chance to participate.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Assault of the Abyss Empty Re: Assault of the Abyss

Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:59 am
Mirja is totally joining this. Albiet, she is more suited to punching out the big guy than actually closing the Abyss. That kind of stitching is best left to Henrex and his bag of Ninja Magic.
Head Admin
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Assault of the Abyss Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Assault of the Abyss Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Assault of the Abyss Empty Re: Assault of the Abyss

Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:32 pm
[adm]I'm just leaving this post here signing off on it.[/adm]

Assault of the Abyss WVMWLOu

Assault of the Abyss Empty Re: Assault of the Abyss

Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:54 am
Segunda Espada Verathius is up and ready to party, let's see what goes on with this.
That Guy...
That Guy...
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Assault of the Abyss Left_bar_bleue96300/999999Assault of the Abyss Empty_bar_bleue  (96300/999999)

Assault of the Abyss Empty Re: Assault of the Abyss

Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:56 am
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Assault of the Abyss Empty Re: Assault of the Abyss

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