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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:00 pm



It had been a very, very long time since Murasaki had set foot even in the Soul Society, let alone the office of the Captain Commander, and in her time that office had been Tsubasa's. To say Murasaki felt just a little uncomfortable here, then, would have been quite the understatement. After all, Tsubasa had been the reason her mother kept her position, instead of having to raise her in exile, and without him she knew she wouldn't have been able to live the life she had. But he was long gone from that post now, and according to Mom, there had been quite the ordeal that had him removed from the Gotei entirely. That definitely made her a little uneasy, since she'd known him such a long time, and she found her grip on Kagayaku's hilt tightening ever so slightly. Dad, this isn't going to go wrong, right? We aren't doing anything wrong here, we even got a meeting.

It wasn't really meant to reassure her father, though, because he hardly needed reassurance, and as she continued her measured steps toward the Captain Commander's office, Murasaki found herself becoming more and more confident with each faint click of her heels against the floor. She may have been a half-breed, the infamous Hanpakuto, but surely the times had changed. It seemed like there were plenty of other people that weren't full shinigami now, or even vizard, though she'd be the first to admit that her situation was just a little different. The problem hadn't really ever just been that she was a half-breed, it was more about her father.

With a sigh, Murasaki glanced around with a hint of discomfort, the knot in her stomach tightening as she realized that she was nearly at her destination. What was she supposed to say? She'd left almost two hundred years ago now, and while she'd hardly ever kept her whereabouts a secret or anything, she knew that just up and leaving was sort of frowned upon. Her train of thought was cut short, however, as she realized she'd finally arrived, and so she took one final deep breath to steel herself, emptying her mind of any stray thoughts and reaching out to both of her zanpakuto for a bit of reassurance. Dad, Keifu, just try to make sure I don't sound like an idiot, okay?

For all her age and all her skill, Murasaki still felt like she was just a kid sometimes, and really, this was exactly one of those times. With a firm nod to herself, she made her way forward, and announced in a firm, clear voice, “Kagayaku no Murasaki, here to meet with Captain Commander Suika Ibiki.” Was that too formal? Probably not, it was the Captain Commander after all. After a second, she realized she hadn't bowed, and fixed that right away. Awesome, she was already giving a great first impression, as if her reputation didn't do that well enough. “I'd sent a message earlier outlining what I wanted to talk about, but thanks again for having me here.” Her language was pretty casual, but there was definitely nothing disrespectful about her tone. That was just how Murasaki talked.

“I've been content to just kind of help out in my own little way for a while down on Earth for a while now. Never fit in here too well, didn't feel like I was exactly welcome or anything, you know? But things seem like they're getting bad, and then I heard about the whole thing with Mr. Unabara, so I kind of just wanted to come and see what I can do to start really helping out, if you're actually okay with having me around, anyway.” Honestly, Murasaki didn't have a clue how this was going to go. She didn't know much about Ibiki, er, Miss Suika, and she definitely wasn't sure how exactly things had changed, if they even had at all. She was really just banking on Miss Suika being a decent person, and her own reputation and demeanor not ruining everything.

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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:09 am

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Stinkbug - Song: Clouds And Trees - Word Count: N/A

Booze helped to take away the strain, pangs and hellish pains of life. It helped cleanse the soul, relax the body and let forth a sense of utter bliss to flush into the mind. And, given the current state of the Seireitei, more of that was needed. Tension, destruction, conflict, and death were always around every waking corner given the unstable nature of this world; so it only made sense that when there was times to catch your breath, reflect and think that one would capitalize on this serenity by making the most of their time with happiness in a bottle.

Which is why by the time that the antsy Murasaki entered into the office of The Captain Commander, there was not a bit of concern washed over her face. And why would there be? The Devil Shinigami could care less bout whatever non-sense occurred in the past. So long as a person had not killed Gotei operatives, destroyed their land or anything else which could be considered betrayal; there was not much on the mind of Ibiki which would warrant beating this woman within an inch of her life or trapping her in some kind of prison.

"Relax. I'm not going to arrest you."

So, it came to be a natural state of fact that those words were all that were needed to convey the atmosphere The Suika woman had in mind. If Ibiki wanted her life ruined? There were a million and one ways to do that with her reach. Hence, she showed a sign of goodwill, rolled her wrist and used her spiritual energy to create a dish. When this dish appeared, it levitated on the mist of her plum reiatsu until it came forth right in front of Murasaki. And, when it did, a strawberry-scented liquior oozed into the dish which was enhanced by the essence of The Captain Commander herself to instill calm, peace and a sense of heightened energy and awareness.

"You look like you are about to die of a heart attack. Have a drink~"

A ginger laugh then left the amber-eyed commander after she herself took a swig of her gourd and guzzled down more of that liquid bliss in a can.

"Eh, don't worry about the Tsubasa stuff. You have nothing to do with what he did, so I won't pin those problems on ya."

Soon after a nonchalant shrug was given, what more could Ibiki really say to that? While she loathed that man at the moment with all of her spirits, what would punishing those close to him achieve? Nothing. That's what. As far as Ibiki was concerned, Murasaki and she had no issues unless she went well out of her way to make the Gotei her enemy.

"But I would like ya help. It's always nice to have extra hands on deck."

With her fire lit eyes squared in on the gaze of this potential Gotei member to be, Ibiki needed to do some digging and figure out just where this woman's ambition laid. So, she'd start with something simple:

"Tell me: what division would you see yourself in anyway? And what would be your ideal position if you had the power to do anything you wanted within our home?"

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) WVMWLOu
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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:58 am



There was something exceptionally comforting about meeting someone with a similar sort of demeanor to oneself, and so when Miss Suika offered her a drink and a laugh, it was all Murasaki could do not to just take a seat and down the whole dish in a single gulp. More comforting than that, though, was the fact that she clearly didn't need to be worried about anything deadly coming her way out of nowhere, and so with a smile growing faintly across her gentle features, Murasaki took a long drink, surprised at the taste and the feel of it, though not unpleasantly so.

“Sorry to sound stupid, but I'm not too sure about division. I heard about the whole merger thing that happened, so I guess if I had to say where I think I'd fit in most, it'd be First Division.”

She was a sword through and through, after all, so it made sense in her mind that she'd go where she could put that to use. After all, she didn't really have too much else to offer the Captain Commander in terms of interesting or unique skills, though after a brief pause to think about it, she continued on, “I guess if you need someone to do zanpakuto therapy, though, I'm your girl. I'm pretty good with those.” With a chuckle, Murasaki then took another sip of her drink. It was really good, she'd have to ask about where she could get it.

But more to the point, what did she see herself doing? She really was a sword, and she'd kind of built her life around that. But she was a person, too, one that was pretty resourceful and had probably seen a whole lot more of the world than most people. And position, too..? Well, normally a person might try to be tactful about something like that, but Murasaki was confident in herself, and she certainly felt much more at east with both the drink and Miss Suika's attitude.

“I want to lead, Miss Suika. I want to be a Captain.” She said it plainly, as though it were something as simple as the weather or a comment on the day's news. “I want to prove I'm not just the daughter of some degenerate who only got where she is through nepotism. I want to show everyone exactly what I've done with myself.”

This was a side of Murasaki not often seen, brought out in no small part by the surprising comfort she felt at the moment. Her honor was at stake here, ad she wouldn't let it be sullied or understated. She was Murasaki, daughter of Akodo Midori and Kagayaku, and she was no simple grunt. Even after everything that had happened in her life, she wanted to help the place of her birth, but she wouldn't ever let herself have less than what she believed was her due.

After another moment of silence, Murasaki took another sip of the liquor, savoring it for a second, and added with a faint smile, “And with all due respect, I think I'm totally qualified.”

There it was again, that casual tone that still conveyed no disrespect. If she were a more shifty kind of girl, one might assume that all this was just some carefully crafted persona, but that was hardly the case. There was an undeniable brightness in those wide emerald eyes of hers, a spark of genuineness that wasn't often seen. It wasn't naivete, just a shining mark of clarity, a sign that even the idea of deceit never crossed Murasaki's mind. This was what she wanted, what she thought she deserved, and she was willing to work to prove that.

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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:28 am

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Stinkbug - Song: Clouds And Trees - Word Count: N/A

Accepting the dish that The Captain Commander offered served to put Murasaki in a better standing with Ibiki. The reason for this is because the subtle action showed that she was open to new things, thoughts and experiences. And, if one were to leave their mind exposed to suggestion, that meant great growth could be instilled within themselves. Hence, it's why Ibiki nudged her head towards the woman and commented on it.

"Ya took the dish. That's good. You have an open mind. An open mind has unlimited potential, friend."

There was then a sage nod as if Ibiki were oh-so-sure of what she said. With the release of a confident chuckle, the woman took another swig of her hootch before focusing her amber eyes back on the sight of Murasaki's aura.

Something within this woman seemed tranquil to The Menacing Devil Girl. The aura of green always brought with it healing, growth and prosperity to all who were influenced by it. Ergo, from this spiritual belief, there was an inclination to believe the woman's boast about her ability to recover those who had injured or broken their zanpukto.

"Ya aren't dim to want to join the divsion you want to be. I'd be stupid not to allow you to go where your mind wants...within reason."

The Horned Devil then put up one index finger and felt assured in the explanation that was about to come as she smirked with a sense of coyness toward the woman as she left our soul exposed and bare for The Suika Child to influence.

"If I don't allow you to join where you feel is right, then I'll be wasting time, energy and resources that can be better spent towards task you feel passionate about. And that won't benefit me, you or the Soul Society as a whole. It's why we have to work together to understand our strengths and weaknesses to form an ideal compromise."

With that mouthful out of the way, Ibiki could only give a ginger sigh before she slumped over in her chair, looked at her dish of booze and guzzled down another stream of sweet elixir release into her body. Going on really serious tangents like that exhausted her, so it was a nice come down to reality as she thought things over more in that moment of relax and calm.

"I can create all sorts of plans for you to be someone who can help recover the sick from their illnesses that be, but how can you verify this proof of your power? And, more importantly, how would you even carry this out if I did allow ya to do it? Enlighten me."

Questions were key to finding out more about the world. So Ibiki was making sure to ask the right ones to learn more about this woman, her power and how she carried herself in a position of power. If she were to work aside The Commander, she was going to have to know her style, her method of thinking and the reason why she wants to do these things.

"I don't mind your determination, and I'm really hard to offend, so feel free to speak your mind. I'll keep an open mind as long as you do the same for me. Now please, answer my questions~!"

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) WVMWLOu
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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:05 am



Murasaki listened in intently to Miss Suika's words, and once she was finished speaking, put a finger to her chin in an (unintentionally) exaggerated sign of thought. “Well, I do definitely like the sound of having unlimited potential, so that's always a plus.” She laughed at her own comment, but it was no less a genuine statement, and she had to admit that being called “friend” was pretty neat too.

There was certainly a truth to the tranquility that Ibiki sensed within Murasaki. In some respects, it was hard to be as calm as she seemed to always be. It wasn't a matter of strict training, or some unshakeable iron will, it was simply that she couldn't really be bothered to worry too long about any one thing. If it wasn't an immediate concern, or something that really, really needed handling, then why even worry about it? Right now she was comfy and relaxed, not a worry in mind and nothing that needed any other attention, so why should she be anything other than calm?

“Well, I'm not exactly what I'd call a healer. I'm a sword, that's just how it's always been. Swords are fighting, and that's what I'm the best at.” Murasaki took a rather long drink of the sake before continuing, knowing she was probably about to start rambling, or at least just talking a lot. It was pretty nice, honestly, and this wasn't a topic she was really used to talking about with other people. “But, like I said, I can help people out with their zanpakuto. I've got a closer connection to my own zanpakuto than anyone I've ever met, and using both mine and my mom's has taught me a lot about how totally different they can be. I can talk to the spirit of any zanpakuto, and if I can really get the chance to do that, I feel like I can help people who are having a little trouble how to really connect with theirs.”

As she spoke, Murasaki removed Keifu, still in its sheath, from her belt, and held it up for Ibiki to see more clearly. “They called me 'Hanpakuto' back in the academy, you know. It was a funny little pun, half-zanpakuto and all that. But I kinda like it now that I'm older. I'm proud of who I am, and I'm not gonna let old name-calling change that. It's something totally unique that I've got up my sleeve, so why should I be ashamed of it? It's come in handy in plenty of ways, and to be totally blunt, I just kinda think it's cool. Kagayaku no Murasaki, half zanpakuto. How many people can say that about themselves?”

With Keifu still sheathed in one hand,Murasaki took one more quick drink of sake before setting the dish down and holding her other hand out toward Miss Suika. It was honestly astounding how calm she was through all of this, especially with the request she was about to make, but that was just how she was. “If it's alright with you, the best way for me to prove I can do this would be for me to borrow your zanpakuto. I can talk to it, and if you'll let me use shikai here, I can figure out at least part of what it does, too. If you don't wanna allow that, I totally understand, but I figure you can probably beat me up with one hand behind your back if I even tried anything.”

Never once did Murasaki's voice waver, or lose one bit of that cheerful tone that seemed to permeate everything she said. What other way would get the job done as just showing Miss Suika firsthand how it worked, after all? Most people might be worried about being presumptuous, or just plain rude, but that didn't seem like something Murasaki needed to be worrying about with Miss Suika. She was cool, and Murasaki doubted she'd take this the wrong way.

“My bankai won't really help with that, though. It's not really about that at all, but I can still show you that too, and honestly, I would really, really like to. It's like I said, I don't really know too much about the Gotei right now. I didn't even know about all the big changes there were, so I figure you want as full a picture as I can paint ya here.” There was a fire in Murasaki's eyes now, one that marked an undeniable drive and a stunning amount of purpose. She knew what she wanted. “But I want to help out the best I can, and I really think that I have what it takes to be a leader, Miss Suika. I know the whole Earth like the back of my hand, and I think I know more about swords than almost anyone. But this is something that only I can do, and I think it would be such a big help, you know? I know there are a ton of people who just can't quite figure out their zanpakuto, whether it be the real name or their releases or just how to handle it right, and I can help with that.”

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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:04 am

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Stinkbug - Song: Clouds And Trees - Word Count: N/A

Observation was key in a conversation. Sure, it may seem odd to some why Ibiki may have suddenly gone quiet, but that was only because her amber-lit eyes were fixed on Murasaki. You could only learn so much about a person by prattling on and dominating the conversation, but after you had given them a few drinks, allowed them to open up and asked key questions; it was only natural that their true colors would begin to shine -- for the better or worse. And that was The Captain Commander's subtle plan here as her precious sake always had a way of weeding out the truth from people.

Hence, as the green-haired shinigami before her started to gush out her whole heart to The Devil Captain, Ibiki made her decision then and there that she would be a Captain. She had passion, love, honesty, a knowledge of her craft and the drive needed to endure the hardship to come with the power to back it up. So, after taking a long sip of her booze, a serene expression washed over the shinigami as she was one who was fine with taking needed risk if she could see an honest benefit to it. That is what a leader does: make investments in their followers, guide them toward the way and hope that they can bring out their own inner potential to make the overall objective that they wish to achieve come true.

"You've told me a great deal about yourself. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are and I'd gladly render those who mocked you to a bloody pulp~ I think you are pretty cool."

There would then be a flex of the mini devil guns that were her own muscles. And sure, while she may joke around with it, the strength which The Commander possessed was no joke. If anyone ever wanted to test that ability, they'd get a rude reminder of just why she was in this position. But alas, that wasn't why we were here. Everyone knows the legacy behind the Captain Commnader, but she was more interested in starting a new one with Murasaki. Which is why she started off the next part of the conversation with a bang:

"Cool enough to be a Captain~"

No need for overcomplicated analysis. Ibiki was straight to the point since she liked what she saw, had time to observe her and made a decision that she feels could benefit the whole team. Which is why she then grabbed the woman's hand, placed in the middle of her palm and nudged her hand toward it:

"If you are still keen on proving something to me, sure, you can call out my Zanpukto. But you'll have to take my hand first as we are already one with each other. So she'll come out to play once you rub her the right way."

With her mind already made up, Ibiki took a final glance at Murasaki before adding this after witnessing all of her passion and love:

"You've sold me. The rest is up to you and if you can prove yourself to be worth the investment~"

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) WVMWLOu
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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:30 am



Pretty cool...? That was honestly something Murasaki hadn't really heard...well, ever. A smile made its way across her face as she heard that, and there was a fluttering of pride in her chest as it really sunk in. Sure, she was always proud in herself and who she was, but hearing someone else say it was just a little bit different, you know? It was really pretty nice, and the Hanpakuto took a long drink of her sake in no small part to simply hide the dumb grin on her face and keep some modicum of professional air about her.

That, unfortunately, was out the window as Miss Suika said the magic words. Though she thankfully didn't choke on the sake or anything quite so embarrassing, Murasaki didn't necessarily have the requisite state of mind to hold back some tears. She wasn't weeping or anything, mind you, but she was definitely more than a little misty-eyed as the Captain Commander took her hand. Of course, the new Captain did her best to hold back any true tears, and she still had her other hand on Keifu.

“Thank you so much, Miss Suika. I promise, I won't let you down. I'd love to show you this trick, just give me a second to get myself together here. I'm so sorry about this, it's just...thanks, really.”

Taking a deep breath to collect herself as best she could, Murasaki closed her eyes as her grip on Keifu tightened just a bit. I'm counting on you for this one, Keifu. Don't let me down, alright? The sword in her hand said nothing to her in return, but it rarely did. She and her zanpakuto had an understanding between one another that had surpassed a need for words most of the time, and so she nodded once to herself before focusing entirely on the task at hand. Having never spoken to a more unusual zanpakuto like this, Murasaki wasn't 100% sure what to look for, but she decided her best bet was to just treat it like any other.

To Murasaki herself, reaching out to Miss Suika's zanpakuto spirit was hardly much different from speaking to her own, or to her father. It was simply a matter of finding the spirit in the blade and calling out to it, and waiting for its response. Of course, it was her own particular gift that she could do such a thing with the zanpakuto of others, but she had never done so without the owner's permission. From what she had asked people on the receiving end of it, it just sort of felt like having a visitor in your house rather than any actual sort of invasion. Sure, Murasaki didn't belong when she did this, but it wasn't as if she was breaking and entering, or bending the zanpakuto itself to her will.

It took a moment for her to really decide what she should say to the Commander's zanpakuto spirit as an initial greeting, but she had a distinct feeling that it would be along the same lines as the approach she had taken with Miss Suika herself. So, steeling herself and her resolve, the newly-appointed Captain collected her thoughts, and directed a singular greeting to the spirit within Ibiki.

Heya. Is it alright if I ask you some questions?

Short, sweet, and to the point. That was how Murasaki knew to operate.

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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:19 am

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 6EdIfMt

Artist: Stinkbug - Song: Clouds And Trees - Word Count: N/A

It was becoming obvious that the captain was now at ease. The spiritual aura of the gem-eyed shinigami before The Devil became tranquil, her smile was as pristine as ever and there was no cause for concern in the mind of Ibiki. Therefore, with the investment in the Gotei's future made, The Commander felt as if she had done her job and was fine with taking risks if it meant having a powerful, productive and vibrant woman in a place of power within her faction that she could trust.

So, as a token of that confidence in her, The Suika Child was going to make sure that her subordinate looked her best. And that meant wiping away the misty-eyed tears of happiness which were beginning to drip down the woman's cheek.

"Ahhhhh~ I'm glad I made ya that happy. I'm sure you will do amazing~"

Nope, nope, nope! There was no need for crying here. Ibiki made sure to increase the warmth of her amber aura as a content sigh exhaled from the mouth of The Devil Shinigami to further relax in this time of comfort, conversation and exploration. As in a little while here, Murasaki was going to show her commander just what the extent of her power could do. Which is why both of them felt that JOLT of power shock the room as sparks of golden electricity started scattering in a million different directions as Murasaki attempted to make contact with the woman's Zanpukto.

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention she gets grumpy in the morning~"

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 5xnxcPu

That was the only warning given from Ibiki before Oni-Kyosei ripped open a vortex of light within The Captain Commander's chest, let out a roar which shook the high-heavens themselves and had her blood gaze fix down on the woman below. As what came out of The Devil Shinigami's torso was a hulking six foot four Amazonian who was ripped to the brim with prime muscle, demonic fangs, devilish claws and a brooding sense of irritation smeared all over her face.

....however, in spite of those glaring looks, the woman was a reflection of Ibiki's spirit. And, as such, shared her connection and knew why she was summoned. So, despite having an entrance which made it seem as if she was going to go on the assault, Oni-Kyosei sat down with a LOUD thud, grabbed the green-haired shinigami's hand and asked her this:

"Well, you got me. What the fuck do you want?"


That was the only sound that could be heard Oni-Kyosei made her entrance. The relaxed guzzling of sweet booze from Ibiki's mouth killed the silence and she was curious as to how her subordinate would handle this.

Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) WVMWLOu
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Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) Empty Re: Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:17 am



Back Home For the First Time (Murasaki, Ibiki) 6EdIfMt

Well, that was pretty scary. On a scale of 1-10, Murasaki had to give this a solid 7, maybe even an 8. However, she would not back down now, though she did admittedly jump a bit at the roar. In hindsight, it shouldn't have really surprised her at all that someone like Miss Suika would have a zanpakuto so...rambunctious? Energetic? Something along those lines... Ah, distractions, distractions! Quickly collecting herself as best she could, Murasaki gave her best smile and a short, sitting half-bow to Oni-Kyosei.

“I, uh, I-I just wanted to ask you a few questions.”

Ugh, no good, no good! Murasaki inwardly slapped herself at the obvious weak tone of voice in that, and, clearing her throat, did her best to capture a more authoritative voice, one befitting her new position as a Captain.

“Er, rather, I'd like to ask you a few things about yourself. Just the usual kinds of questions, nothing super weird or anyhing. What you can do, relationship with Miss Suika, all of that. Personally, I think knowing someone's zanpakuto is just as important as knowing them normally if you want to really understand someone.”

This was a much more confident line of questioning from the verdant-haired, newly-christened Captain, and the fire and passion from earlier had certainly returned in full force to her eyes and to her voice. There was an undeniable energy that radiated from her, one of a profound confidence and cheer that were much more appropriate for someone like Murasaki. She could hardly be said to possess a “steely” resolve or any such thing, but her genuine exuberance more than seemed to make up for it in instances like these.

And if this particular zanpakuto didn't really want to answer any questions? Well that was fine. Murasak couldn't exactly blame her for that, but she'd definitely try to coax something out of her. After all, she was offering to help people out with troublesome zanpakuto, not just talk to them when she felt like it. She had to show that she could actually get through to them beyond saying a simple “hi, how are ya?” But for now, she just had to wait for a reply.

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