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Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:49 am
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While Nora was preparing dinner she watched Ulv go about cleaning her clothes off the floor. She wanted to interrupt her and tell her that she didn't need her to do it. She did hope that she'd not go ruffling about too much though, she did value her privacy after all. Watching attentively at her guest she decided to try and make small talk while she worked.

"So Ulv. How'd you learn those mystic martial arts and Tai Chi? It was really cool what you did back there and the fire thing with the question mark, did you do that with Tai Chi too?"

Needless to say there was a bit of interest in what she had done. After all for what she deemed was a rather uninteresting power from her family it was interesting to see something that had tangible and physical effect. After finishing up making some simple noodles for dinner she served them up.

"They're ready now."

Sitting down with her noodles and sitting a bowl down nearby for Ulv to get into herself. Nora went about digging in herself while she watched the stronger girl eat while waiting for her thoughts without really asking for it. She was looking for a bit of praise from her or critique depending on what she felt.


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:45 am

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Finishing all the folding and then blazing some amber flames to make them all clean and smell sweet - fuck you reality was her bitch - Ulv turned back to the girl and sat down, spinning the noodles up and nomming down on them all in one huge chomp. There were good noodles, she liked them. This girl was a good cooker of noodles. As Ulv ate, the girl asked questions about the powers she used, the cool shit that she used to take out the big bad guys and then make the question mark as well, because she was the kind of girl to mess around with her powers on occasion.

"Ahh, Tai Chi is difficult to learn. You require to be physically strong and mentally sturdy. Neither things that you really showed in the alleyway I am afraid. You'll need to be a much more robust woman than one that can be taken down by Clevus the Slackjawed Yokel. As for the question mark that was something completely different. It's a unique power I can't really teach you" Ulv didn't mean to shoot her down in flames like that, but her training would need to be grueling and the girl didn't look very, gruel.

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Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:03 am
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Hearing what the woman had to say about her performance in the alleyway she gave a small pout, she had tried before Ulv showed up but her fancy tricks and illusions with kaleidoscope could only do so much against three men that were physically stronger than her. She had tried but hearing that made it sound like she had just laid down to take the assault from the get-go, needless to say she felt herself unconsciously get defensive of her own actions to defend her dignity in front of the stronger woman.

"Hey, I tried to fight back before you came along.. I just don't have the capacity to really do what you did. I guess my tricks are not as effective unlike your's in the circumstance and I am... reasonably fit I guess."

Blushing a little and looking away at her clear lack of fitness, she wasn't unfit and her body was slender and toned but it was nothing but aesthetic really. Models didn't have muscle most of the time, so really Nora's own body was just something pretty rather than something that hung just above being a flimsy board.

"Maybe you could teach me Tai Chi though? If that's not too much trouble and you want to. I'd hate to ask something of you and make you feel obligated but it'd be a great help to learn and be able to do you know?"

Going back to her own meal while she waited for the woman's answer as she finished it but kept her ears peeled for her response to the request.


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Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:35 am

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

"Hey, I never said you didn't try. Just that you didn't really try in an effective manner, else I wouldn't have had to come in and save you from them" Ulv explained, rubbing her nose softly as she did so. Something about her nose needed rubbing at this moment. The woman was reasonably fit, but reasonably wouldn't get her through the 88. So when she asked to be taught anyway, Ulv gave a grin and nodded softly. "Ok, if you wish to be taught so badly by me, then we shall begin. There is a sandwich bar in Katsunumabudokyo Station, some 88 kilometres from here. For the first test, you are going to run there and bring my a sandwich back. They have a unique sort of sauce that I like"

"Second, we will find you an 8 kilogram weight, which you will throw 8 meters up in the air. And finally, we shall set up a long-jump in which you will jump 8.8 meters horizontally. If you can master these three things, I shall begin to instruct you in the ways of Tai Chi, and either introduce you to one of the Clans, or you can join my own. Clan of one right now though so don't expect too much"

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Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:15 am
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It was a good thing she had finished her meal first before she heard the requests and trials she was being given that made her jaw drop ever so little after a new one was stated. Eight kilometres, running. Eight kilograms up to eight metres and jumping eight metres. How was she, a functionally normal human supposed to achieve this? She looked blankly at the woman who seemed to show no signs of joking or lying.

There was the temptation to reconsider her words. What hope did she have of doing this in any reasonable time frame? Which she didn't even mention if it could be a time trial. It was a pretty daunting task that was put forth and a struggle to consider.

"So uh... that's a lot of eights there Ulv. Is that the only way?"

Maybe she could shortcut it, it was probably a little bad for her look but she didn't have that high an expectation for her body's capacity. Sure she could try and was willing to but she didn't expect to make it through the first trial without flopping and collapsing.


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Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:27 am

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The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"Mmm, a lot of eights. Apparently in ancient Chinese - which I don't really speak or read - Eight sounded very much like Test. So any being not born into Wulin would be given the Devil's 88, a test to ensure that they could handle the level at which Tai Chi operated at. And thus this was created. Three sets of 88 to prove you are capable of being gifted with Tai Chi. Not, something I went through but then I found a two-thousand year old book, translated it and learned it's contents myself. That, is also a way you can go about. Linguistic Drift makes Ancient Chinese a bitch to translate these days.

There is also the Arrogant Lustful Demon, me when I say the way I am proposing is easier than that one. Failure with the 88 or finding a book, won't scar you mentally"
Ulv finished. There was a great degree of gravitas in her voice at the last bit. It was true that the 88 was basically impossible for an average human, that was the point. If you couldn't unlock spiritual enhancement in the attempt, you'd never succeed in Wulin, where everyone was enhanced.

"This is not impossible, my dear. I've had one of my friends do it before. It is just meant to be tricky, so as to avoid everyone and their mum's coming in"

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Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:31 am
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Nora sat and listened intently to Ulv's explanation of ancient Chinese practices and how the whole eight thing all tied together to create this stupidly hard test. What a drag, she leaned back a bit and brought her hands up to clasp behind her head while thinking about this whole situation. Did she have the mettle to do it and take the step or did she want to back out now?

After hearing about this Arrogant Lust Demon and not getting an elaboration she decided that it'd probably be best to try the eight thingie trials first. If that failed maybe she could try something else but for the moment hearing Ulv confirm that someone else she knew had succeeded did give her a bit of encouragement to at least try but she still needed to know a few details about the trial.

"Is there a time limit to the tests and do I have to start now?"


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Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:47 am

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Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

It was good that she didn't decide the Demon path. She didn't want to hurt people, and this would hurt her if she went that way. Fortunately, the woman got over her questioning of self, and she wanted to know timeframes and such, which meant she was going for the run instead of any other option. Ulv nodded softly and leaned forwards.

"There is no time limit and you can start whenever you want. But take too long and I might just get bored and wander off. In which case you've wasted all that time going all that distance for nothing. Go as fast as you want but if you linger to long, don't expect me to be here when you get back. I got things to do, and as cute as you are, it's not like you are coming to my bedroom to do the dance"

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Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:36 am
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So there was a time limit, which was the level of Ulv's patience in her willingness to wait for her to complete her trials but that in itself was a bit problematic, she was recently accosted by a bunch of thugs and it was getting dark. There was no way she'd get her first test done before it got into the nightlife of the city which she tried to avoid due to obvious reasons of safety being the level of strength she was.

Still though she was committed to at least trying and hearing Ulv compliment her looks but explain since she wasn't open to fooling around then she wasn't worth sticking around for she figured she should at least ask her if she could put a hold on this trial.

"Alright alright but can I maybe offer you a place to sleep here for tonight? Then I do it tomorrow? I don't really want to go out at this hour for so long since it'll get dark soon and after today it's just... you know?"


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Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:47 am

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Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

This woman didn't seem like the kind of woman who was prepared for what was to come. Even if she learned it, improving it was a vigorous exercise in physicality, and to be able to do such was also a harrowing mental task. And Ulv didn't think her prepared for either. Jumping into this world half-cocked would be dangerous for her, and so Ulv wasn't going to give her a false impression of it ease.

"You can leave it till tomorrow if you want. But there is no guarantee I will be here in the morning. Very fickle woman, me. Never can tell when I feel like a midnight Ramen up in the Fuji precinct and you wake up to see no Ulv left!

If the dark and the promise of people accosting you is a problem, then you aren't going to fit in well. It might be the power to confidently survive in the night, but many people started where you started, and went out into the night regardless. Only by action despite the situation can you learn to properly grow"

Ulv then got up and headed to the fridge, looking for something to cook the pair.
"Tai Chi is a radical thing, darling. Not to be entered lightly and not to be used softly when entered. You don't strike me as someone who would fit in with the power and the culture. I can teach you more down to earth methods, but Tai Chi is an investment I think you can't afford"

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