Help a girl out [PRIVATE]
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- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: Help a girl out [PRIVATE]
Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:49 am
While Nora was preparing dinner she watched Ulv go about cleaning her clothes off the floor. She wanted to interrupt her and tell her that she didn't need her to do it. She did hope that she'd not go ruffling about too much though, she did value her privacy after all. Watching attentively at her guest she decided to try and make small talk while she worked.
"So Ulv. How'd you learn those mystic martial arts and Tai Chi? It was really cool what you did back there and the fire thing with the question mark, did you do that with Tai Chi too?"
Needless to say there was a bit of interest in what she had done. After all for what she deemed was a rather uninteresting power from her family it was interesting to see something that had tangible and physical effect. After finishing up making some simple noodles for dinner she served them up.
"They're ready now."
Sitting down with her noodles and sitting a bowl down nearby for Ulv to get into herself. Nora went about digging in herself while she watched the stronger girl eat while waiting for her thoughts without really asking for it. She was looking for a bit of praise from her or critique depending on what she felt.
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
- Joined : 2016-08-18
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Re: Help a girl out [PRIVATE]
Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:45 am
The Flame Of Hope
Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road
Finishing all the folding and then blazing some amber flames to make them all clean and smell sweet - fuck you reality was her bitch - Ulv turned back to the girl and sat down, spinning the noodles up and nomming down on them all in one huge chomp. There were good noodles, she liked them. This girl was a good cooker of noodles. As Ulv ate, the girl asked questions about the powers she used, the cool shit that she used to take out the big bad guys and then make the question mark as well, because she was the kind of girl to mess around with her powers on occasion.
"Ahh, Tai Chi is difficult to learn. You require to be physically strong and mentally sturdy. Neither things that you really showed in the alleyway I am afraid. You'll need to be a much more robust woman than one that can be taken down by Clevus the Slackjawed Yokel. As for the question mark that was something completely different. It's a unique power I can't really teach you" Ulv didn't mean to shoot her down in flames like that, but her training would need to be grueling and the girl didn't look very, gruel.
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