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Chain Gang (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:39 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

He listened to her explain it as best she could. This wasn't some tool or easy thing to crush. Crushing Hachiman wasn't an option not for Tatsuya anyways. He wouldn't crush another being again for as long as he lived if he could help it. But he couldn't compare this to a zanpakuto either. The box had the zanpakuto and him in it already. This was akin to a figure coming in from a different country to stay. Not knowing the language or dialect of the place. Negative emotions and violence drove Hachiman. He wanted bloodshed and a ravenous desire to consume everything. Not just Tatsuya though he was on the menu too clearly. He'd not been sure if he cleared the hollofication hurdle. Ulv had used a mask previously and so had other vizards. That seemed like years down the road as his mind focused on this. He couldn't face Hachiman with negativity or violence as those simply fueled him. But those were traits Tatsuya knew best at this moment. Violence and such emotions wouldn't serve him any good here.

"I..think I understand, though it doesn't make it any easier. Guess all I can do is..try and reach out to him." He said thinking about it as he didn't know how else to do this. It wasn't the same as Amateratsu in that way. Hachiman was a new feeling and held a darker aura. It held a bloodlust and wild nature to it as Tatsuya closed his eyes. Breathing softly and slowly trying to focus on finding the hollow. It was hard as his body was in pain as he looked for Hachiman. He knew the being was within him and close for that much. Hachiman's persona was violent but not simple. He was cunning and willing to wait like a strategist on the battlefield. But a bloodthirsty hunger did linger on the being. Destruction and violence were two aspects. But something more did exist in Hachiman. Tatsuya wasn't simple and so neither was Hachiman. Slower and shallower breaths as he felt his inner world draw closer around him. "I'm not good at this sort of thing, Hachiman where are you?"

Tatsuya looked around before the man appeared his burning body cracked along the skin. As his lips formed a grin. "Oh this is cute, trying to play therapist right now? Want me to look at some ink blots and tell you what I see? " Tatsuya found him through the next part wasn't going to finish here. Therapist huh, Tatsuya could have used one of those years ago. Frustrating as it was he tried to think about how to do this. "Not really Hachiman, though I guess you ain't far off." Small talk was not his specialty or anything as he watched the hollow smile wider. "Seriously this is adorable, you trying to be buddy buddy with the guy trying to eat you. Let me guess this was the wise dog lady's idea? Doesn't seem likely it would be yours because remember I am you after all? Best I'd manage is a punch to the jaw at this point." Tatsuya could say he was using misdirection by using jokes and sound clever. But small talk like this just wasn't his strongest suit.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5979
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Chain Gang (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:48 pm

Chain Gang (Open) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"They will try to distract you. They will snap and snarl and hiss and spit. Because it is all they know how to do. They will be hostile and violent because they know no other way. Don't be discouraged by that. Let them see that things exist beyond what they know. Let them experience the sky beyond the sky, and then see where that leads" she told him, some final council. And then, when he entered his Inner World to talk with Hachimon, Ulv gently turned and left silently, as to not disturb him. Right now, would be the time where only he could help himself. This first hurdle was his alone.


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Chain Gang (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:45 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Ulv had been a beacon of wisdom in the end for him to draw on. But the problem was that Tatsuya didn't really know much else. Violence was something he and Hachiman shared in common. They were both creatures born of that world and reality. Tatsuya had always been scary to most people. He rubbed the back of his neck knowing this was a distraction. But how did someone connect or reach out with a person? Connections were hard even though he was a leader of men and women. Leading on the frontlines was easy enough to do. But being something else outside of a fighter and a warrior. "We could try that it's true, but in the end, Hachiman I don't think of either of us are good at it. " He ran a hand through his hair trying to figure this puzzle out. Hachiman seemed to watch him closely observing him as he took in each detail. This was crawling but perhaps even slower than that. In his life brute force had been his solution to everything. It was so strange changing one's approach this late in the game. "Tell me something, Hachiman could you see what happened outside while in here?"

"Yeah, what about it nothing really to see if you ask me." Tatsuya smiled a bit not as though he won anything. This was a conversation at this point with him and Hachiman. Which was better than sitting blankly staring at one another in corners. "So you've been watching since the beginning?"He said offering another question to the puzzled hollow who glanced at him raising an eyebrow. "What of it? Tatsuya closed his eyes exhaling as he offered just a small sad smile. "Well if that's the case you know me better then I do you. You've seen countless meaningless battles fought in that place. Going to the edge of death more times then I can remember. Only to claw back into life for some reason or another." Tatsuya said as the silent looking hollow sat down deciding he didn't feel like standing.

"Bloody affairs to be sure, such simple times of massacres and torrents of chaos were soothing." Tatsuya didn't have such fond memories of them. He merely shrugged and sat down deciding to follow the creature's lead. "Whole different world here, Ulv could kill us any time she saw fit. Though it's not just her their are some real monsters lurking around these parts. The creature's eyes gave a grimace as it seemed to know it. They weren't big fish here and couldn't impose will upon anyone. They were weak newborn babes in this world. Fifteen hundred years of life may as well of be less than fifty in this case. They both understood one thing was a fact regardless of how they looked at it. They weren't going to make any progress in this situation alone. "So I could try and convince you and change your ways, I could argue till blue in the face about humanity and the upside. But I'll put it this way, we are a weapon and your powers with mine can work to devastating effect."

Hachiman's expression stared at him quizzically taking in the words that Tatsuya said as he tried to see the angle. "I"m not going to try and dominate you or overwhelm you or some crap like that. The fact of the matter is we can fall here and rot in the Maggots Nest, or we can unite and get out of here and see just how far it goes. He said softly as Hachiman decided to ask the important question. "How far what goes? Till you decide to put me in a box? Tatsuya shook his head left to right showing the being he meant something else. "Our potential as a weapon and how far our fury goes. We are but a fart in a hurricane next to these people. Don't you want to see just how far our potential can go as a unit? Or would you rather cast it away here and now? Tatsuya said surprising the hollow within him. Making sure he understood that no longer were they regular people at this juncture.

They were a living weapon made to devastate and destroy things. Holding back wasn't the strong suit of them or the powers they wielded. "Fine, I'll play ball what do we do? Hachiman liked the idea of being a weapon it sounded amusing to him. This was something of a coexistence that both parties could learn of. Violence was all Tatsuya and Hachiman knew. "We learn, Ulv can teach us I guess but the rest is learning how to rely on one another. I'd rather use your powers then Amateratsu's and lean towards Hakuda from here on." He said softly as Hachiman held out a hand offering a handshake to Tatsuya. He took it shaking Hachiman's hand as his eyes opened now glancing left to right. Getting a sense of how long had passed for him since the conversation had begun. So an agreement had been reached and Hachiman would stop screwing with him. His sense of time would be normal once more and now came the important question. How did he use these powers it was something he was sure would take time to uncover.
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