Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:45 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

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Hannah didn't get much yard-work done, mostly because her pathetically crippled body meant she couldn't do much physical activity for any length of time before becoming exhausted. A body ravaged by internal Reiryoku even superior to what she had to use at her peak was not pretty. Still, it did let her stay in a lot, read books and work on her new power. Not, that she was using it to escape or do anything untoward, it was purely for academic purposes.
"Hiranko" Hannah whispered, sparking lightning from her fingers similar to a Byakurai. Pushing Wind hard enough with her Anima Mea was sufficient to create Lightning, it seemed. Excellent. And what more, the energy that came off it was so little even Hannah's small output masked it.

Of course, the more energy she put into it, the easier it would be to sense, but with this, she had reached a new peak in efficiency. Under the constant restraint of the reiryoku repressor, she had come to feel the peak of control and efficiency. Now all that was left was to get the Warden's permission to expand her testing so she didn't get shot going forward. And with how forthcoming Hannah had been on her creations up to this point, hopefully she had a touch of leeway....

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:08 am
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Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:52 am

I see your point [Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: RWBY - Song: Home

Breaking his word was something he could never allow himself to do again. Thus, it was hardly a surprise for the Kuchiki Royal to be roaming the halls of Karakura City's Maximum Security Prison, seeking out the formerly K-World Shinigami that resided within these walls, someone so skilled in Kido that Takehiko felt that he had to forge his signature in order to find, Hannah Chiza.

Thus, as he walked down the hallway that contained the Grand Witch's cell, he silently sat down in front of the cell, his spiritual power silenced and hidden as he watched her tinker with small amounts of energy, his brow raising as she formed a small flicker of lightning flashed across her fingers. While she was a criminal, Byakuya was able to mentally acknowledge her skill to summon energy, even under the restraints and security measures of the prison.

"Were it anyone else, the sensors in this room would have been activated and the alarms would have gone off. Yet, you've managed to summon energy with these restrictions."

Bringing his chair closer to the cell door, Byakuya's cold gaze burned into the sightless eyes of Hannah as his hands folded in his lap.

"I have given the request from our previous conversation some thought and have come to a decision."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Jul 10, 2019 7:07 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

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"That's because I am a bloody genius, Captain Kuchiki" Hannah smirked and looked in his general direction. Having a spiritual radar of sorts, she had better sight that most people with eyes. Plus she was keeping an exceptionally sharp look out to make sure nobody came around while she was faffing about. Sensing it was one thing, but she couldn't talk her way around someone actually seeing her do it. "Of course, I can only do it because I am allowed a wisp of every to Not Die. If I was like everyone else, even I can't do anything with nothing"

Hannah stood up and walked over to the bars, giving a courteous bow in Byakuya's general direction. She could do focused and perfect, but she only got twelve foot off that. Reading a book, she didn't get any sight beyond the book, from how much she had to focus to see the words.
"Mm, I'll get my things then. Unless, Gotei is so inundated with people that they can excuse one of your stature and power during war time, to go and tell a someone who is no threat to anyone, she is staying in Jail"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:12 pm

I see your point [Open] 6EdIfMt


Artist: RWBY - Song: Home

With his features remaining like steel as Hannah made her bold declaration, Byakuya closed his eyes as he waited for the woman to gather her things -- not that she would have much, with her being an inmate of one of, if not the most secure prison in the Living World, and he stood, turning to a nearby guard and gesturing to the cell door, to which they opened it, and Byakuya waited for the woman to exit, before turning and walking toward the front.

"You have been permitted to teach Takehiko as a form fo work release, under multiple conditions."

As they continued walking, Byakuya continued:

"Firstly, you will be monitored by multiple members of the Kuchiki Family. Secondly, your power will not be fully released at any time. You will only have a fraction of your power at any given point. As Takehiko grows stronger, I will grant you access to more of your power. But, as I said before, for now, you will only have a very small portion."

They were obvious points to keep a note of, but he would be a fool not to say them aloud. It was something that he had to emphasize in order to ensure that a prisoner would be doing what their work release would entail and making sure that Takehiko didn't get himself killed or whatever in the world that could be worse. It was a matter of displaying authority, ensuring his nephew's safety, as well as keeping her in check.

Thus, as they reached the front, Byakuya would fill out whatever paperwork would be needed and necessary, before drawing his sword to his side and turning to face Hannah, the steel in his eyes remaining as he finished.

"Do you understand?"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:58 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

I see your point [Open] 6EdIfMt

Hannah didn't want to get half way through the prison before having to come back because of some reason. And so sat where she was and stared at Byakuya's general direction. It was always fun picturing what expressions people would have while they were talking to her. Here, she have Byakuya with a puckered expression, like he had just bitten into an extremely sour berry. It was a source of amusement for her in this dreary world.
"There is more to taking a woman out of prison than just saying you have taken her out. Even for an exalted shinigami like yourself. I don't quite hear the confidence in your voice that means you have already done all this word. Have you....really just wandered in and proclaimed I am leaving now?"

Hannah's expression took a turn for the worst from that, and didn't go away with the terms.
"I can get behind being watched so long as I get to Byakurai anyone who tries to come to the toilet with me. But, tied to Takehiko's progression is quite the deal-breaker. He's an idiot, and one with a short attention span to boot. I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up on all this Kido stuff in a few months because he found a new shiny.

The idea was work release. Not work replace your prison cell with worse terms than you are here for in the first place. Shadin runs a nice place, it's all civil and shit in here, not something I can guarantee back in the Seireitei. I am here because a group of Shinigami tried to kill me for being a cripple, after all. So going back there with no power at the whims of a child is not something that appeals"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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