Request a Zanpakuto Concept
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- GammaVeteran Member
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Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:35 pm
Free Zanpakuto from Oetsu
Zanpakuto making is pretty hard sometimes right? Sometimes it's as simple as going "well that's a cool power" and rolling with it huh? But what if you really want a zanpakuto that will reflect your character's concept? You know their philosophy and way of life.
Let's take Shuhei for example, Kazeshini is pretty cool right? However if we get into the nitty gritty of it a shinigami's zanpakuto is supposed to reflect the soul of the wielder, for Shuhei this is his fear of killing someone but also his fear of dying such is why his shikai has two forms that represent the cycle of life which also involves death.
That's where I come in, for those that request it I will conceptualise a zanpakuto based on what is provided for your option to utilise and take that pain out of the work if you'd like.
- Character Name: What is the character's name?
- Concept: What is the driving concept behind them for the writer. Are they a flawed person that seeks to overcome their issues? Are they a character striving for revenge etc.
- Conviction: Unlike concept this is how the character themselves view their life, how they want to live it and what drives them. Their entire way of life summarised.
ie. "Don't get roped into things", "I don't follow the path, I make the path", "Go with the flow" etc. - Flavour Word (Optional): One word to incorporate into the zanpakuto which must be used; it could be an element, a theme, a verb. Anything. An example of this could be "Games", "Smoke", "Killer", "Running". Whatever this word looks like in the final product is unknown but it adds an extra layer of nuance into trying to make the zanpakuto's powers. Not required but can be fun.
- Application Link: Character link please.
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[b]Character Name:[/b] What is the character's name?
[b]Concept:[/b] What is the driving concept behind them for the writer. Are they a flawed person that seeks to overcome their issues? Are they a character striving for revenge etc.
[b]Conviction:[/b] Unlike concept this is how the character themselves view their life, how they want to live it and what drives them. Their philosophy and the like.
[b]Flavour Word (Optional):[/b] One word to incorporate into the zanpakuto; it could be an element,
[b]Application Link:[/b] Character link please.
- Ame no koExperienced Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Thu Jan 02, 2020 8:45 am
Well, to be honest I do have an idea for Hana's Zanpakuto and her Shikai, even her Bankai. But I am reall curious what you think would be fitting
Character Name: Hanako Yamada
Concept: Hana is a woman with no past. Due to a bad head injury she lost almost every memory of her past. She doesn't remember who she was, who her parents were, if they are alive or why she was so badly injured. She seeks for a place for herself and a purpose to her life. Gotei and the Combat Squad seems to be a purpose.
because of her past being a blank spot in her mind she is deeply insecure and tends to lash if she feels cornered while hiding her insecurity in a shell at the same time.
With time I want to open her up a bit more and reveal at least parts of her past.
Way of Life: She's kind of a warrior, a soldier. She was rescued by a shinigami of the gotei so she knows only this and her loyalties lie there. She hasn't really come to terms with her missing past but has developed an overwhelmingly strong determination to create a future for herself that no one could erase.
I hope this is enough to work with. I am really looking forward to see what you come up with^^
Character Name: Hanako Yamada
Concept: Hana is a woman with no past. Due to a bad head injury she lost almost every memory of her past. She doesn't remember who she was, who her parents were, if they are alive or why she was so badly injured. She seeks for a place for herself and a purpose to her life. Gotei and the Combat Squad seems to be a purpose.
because of her past being a blank spot in her mind she is deeply insecure and tends to lash if she feels cornered while hiding her insecurity in a shell at the same time.
With time I want to open her up a bit more and reveal at least parts of her past.
Way of Life: She's kind of a warrior, a soldier. She was rescued by a shinigami of the gotei so she knows only this and her loyalties lie there. She hasn't really come to terms with her missing past but has developed an overwhelmingly strong determination to create a future for herself that no one could erase.
I hope this is enough to work with. I am really looking forward to see what you come up with^^
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:23 am
Free Zanpakuto from Oetsu
I. Zanpakuto Information
» Zanpakutô Name: Bakumusha (獏武者, Tapir Warrior).
» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary: This zanpakuto appears to take the form of an armoured individual from the warring period of Japan, their features are obscure and unable to made out but their size and proportions suggest that they are inhuman underneath the armour. Not that it could tell you if it wanted for it struggles to speak like it has forgotten how to. It finds a great deal of regret that the photos it could once see and bring happiness have been lost and there is nothing to look at but the mist.
» Inner World: A small home in a clearing, surrounded by misty forests. Inside the house it is old looking but humble, it is welcoming and cozy to stay in and the spirit supposedly lives there. There are a lot of photos and paintings on the walls but they are blank.
All these vague details are filled in as she reclaims her past. Her spirit being able to speak again, pictures and stuff etc etc.
» Zanpakutô Appearance: The sealed sword is a standard katana. It's design is very simple: the tsuba is only a slightly oval disk with four oval holes in it, made from wrought iron. So is the kashira. Fuchi, seppa and habaki are made from copper, but it has a dull and a little bit used look to it. The grip is wrapped with a tsuka-ito that has almost the same dark red color as Hanako's hair, bit it also looks old. The saya isn't even lacquered in any color. It's just plain, dark wood with a clear coat over it. Nowhere is any decoration, ornamentation or even a scratched-in rune to be found, even the menuki under the tsukamaki are missing. It is just plain material, doing what it is supposed to, but nothing more, maybe even a bit worn down.
With the exception of the blade. The steel of the blade shines clear and bright like a crisp winter morning. There is not a single flaw in the blade, the edge is hard and sharp and a beautiful bo-hi and hamon can be seen.
[Taken from Hanako's app]
» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: Unattained.
II. Shikai
» Shikai Release Phrase: Reliquish, Bakumusha.
» Shikai Release Action: [Player Choice]
» Shikai Appearance: Activation of Bakumusha results in the blade changing into that of a long whip like weapon with holes through the length with a three metre sphere at the end of the weapon. Despite its size it is easily wielded by its master and can be used as a flail if necessary. The whip itself is able to extend up to three hundred metres but can be shortened if Hanako desires it.
» Shikai Abilities: The primary ability of Bakumusha is to utilise the ridiculously large sphere at the end of the blade. So long as its active air will be drawn in through the holes along the whip's length. Due to more segments of the weapon the longer it is the weapon can suck in more air at a cost of being potentially troublesome to utilise such a long weapon whip.
Despite the blungeoning aspects of the weapon it is a kido-type weapon, at any point with the amount of air stored in the sphere Hanako can cause the sphere to release all this built up pressure, the sphere opens like a flower to release a large plume of dust. Not only does this dust combust and create a large explosion but those caught within the explosion will have their memories altered to be unable to recall the moments that revealed the purpose of the sphere of Bakumusha's tip thus making it hard to figure out what the shikai actually does if a person is consistently caught in the blast.
Shikai Weaknesses:
Charge Time: Bakumusha needs to gain air for the sphere to open, if she cannot draw in air from the surroundings then the sphere cannot open and use that air to spread the dust cloud however the longer it charges the further the dust will be pushed and cover a larger radius.
Shikai Size: Given the end of the whip being three metres in diametre and the whip being able to be up to three hundred metres if she wants the maxium rate of air absorption the size will be cumbersome and hard to use in confined spaces.
III. Bankai
» Bankai Release Phrase: "Bankai, Dongyū Bakumusha (呑牛獏武者, Bull Swallowing Tapir Warrior).
» Bankai Release Action: [Player Choice]
» Bankai Appearance: Upon activation of Bakumusha's bankai it is no longer a cumbersome whip, instead it creates a large tree with a closed flower that is comparable to a small skyscraper in size. Once the flower opens it spews large quantities of the dust around it for three kilometres for as long as Hanako lets it. Upon activation of the final factor of her bankai the flower will close again and the bankai will wilt.
Hanako will still be holding a sealed version of her zanpakuto for the duration of her bankai.
» Bankai Abilities:
Additonal techniques to be made by player, using the tree and dust as they please.
Gamma Recommendations: Somehow having her bankai being able to grow more "swords" to hand to allies from the tree. Making use of the dust to create explosions and being able to hide within the tree itself as a form of defence/camoflague.
Brilliant Finale: Display of Rebirth - Lotus Burial: The final technique of Dongyū Bakumusha. It is the closing of the flower at the top of the tree signalling the end of this vibrant display. Once the technique has been uttered while Hanako is holding the sword, the flower at the top of the skyscraper draws in everything around it like a blackhole, those that are covered in dust find this pressure all the more difficult to fight against. Once all the dust has been reclaimed as a large sphere floating above the flower the petals close around it.
It is incredibly hard to escape, the pressure alone of being trapped within the dust would crush most people without high durability. Once the petals have closed around the sphere with all the debris and those trapped within it all that dust ignites like her shikai and carrying the same memory altering effect.
For those that die within her bankai's finale display it is not the end however, death within the lotus flower is only a promise of rebirth and as the bankai wilts it will drop seeds which revive the dead but at the cost of having stripped away everything they are - their power, their experiences and their identity.
Bankai Weaknesses
Wielder Protection: Those who are touching the sword Hanako has are unaffected by the vacuum from her finale and also most of her other techniques that occur from the bankai.
All-Affecting: It does no discrimate between friend or foe. It is difficult to use around her allies.
Large Presence: There is by no means any way this bankai doesn't go unnoticed by people unless some incredibly high concealment abilities were being used. It will most certainly change the landscape by the time the bankai is ended.
Recharge Time: Due to such magnitude and the energy consumation it possesses a recharge time. She cannot use it more than once every three months in-character.
- Ame no koExperienced Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:54 am
Hobnestly, this is amazing. Especially the Zanpakuto-Spirit and the inner world are almos exactly like I had imagined. Only with a few minor differences in that the spirit itself was a mirror image of Hanako but with a skin of steel and the house was a small but empty village. But the idea was the same. And I like your visual idea better, especially the part with the old japanese armour.
And the Bankai is a unit. wow. I am quite sure I will use most of that. I like it. And I already have some ideas for aditional abilities that would fit.
The only thing I think I'd like to change is the Shikai. Not so much the memory altering ability (although I am quite surprised you chose a Kido-type Zanpakuto fpr Hanako), but the shape of the weapon. A whip or flail isn't what I imagined as the weapon für Hanako, especially since I hinted at her training extensively with her sword.
I thought about a sword with altered appearance and a sleeve of armour, matching the Spirit. I have a picture in mind and if it's okay with you I'd rather go with something sharp. Still, I do like the idea of the Shikai-ability, but I have no idea how I could incorporate the idea into a sword.
But really, I like what you did. I really do. My idea so far had been a combat-type Zanpakuto that concentrated on the attack and defense. This mind altering thing and especially the rebirth ability of the bankai is awesome. Thank you a lot for your work. There will definitely a lot of this present, when I request my Shikai/Bankai
And the Bankai is a unit. wow. I am quite sure I will use most of that. I like it. And I already have some ideas for aditional abilities that would fit.
The only thing I think I'd like to change is the Shikai. Not so much the memory altering ability (although I am quite surprised you chose a Kido-type Zanpakuto fpr Hanako), but the shape of the weapon. A whip or flail isn't what I imagined as the weapon für Hanako, especially since I hinted at her training extensively with her sword.
I thought about a sword with altered appearance and a sleeve of armour, matching the Spirit. I have a picture in mind and if it's okay with you I'd rather go with something sharp. Still, I do like the idea of the Shikai-ability, but I have no idea how I could incorporate the idea into a sword.
But really, I like what you did. I really do. My idea so far had been a combat-type Zanpakuto that concentrated on the attack and defense. This mind altering thing and especially the rebirth ability of the bankai is awesome. Thank you a lot for your work. There will definitely a lot of this present, when I request my Shikai/Bankai
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:27 am
Thanks and no worries. The idea is for you to play with however you like. I personally went with the flail whip as a kind of quirk, since it was indeed away from her preference but I am a bit of a sucker for making small inconveniences about a zanpakuto for their wielder to overcome or cause them some greivences, such as Sui-Feng's bankai being something she dislikes because it doesn't suit her and Yumichika going to the effort of restraining his shikai by mispronouncing its name.
I went over the top and large to match Hana, given that she is incredibly large as per average female height.
If you like the idea though of her shikai and want to keep it I would recommend making a faux shikai, similar to how I said for Yumichika that forces it into the form of a sword but makes the spirit angry so it seals some of its capabilities.
I went over the top and large to match Hana, given that she is incredibly large as per average female height.
If you like the idea though of her shikai and want to keep it I would recommend making a faux shikai, similar to how I said for Yumichika that forces it into the form of a sword but makes the spirit angry so it seals some of its capabilities.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:49 am
Character Name: Elyss Kishimoto
Concept: Elyss is a flawed character, yeah. She has anger issues and a tendency to become overly violent in physical altercations. Her anger issues, however, come from an internal and outside force; being contaminated by part of Mirja's soul that fuels her own inner anger beyond her mental capacity to accurately calm it which sends her into deranged rampages if pushed too far. Her main quest in life it to uphold her own ideals while combating her mental instability and hopefully, one day, conquer it.
Way of Life: Elyss is driven by a strong sense of justice and vengeance. Not particularly a vengeance to go out and hunt down someone's murderer per say. However, it is something akin to striking a threat that has caused problems before that threat is allowed to cause further issue. She wishes to protect people from harm, allow them to live happily and peacefully without worry of dying or living the next day. She even sacrifices her own joy at times for others. She doesn't care for acknowledgement for her actions either. As long as she can save someone, she feels accomplished.
However, this is just on the surface, for below, Elyss also has a major competitive issue. This is what also causes her anger issues to spiral out of control. In her mind, she can't help anyone if she is weaker than them, and that fact frustrates her. It is what drives her to never turn a challenge down because she wishes to believe that she is stronger than whatever is put in front of her. She also has an issue with how the world works. At times she feels that if she could rule, she could change laws and rules to better fit everyone, and that thought pattern in itself is flawed which she knows from viewing history. It is a constant battle between doing good and wishing to dictate life to make sure things stay how she wishes, and with her issues, she fears she may lose her mind in the end of it all.
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Concept: Elyss is a flawed character, yeah. She has anger issues and a tendency to become overly violent in physical altercations. Her anger issues, however, come from an internal and outside force; being contaminated by part of Mirja's soul that fuels her own inner anger beyond her mental capacity to accurately calm it which sends her into deranged rampages if pushed too far. Her main quest in life it to uphold her own ideals while combating her mental instability and hopefully, one day, conquer it.
Way of Life: Elyss is driven by a strong sense of justice and vengeance. Not particularly a vengeance to go out and hunt down someone's murderer per say. However, it is something akin to striking a threat that has caused problems before that threat is allowed to cause further issue. She wishes to protect people from harm, allow them to live happily and peacefully without worry of dying or living the next day. She even sacrifices her own joy at times for others. She doesn't care for acknowledgement for her actions either. As long as she can save someone, she feels accomplished.
However, this is just on the surface, for below, Elyss also has a major competitive issue. This is what also causes her anger issues to spiral out of control. In her mind, she can't help anyone if she is weaker than them, and that fact frustrates her. It is what drives her to never turn a challenge down because she wishes to believe that she is stronger than whatever is put in front of her. She also has an issue with how the world works. At times she feels that if she could rule, she could change laws and rules to better fit everyone, and that thought pattern in itself is flawed which she knows from viewing history. It is a constant battle between doing good and wishing to dictate life to make sure things stay how she wishes, and with her issues, she fears she may lose her mind in the end of it all.
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- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 9:46 pm
Free Zanpakuto from Oetsu
I. Zanpakuto Information
» Zanpakutô Name: Tenmarin (天魔輪, Heavenly Demon Wheel)
» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary: Tenmarin is quite an antagonistic spirit, he avoids being of actual aid to his master perhaps due to a shared stubbornness. When lending his power it is difficult to control and a double-edged sword, as though his very quest is directed at making her growth as difficult as possible. Physically he appears to be able to shift between forms, often appearing as Elyss but distinctly older in looks but his voice is distinctly masculine and deep.
» Inner World: Elyss' inner world is quite fluid as it appears to change quite drastically. It takes the form of a sphere that she and her zanpakuto exist within. Outside the sphere appears to be the world but it is impossible to cross past the boundary of the glass no matter how much one tries. Within the realm is able to be influenced by Tenmarin who will typically possess the scene as some kind of setting his master would find unpleasant such as an extravagent brothels or hellish battlefields. They all seem to either be incredibly uncomfortable for Elyss or they are too comfortable that would try and distract her from growth.
» Zanpakutô Appearance: Unlike most Shinigami, Elyss has two separate katana that appear to be twins of sorts. Though, the main difference between them is that one blade is the exact opposite color pattern as the other. One has a red sheathe with a red handle with a blue diamond pattern while the other has a blue sheathe with a blue handle and a red diamond pattern.
[Taken from Elyss' App]
» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: For one that requires power Tenmarin is happy to oblige but whether it is helpful or not is questionable. The sealed aspect of his power is probably the most obvious sign that he is not helpful or easily controlled.
- Thesis of an Unenlightened Heart
The main component is to boost Elyss’ proficiency in battle increasing her power and speed by 10% per two posts that Elyss is in combat. This ability stacks 5 times for a total 50% power increase for Elyss over the course of 10 posts in combat. The stacks can fall off, but Elyss must remain out of combat for two posts, then, the stacks fall off per every two posts out of combat.
This effect activates when adrenaline begins pumping through Elyss’ veins. Unlike normal adrenaline, Elyss’ adrenaline is being amplified by a passive absorption of Reiatsu in the environment around her. This is an uncontrollable reaction, yet, it only occurs when Tenmarin is actually unsheathed and used in battle for it is the Zanpakuto’s presence that activates this passive ability. Elyss, however, has no ability to alter said absorption or use said ability to alter any reiatsu based attack launched by her or at her.
Once at 5 stacks though, Elyss enters into an unrestrained state.
Sipping the Poison Chalice - Māra's Kiss
This state activates once Elyss has been in combat long enough. What is happening is that Tenmarin is cutting off Elyss’ mental blocks on her own mind that keeps her from truly fighting the way she wishes in fear of harming her opponent beyond what she is meant to. What this means is that Elyss begins fighting without any restraint and thought losing any tact or strategy for brutal savagery. Berserker state, however, has its own special powers though.
The state takes the reiatsu that was absorbed into Elyss; body and begins extruding it from her pores as a reddish vapor. This rapid exhaust of reiatsu causes Elyss’ body to begin to burn and turns her, normally, black eyes red. This vapor acts as a literal shield for Elyss as the vapor seems to lessen the impact of attacks against her body using the released reiatsu as a barrier. Though, her strength remains, but Elyss is only able to stay in this form for 5 posts in combat before exhausting all the reiatsu she has absorbed due to keeping her power buff and having increased defense at the same time. Though, once berserk ends, she then, is left vulnerable to attacks, for her body is completely exhausted and unable to continue battle.
II. Shikai
» Shikai Release Phrase: Succumb, Tenmarin.
» Shikai Release Action: [Player Choice]
» Shikai Appearance: Activation of Tenmarin causes the swords to take the form of two reasonably large chakrams that idle at Elyss' sides. One of these chakrams has jagged edges while the other is so sharp it might as well be a scalpel, the jagged one is red while the fine edge one is blue. They are controlle remotely.
» Shikai Abilities: The shikai of Tenmarin revolves around usage of the two chakrams. It takes the form of a hybrid between a wind-type zanpakuto and a fire-type zanpakuto. The jagged chakram possesses the fire qualities and is known as the right wheel, the fine edge chakram possesses the wind qualities and is known as the left wheel however Elyss' zanpakuto's true nature is limited by her lack of control.
- Remote Control
Despite the appearance that Elyss actually controls these chakrams this is not actually the case, she can only remotely control one while the other is controlled by her zanpakuto spirit. She can force them to swap which one they can control but she doesn't possess enough experience to control them both initially. This has the upside however that despite being unable to control one at any given time even when she is incapacitated and weakened, even unconscious her zanpakuto can persist on operating due to Tenmarin's influence.
Right Wheel - Asura Blood Excitation
A favoured usage of the right wheel will cause it to grow in size until it can be up to five metres in radius, furthermore excites Elyss' unstable personality which draw her closer to a berserk state similar to her sealed form. If this is allowed to happen her left will will break into three smaller ones that float around Elyss while she will gain an enhanced but uncontrollable state until the shikai ends.
Left Wheel - Preta Soul Stagnation
A favoured usage of the left wheel will cause it to grow in size until it can be up to five metres in radius. Unlike the right wheel Elyss has no risk of going into a berserk state but the wheel devours nearby spiritual energy indescriminately. The right wheel will shrink down to a smaller version and be able to be wielded in her hand. With Soul Stagnation energy struggles to move meaning one cannot use spiritual energy around her unless they use excessive amounts of it to compensate. This effect lasts until the shikai ends or Elyss passes out from the drain on her body.
Right Wheel - Samādhi Flame Cremation
Trapping the target so that the chakram is around them the user states the technique name before the wheel starts spinning uncontrollably and spewing flames around it. These flames are pulled into the chakram however and wrap around the target in a sphere before crushing them in a ball of fire which can potentially reduce weaker targets to ashes if they do not survive.
Left Wheel - Vajra Sky Descration
The left wheel is spun at incredible speeds that blows out strong but sharp winds that sends these air blades in all directions around it. It will typically destroy the area around it and injure everyone that is caught in the blast. Being in the middle of the chakram means the user will not be affected by the winds as it all is pushed outwards.
Shikai Weaknesses:
Lack of Control: Elyss relies on her zanpakuto, who is antagonist to her progress to utilise both chakrams effectively. If they do not agree or work together the shikai is severely handicapped.
Imbalance: Her zanpakuto has the potential to be incredibly strong but Elyss' lack of finesse makes it incredibly hard to use and should she slip into a more favoured side of the chakrams her release state can be compromised until it ends.
Berserker State: Her sealed power bleeds through into her shikai with an imbalance of usage. Her mental capabilities can be greatly affected as a result.
III. Bankai
» Bankai Release Phrase: Bankai, Overcome. Tenmarin Myōō・Tenrin Jōō (天魔輪明王・転輪聖王, Heavenly Demon Wheel Wisdom King - Chakravartin)
[Creator's Note: Elyss should possess a fake bankai up until she masters it or comes to understand it properly aka. the imbalance is solved and she has more self-control from overcoming her flaws. The fake bankai being Tenmarin Myōō and after she has understood it properly it becomes Tenmarin Myōō - Tenrin Jōō.]
» Bankai Release Action: [Player Choice]
» Bankai Appearance: Tenmarin Myōō is quite something of a bankai, once released Elyss' zanpakuto becomes a small disk that she wields in her hand. While this may lead to confusion at how something so plain and small could be a bankai it quickly becomes understood when she can extend the chakram to possess a diametre of up to a kilometre in an instant. The blade shines all colours of the rainbow.
» Bankai Abilities: Elyss' bankai revolves around the usage of the chakram like her shikai however there is only one now which has taken the power away from her zanpakuto however she may indulge Tenmarin to take control of the chakram is she sees fit or she cannot compensate. A lot of Elyss' abilities require focus in this state hence why her zanpakuto's assistance is greatly beneficial.
- Remote Control
Like before the chakram is controlled by the two of them. There is nothing different about how it worked in shikai, so long as she is aware of where the chakram is she can move it. Her zanpakuto spirit can control it if she so wishes so she can focus her attention elsewhere.
Cosmic Performance - Universal Expansion
The technique that deals with being able to extend her tiny chakram into a massive disk. She can extend the chakram to possess a radius of up to five hundred metres at the speed of sound. The expansion happens as fast as sound can travel through air, it is the remains of her wind aspect from her shikai.
Cosmic Performance - Universal Heat Death
The blade of the chakram is incredibly hot. The rainbow blade is not for a pretty display, at the tip it is extremely hot and able to enhance the cutting power of it while cauterising any wounds it might create instantly. This is the remnamts of the fire aspect from her shikai.
[Other Techniques as the Player sees fit, typically requiring her to stay focused and preparing them before unleashing them.]
Cosmic Performance - The Buddha's Palm
After her chakram has been expanded for a short while Elyss has the power to pull it back in however in this time if she has been able to focus she is capable of pulling everything within the five hundred metre radius into her palm, everything though is merely scaled down to fit in her palm based on the world's limit being at the end of the Buddha's palm. This technique is incredibly powerful if she were to close her palm and crush everything inside. Despite it being strong though the effect relies on a delicate barrier around the scaled down surroundings and if one were to break the barrier (which is quite easy) then everything would return to the normal scale. It relies heavily on shock factor to be effective.
Cosmic Performance - Heavenly Wheel Turning King's Finale
The final move utilised by Elyss, it is both her chance at rejecting the erasing aspects of her bankai but also her strongest move. It is the giving up of all her enlightenment and growth, feeding it to her chakram that causes it to stop glowing all the colours of the rainbow and instead only glow a right red. Once her chakram finds its target she causes their body to cave in upon itself, the spirit committing suicide and collapsing into the chakram before Elyss will collapse and find herself back where she started, flawed and powerless. It is a technique that is the choice between whether or not she wants to stand for something at the cost of everything or retain everything but potentially fail.
Bankai Weaknesses
Self-Destruction: Elyss' bankai can be said to be her having overcome her flaws, her own spirit's adamant nature to prevent her from achieving proper mastery of her power is because her bankai would only do harm. Being an enlightened being means that possessing individuality is meaningless, if she stays in her bankai for too long she would lose her identity and devolve into a form similar to a Blank.
Focus: Elyss cannot utilise her abilities very well if she cannot focus, hence why her zanpakuto spirit using the chakram is quite important to help her set-up her attacks and plans.
- LasktEstablished Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:02 pm
Character Name: Laskt
Concept: Laskt's main deal is that he is a character that has been isolated in their beliefs and values for a very long time, and then is confronted with a new outlook and how he responds to it. He constantly holds himself to impossible standards and hates himself for not living up to that. His main goal is to live his life as close to those impossible standards and his job and protect peeps.
Way of Life: Due to his history, Laskt has crystalized his ideal person into this utterly self-sacrificing, unselfish and perfect person that never loses control. All Laskt really wants to do is to preserve justice and protect the innocent, and will throw himself into whatever danger or situation that will allow him to pursue that goal, often to near suicidal degrees. He honestly could give less of a crap about rewards, recognition, or even a simple thank you, often refusing such things as he believes that heroism is something that rejects such things. He honestly tries his absolute hardest to avoid selfishness, pursuit of glory and keep perfect control of himself at all times, never once breaking the facade.
Below the surface however, Laskt has major issues. He has major self-confidence issues due to the fact that his growth is rather slow and often is mired in self-loathing for not adhering to his impossible standards. Laskt holds a lot of trauma from the battles he's fought, often obsessing over the smallest mistakes he makes to a degree that becomes unhealthy. For example, after his Hollowfication in Beijing, he repeatedly stated that he believes himself to be a traitor to the Gotei and everything it stands for, despite the fact that the circumstances were far out of his control.
Application Link: Thing
Concept: Laskt's main deal is that he is a character that has been isolated in their beliefs and values for a very long time, and then is confronted with a new outlook and how he responds to it. He constantly holds himself to impossible standards and hates himself for not living up to that. His main goal is to live his life as close to those impossible standards and his job and protect peeps.
Way of Life: Due to his history, Laskt has crystalized his ideal person into this utterly self-sacrificing, unselfish and perfect person that never loses control. All Laskt really wants to do is to preserve justice and protect the innocent, and will throw himself into whatever danger or situation that will allow him to pursue that goal, often to near suicidal degrees. He honestly could give less of a crap about rewards, recognition, or even a simple thank you, often refusing such things as he believes that heroism is something that rejects such things. He honestly tries his absolute hardest to avoid selfishness, pursuit of glory and keep perfect control of himself at all times, never once breaking the facade.
Below the surface however, Laskt has major issues. He has major self-confidence issues due to the fact that his growth is rather slow and often is mired in self-loathing for not adhering to his impossible standards. Laskt holds a lot of trauma from the battles he's fought, often obsessing over the smallest mistakes he makes to a degree that becomes unhealthy. For example, after his Hollowfication in Beijing, he repeatedly stated that he believes himself to be a traitor to the Gotei and everything it stands for, despite the fact that the circumstances were far out of his control.
Application Link: Thing
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:57 am
Free Zanpakuto from Oetsu
III. Bankai
» Bankai Release Phrase: Bankai, Kōsen Junan (香山受難, Martyrdom of the Fragrant Mountain)
» Bankai Release Action: [Player Choice]
» Bankai Appearance: Upon activation of Kōsen Junan the armour of Laskt falls away, his protections throw aside. His body glows in a bright white and a silhouette forms above him taking the shape of a woman that has bowed her head in acceptance. Five spears materialise that pierce through Laskt's torso with incredibly pain, rooting him to the spot without killing him but making him functionally trapped.
» Bankai Abilities: A purely selfless bankai that is the materialisation of the desire to protect and offer mercy to all those he can. Kōsen Junan possesses only one power, the power of protection at the cost of oneself. For the length of Kōsen Junan's activation Laskt's durability is treated as untrained and he cannot reduce the pain he feels.
- One Thousand Blessings, One Thousand Punishments
Anchored in place and kept alive by his bankai, Laskt gains the power of being able to possess a thousand lives. If he is killed he will recover in the most extremely painful of ways. All of this sufferring he endures accomplishes on thing, that in return for his life he spares others. This bankai enforces the effect onto anyone (that Laskt wants to protect) under the light of the woman that emanates from his body. The innocent are spared and he will take it in their place.
If he dies on his one thousandth life he will die. Naturally by attacking him one can pointlessly shave off his lives without the effect applying to another person.
Bankai Weaknesses
Stationary: Laskt cannot move and he is functionally incapacitated by the bankai.
Exposed: He cannot fight back while he is in his bankai meaning that he must rely on the people who he is saving from death to protect him. If he were to use his bankai in a situation wherein he was the only one around an enemy could simply keep killing him until he died.
Heavily Situational: In a large scale conflict he can save a lot of people but his lives will burn through very quick.
Shade: The effect can only work on someone that is under the light of the woman to receive her grace, if someone where undercover or in the shade where the light didn't touch them they wouldn't be able to be effected by the bankai.
- IoriVeteran Member
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Re: Request a Zanpakuto Concept
Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:24 am
Character Name: Rio Shihoin
Concept: The driving concept behind Rio is nearly a representation of the name given to me for her by Rawk. She is the protector of her family and is willing to go to any length to defend them from harm. In other words, I'd call her a defender with a mind of steel.
Way of Life: Due to being born as the younger sister to Chidori and the various events that happened in her life - such as her mother's death and Chidori's absences - Rio is someone who realized that instead of crying about things, she had to be strong - not only for herself - but for her family. She had to build her mind up, strengthen her spirit, and not let herself be held down by the weight of despair. Obstacles and adversity will always appear in one's life, but she knows she can overcome it by being that pillar that her family can lean on in times of need. Her mind must be one of steel, like an impenetrable shield.
Application Link: (No app up yet, only google doc writings. if the link doesn't work, let me know in dms and I can send it to you or I can make you be able to view it, etc. etc. )
Concept: The driving concept behind Rio is nearly a representation of the name given to me for her by Rawk. She is the protector of her family and is willing to go to any length to defend them from harm. In other words, I'd call her a defender with a mind of steel.
Way of Life: Due to being born as the younger sister to Chidori and the various events that happened in her life - such as her mother's death and Chidori's absences - Rio is someone who realized that instead of crying about things, she had to be strong - not only for herself - but for her family. She had to build her mind up, strengthen her spirit, and not let herself be held down by the weight of despair. Obstacles and adversity will always appear in one's life, but she knows she can overcome it by being that pillar that her family can lean on in times of need. Her mind must be one of steel, like an impenetrable shield.
Application Link: (No app up yet, only google doc writings. if the link doesn't work, let me know in dms and I can send it to you or I can make you be able to view it, etc. etc. )
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