Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Starter Member
Joined : 2020-01-10
Posts : 10
Age : 55
Location : Send me your location let's . .

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Platinum Points:
Enter: Milora Salvator. The first hollow encounter. Left_bar_bleue0/0Enter: Milora Salvator. The first hollow encounter. Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Enter: Milora Salvator. The first hollow encounter. Empty Enter: Milora Salvator. The first hollow encounter.

Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:21 pm
It was a cold, rainy night outside in the New London alleyway. There were no sounds, from anything, and no people were around. Even the crooks that'd appear at night have just disappeared. " Maybe the War just caused the streets to just . . stop? " Milora thought to herself as she continued onward through the dark alleyway, making her way towards the orphanage with a small plastic bag. She'd stop at a small box, grabbing a can of tuna and opening it, placing it inside the box. A bundle of kittens would come from the shadows to eat the tuna. Milora would pet a few before continuing on through the rain. She'd walk away, a bright smile on her face . . .

As she continues down the lightly lit, rainy alleyway a large figure appears, looking around the area while lightly growling. Upon further inspection, it had odd skin and a strange mask. Suddenly, information just flooded her head. " It's one of the hollow things inside the books. " she thought to herself. It made sense as to why nobody was around now, they most likely got attacked. But what to do now since she couldn't get help from anyone else as she was sure the hollow would attack her. Quickly improvising, she hid behind a couple of boxes, hidden from sight. The hollow's growls turned into sniffs as it approached Milora. She was frozen in fear, unable to do anything. Suddenly, a giant swipe knocked back the boxes and Milora, pressing her against a wall. She screamed in pain as the hollow stared her down. Even though it was small, it was still twice the size of Milora. Suddenly, a small flash would appear and the hollow would disappear, alongside a small shard dropping from Milora's face. She couldn't tell what came after that; teardrops, or the heavy rain. " Search the area. The couldn't have been too far from here. " could be heard from the distance as time passed. Instinctively, Milora began to run, blind to her destination. She got lucky as it was the direction of the orphanage. In the end she didn't get caught and was scolded by the orphanage for both staying out too long and messing up her clothing. She didn't care enough, as whatever happened made Milora question what was to come in the future, which frightened her immensely.

Last edited by Gazingas on Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:10 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Continuing the thread.)
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