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Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:38 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

Yahiko hadn't yet joined the ranks fo the Gotei. Not out of fear or any such thing as that. He'd fought people far from master-level over these years. His skills may have rusted past his previous set. So he stood across facing another student here training Hakuda. Yahiko observed for now watching the movements closely. Observing and examining what came of it. The student came forward using a right cross. Yahiko could follow the movements alright. But he wasn't sure if that meant anything. This wasn't a master either. He didn't strike as of yet as he sought something. Yahiko's right hand shot up to the male student's face. Merely holding it there and stopping as he held it open. To let the person know to stop that he was thankful. Offering a polite formal bow. Yahiko didn't see it there either something he couldn't put his finger on. His martial arts were stagnant he knew that part. But what could he do to make them break free? It was a problem he'd not considered. The Shihoin family was important to him.

So many things he wished to protect with his fists. But his skills something was missing now. Something important almost fundamental he could sense it. But he didn't know what it was even training here. Was it a lack of formal training that derailed him? Perhaps that was the case, his mother's style was open in its form. Most of her techniques involved the usage of her fire Shunko. Yahiko didn't have a fire-based one. His own was wind and while he did use it in many ways. It was far from complete even his zanpakuto mastery was above normal for his power. Yahiko had a very precise way he did things. Training himself but never putting others in danger with it. Nor harming his zanpakuto or self for sake of growth. Believing that the correct path is one that benefits and grows. Slowly he pulled a nutrient bar from his pocket. Taking a bite out of it as he sat there on a bench considering it carefully. Did he go the route of more Shunko techniques, did that answer the issue of Hakuda?

He wanted to help but something was missing as of this moment. Yahiko would have to get guidance from one of the instructors. Glancing at his fist for a moment he still sensed it somewhere. It wasn't right so the only choice was to go ask a master. The one who taught here as part of the Shin'o Academy was known for her splendid Hakuda. He checked around with students who directed him to where she could be found. Yahiko didn't care for talking or words in general. They often had dubious meanings and held false truths. Actions spoke volumes in his mind as he cleared his mind. "I feel something missing from my Hakuda. Could you tell me what it is if you see it?" Yahiko was always a bit more direct not to be rude. But to not waste her time or anyone else's she could produce many steller students. Aside from helping some guy who felt something missing from his fighting style.
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:23 am


Ulv was helping out the teacher in the Shin'o Academy as part of her order. She was wearing the most stately dress one could imagine, and coupled with the lack of real muscle and the demure appearance of the maid, it seemed she was wholly unprepared for being here and was far more administration than anything else. Which was technically right, but still. And yet, someone still approached her over the instructor, and asked such a vague question. How would she know what was missing without knowing what he fought like? Not everyone was the same kind of combatant, after all.

"Hmm, sure. Hit me with it. And by that I mean literally hit me with your Hakuda" Ulv replied, as gentle and polite as she looked, while still seeming blunt and to the point to avoid misunderstandings.



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Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:58 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

He gave a simple nod and didn't ask further questions. Yahiko was a simple man given instruction and did it. His eyes didn't wander as he took his stance. Throwing a straight right at her. Using his full power behind the blow. He could change the angle into a hook or an uppercut. It wasn't time for a deceitful approach. He needed to know why it felt off to him. Something was missing from his punches and kicks. Though he questioned what would be done to him. This woman's posture had no openings even then. The illusion of an opening was present certainly. But it felt like he if attacked that place. Death was a certain outcome with no chance of survival. Yahiko felt sweat drip down from his brow. She held an intensity that was unseen beneath the surface. If he focused too much on her. It felt like being crushed by a mountain of pressure. His eyes closed now as he looked ahead with not confusion but questions. What was it he was lacking at this moment? Why was he too dim to know what it was? It could perhaps have something to do with his mastery level.

Maybe he was too unskilled to locate what he sought. Yahiko could also use kicks and strange movements. When fighting combining elements of Shunko and Hoho. But Hakuda for some reason felt lackluster right now. As though something important was missing. What was it had his mother hidden truth from him before she died? Her style as he remembered it relied heavily on the usage of her own Shunko. Something just didn't seem right to him about his combat style.
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:30 pm


At first, Ulv wanted to stop his fist and just lecture him about how the fact that his mind was everywhere but the fight he was starting. But, that didn't help her study his form, so she just stood there, in no stance, and let him hit her. It was a decent blow, all told, and she wouldn't sneeze at it or decry him. From there, she would take the force and use her Flow Control, channelling the impact through her chest and then into her arm. She wasn't going to try and hurt him to much, so she restrained her strength entirely and just used what he had 'given' her.

Though, the blow still came without warning in any form. She got hit and then suddenly the back of her palm had snapped out to strike him across the jaw. This was part of the plan after all, and if he wasn't a moron, she could progress from here.



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Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:00 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

The backhand that came was so fast it caught him unaware. As hit his jaw he felt his frame go lopsided for a moment. Almost going down as he caught himself. His bell had gotten rung most certainly by that blow. He got a feeling she could read his mind now or a hunch. Could she tell that he was thinking about other things when he fought? Yahiko didn't know for sure on that subject as he brought a hand up. It felt like he'd hit himself. No, did she adjust her blow to be what his power was? It certainly stung that was for sure. Being hit by it made him wonder about a couple of things. But he stood and waited for the lesson to begin. His mind became empty devoid of anything not involving the matter at hand. Yahiko knew better than to focus on her. She had a presence that would knock mountains lopsided. So it had to be best to listen to her lessons going forward. Especially to address his flaws he knew of. Fundamental or otherwise she had the keys to this gate. His jaw felt stiff yet from that blow.

The angle of her delivery was perfect and on point. She could have chained that into so many blows. Yahiko would have been eating through a straw for about a month. If he was lucky and the Gotei still had seasoned healers anyways. If not he was in some trouble. That would certainly leave him in a painful place. He stood silent and waiting not asking what was it for. He got the picture pretty well, his thoughts weren't where they belonged.
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:09 pm


"There" Ulv spoke, and gently nodded her head as he didn't pass out from the blow. "You have struck, and been struck by your form. You can see how it works from every angle, and from here you can see what, if anything, you are missing. Personally I know nothing about you so any opinions I have on how you fight are completely worthless. What looks bad on paper could be a style designed to look bad so your opponent underestimates you, and then a hidden knuckle puts them on the ground"

Ulv would give her advice and then wait. It was one thing to ask for a lesson and then look to incorporating that into your form, but just saying 'summat 'rong blud' and leaving it at that didn't help.



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Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:12 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

He needed to work on his communication skills. His Hakuda did feel potent and better than average against his jaw. Maybe it was because she was the one executing it. His frame stood for a moment as he spoke again. Yahiko licked at his lips a bit moistening them. "I'm not communicating things well. I was raised and taught mother since I was a boy to fight as a Shihoin. " He paused trying to explain it in words as he glanced at his hands. He didn't know what it was about his style or performance that felt off to him. "She used a technique our family uses frequently. That you may have seen or heard of. All of my skills are meant to supplement my Hakuda. But I feel like my Hakuda is lacking..perhaps direction? I'm sorry I am not so good at communication." He said softly as he finished now his eyes looked furrowed. Her backhand did help in one way. He was able to realize a couple adjustments to make. So next time he didn't get back up from that.

But that was more angle and trajectory than anything else. The Shihoin or at least his mother didn't utilize a normal style. She hit her enemies hard and fast with Shunko. Using a ton of her power to obliterate her foe before her. That was the method she'd chosen as a fire user. Yahiko didn't like the idea of that as it felt off. He wished to study Hakuda itself and improve himself. To develop into a fine and skilled warrior. "I'd like to ask for instruction, I have no formal discipline in Hakuda or the Martial arts." He said that not proudly but merely accepting the fact himself.
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 18, 2020 7:53 pm


"I have not seen or heard of this technique, no. Do you mind showing me?" Ulv asked as he spoke about what he was doing. Maybe she would be able to make a breakthrough in understanding who he was and how she was going to train him.

Once he showed her the technique - or indeed, refused to because it was special family stuff - she'd cock an eyebrow as he exclaimed he had no discipline in Hakuda or general unarmed combat. Which seemed, a falicy on multiple levels, from her point of view. Maybe he was just another super depressive like Henrex?
"So, why don't you have a formal discipline? Did you stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalala when your mother tried to teach you?"



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Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:29 pm

The Shihoin Shadow

Yahiko Shihoin

Yahiko nodded stepping back a moment as a white light pulsated around his form for a moment. Pounding energy began to emerge around his back and shoulders. Before finally it erupted and a small swirling of white lights around his frame could be seen. The clothing on his back had been blown off. He inhaled a bit as his control of his Shunko had been finer tuned. He'd not had occasion to pull it out unless fights were drastically bad. His hair went into the air as the area around him seemed filled with wind. He was the breeze filling the training grounds at the moment. Slowly it died down as he began to turn it off. Yahiko was one of the Shihoin who did pick up the skill. Or rather his mother taught him it formally. "No, my mother believed firmly that disciplines were unnecessary things. Any discussion would lead to her version of that technique being used on me." Yahiko said softly as he knew her well. His mother saw styles as pointless crutches that people had. Devoting one's life to things beyond power was meaningless to her.

But with Shunko already in your grasp master it and perfect the technique. Make that your style was her belief. Yahiko believed Shunko could be a style but discipline is something you could apply to it and your Hakuda. It wasn't like he didn't try to pick some upon the earth. Their family generally didn't show off how to use the technique. Yahiko was no exception in that regard, showing his activation of it. He assumed it was enough for the instructor to gain an understanding.
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 18, 2020 8:42 pm


Ahh, Shunko. She had her eye on it for a while but never really managed to see it in action. Doubly so without being ready to scan the man with her Reikaku and study the application of the energy. Though her lack of Kido would be a heavy sticking point on using it herself, maybe if she replaced the Kido with the energy that she used to create a Cero...It might just work.

"So you have been taught freeform combat and been given a powerful technique to back it up. I am failing to see what the issue here is. Unless the issue is just your distinct lack of confidence, which I can't do anything for you"


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