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- BladeThe Hybrid King
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Thrown In At The Deep End (Helle/Saisei) [Semi-Open]
Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:28 pm
Saisei | The Vandereich's Newest Recruit
The dreary afternoon sun had found itself hidden away behind the day's rain clouds. The dark grey sky left an ominous backdrop for the City of Light, the gentle rain leaving much to desire in regards to the weather. It was Saisei's third, maybe fourth day on 'base' with the Vandenreich. Trying his best to grow accustomed to living near others still, the boy had found his way to one of the many outdoor training facilities the organization had built up on the island fortress.
Helle had asked Saisei to come to the facility early the day before, her intentions of guiding the boy in the right direction made very clear. While it was awkward listening to the orders of others, the young boy didn't mind. The Vandenreich would help him seek the answers he needed, surely he could trust anyone and everyone associated with the organization and Cyrus himself. Nevertheless, Saisei arrived on site with nothing but the clothes on his back. Surely he wouldn't need anything else with someone like Helle at the helm.
As bare and simple as the facility seemed, Saisei knew that it was built in order to help those under the organization's order. Clearly, they knew what they were doing. Despite the pouring rain, the field set out before Saisei was relatively dry, filled with little to no equipment to keep the grounds as clean as possible. If anything, those coming to the City of Light would be working with some type of equipment of their own so it made sense in the long run.
Helle was nowhere to be seen, whether that meant the boy was blind or she simply hadn't arrived meant very little to him. Thoughts of their training and possible practice raced through his mind, his body moving on its own as he made his way to take his first steps onto the field.
As generic as it looked, the field itself was special in a sense compared to what some may assume an outdoor facility would have. The floor to the field matched the exact floor immediately outside of its vicinity. Not just that, but the entire floor of the City of Light. Mineral in nature, something clearly special to the island fortress. The changed nothing for the boy as he warmed up quietly to himself, the pinging of the rain around him leaving a gentle click in his ears.
"Well, guess there's nothing to do but wait at this point right?"
Saisei muttered to himself quietly, picking his feet up and jogging in place a small bit before beginning to stretch out his legs. Helle would arrive any moment now and the boy would finally start his journey here with the Vandenreich.
Good things were on the way.
END POST | The King's Ever-Growing Influence
- SieghartyVeteran Member
- Joined : 2019-02-28
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Re: Thrown In At The Deep End (Helle/Saisei) [Semi-Open]
Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:46 am
Helle Armstrong
“Yes. Deliver these papers... All of them. Yes. Mhmm. Thank you.” Finally, the daily routine was completed. Disgracing herself by allowing her posture to fail in her seat, Helle’s emerald eyes focused on the ceiling right above her in respite. However, there is no rest for the weary. As one task is completed, another shall surely take its place. At least what is to come, hopefully, brings the woman some form of entertainment. Her eyes move to her lone window to watch the rain fall. Though, her sudden excitement moves her from her seat in mere moments of her gawking as her clothing begins to fall as she prepares herself to change.
The crunch of metal on wet crystalline ground announces her arrival to the training facilities they had agreed upon. Dressed accordingly for potential combat, one would call Helle’s preparations a bit overkill. There is doubt in her mind that Saisei would show the potential to injure her gravely during their session, but she has goals in her mind that she desires to achieve with the young man. This is why she appears decked in full armor, excluding her helmet. Due to the emptiness within, it is simply a matter of entering the same area and seeing Saisei stretching. It seems they will have the facility for themselves, no foul play involved. Nope. No special orders given at all.
“Ah, Saisei. Preparing for our session I see.” She announces her arrival with a fair call out as she steps closer. “Do be forewarned. I may leave thou unable to walk.” Her smile is small and sweet, but the aura around her is far from innocent. Yet, she moves herself away from him to the center of the room. “However, first off, we will begin with simple meditation, preparing the mind for the strain we shall be enacting upon it. Come and sit.”
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