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Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:50 am
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Alastor was doing some rounds, the normal Shadow Captain things. A role that totally didn't actually exist for him, yet. Maybe eventually. Murasaki was pretty cool, he liked spending times with her. It was just nice hanging out, nothing too complicated like that.

Was she cute? Yeah and they had technically been on a few dates but she was the captain. That'd be a little weird if they went further, did she wanna? Ah. Too many questions.

He took a peek around, looking for his fellow redhead of the squad. He had some papers for her to deliver.


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Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:50 am

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“Alright. You’re gonna end up losing ya head if you don’t duck these things.”

What’s the best way to learn how to fight? By actually fighting. That’s what Elyss is doing with another person who had taken interest in growing in their martial arts. She’s not the best teacher, that’s for sure, but she doesn’t mind helping someone practice some fundamentals. And, by practice, she means beating them until they understand what they’re doing wrong. This guy doesn’t know how to dodge a hook, so she just keeps throwing hooks at him until he gets the picture. She’s explained it so many times already, duck it or back away. Yet, this man keeps trying to take it, and each time, he finds himself rocked. It’s a bit sad really. It just looks like Elyss is bullying the guy, but he’s not losing his enthusiasm. The redhead has to give him credit. That’s not going to stop her from hitting over and over.



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Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:17 am
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There she was, abusing her newest meal for the day. It was kind of painful to watch the poor guy get up again and again. Maybe he liked it, Alastor probably would accept the same situation. Just with less of being beaten up and more being on top of her- Papers. Right, also Murasaki. It wasn't like serious yet but it'd be pretty shitty of him to be getting around.

"Elyss! Stop beating him up, captain's got work for you."

He called out to her, holding the papers up. They seemed to involve a lot of complaints and collateral damage, he assumed was caused by her.


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Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:17 am

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Eh? Who’s the one calling her out? Sounds familiar. With a turn of her head, she sees a familiar lock of red hair and mangy form. Oh, it’s Alastor. What does he want? The Captain? Work? He has papers in his hand. Must be some kind of work for her. Tch… The guy on the ground was just starting to show a bit of promise too. Ah. Whatever. She dismisses him, and the guy just goes off to nurse his bruises. He’s probably going to be sore tomorrow.

“What’s the Captain got for me?” She’d ask, rubbing her wrists and flexing her fingers while walking towards him.



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Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:29 am
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"Oh, you know. A long list of complaints or something. What have you been doing to stir up all this trouble?"

He held them out while sighing. The gorilla really was something. Jesus. As long as he didn't get beaten up he didn't care.

"Anyway, I got told to tell you to not get in trouble as well. You know? That's easy, right?"

Alastor checked, yawning while waiting for her response to the papers and the whole complaints that the writer had no idea as to what they were, only that they surely could exist.


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Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:36 am

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“People have a problem with me? They should just come talk to me instead of filing complaints. I’m approachable.”

As if knowing the irony about her own words, she smirks. However, it’s gone the next second, her expression slightly more serious as she’d reach and take the papers from him. A quick look over and her eyes are closed, a sigh slipping from between her lips. Most of these are literally just complaints that she’s too mean or how painful it is to train with her. Well, there are also a few about how she broke some of the training dummies. What do these people expect her to do? They should just get better training equipment that doesn’t break so easily.

“Am I mean, Alastor?” That question came out of nowhere, but it’s probably obvious why she’s asking. She’d look up at the guy, with a brow up. She’s curious how he’ll respond, whether it’ll be truthful or a bit spiced up to keep her from getting pissy, as if she would though.



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Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor] Empty Re: Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:42 am
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"Yeah, don't get me wrong Elyss. You're hot but just being hot isn't enough to make you approachable, you ought to try and take tips out of Himiko or the captain's book if you really want people to not flinch at your very presence or something. Yeah, you're pretty mean. I don't think you do it intentionally, and you can write it down to people being big babies but uh... yeah, I think you act a bit too much like a bitch sometimes to avoid that kind of rep. Just try and be cool, you know. Like me."

Way more scathing than he meant. He was real tired, so he didn't think too hard about how Elyss might take his honesty of not being that approachable or even that feminine really. Either way, he did end up answering her question. Now would he be taking a quick old trip to Murasaki as quickly as possible to not end up beaten into the dirt.

No he wasn't that much of a coward. Murasaki would more likely find Elyss dragging his face through the dirt with their difference in strength and be summoned by all the commotion.


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Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor] Empty Re: Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:06 am

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“You think I’m hot?”

Out of all things to take out of that, that’s what she decides to focus on? To be fair, she already knows she’s a bit of an asshole. She doesn’t need someone telling her any of this because it’s blatant to everyone, even herself. She just wanted to see if someone would actually tell her the truth to her face instead of just turning in worthless papers.

“Eh, whatever. I don’t try to be feminine or anyone worth approaching. If ya need me, ya need me. People wanting idle chit chat? I’m not good at that. I’d rather just be on my own instead of feeling nervous about something stupid.”

But, she sighs and shakes her head a bit. Guess she should try humoring people more. It’d be no good to only let certain people bother her with meager things. Everyone will think she’s showing favoritism or something. If she’s nice to Himiko, why is she mean to the other girls that act like the Vixen? It’s contradicting, yeah? It’s a lot of annoying crap to think about, and Alastor being here doesn’t help her focus on anything that’d seem like a solution.

“Is that all ya got or is there something else Capt. wants with me?”



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Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor] Empty Re: Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor]

Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:45 am
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"I guess? Don't get what's so surprising about it. Anyway.."

He shrugged it away, it must be going alright if he hadn't been eating dirt by this point. He cracked his neck, stretching out the stiffness from paperwork earlier while considering her words.

"So your just shy, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, no wonder you act like that."

When she asked if there was anything else he gave it a thoughtful look, was there anything else? Technically no. Except..

"Nope. That's it, anyway, drinks after work Elyss. Don't be late or you're a chicken."

What better way to get her out of her comfort zone than to force her into a social situation which would be full of stress.


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Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor] Empty Re: Papers for You [Elyss/Alastor]

Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:37 am

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“Huh? What? Why? What makes you think I’m not busy after work? Ya think I ain’t got no date or something, brothah?”

First he insults her to her face, and then he invites her out to get drunk or something. She’s not shy! She just doesn’t care about social interaction because she’s no good at it and it’s nerve wracking and everyone has too much personality and talks too much… Alright, maybe she is shy, but that’s whatever. He’s still pulling her away from her calm afternoon just because he’s thirsty or whatever. She’s no chicken!

“Whatever… I’ll be around… Bye!”

And she’s gone, tossing the papers into a nearby trash can as she went. She’s angry, but that’s just her natural state of being. The next time Alastor would see her, she’s dressed in a normal outfit: just a red shirt with black slacks on. Her eyes closed while she’s leaning against a wall near the outskirts or the Seventh Division, one would think she’s asleep. She is.



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