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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:32 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Tomoe-header


She sighed, it was really tiring for her. Instead of sleeping last night for the few hours she had between her intensive training and the next routine lined up for the day she had woken up in a puddle of her own sweat from her nightmare. Always the same one that left her biting her lip and unable to sleep for hours afterward.

Just because she had no sleep though didn't mean she would slack off or take a day to herself. She still showed up for the extra class she had signed up for, this Shishiyuki woman she thought seemed strangely average. It was like she was at the cusp of looking talented and yet she seemed like anyone else could do the same moves she did.

In the little groups she worked with her sparring partner. A man larger than her who went through the process fluidly, her own strikes were a bit lower quality that she would normally put out. Not enough that she failed to block and counter in this rhythmic dance but still enough that she struggled to focus.


Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:44 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] QBAyyTL


Generally, Shishiyuki found her classes rather underwhelming. There was nothing wrong with the unremarkable quality of their hakuda, particularly considering they were in training, of course. But maintaining the level of mediocrity which would be most pertinent did grate on her, ever so slightly.

"Miss Arima, keep focused. Your gaze is faltering."

It was a relatively gentle reminder, but one which needed to be made. Makoto's form was visibly lacking, and Shishiyuki could see the general lack of direction in her strikes. While she doubted that being focused would raise the woman's technique particularly drastically, it was nevertheless important to correct any failings.


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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:54 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Tomoe-header


It was a tiny distraction but it was all Makoto needed when she heard Shishiyuki speak up and take that last bit of focus she had before her sparring partner's hand slipped past and connected with her nose. A nice strike that made her recoil from the blood beginning to drip down her nostril.

"I understand ma'am.."

The hit did wake her up but it did frustrate her. It shouldn't have connected, it shouldn't have gotten close to her if she wasn't so tired. If this was life or death, she'd be dead because she struggled to keep her eyes open. Pathetic. Unnerved though she didn't bother taking a stance when her sparring partner advanced again.

Instead she just felt the restraint she had been imposing lift a little and she acted on instinct. In a single strike she sent her unfortunate partner into the ground, straddling him while trying to attack the tender spots of his body. Her body just begged for her to stop, her intent to kill was not completely broadcast to anyone except maybe the most experienced person in the room.

Makoto wanted blood for blood as she laid into him aggressively under the gaze of her peers.


Last edited by Gamma on Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] CHARACTER_LISTSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] GRAPHICS_THREADSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:33 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] QBAyyTL


At first, Shishiyuki had felt that there was no need to put further attention toward Miss Arima, and had returned her gaze to the other students. However, the moment that Makoto's anger came to the forefront, she once more turned her attention toward this unruly student. This was very much not the response she would have expected from most students. In fact, it was more akin to what she might have anticipated from a member of the Combat Division of old.


Stepping to Makoto's side before any truly significant harm could be brought to her unfortunate sparring partner, Shishiyuki raised her hand and brought her middle finger under her thumb, tensing for a moment before releasing an impressive, if still thoroughly restrained, oni dekopin to force Makoto off. If she retained her violent manner, then Shishiyuki would certainly face her, but she did not take up a stance just yet. Calm, tranquil, unremarkable.


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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:45 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Tomoe-header


The words of Shishiyuki were hard to make out while she laid into her disarmed partner. The intervention was quite a welcome one, despite the fact it was a shameful thing that she got to experience in being struck and sent a couple of metres away. For someone who trained as much as Makoto though she reached down pushed herself airbourne to be able to twist and land with a flip.

The seated officer winced a little while staring down Shishiyuki, there was still a bit of blood trickling down from her nose but she decidedly followed up on the assault towards her teacher. Not because she was lacking control, she just wanted to try and glean something from the instructor and work out some frusration in the process.

Better her than the partner she was assigned to. So Makoto kicked off and tried to get get in front of Shishiyuki, bringing a strike up to test how she responded and blocked. Was there a pattern that she could discern? Anger was the easiest state to fight Makoto in, it was reckless. When she settled down but her blood still boiled? That was when she became a lot more thought out and sadistic. She wasn't a berserker, it was a precise and calculated intent to kill.


Last edited by Gamma on Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] CHARACTER_LISTSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] GRAPHICS_THREADSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:35 pm
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] QBAyyTL


Makoto's form was actually rather impressive, particularly considering her obvious lack of training and her rather young age. However, what concerned Shishiyuki was the look in her student's eyes. Not because she particularly feared it, but rather because it felt eerily as though she were looking at herself in the mirror.

She did not appreciate it.

As Makoto struck out, Shishiyuki simply brought up her hand, fingers outstretched, and met the fist with the Ichibyou Senkuka Tokikaze Kantsuukon, allowing energy to flow through her hand before striking Makoto's knuckles with the tip of each finger. If applied at her full strength, every bone in Makoto's hand would have certainly shattered, if not every bone in her arm. However, Shishiyuki did not wish to allow herself such a violent response, and so drastically held herself back, enough to simply cause rather extreme pain in Makoto's hand and likely give her nerves a bit of a shock.

Of course, given the gulf between the two, Shishiyuki had ample time to respond to Makoto's blow with one of her own. There was no small part of her which wished to simply break the woman's every limb, but that was not an acceptable response in this environment. Instead, she simply shot out a single Ichibyou Senkuka Chihaya Raitonsui, her knee jetting forward in the blink of an eye to strike Makoto in the solar plexus. It was tremendously reduced in its strength from what Shishiyuki would normally be capable of, just enough to knock the breath from her for a minute or two.

Even if the thought of caving in the woman's sternum had, however briefly, seemed appealing.


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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:50 pm
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Tomoe-header


She felt the pain through her hand, the way it burned its way through the nerves of her arm. Regardless of the pain and instinct to recoil, she bared her teeth and refused to budge. The killing intent which made her try and extend her fingers, flatten out her hand and try and sneak it underneath Shishiyuki's. If she could she'd grab and dig her nails into her forearm, the anchor despite the fact that it could probably be broken quite easily.

"Ugh... Hnngh."

Makoto's spite only got higher, it was impossible to resist the reaction of whimpering from the strike to her core. Her legs were shaky and her chest heaved to try and get its breath back but her hand refused to let go of the other woman's arm. Feebly Makoto tried to tug her forward and bury a fist into her side. The matter of self preservation was second to her desire to get stronger, but more importantly hurt Shishiyuki. It had been her sparring partner but now it was someone much greater than her, Makoto was that sparring partner she had been treating like a punching bag.


Last edited by Gamma on Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] CHARACTER_LISTSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] GRAPHICS_THREADSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:46 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] QBAyyTL


Shishiyuki's eyes glanced briefly toward Makoto's fingers, rather impressed by her tenacity. She was knowledgeable enough about both the body and Hakuda to know the degree of pain that Makoto would presumably have been in to uncurl her fist after that. That tenacity, however, was not only impressive to Shishiyuki, but was also the faintest degree aggravating for how much she saw herself in it.

As Makoto attempted to pull her forward, Shishiyuki simply stepped effortlessly into the pull, using Makoto's own momentum to drive an Ichibyou Senkuka Chihaya Funsoku into her stomach, two fingers impacting in a manner superficially similar to the Tsukiyubi. Upon impact, however, the force of the blow immediately dispersed through Makoto's midsection, leaving her exactly where she stood rather than blowing her away and letting the full power of the strike directly harm her rather than carry through into any movement.

When properly applied, a good deal of Makoto's organs would likely have ruptured, given her relative weakness compared to Shishiyuki. Unfortunately, she could not simply do that to a student, so it was held back such that it would simply cause a rather extreme degree of pain, and quite likely massive nausea as well.

"Are you finished?"

Looking to the side, Shishiyuki noted that Makoto's blow had, ultimately, still made contact with her side. It had not done terribly much to her, of course, but it had nevertheless reached. This one had spirit.


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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:58 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Tomoe-header


What pain, it spread through her body but Makoto was reckless. Destructively so to not only others but also herself. It didn't matter that her entire arm might've possessed hairline fractures from the strike, nor the pain that was in there. Her gut was being abused by both the knee and the jab to her.

No one would care if she let go of Shishiyuki's arm, the onlookers probably didn't enjoy seeing her fight with the instructor despite getting to see the woman's techniques in action on a target, she would care though. Makoto would care and that's why she still insisted on holding onto the forearm despite the fact her legs shook underneath her own weight.

".. N-no."

Makoto's grip pulled her weight forward although her legs gave out and what was meant to be a headbutt only ended up with her forehead striking Shishiyuki's abdomen at best from the stagger. Despite that, unless she got countered the seated officer persisted to stay upright on her knees as much as possible rather than fall on the ground.


Last edited by Gamma on Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Gamma_Signature
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] CHARACTER_LISTSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] GRAPHICS_THREADSleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] Empty Re: Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:40 am
Sleep Tight, Fist Fight [Makoto, Shishiyuki] QBAyyTL


Shishiyuki was very much aware that the class had become entirely caught up in watching this bout against Makoto, and though she knew on some level that this was not a good thing, she could feel in the back of her mind an undeniable sense of pride. It was fleeting, as she cast those thoughts away, but the sense that others acknowledged her nevertheless remained. Kneeling to speak quietly to Makoto, such that the other students could not hear, she whispered almost gently to the student before her.

"You will die if you continue like this."

It was a warning of multiple meanings, something that came rather naturally to Shishiyuki. In the grand scheme of things, it was deadly to give oneself over to this sort of reckless abandon. It led to mistakes, put one at risk of earning the ire of deadly people. Of course, that was only one facet of the warning. The other was more immediate, and more direct:

Shishiyuki would kill her if she continued.

That, however, was not something Shishiyuki would allow herself the brief and ultimately minor pleasure of doing. So, instead, she brought up one hand, curled her fingers inward, and applied the Ichibyou Senkuka Chihaya Sekirin, rapping on Makoto's forehead once in a manner not dissimilar to knocking on a door. Naturally, a technique aimed at the head could easily cause tremendous damage, but Shishiyuki would allow it to do nothing more than knock the girl unconscious. A concussion may likely have still occurred, but that was unavoidable.

Still, of the class, this was by far her best student.


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