Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 5 Empty Re: Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie]

Sun May 16, 2021 5:49 pm
Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 5 Caseis10


There was a moment as he turned his focus from Sophie to the menu that their gazes had crossed and a look of realisation had lingered behind her eyes, a regrettable occurrence if she had taken offence to his action but stealing glances was an obscure compliment in its own way when on a date.

"Nothing too flashy, especially if neither of us is fond of letting food go to waste. Perhaps an artisan bread selection might suit us best, leave plenty of room for the rest of the meal."

He lowered the menu, turning it to face her as a finger indicated towards the appropriate section and his suggestion in turn. Taking charge of the food selection made matters straightforward enough, and there was little chance that such a simplistic choice would come around to bite him.

"Though I hope there are several choices for the main course that might catch your eye. Something at least a little inspiring, for such a fine evening."

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Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 5 Empty Re: Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie]

Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:31 pm
Returning the Favour [Alastair, Sophie] - Page 5 Header2


She agreed with his assessment, taking a look at the menu and picking out her choice. The decision to not be overly flashy was a point in his favour with her. Sophie liked that.

After a short wait she beamed at the food that arrived, trying to hide the fact that she had avoided eating for the sake of dinner. Nothing stung more to her than leaving food on her plate if she bought it, that wasn't her way.

"Alright. Let's eat!"

Sounded like a good way to dig in and let the evening settle down. She thought it'd be cute to let him walk her home afterwards, a reward for good work.


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