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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:57 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Yup, this was where her stench led.

Before the small woman was door to a familiar face - an apartment door. Only reason Liltotto hadn't bothered to go looking for her earlier was because of the comical amount of shit she had to reorganize out of a van and into an actual house for once in her life, not to mention all those other pesky settling in procedures and getting herself sorted out in this Vandenreich and...

Ugh, even thinking about it was a drag. Whatever, those weeks were over, and she spent a portion of her day trying to sniff this stank ass out, thankfully she didn't seem to change terribly much smell-wise, else she would've had to leave it to fate, considering she didn't even have her number, if she even had a goddamn phone at this point that is...

She really didn't care about dropping in unannounced, in nothing but an unseasonably bright yellow blouse, shorts, plain jacket, and of course a buttload of snacks in her bag slung over her shoulder. She was already on some stupid kiddy chips she saw at the store, but had a rather endearing mascot.

Knocking on the door, there was a limited amount of ways she thought Giselle would react upon seeing her, and she was fully prepared to avoid any immediate physical contact that would be used as a greeting.

"Giselle, it's me."

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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:07 pm
Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADRR_EFZe3tPU0Agd3PG

It had been a long afternoon! What had started out as an evening simply hanging around like she usually did, for once she'd ACTUALLY been called in for duty! A full week scrounging around america and keeping her wits about her. It was quite the change from her usual routine to say the least, even if it had been ....fairly boring. All the same, at least it had been SOMETHING. When she finally made it back and had secured a day off, giselle had spent the entire day just tending to her affairs. Making sure her apartment was clean and dusted, a bit of maintenance on her jukebox, honestly she had just planned on taking the day to unwind, get a few things done, and then probably go to sleep early.

And yet.... she looked up from the access panel on the jukebox with surprise when she heard that knock. A pause, considering just not answering. But well, she had responsibilities and shit now. So screwing the panel back on lazily with just two screws, assured she would get back to it after answering, she wiped her hands clean off a rag and then made her way to the door.

"Hey there, what can -hah..... LILTOTTO!" Initially just cracked open, the door suddenly SWUNG wide open as Giselle smiled and opened her arms wide! Grinning from ear to ear as she absoLUTELY attemnpted to swoop the girl into a hug! "It's been AGES! Look at you! Did you grow since I last saw you? You did! Ohhh how have you been?!" She asked, all smile as she promptly attempted to smother her protege/totally adopted daughter. Well alright, she wasn't actually the legal guardian or anything like that, but she had more or less raised the girl for years! After no doubt a bit of zipping around as Liltotto tried to dodge her hugging, she would settle down and tilt her head. "I'm surprised you came all the way out here, you could have just called and we could have met somewhere closer you know?"
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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:35 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

And, there it was! Giselle behaving exactly as expected, lunging towards her all happily, arms out ready to smother her!

Of course she ducked out of the way of the attempt at physical contact, and continued to do so as their reunion progressed.

"Uh, no, same height as always," She'd say between breaths, curling her lip into a slight mean smile, "Maybe the rot in your brain's gettin' to you."

A snicker aside at that rude comment, she'd go on while munching on her snack, "Same as always; wanting to load a head full of lead. Who's head? Dunno."

Soon the dodgefest would stop, the two of them at a standstill as Liltotto finally didn't have to go all Matrix just to avoid the unsolicited caring gesture, before stopping her munching, letting out a loud groan and rolling her eyes,

"Because I don't have your fucking phone number, why the hell else?!" She threw her hands up as she'd spout frustration, "You think I WANT to play bloodhound just for a meetup, dumbass? Not that I even had to try so hard since you smell like a fucking bitch lair!"

She'd sniff a few more times, looking a little confused, before softly refusing to question the additional smells she caught, one more unnerving than the others,

"Ugh, anyway. Was slogging through a mountain of crap just to get settled here, so I couldn't really visit sooner," She'd look at Giselle, then the doorway, then back at Giselle,

"So are ya gonna invite me in, or are we having some doorstep chat like i'm some sleazy salesman?"

END | Miss me?
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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:46 pm
Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_0592-0172

Giselle's expression shifted to amusement and incredulity as Liltotto went on. "Oh yea? Maybe you should have asked for my number then , stinky." She chimed, ignoring the comments about her scent as she took her phone out to give the girl her cell number, once she did that hand SNAPPED OUT! Attempting to pull Liltotto into a hug AND into her home! "BESIDES! I didn't even know you HAD a phone! The last time I had your number was years ago. I don't even know if that old rock you had before would work these days." She chuckled, promptly swooping into the kitchen and getting out a box of snacks, setting them on the couch and then pausing.

"Are you saying you miiiiissed me?" she asked, that smile even getting MORE annoyingly smug as she canted her head to the side, clearly adoring how much she could annoy the younger woman. Though honestly, compared to most around these days, they were both pretty old. "I admit, I WOULD have gone out looking for you a little sooner. Buuuuuuut I have been a bit busy with my new job. I DID send you a letter about it a while ago." She pointed out, pausing for a moment as she .....took a moment to consider. "Actually a lot of stuff has been taking up my attention lately. Sorry about that." She hummed, realizing she perhaps had probably been out of contact for more than it had simply felt like. They always did have a sort of 'see you when I see you' sort of dynamic.
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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:07 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Hastily typing the number into her own contact list, she saw that hand coming for her, but decided to let Giselle have her way. The alternative would've led to Giselle just be annoying and have her dodging hugs all afternoon; might as well get it out of her system. So she begrudgingly let Ms. Z manhandle her inside. Just looking at the interior gave her allergies and some sense of nostalgia - everything was practically from a bygone age to her. Her gaze scanned some items as she made her way to the couch, watching as Giselle ran off into the kitchen for exactly what she expected,

"Oh wait I brought... You know what, nevermind," She would not argue against extra food, shrugging and already taking a fistful, lying down and stuffing her face. She halted for a moment when Giselle asked if she missed her, only giving her a brief stink eye and flaring nostrils before looking away.

She'd make a bit of a face at Giselle, groaning, "God Giselle, don't apologize for that, shit happens..."

"Not knowing how the hell you got that to me aside, yeah, that's kind of also why i'm here," She was licking her fingers as she spoke, "What do you think i've been doing? I moved here and joined up, rather than being stuck in a car day and night. Sternritter duty... Least my ass doesn't have to sleep with one eye open here. I swear, the hollows have been getting way more dickish."

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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:40 pm
Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle made a happy little KEEEEEEE noise, resting her chin on the woman's shoulder before perking back up and canting her head to the side as she listened. More than pleased to hear she had actually GOTTEN the letter. However she did pause when she heard that mention of .....why she was here. A pause, brief confusion, before she smiled ....uncertainly. On one hand, she was incredibly proud to see that Liltotto wanted to ....DO something. Wanted to make something of her time instead of just hanging around eating.

"I'm....I'm actually really happy to hear that! I mean, I always knew you'd eventually find some place you liked. But ....I'm glad to hear that the place you found to stick with is here. If anyone bullies you you can totes let me know and I'll punch the fuck out of them!" She chimed, trying to sound bubbly, but she wasn't able to. Instead a ....soft ...proud...earnest smile formed on her face. It wasn't often she got attached to things, and truth be told, Liltotto, that little monster baby she'd helped raise was one of those few things that had managed to break through and become rather important.

"WELL! All that wishy washy stuff aside~ I look forward to working with ya! I'm sure you're gonna make TONs of friends!" She chimed, giving the girl an extra big squeezing bear hug before finally releasing them and putting her hands on her own hips, basking in how proud she was!
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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:13 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto rolled her eyes with Giselle's hyperactive shenanigans. She was acting like a damn puppy with separation anxiety, it had only been a few months away from each other... Sure it was after a full lifetime of her under the impression Giselle died, only for her to pop back into her life out of nowhere, but...

Her resting bitchface remained as Giselle processed what exactly she said, though her response made her expression falter somewhat, averting her gaze as she munched on another mouthful,

"Yeah. Found something to stick to. That's what I did," She never really brought up why she was going around on her own in the first place, refusing to settle down anywhere, and honestly today wasn't a good day for that kind of talk. She was fine tempting Giselle's nauseating doting for now, "Yeah, i'm not doing that, and you aren't punching anyone for me. Nobody's fucking bullying me, least not unscathed."

She'd form a lazy smirk, "I have my own ways of dealing with assholes if I need to-Ookay we're hugging again.."

If her skin and bones weren't practically invulnerable, she would've sworn Giselle broke something with that squeeze, raising an eyebrow at the oddly glowing expression on her face,

"..Anyway, your weirdo shit aside, what have you been doing since you got here? Any... Problematic guys about?"

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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:33 pm
Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_0592-0172

Giselle nodded along as Liltotto explained, taking a seat and seeming to ....consider things for a few moments. Admittedly it was a little....awkward that Liltotto was showing up when she herself was at a bit of a .......crossroads. Between feeling flat out useless and well.... the notion of ....getting a bit involved in things outside of just her normal duties. Frankly a conversation she .... might need to have with Helle. Not necessarily in the vein of the ....specifics. However, she did need to ....discern just how much of what she'd gleaned from Mazda was in line with Cyrus's values. Ugh...what a headache.

She glanced back to Liltotto and smiled, briefly feeling another gentle sensation of warmth to brush the thorns from her mind. It was ....definitely a welcome change to have her around. "Well I'm glad you have it in ya to stick up for yourself. It'll be nice to have someone I actually KNOW along on these patrols." She chuckled, suppressing the urge to make not of how ....... well boring they did tend to be.

"And....honestly not much. As you're aware of my hemocaustic tendencies, I am ....... more or less on watch that I don't do....well... much of anything unless absolutely necessary. Annnnnnnd honestly the Boys aren't really the problem. Then again I guess I've only mostly run into girls. Buuuut ...well know how people are around me. So I don't exactly have the best shake of the stick, ya know?" She smiled. Hesitant to just go outting people. The last thing she needed was Liltotto actively starting off on the wrong foot. She was aware of her own part in how she had been...... working with some of her coworkers. Lots of chips on shoulders. But that didn't mean it had to be the same for Liltotto. She wanted more for her than just an extension of her own beefs.
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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:58 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto almost spat something in retort to Giselle's stating of the obvious, but shut her mouth when she realized... She didn't really have much reference as to how she interacted with other people, apart from when she was like, a kid, well, the period she considered childhood with how little she knew and how inexperienced she was. And she was one of those freaky quiet people too - didn't really talk to anyone or anything, even if she did it wasn't at length. Then shortly after that it was just nothing but fighting...

Giselle really didn't have a full grasp on who she had become since then, did she? She couldn't help but let out a contemplative 'hmm' as she ate more snacks, "Guess so."

She'd listen to Giselle state her issue; of how the current Vandenreich was handling her because of her ability, something she didn't really seem too bugged by. Of course abilities like their's would be something for others to fear, but she had a sinking feeling that Giselle had some of those older tendencies motivating some tiresome thoughts. She remembered the woman's weird obsession with being useful, clear as day...

"Lemmie guess," She'd state between a chew and swallow, "You came over here, got all invested, and cuz of your mind-control blood crap along with your personality and history, a lot of people are wary of you. And now you probably feel useless being unable to do much, and that's probably driving you crazy."

She'd wave a finger about as she spoke, but didn't give Giselle a chance to respond before going, "Well, guess what? Shit's gonna be that way. This isn't old days where going nuts was pretty much expected or even encouraged, people who know about your ability are gonna treat you like a bomb, cuz to them, you are a bomb. Literally. What can you do about it now? Not much!"

She'd throw up her hands before dropping them, "Look. It takes time and work to build good rapport with people. For some, you'll never convince them, and you know what? Fuck them. If you're genuinely trying, you're trying, okay? If they don't come around, that's on them. Focus on the people who aren't ass-brained shitstains, you'd be a lot better off - for your happiness and sanity."

She couldn't help but admit to herself, these kinds of things were likely what she wanted to tell her before, but... Just, didn't have the know to express it.

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Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] Empty Re: Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle]

Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:20 am
Hey, Down Here [Liltotto/Giselle] HEADER_0592-0172

Giselle raised a brow at that and smiled calmly as she listened to Liltotto. "No, I expected as much~ Buuuuut." She smiled and reached out, this time not hugging the girl, but patting her on the shoulder. " It's really nice to hear this from you though~ Look at you, all grown up and trying to help me." She chimed fondly, pride in her expression, honestly she wished she could really take credit for it. She hummed, tapping her chin for a moment.

"Weeeeeeell you may have a point. But I like complaining about it anyway~" She chimed, smiling from ear to ear as she stood up to her full minuscule height and then put a hand on her hip. "That saiiiiiid, I'm not really all that worried about building rapport. All the leering is just annoying. I gotta admit I'm a little surprised that Cyrus even accepted me given the circumstances. But it's not like I'm sure he feels like talking about that or anything." She stuck her tongue out. Nobody really seemed all that keen on talking to her. So to that effect, why bother? Weirdly enough Mazda is the only person who has had a cognizant conversation with me about the subject. But well, there's a whole lot of other things he said that are on the worrisome side."[/color] She murmured, she WAS still thinking about taking a trip to some ....places. But direct action wasn't the play. She'd have to be .....IF she decided to be, cunning. To be frank, Raida would probably love that shit.

"What about you hm? Have you been on your first patrol yet? Any Vandenreich operations?" She ventured with a tilt of her head.
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