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Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19564
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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[THEFROST]'s Graphic Request Round 3?  Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[THEFROST]'s Graphic Request Round 3?  Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[THEFROST]'s Graphic Request Round 3?  Empty [THEFROST]'s Graphic Request Round 3?

Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:10 am
If you need an example of my work, just browse this thread:

Please note the site had a template update so it is somewhat hard to browse, but the graphics/templates should work with a patch.[

◄Frosty's Request Template►

►Request: (Put your request and faceclaim or image you want)
►Why: (Why do you want this? Depending on the reason, I may do of it my own good will)
►Incentive: (What is my incentive? This can be a commission, what I possibly might gain or whatever. Ignore if I'm doing this out of my good will)

[u][b]◄Frosty's Request Template►[/b][/u]

[b]►Request: [/b](Put your request and faceclaim or image you want)
[b]►Why: [/b](Why do you want this? Depending on the reason, I may do of it my own good will)
[b]►Incentive: [/b](What is my incentive? This can be a commission, what I possibly might gain or whatever. Ignore if I'm doing this out of my good will)

[THEFROST]'s Graphic Request Round 3?  WVMWLOu
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