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God of Love
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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:00 am
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


"If you insist."

Abalia wouldn't say anything else on the matter, but she still committed that particular note to memory. After all, whether or not he told her not to worry about it, she still would.

"Yes, I believe I will, if I cannot rely on you to keep track of your health on your own. Shall I bring you regular meals, as well? I suspect you will not be cooking for yourself nearly consistently enough."

Something about that sounded infinitely more appealing to Abalia than all the work that she might ever have had as Captain Commander. It wasn't anything stupid like base attraction, or romantic interest. She didn't even consider things like that, of course. But helping someone in that sort of personal way...that was what had sent her down this path, wasn't it?

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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:56 am
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 AUEAbpT



Well, he’s baffled. He honestly did not expect for someone like her to accept his challenge. With her position, Kazuya was sure it would have proven too out of the way for something as committal as delivering him meals everyday. His thoughts, once again swept up, brought forth memories of the small meals that were delivered to him while younger, hard work days rewarded with the tribe’s best food. His position as the Elder’s grandson did influence the luxury at which he lived, but it also reminded him of the moment when his status became more of a burden. Surprisingly, as the runt of the litter, once he was forced to fend for himself, life became substantially harder. If not for the kindness of others…

“...Is that so… If you insist, I will not stop you. Surely, Ojo would appreciate the help!”

From thoughtful to boisterous, Kazuya felt it important to return to a more jovial nature. With a big smile on his face, he moved to take up a box before him, his fingers obviously too big for normal utensils. Without a second thought, he threw his head back, dumping the contents of the box into his mouth, greedily devouring the Captain Commander’s cooking. The next second, he’s taking a deep breath, a satisfied expression.

“Oh my! Truly, scrumptious! I must say, this is worthy of a mighty HURRAH!”

He laughed, his deep voice booming.


God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:38 pm
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


Ah, yes, he did have a sister, didn't he? Abalia had heard the name in passing, but the young woman wasn't someone that had ever merited any special attention. Well, that was something to keep in mind.

"Your compliments are well-appreciated. I of course have access to the full breadth of the Kyoraku family's culinary experts, but I still prefer to cook a meal myself. It is more rewarding that way."

She obviously had no need to eat herself, given she'd already done so earlier in the month, but Abalia was quite aware that would have been socially awkward if she were to simply sit around while he enjoyed a feast.

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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:13 pm
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 AUEAbpT


“Of course it is more rewarding. That is why I taught my sister to cook. I would not have anything but the best, and she has surely grown to create the best.” A quick pause. “Ah, but there is already room for improvement, and I think we may have found someone that’ll push her to improve.”

Better than the best? Is that even possible? Kazuya has proclaimed it so, and the Captain Commander has received her accolades. Surely, his sister shall find nothing but a rival out of this woman. Though, Ojo would have always found another woman in Kazuya’s life a rival. Despite her crass and big mouth, that small tyrant has a heart of gold. An overprotective little piece of work, but his sister nonetheless. The thought of it is enough to put a silly smirk on his face as he brought another box up to his mouth and downed it.

“Yah. How do thu ev’n fnsh toom for zis?”

His words gibberish as he spoke with his mouth full, he knew his words were lost in translation, so he decided to swallow and try again.

“How do you even find time for this?” He asks, motioning to the many boxes. Surely, it would have taken hours to prepare this much, and alone at that? He hopes she does not plan on doing this everyday just for him. Now, that would surely send his sister into a panic.


God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:53 pm
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 XaNsDFO


"That is very kind of you."

It was rather rare that Abalia received compliments of a more personal nature, but that was hardly enough to sway her opinion of the situation or the like. If this sister of Kazuya's was so driven, then she would certainly be glad to push her further.

"I make time. Cooking is about preparation to no small degree, after all. I am perfectly capable of multitasking while I do much of the work, and in the end, it takes up rather little of my schedule solely for the sake of cooking."

That was just how she was, of course. Everything was a matter of efficiency, of getting as much done as possible. She hadn't always treated things that way, though. What a...strange thought.

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Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 Empty Re: Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:46 pm
Both Cereals and Flour [Abalia, Kazuya] - Page 2 AUEAbpT


“I was taught to always give honor where honor is due, whether to the living or dead.”

Though, how does that work when they are all technically dead… Ah, technicalities as those are better left pushed aside and never brought to the front of one’s thoughts. He’s not one to question existence because he knows it’ll just be a hassle and probably get him into trouble with whoever pulls the strings around here. He’s always been curious about why things are the way they are with people dying and being put through a circle.

“A hunt is much the same. There are many things to consider and prepare: traps, weapons, skinning tools, ways to carry the creature, safety, strategy, etcetera. Let’s not forget actually fighting the beast too. The outlands are horrendous.”

Despite leaving that life behind, it’s impossible for Kazuya to escape said prejudice. Yes. He can become civilized, be like everyone else around him, but that would be lying. Even after everything, he won’t forget who he is or where he came from. Now, that would truly dishonor the dead.

“You seem the type to keep everything in order. You’d hate to see my workstation then. Ojo always complains about it. I tell her to clean it then. She attempts to, and then gives up quickly, quacking about getting a maid.”

Sitting back, more relaxed and not so worn out as before, he found himself staring aimlessly after talking. Sometimes, it’s alright to just let nature be nature and know your place within it. He shouldn’t pollute their little lunch with constant personal tales.


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