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Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:55 am
Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 Arcadia444


"I am Angra Mainyu? All the World's Evil, don't get it wrong though. People have such silly black and white ideas of evil and good."

Maybe she could've expanded on what that meant but she thought it was clear enough, she couldn't really blame the simple girl for not understanding such things which were on the cosmic level of what was good and what was evil. People had such narrow ideas, that was all she thought about it.

Arcadia gave her a grin, hands reaching up to take at Santa's mask fragment horns and play with them. This one sure was the curious one though, right? Maybe she could tempt her just a little bit more though, indulge in naughty behaviour of with the creature of all evil designated by Mazda herself.

"So? Want to do something evil?"


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Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 Empty Re: Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:08 am
Saint Upon the Clear Heavens [Arcadia, Santa] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-57181e8ce16221fad34ead047b9ff5bc

Santa paused as she...listened to the strange woman's .....ideals about Evil. Did Mazda share these views? IT was a bit concerning to think that this woman would....MAKE herself into such a thing, to be happy to represent such things? Did Mazda truly feel that an Angra Maiyu was ...necessary?

Santa gently encircled her arms around the woman's middle, and embraced her firmly, resting her cheek against Arcadia's, and really doing little to discourage the woman's playing with her hollow mask fragments. Those tiny stubs of horns. "I don't think you're evil. As beautiful as it is... I am not the moon that you know from here. I do not rise and set like the sun. I hang eternally in the sky of hueco mundo. It is probably nothing like your Angra. It is not evil that I enact, but I simply lay witness to it. The endless suffering and hatred that spreads across the sands. matter what I witness, I never change. I never set. I never rise. And no matter how red the sands are stained, no matter what tiny atrocities are committed. No red will ever even register in those endless white sands. And the reflection on the moon will only ever be white."

She smiled. "To make others feel good is nothing evil. Cruelty and malice are simply marks of pain. If you truly are the culmination of evil..." She reached up, gently cupping the woman's face, thumb lightly tracing the woman's jawline. "Then you are simply suffering more than anyone else." She hummed, leaning in and gently kissing the woman's forehead, as if in blessing.
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