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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:25 pm
The Grand Witch
Hannah decided not to tell him that she used forbidden teleportation kido to get around the city, and just gave a gentle smile.
"I didn't put them there, to clarify. They were already there when I found them. They don't seem dangerous, more like holes in a flute or pan-pipe than anything. And as for transferable...I can't say. I know a lot about how it works, but next to nothing about what it is. If it is mine alone or can be others" Hannah explained, lifting up a hand and pushing Wind to create a billow of air around herself. And then she shifted the air to be further out and added Heat, which caused a heat haze for a few moments before breaking into a blazing inferno.
"It's spiritual in nature but effects the material world to do it. I can't set fires underwater the way Soketsui can, and pushing Wind doesn't work underwater at all"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:14 pm
Kisuke Urahara | A little more than a Shopkeeper
"So they were always there then, as far as you know?"
He watched her demonstration with interest, the way in which she manipulated the elements with these holes was peculiar. If it was more a material matter, rather than a spiritual one, then she was actually converting local energy. Regardless, it was certainly different. Reaching out spiritually, he did want to see what these holes appeared like to him if he could even detect them at all.
"I hope you do not mind, but this seems so alien to everything else in our field. Can it even be considered Kido, as opposed to energy creation and transition? I could run tests, certainly, but I do not even know what that would look like without inconveniencing you."
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:25 pm
The Grand Witch
"Kido doesn't leave the physical world untouched. A fire started with Soketsui will still burn. Hyoga Seiran will still cause frostbite if you stand on it. So, there are similarities" Hanna replied, showing off Light. It shone gently for a few seconds and then punched through three foot of floor when condensed into a beam.
The 'holes' in her soul were visible with a focused examination, though they were as she said. Closer to Woodwind than gouges or perforations. They didn't seem artificial, but widened slightly through use, so maybe people did have tiny holes in their souls and Hannah just poked them into size.
"Though on the topic of Kido. You know when you drop a bit of water onto a hot pan and it skitters along? Have you ever tried something like that with a Danku? Maybe, like, edging the surface with some reiatsu and curving it slightly so the attack slides along rather than hitting head on. Could be a fun redirection technique if done right"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:23 am
Kisuke Urahara | A little more than a Shopkeeper
It was curious how ordinary those holes seemed, as he studied them from afar. She weaved it like an instrument, crafting a song of elements that was impressive by itself. Was it perhaps similar to a complete mastery of elemental reiatsu, manipulated to an excessive point of control that they could be focused into far more tangible effects? Even still, being able to control which element you exerted with something as simple as a flick of the wrist was equally impressive.
"Have you tried to use other holes then? Different ones beyond these main four? It stands to reason that they might exist, even if you are not actively using them."
Scratching the underneath of his chin, Kisuke pondered the difference in the usage of Danku. It was certainly plausible, effective even, but perhaps an overexertion for something that could be achieved by lesser means.
"An interesting extension but perhaps excessive in the use of Danku for such an event. With a precise application, perhaps even Seki could achieve such a result. All barrier spells could be considered redirection techniques, weaving them into regular attacks is often an unexpected strategy."
Saw that coming | END POST
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:42 am
The Grand Witch
"These four are the only four that I found. They are the main four because based on my experiments and experience so far, they are the only four. I've been poking it long enough that if there was a fifth one, I would have found it by now. Not saying everyone will have four, because that implies I know it's not unique to me. Which I don't" Hannah commented, scratching the back of her head. And then, she gave an awkward laugh at the idea of Danku being excessive.
"Heh, ahh. Yea. I've never had luck with any other form of capability" Hannah admitted. "From birth, I was a frail thing because I had a great deal of energy and my little brain told my big brain to keep it inside because otherwise I would hurt people. So instead, turns out you hurt yourself, doing that. The only thing I ever did was Kido. And an experience in Karakura Prison has enlightened me to a style of use called 'Shadow Casting'. Between that and the potency of my Reiryoku, how much something takes to use has never really been something I have considered..."
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Mon Feb 14, 2022 7:34 am
Kisuke Urahara | A little more than a Shopkeeper
“Ah, very well. Just the four it is then.”
He had to admit, even he was curious to see if he had holes now. Maybe it was something that only Hannah possessed, but the potential was apparently right there for the taking. Besides, what could really go wrong from trying to poke through your very soul?
“You are more fortunate than most, then. In a rather backwards sense. But that does not mean you should always flaunt such bottomless energy reserves. Feigning weakness is a powerful tool in the arsenal of a skilled fighter, knowing when to bring your full strength to bear is one thing but it can be something else entirely to lull your opponent into a false sense of security.”
It almost came off like he was chiding her, though that was only half of the story. He had been there himself once, with the power to tower over those around him, so it was experience from the heart too.
“Now, I suppose I should not ask why a lovely woman like yourself is spending time in prison, but what do you mean ‘Shadow Casting’? It sounds awfully macabre in the abstract.”
Saw that coming | END POST
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:18 am
The Grand Witch
Fortunate he said. Everything wrong in her life had it's crux in that power, and he said she was fortunate. A bubbling rage tinged the spiritual pressure for a few moments - it was not like he could claim ignorance, she had just told him she hurt herself with the energy - but she managed to keep it under wraps. Getting into a fight with the nice man under the shop would not help anyone. But for those few seconds...well, healers always knew where best to hurt, so it would be iconic of another that Kisuke once knew.
"That" Hannah spoke, taking a breath to even out her tone and get everything back under wraps. "Is a story better told over tea. But Shadow Casting is a special method of casting kido" she'd point her fingers off into the distance and blast it with a Byakurai. Despite the raging power of Hannah's soul, the Kido was barely detectable against the background energy of the place.
"'Shadow' comes from the fact that the energy is shadowy and subtle. It increases a Kido's efficiency by a considerable margin and reduces the strain on casting. The low number Kidos make for a great ambush tool from how scarcely visible they are to one's Reikaku" Hannah was calming and getting better again as she indulging in tutoring and sending what she had learned out into the world.
"It isn't easy to learn but I can teach you if you want"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Tue Feb 15, 2022 11:53 am
Kisuke Urahara | A little more than a Shopkeeper
Of course, to a man of such bottomless drive and questionable morals as Kisuke, the notion that she was frustrated by his assessment of her past was as surprising as it was perplexing. They had all suffered in their own ways to get to where they were today. It stood to reason that the powerful had often suffered more than most. Better they both understood that than let it bubble away under the surface, but he was not here to brawl with the nice woman.
"Now that does sound like an enticing prospect. The tea and the training both, that is."
An eyebrow perked up with interest as Urahara studied her Byakurai and the peculiarly diminished signature that it left behind, before a wide smile returned to those rugged features.
"You make your energy 'shadowy and subtle'? Please, another demonstration if you might. This old dog is never above learning a new trick when the offer is made."
Saw that coming | END POST
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Tue Feb 15, 2022 12:36 pm
The Grand Witch
"Not so much changing the energy, no. It's more, taking off the training wheels because you don't need them anymore. Most Kido have more energy than they need to be used because it helps ease them out. And by the time you reach a point you don't need that energy anymore, it never occurs to you to remove it because you've always done it like this"
Hannah would take a breath and cycle her energy, because even for her, this next bit wasn't easy.
"It only occurred to me because I had basically no energy to work with when I was doing Prison stuff" Hannah would hold out her hand to the great expanse and give a little smile.
"Boil O'Seas. Crack O'Earth. Sunder, O'Heaven. The Five Great Dragon Kings arise from their slumber and with their coming, the world trembles, for it's end has arrived. Hadō 99: Goryūtenmetsu"
Showing off aside, the energy output of her Hadō was tremendous, but not even remotely like what one would think a Hadō 99 should be, or was Hannah's energy strained as one might expect.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- LockeVeteran Member
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Re: One bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs.
Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:03 pm
Kisuke Urahara | A little more than a Shopkeeper
Kido as a concept was indeed limited by its very nature, he had purported as such only minutes before. Practitioners were taught to restrain and control it, to limit it to strict rules and customs that must be observed. There was still something offputting about the techniques Hannah was using and the energy they were giving off. Not that he was particularly fond of unleashing Forbidden Kido in even an enclosed environment such as the training area on the best of days.
Still, if this was a class then he had to focus on what she was doing and not doing. Extending his own hand outwards, he focused upon smothering that initial burst of energy. Driving back the energy that made up the spell whilst still attempting to unleash it at full force. It was only natural, though, that he took a much less impressive choice than Hadō 99 for a test spin.
"If I may."
Shadowy and subtle, that was all he had to focus on. The spell itself was simply child's play.
"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō 31. Shakkahō."
The ball of energy was intentionally small, condensed even, but when he released it there was no immediate difference from a regular casting of the spell. Perhaps there was something he was not doing correctly, or maybe his heart was just in the wrong place.
Saw that coming | END POST
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