Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Age : 28
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2022 Valentine's Extravaganza Left_bar_bleue16000/12022 Valentine's Extravaganza Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

2022 Valentine's Extravaganza Empty 2022 Valentine's Extravaganza

Mon Feb 14, 2022 8:31 am
2022 Valentine's Extravaganza FXGy8qk


I. What?

A very astute question, dear reader. This year, we’ll be having an extra special celebration of the season of romance, and to do so, we’ll be giving everyone a little opportunity to do things differently. As a way of exploring the character casts differently from normal, we’ll be writing up some Valentine’s Letters.

Put simply, you can write up a thread starring your character writing a love letter to any other character. It can be canon, non-canon, whatever your angle is, though obviously we would still rather it be an accurate portrayal of your character. The purpose, after all, is to explore them as people, not to just wild out and drop some crackshipping or what have you. If it’s a canon letter, feel free to write it as a totally normal thread, wherever the person would be writing said letter. If it isn’t a canon letter, you can make the topic in our shiny new miscellaneous roleplay board.

This event will last until the very beginning of March, since that’s not the season of love anymore, that’s just March.

I. What Rewards Do We Get?

The satisfaction of having explored your character more meaningfully, of course.

Well, we’ll also be giving out Valentine’s Chocolates for each letter you write. When the next burst comes around, you can hand in all of your chocolates for a few extra points. Each chocolate you earn during the span of this event will count for 2 points next burst. If you manage to acquire 10 chocolates during the course of this event, you will instead receive one Box of Chocolates. The box can be turned in during the next burst for 25 total points. After finishing the Box of Chocolates, you won’t be able to collect any further chocolates, since we have to save some for everyone else, you know?



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