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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:39 am
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Desert Wind

The City of Lights was a peculiar place. A testament to Quincy innovation, beautiful and yet twisted by its immensity. So many of the Quincy people in one place gathered together, and it was alarming that there were so many of them. Al'in could not help but be amazed at their ingenuity. How long had he survived thinking he was the only one?

So there he sat, on a random beach on one of the city's outlying islands, sifting through the sand almost absentmindedly. His gaze was focused on the water, rather than those around him. He was an outcast, an outsider, even amongst his own people now. They had gone so far beyond even his wildest imaginations, achieved things he didn't even know were possible. What a hill to climb, a monumental task, and yet he owed it to them to try. To learn, to adapt, to grow.

He would have to enlist soon enough, or they would probably start wondering what exactly he was doing here. It wasn't like he knew anyone. Perhaps he should rectify that first.

Brings Fresh Air | END POST
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:47 am
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] 3kBZ7k8


From the observant eyes of the blonde-haired woman walking across the sandy island, the City of Lights was a magnificent assembly of quincy gathered together within a innovative cityscape that deserved praise of the highest order. Even for a woman who always approached her life with a businesslike approach to all things, Freyja found this testament of a city to be one that truly embodied everything that her honorable kind stood for.

Sky blue eyes followed the inhabitants of the beach as they moved about excitedly, frolicking with one another as beach balls soared through the air back and forth. One of the balls nearly hit the young maiden in her head. Fortunately, her flawless reaction time allowed her to swiftly bring her hand forward, redirecting the ball in their general direction.

Adorned within a modest outfit suitable for the weather - a soft and wavy beach jacket, a modest tank top, and a pair of jean shorts - she had dressed herself with the intent of spending a peaceful day at the beach. Even if she currently lacked the proper equipment for battle, she could easily manifest her spirit weapon and act if the moment called for immediate action.

Reminding herself that she ought to relax more and that there was not even a semblance of danger right now, she searched for a place to sit and read through her series of Dune novels, away from the boisterous noise of the island's inhabitants.

A particular spot that would grant her the gift of reading her literature and enjoying the lovely weather as it were. However, during her walk across the sands, a peculiar sight caught her eyes. One that caused her to pause as she curiously gazed at that whose eyes seemed drawn in by the water.

His robes were not particularly the first outfit Freyja would imagine being worn by a man sitting on the beach; it was more reminiscent of middle-eastern wear worn by men who traversed the desert. An interesting sight, to be certain, one that prompted her approach, voicing a curious comment in his general direction.

"An enthralling outfit. Such robes are not what I would imagine being worn by anyone in a setting of this nature , yet they seem quite befitting of a man who has spent his days in the desert." Freyja would pause for a moment as she realized she ought to properly introduce herself before commenting on someone else's clothing in such a bold fashion as this.

"Pardon me for speaking out of turn for but a moment. It is not proper etiquette to comment on one's clothing without properly introducing one's self. My name is Freyja Solheim."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:24 am; edited 5 times in total
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:00 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Desert Wind

"You are always welcome to speak your mind freely in my company."

Those were the first words that he uttered, accented as they were with a definitively foreign twang. Leaning backwards, to use his arms as support for the position, emerald eyes gazed up at the woman who would so boldly call him out on his oddity. He had begun to consider that he might just have been a spectre, invisible to the naked eye, but at least this annulled those fears.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Freyja Solheim. I am Al'in mir Azizi, hailing from the wastelands of the east. My attire is most practical for warm climates, warmer even than this I dare say, but do you want to know a secret?" Not even a moment was given for Freyja to respond. "I do not own any other clothes at the moment."

Al'in flashed her a wolfish grin, almost like he was proud of that fact. It certainly did amuse him that he had gone from the prince to the pauper, but that was a different life. Now he was little more than the cloth on his back and the bow in his hand. He liked the simplicity.

Brings Fresh Air | END POST
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:17 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] 3kBZ7k8


Azure orbs quietly observed Al'in as he spoke, studying the bright-spirited young man with a measured curiosity. A graceful smile formed in the woman's countenance as he washed away any form of hostility with his upbeat nature.

His playful disposition was a breathe of fresh air compared to the prideful quincy she had shared the battlefield with in the past. There was no longer an ardent desire to read her novels here. Perhaps it had dawned on Freyja that choosing a public beach to enjoy literature of any kind was a poor choice on her part but such was life - she was far too composed to allow that to ruin her mood.

Forming a conversation with this man seemed far more interesting. Moving a few steps forward, Freyja would take a seat beside Al'in the sand as she gazed towards the sun before her gaze returned to the young man adorned in desert cloths.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, Al'in mir Azizi. Considering this is my first visit to the City of Lights, I've not a varied set of clothing to choose from either - although if I were to compare our situations, I must admit your wear holds a sort of prestige and royalty that outclasses mine," she'd quip playfully, with a graceful hint of humor in her tone.

"Considering I've lived my entire life in my homeland of Germany, this is unfamiliar territory for me. If I may be so bold to inquire, what brings you to the City of Lights, Al'in?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:54 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Desert Wind

His smile grew only wider as Freyja took a seat alongside him. It had not been his intention but he welcomed the distraction from his daydreaming. Listening to her explanation made her choice all the more reasonable in his eyes, and he found himself gazing fondly at the other women.

"Then perhaps it is a fortunate alignment of the stars that has caused our paths to cross today. Two travellers in the great cosmic ocean, intersected by coincidence."

A hand swept through his hair, pulling it back over his head as he turned back to look out over the waters. The tide washing in and then slowly dragging itself back out was ever so melodic. He had known nothing of this phenomenon for years, and yet here it was on display for all to see.

"Our outfits do speak of our heritage, yours could well be royalty in your homeland and I would have no idea. But by your response, I will assume that you are no Princess. Nor am I a Prince, these are just the trinkets and baubles of my people, so you need only call me Al'in. As for my business, I came to pledge myself to a cause. I have been alone for most of my life, I thought I was the only one, but now I see that there is a whole tribe out here in the land upon water."

Brings Fresh Air | END POST
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:10 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] 3kBZ7k8


"Two travelers in the great cosmic ocean, intersected by coincidence? A grand sentiment, truly. One might liken it to the prologue of an epic tale. There is much to be about said about a man who is both radiant in spirit and refined in his speech."

Freyja would turn her eyes towards the waters, azure orbs peering thoughtfully into the ocean. Crossing her legs ever so softly, she moved her head forward so that she could appreciate the idyllic view. His reason for stepping foot into this grand landscape of a city was a noble one - a notion that deserved nothing less than the honor of admiration.

He could have easily chosen to his life elsewhere to avoid the conflicts of the battlefield. No one would have him judged him for it in the grand scheme of things. To proclaim he would pledge his allegiance to the Vandenreich was a true mark of bravery. As one who had chosen a similar path, she could offer nothing but praise for a man who welcomed a path rife with hardships. Freyja smiled softly, her graceful gaze returning to the bright spirit beside her.

"To pledge one's self to a cause, knowing full well the hardship he might inherit... Far be it from me to speak for those who have yet to meet you but I am certain the tribe amidst this land will welcome you with open arms, Al'in. In this, we share a similar desire. Indeed, nothing would make me happier than knowing I've honored my family and my people on the path I've set before me."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:27 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:06 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Desert Wind

"Ah, you flatter me with such high praises. Maybe this is a new beginning of sorts, my life before now certainly feels more distant by the day."

Perhaps that was because every day had been a new struggle back in the wastes, a new battle or challenge presented right to his face. And there were still struggles now, but they came dressed in finery and bearing offerings rather than swords. It was disarmingly pleasant, and he was easily overwhelmed by such innocent things.

"Honouring our families, our spiritual kin, there is no finer source of motivation I think. It gives us the strength to move mountains, the fortitude to endure the greatest of burdens. Indeed, we will serve in the Vandenreich together then."

"I have heard tell of this order, their mission. It would be a failure of my solemn duty were I not to offer myself entirely to this cause, but there are so many wonders to behold and that I find myself quite easily distracted. From the city to its surroundings and now its people."

Brings Fresh Air | END POST
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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Tue Mar 08, 2022 8:22 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] 3kBZ7k8


"Indeed, it will be an honor to fight alongside you in the Vandenreich. Yours is a noble cause worthy of my utmost support. Not many men choose to meet conflict of their volition." Freyja would gaze towards the bright sun before turning her head towards Al'in once more.

"Worry not, Al'in. It is human nature to find our minds occupied by the wonders and spectacles of life, even in duty. I always raise my sword to fulfill my duty and yet even my own family claims I ought to experience the wonders of this life on my journey. That you desire to undertake this cause in and of itself is truly the sign of a great warrior - one worthy of aiding the Vandenreich cause. Of all the things to question about your path, I do not believe commitment ought be one of them."

A soft smile would form in her lips as she turned her head towards the water, gazing at her reflection through azure eyes. A pleasant man to share company with, certainly. She'd yet to meet anyone else but if he were a sign of who she was to be working with, perhaps this new transition of life wouldn't be such a difficult one, after all.


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Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja]

Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:54 pm
Unfamiliar Scenery [Al'in, Freyja] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Desert Wind

"You are a fighter then? I am glad to hear it. To stand shoulder to shoulder with people of quality is a welcome reprieve."

His gaze remained focused upon the distant horizon that lingered far beyond the water they looked out upon, a distant stare though his words were spoken with an intensity that did not diminish his interest in their conversation. Even as he felt her eyes fall upon the portrait of his frame, Al'in continued to seek for something beyond his sight.

"But your journey is not one that can ever be stopped. There are distractions and diversions but, at the end of the day, they are just more steps upon the path you were always going to walk. Your family may attempt to steer you in a direction, but there is only one person that truly charts the course. Yourself."

Finally, as Freyja turned away to study her own reflection, Al'in's emerald gaze turned to her once more. Cracking into a lopsided smile, he canted his head to one side and studied the woman that was so deeply contemplating her own image. He doubted there was a vanity to the expression, she did not seem like the sort, but there was certainly much of something on her mind.

"I am not used to having comrades, Freyja Solheim, but I have high hopes for this beginning."

Brings Fresh Air | END POST
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