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Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:45 pm
What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] F6MfpNE

Liltotto Lamperd

Somehow, the trips between the city and America for her patrols managed to be the most dull and tiring thing she had to do here. Either way, it was another job done, a trip done, and it was time to settle down at home.

Out of uniform and in an admittedly rather comfortable turtleneck and jeans, who knew, Liltotto went up to her apartment door, and before she could get the key in, realized rather quickly that the door was unlocked. She felt a spike of irritation... God, she told that girl if she was staying over she had to keep the fucking door locked, especially later on. Sure, was relatively safe in the city, but she just had those holdovers from the last time she was in society, and in that society being a young gal home alone with no locks done was a terrible idea.

Opening the door and immediately walking in, she'd call out in annoyance, "Ania, what the hell have I told you about the fucking lock?!"

END| Kids, man...
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:37 pm

Like a raccoon of the night, agile, unseen, and fierce beyond belief, an Ania launched from the side of the door, sword in hand, with a downward swing onto the perpetrator at hand. Truly, the training she had undergone bore fruit, for even the air surrounding the sword howled away in response.

"Who're you!?"

Swing first, ask second, a most superior method of interrogation.


What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:30 pm
What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] F6MfpNE

Liltotto Lamperd


Rather than wounding her foe, Liltotto stood before Ania completely unharmed by the sword. Not even a dent on her, the woman gently took the blade of the weapon, pointing it downward. Her face clearly glinted with annoyance with another broken rule.

"Ania, it's Liltotto," She'd say flatly before going on, "First off, you left the door unlocked. Second off, don't fucking attack people at the door unless you're certain they're hostiles. Third off, and I know I will be saying this potentially indefinitely, no using weapons in the house!"

She never spoke loudly, only sternly, as she'd shut the door behind her, "God, I hope you two were behaving in here at least," though she stopped for a moment, "Huh, where's the cat?"

END| Kids, man...
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Mar 03, 2022 4:58 pm

Weh, a truly frightening foe. Even Ania's almighty sword swing, the Earth Sundering Slash, was insufficient. Their strength must've been limitless, to have also easily pulled her blade downward. She prepared herself for yet another attack--as the woman moonlighted as her mentor Liltotto--but the proof was in the words.

Ania took a step back to get a good look at the woman. She looked different, sounded a little different, and that would've been enough to call her out on the lies, but the way she spoke--the things she said--was undoubtedly Liltotto. In response, all Ania could do was pout her head and take the reprimands. Well, if it was the usual Liltotto, that would be the case, but this was not the usual Liltotto.

So, instead, completely ignoring all complaints to be voiced, Ania walked back forward, to her side, to her rear, to the woman's everywhere, inspecting all the changes and differences.

"Wat de hek..."

This must've been some wild witch craft. This was definitely not what she looked like before--no amount of rubbing her eyes in disbelief would make the lady go back. It was an absolutely shocking amount of growth; Ania herself, now being properly fed, well rested, and consistently exercising, had some growth to her as well. In fact, she grew a whole two inches. Though, that didn't at all compare to the woman here.

"Eh? Hobbes? Ah, de boy's sleepin'."

Ania off-handedly responded while her eyes remained trained on Liltotto, even poking her in various places to ascertain the authenticity. Yup, this was real meat.

Aside from the inspection, if Liltotto inspected the room, she'd take note to see that it was... definitely not treated in good behavior. Disheveled, disorderly, like a tornado swung around the room. It was clear as well that this was an extremely recent displacement.


What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:25 pm
What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] F6MfpNE

Liltotto Lamperd

Yeah, Ania never got the chance to see her how she was now, so of course the girl's rather prodding behavior of her form was expected, and not terribly minded, even with the poking. The young girl herself looked much better, far less in dire straits than when she found her, though her wellness wasn't enough to distract from how much of a mess the room had become, items and whatnot strewn across the place.

All she could do in reaction was facepalm, have her hand slide down her face, and then look to Ania with a hard glare, "Clean this place up right now, and I never wanna see the room get this bad ever again."

She'd give the mess a firm point, crossing her arms soon after, "..Good to see you're looking healthier, though. Have you been tackling strength training?"

END| Kids, man...
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:45 pm


Ania's eyes finally left Liltotto's, scanning the room and affirming that there was indeed a mess.

"Ah! Das right! I forgot! Dere's, uh, dere's reason fo' dis."

The girl pointed to below her abdomen.

"Where you keep 'dem? Pads?"

As far as she could tell, there was none to be found. This wasn't much of a problem in the past--Ania was far too unhealthy to have a regular cycle. Now that she was properly cared for, however, the cycles started once more, and some appropriate care and amenities were now necessary. Hell, she'd take alternatives if they were available, but pads were what the girl was familiar with.

"A bit. I can do 60 push ups in a row!"


What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:57 pm
What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] F6MfpNE

Liltotto Lamperd

"...Oh... Oh shit," The woman's eyes widened as she realized why the room was the way it was. Without a second thought, she immediately went to the bathroom, opened the cabinet below the sink, and returned to the girl's side with a pack of what she needed.

While she had a pack in her home just in case of visitors, she personally didn't have to deal with such a thing, but Ania was human. She should've given more thought to that and similar predicaments...

"Alright, here you go, get cleaned up," Liltotto was already nudging the girl to the bathroom. It was fine, she'd deal with the mess herself as Ania would get cleaned up,

"Good to hear you're not slacking, at least!"

END| Kids, man...
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:07 pm

The cabinet... under the sink... Of all places to fail to check... Ania received the pack listlessly and discouraged. What a monumental failure this was. The girl trudged onwards to the bathroom. From inside, she shouted out to respond,

"Wen you gonna teach me some new stuff? I already mastered everyting else."

Ania came out the bathroom in a heroic posture, hands on hips, chin up in the air. She walked into the bathroom but a girl, and she left it a full, bonafide woman.


What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:15 pm
What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] F6MfpNE

Liltotto Lamperd

There we go.. All straight. It wasn't a huge mess, thankfully, but she wasn't going to be hard on her for not knowing where to look for something she didn't even introduce to her in the first place.

"I'll get onto that soon, for now... I'm just coming home from a trip. Let's chill a while, huh?"

Electing to make dinner, she made off to the kitchen and poked around for something to make, a sense of calm to the woman as she did so. It had been a while since she let the girl stick around, and even though she knew she was nowhere near as mastered in combat as she may think she was at the moment, it was an endearing show of confidence, she couldn't tear that down, especially with the situation she's in.

"Spaghetti and meatballs, or macaroni and cheese tonight?"

END| Kids, man...
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:29 pm

Dinner. The call of Elysium. Ania hopped to action, running over to the kitchen in preparation, ready to help out when called upon.


A dish that contained land meat was just objectively the superior option. It was the rarest of foods for Ania's palette, and even back in the homeland, the last time she ate somewhat regularly, her diet largely consisted of vegetables and fish. It was a no-brainer. Ania grabbed the apron and put it on her, though it looked awkward as it was fit for what was once an absolute shorty.


What're You Doing In My House?! [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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