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Noble Red In Golden Light [Alastair, Arcadia] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Noble Red In Golden Light [Alastair, Arcadia] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Noble Red In Golden Light [Alastair, Arcadia] - Page 3 Empty Re: Noble Red In Golden Light [Alastair, Arcadia]

Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:26 am
Noble Red In Golden Light [Alastair, Arcadia] - Page 3 Header7


"Don't blame ignorance, Alastair. A man that is willing to contemplate these things I could never fault for ignorance, after all who is to say anyone is correct about anything?"

She said with a small chuckle and paused in the spot.

"Thank you for being so satisfying to speak too, I can only hope that the Vandenreich is filled with more individuals like yourself who are wise and with great views of the world. I should not keep you from your business though, your leader has as much faith in you as you do him. I am sure."

Arcadia smiled coyly and turned to leave him, the golden individual vanishing as she left. Cyrus did keep quite the interesting company, didn't he? It made her think.


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