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Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:51 pm


The City of Lights was a wondrous place. A grand innovation, a testament to what one could achieve with effort and ingenuity. Considered a home to the quincy, the city was commonly one regarded to be peaceful and unassuming but Natasha knew more than anyone that no matter how great a city was, it was bound to have it's fair share of troublemakers. That's why the Vandenreich existed. To handle those trying to affect the status quo. If that involved those within the city, then so be it. There always those who simply couldn't enjoy what this city provided.

To be certain, Natasha was supposed to be on a leave of absence but she had decided against it... for now. Ehefera and the peers around her had helped bolster the woman's belief that she was more than adequate for her position as coordinator. She could still find time to relax as she always did. The show must go on, right? Of course.

There had been some information passed along that had fallen into her hands. It was a light scouting mission, to look into a somewhat secluded location. One where drug trafficking may be taking place. It was simple enough but the blue-eyed sharpshooter was more than familiar with the song and dance of "simple enough."

Such a term usually translated to "keep your eyes peeled, and expect the unexpected." Sighing softly, she'd shrug her shoulders as she rose from the chair, utilizing Hirenkyaku to make her way towards her next location. In truth, she wasn't the one ordered to pursue this mission; that honor belonged to Lukas Ätherisch.

Apparently, he had did something on another mission that meant that, for the time being, most of the missions the man pursued would have to be under one form of supervision or another. Yeesh. That didn't sound fun at all. Making her way to his apartment, Natasha would knock softly against the door. Hopefully her upbeat nature could lighten this guy's day right up. Wishful thinking, she supposed.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:58 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Another long night, another early morning.

Lukas bolted up from the shriek of his alarm, hair filled with floating static. Dim light filtered in from the sole window, lazily dotting the scarred and beaten wooden floor. Flaking paint danced it's way from barren walls as he stood, the sound of a yawn filling the air. "Mmh." a grunt from the half-awake man as he shuffled towards the bathroom.

Slipping into a plastic sleeve and grabbing a toothbrush, Lukas managed to stumble his way though cleaning himself, although the broken brush he hastily shoved through his hair had little aid. A rap of knuckles on his front door and he cursed under his breath - tying whatever hair he could into a loose bun as he ran to the door. Zipping up his pants and swinging a jacket across his shoulders, a pair of sunglasses clattering open as he unlocked the door.

A stream of sunlight shot into Lukas' face, squinted eyes fighting to not be poked out as he forced the sunglasses on, muttering a half-assed greeting under his breath and headache. The smell of alcohol was faint, but present nonetheless. "Mornin', Natasha." A yawn followed, stepping forward as he buttoned down his jacket - "We killing anyone today?"

207 words | | well?

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Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:34 pm


Ah, the familiar scent of alcohol welcoming her nostrils could be felt from a few meters away. An alcoholic herself, she wondered what bar he may have frequented or the type of drink he might have consumed. Another thought wondered if he was somewhat like her - an individual who used alcohol as a means of washing away the wicked energy rumbling within their spirit. Perhaps. In any case, they had a mission to go on and frighteningly enough, he seemed more than prepared. This wasn't his first dance. She could see that very clearly. Whistling playfully, Natasha would display the message briefing before him through her phone. Using her other hand to throw a piece of bubble gum in her mouth, the vibrant woman would chew enough to form a bubble and smile.

"Easy there, Michael Myers. Can't say we'll be engage in any killin' till' we get there but as ya' can see, we've got a mission. Somethin' about some shady folk' drug traffickin' in the secluded parts of the city, I reckon'. This is ya area of expertise, partner. I'm merely hear' as a fine lass' to keep ya company and make sure yer' not steppin' out of line'. Gotta keep' the good behavior streak goin', darlin."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 12, 2022 2:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tue Apr 12, 2022 2:12 am
Lukas Ätherisch


The woman's accent grated against Lukas. That's what you get when dealing with fälschungen. Blood might as well be piss. A side glance from behind the black lenses, Lukas grimacing as a button caught against his skin. A wag of empty hands, fingertips buzzing with the rapidity of a poor night's rest.

"Yeah, yeah." he fired back, active annoyance on display for her existence. His hands turned deft for another moment, finishing the buttoning of his jacket before straightening the fabric, pulling at the bottom. A stare down at his own clothing, plucking at stray hairs that stained the black with silver. "So, basically," he pulled away a massive length of hair, whistling underneath bated breath.

"From what I've been told, we've got drug trafficking out of the stadt." a faint handwaving motion as the words jumbled away, resting a half cupped hand pointing towards Natasha. "But rather than take the obvious route and just, y'know." Lukas' fingers curled, a fist tightening with indefinite rage. His thumb jut out with a spring, sliding it slowly away from her and across his neck. "Clean things up."

A laugh followed immediately after, slapping the side of his leg. "Just kidding." He wasn't. "Something about 'infiltration'." Loose air quotes trailed behind, Lukas locking eyes with the woman behind his sunglasses. "S'what, do I look the part?" his voice shifted, crackling roughly four octaves lower, followed by a short, if not intense, coughing session.

240 words | | 1-10, 1 being kon

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Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:15 am


Oh, a fiesty one. Haps' this ole' drug' traffickin' thing won't be such a drag.

Such were the mental musings of the southern woman, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she observed the man's appearance, acknowledging that he seemed to be playing the part of a shady man lookin' to do shady business. Natasa would nod softly as she listened to what his mission entailed. There was a bit of uncertainty brewing on whether she had to look the part as well or simply wait on the wings and act when he signaled for any assistance. Supervision though her duty was, she was more than acquiescent to the idea of providing her assistance in any way he may have deemed necessary.

There were working under the same banner, after all. What type of peer would she be to leave him if he failed on his mission or did some act that might reflect poorly on the Vandenreich? Her resume was important here, too. Man, she could use a vacation soon. Well, at least he seemed to be more than what the reports let on. She expected something more... cold and unresponsive from him. Can't judge a book, she supposed.

"Everythin' seems to check out from what I'm gleamin', honey. Nice' and Shady. Certainly prepped' well for wher' we're headin' next. Not' sure if I say I came prepared but then, I'm here to supervise. Let me know if there's anyway' I can be of assistance, baby. I'm here to make this process go as smoothly as ya' want. "


Last edited by Iori on Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:23 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


A dribble of spit wiped away against the back of Lukas' hand, clearing his throat with a whimpered "Thanks."

Pulling himself back to height, the man waved his left arm up, slapping it with his opposite hand. "Was gonna prep some fake needle scars, but this thing?" - another slap to the bandaged arm - "Probably better than any makeup."

A half grin accompanied the statement, before the rush of alcohol's revenge crashed, bending it into a temporary scowl. Rapidly blinking behind the sunglasses, he'd pocket both hands before attempting to nonchalantly walk it off towards their destination. His degree of success cut short as toe met rock, a stumble with curses mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah well, let's just get moving." Lukas replied to the woman, jerking his head sideways. To the outskirts of the stadt. To the bars of his cell.

White streets narrowed, roads turning to alleys to nowhere in particular, several splitting off and into the endless sky beneath. The marvel of the city was more apparent as the edge was approached, the incoming lights of arriving flights like stars in daytime. Silver eyes traced from behind the man's sunglasses, soaking in the scenery of their arrival.

On the left of a left of a left, the splintering alleyways formed with a hub of various warehouses. From food to cleaning chemicals, from the ordinary to the exotic, the walls housed only god-knew-what in honest times. Rarely were they honest times.

The start of the collision course of architecture and hyper organization - Cut between two major roads, a loading bay spits into the open sky with tremendous open space, dividing quickly into the pox-like smattering of buildings. Somewhere among them, their target. But not how to find it.

"So," snide as ever, "any suggestions?"

295 words | | mappy

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Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:18 pm


Natasha would follow Lukas, walking beside the man as they made their way towards their destination. They had an objective to achieve, after all. Natasha observed Lukas and the scenery as she continued to chew on her bubblegum, wondering what type of ill-mannered folk they might walk into within the more separated spaces of the City of Lights, the locations where those aiming to work in illegal dealings could avoid the watchful eyes of the Vandenreich.

It made sense in a way. Mere foot soldiers seemed confined to the activities within the mainland areas of the city. Perhaps that's why they chose ol' prince charming' with the sunglasses over here to take on the mission.

In any case, her ruminations would come to a pause as the two would find themselves standing before a collision course of architecture and hyper organization - two major roads, a loading bay splitting into the open sky with open space, another dividing quickly into a pox-like smattering of buildings. The southern woman would stroke her chin thoughtfully before turning back to the man with a curious smile. It was his mission, after all. Even so, she'd do her best to assist him if needed.

"Well, first thing's first. Ya' already look the part' of bein' shady. I have to keep an eye on ya' at all times so splittin' up isn't really in the cards. If you got any particular idea of where a group of shady' men dealin in shady business would be, I'm all ears. I'm here to assist'. This is yer line of expertise', after all. I'm a sternritter. Our job is usually well-rounded combat, ya know~?" A small grin would form on her face as her gaze traveled between the alternating paths.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 30, 2022 3:13 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:57 am
Lukas Ätherisch


Lukas' disposition had little light left in it already, a mix of poor hangover management and general annoyance. Natasha's response would have little effect on the forecast, that it did give entirely negative. A deepening frown, the trailing silver of a shaking head hiding it before fingers could sweep it back into position.

"Then keep your ears open." a cold reply as a cracked screen flared to life, fingers dancing over his phone. Menus flickered in the reflection of his glasses, another hand reaching for a small plastic square. The click of separating magnets, a small earpiece popping into his ear with its rubber grip. A synthetic voice rang hollow - connected.

Phone slipping back into his pocket, Lukas tossed the case and its remaining transmitter to the Sternritter, aimlessly tapping an ear as he moved towards the entrance of the maze. If anything went wrong, she'd be able to hear it, and he'd be able to hear her. Of course, more direct communication was possible, if he wanted to get killed. No such death wish fell on his shoulders today.

"Any chance for a birds-eye view?" he'd resonate through the small speaker, once he had made some distance into the wildly varying alleys. The echoing of his footsteps would clash with another's as the words left his mouth, an immediate silence overtaking him as he shouldered past a man thoroughly entrenched in a display, market sirens loud in close quarters. A fake smile that was responded to with indifference; no one worth paying attention to.

Could really help.

258 words | | why repeat the post lol

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Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:10 pm


The remaining transmitter would land neatly within Natasha's hands as Lukas moved towards the entrance of the maze. This would allow them to communicate between one another and relay information between the other. Natasha would observe Lukas from comfortable vantage point in the sky.

It would be the ideal position to watch from afar and so, as he created some distance between them and made his way into the wildly varying alleys, Natasha would use Hirenkyaku to create her own measure of distance, floating high into the air to watch over him as he walked through the maze. To avoid sticking out like a sore thumb, Natasha would pull three items of remarkable similarity from her pocket - tools to cloak her spiritual pressure and avoid any watchful eyes that might be gazing out into the sky.

Among these tools was one of her items she created on her own - Miss Invisible. An azure-colored ball that when given a sufficient source of reishi, seemingly allowed her to blend in with the air around her, concealed from sight, though not entirely. It was simply a way of making it a difficult task for anyone aiming to discern her spiritual pressure in any given location. Natasha would speak through the transmitter as she gazed down at Lukas, maintaining a poised gaze as she tracked his location, monitoring the area as she did so.

"So far, I don't see nothin' too suspicious goin' on. I'll keep ya' noted if I see anythin' from above, though by that point, I reckon' I ought to come down and assist' but... so far, so clear, honey. Keep movin' at your pace."


Last edited by Iori on Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:31 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


That accent. The grinding of teeth nearly audible through the earpiece, Lukas' slumped shoulders continued to march through the various warehouses backalleys. From above, he'd be particularly easy to keep track of, his hair bright with the rising sun, despite the colossal shadows dripping from each building. It would take more than a moment for him to find anyone else, an errant worry for the one man he had passed.

If he was the target... The urge to shake his head was resisted as the sound of voices echoed towards him. Yelling?

Lukas turned the corner, a flickering lightbulb above him. Eyes squinting behind sunglasses, the figures ahead a mass of squirming limbs - body turned over body, fists flying as either of the combatants struggled to claw back onto their feet. Silhouettes moved behind bright windows, a broken door and vibrant language setting the scene. Atop the door, G.R. LLC, the letters underneath it illegible for half a dozen reasons, none of them particularly important.

He'd stare at the two, in the few glimpses of light he could make it out - the decisive cracking of a skull as the victor stood, a stomp landing decisively on the other man's neck. If it were any other situation, he'd be congratulating the man, but now was not the time. Especially if she's listening.

His left hand raised, hair carefully falling over the earpiece before he spoke, hand turning outwards to wave. "Everything good?"

The man's neck almost snapped with how fast he turned, a faint trail of blood flying from his mouth. A fist clenched with gritted teeth, clouded eyes clearing as the man stared at Lukas. "You a customer?"

There were a handful of skills Lukas had acquired working for the Vandereich in the past, and arguably the most important was to know when to shut up. Responding with silence and crossed arms, his head would swivel towards the crumpled body as an eyebrow peeked from beneath glasses. Stillness, the sound of scratching against his bandaged arm.

A noticeable shift across the other man's face, his eyes shifting between the two others in quick succession. A moment of pregnant silence, a thumb jutting downwards. "Don't worry, he didn't pay." Another spittle of blood, the man turning back to the still obliterated door. "WE GOT A CUSTOMER!"

That was easy. he assumed, slowly stepping forward to follow the man as he dissapeared, another man emerging with a mop and bucket as he entered.

Bright lights, the smell of harsh chemicals, a sense of dread. It was an open floorplan, small cubicles filling a far corner of the room where fifteen or so men and women were idly chatting. Across the rest, a miniature shipping yard; pallets and forklifts, a mix of various logistics supplies and Reio-knew-what. Only here, at the far end of the miniature yard, a crowded table of four.

"Never seen you before." the same man continued to talk at Lukas, now holding a wet rag to his mouth. It would take a moment before the table would turn their heads to the silver haired man, echoing silence as they did.

"Just got out of prison." a casual remark, and probably the last truth he'd tell them.

537 words | | feel free to take control of any npcs here, also sorry for the delay

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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