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Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:43 am
Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Nice and quick, good~ Lerna's smile widened just a little as she watched the girl dart to the side to avoid the pommel. She was good, not too slow, but not as fast as Lerna was capable of. Certainly she liked what she was seeing as the girl dipped to the side and seeming to pause as Lerna backed up and spoke. Silly girl, but she didn;'t punish it. Taking in the woman's response and deftly blocking those strikes. Her blade not having t rush much as she quickly let her blade dart about, blocking those flicks and vertical strikes before she BULLED forward!

At the very last impact, Lerna suddenly pressed forward with a SURGE of strength that Mizu wouldn't be able to match, sliding the woman back a few feet, and PRESSING, forcing Mizu to keep that contact, feeling around as she PRESSED against the other woman's blade. Making it VERY clear that she was feeling around for if that guard would weaken, or if she would try to retreat to get a little chance to snick at the woman. An attempt to lock Mizu int the guard, curious to see how she would respond to the pressure.

"I joined when Commander Murasaki was the Captain. I owe a great deal to her for vouching my candidacy as a substitute shinigami. And as for squad seven specifically? Well. I'm a substitute. So the squad that spends most of it's time on earth makes the most sense." She pointed out with a casual smile. Also revealing that she was not, in fact: a pure shinigami. But rather likely a human gifted the ability to use shinigami powers and join the gotei.

"Technically, I'm still in the academy. But well, us Subs do duties concurrent to our curriculum. So I'm sortof half and half between the academy and my squad. " She explained, finally pulling back, if Mizu hadn't already found some way to counter and escape, to give them both a bit of breathing room.

"Oh and another fun little fact. I'm a mod soul." She added with a calm smile. By now a nice little crowd had turned their attention to the two women, one r two even cheering for one of the pair as the gals went at it. It wasn't a ton of people, since they weren't really GOING at it. But certainly now there was some semblance of an audience.

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Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu]

Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:36 pm
Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0

Lerna grinned, pleased to see Mizu taking a moment to struggle, but still coming through and not getting frustrated. A lot of people got confused, or even indignant about Lerna's freakish strength. Heh, Kudos for her. Not a bad girl. Still, she perked a brow slightly and ....furrowed her brows when she saw Mizu tuck her zanpaku'to under her arm. In the very next moment, as Mizu started to raise her hands, Lerna closed the distance between them with a shunpo.

Mizu's hands, raised up, would find themselves pressed to Lerna's chest as the Mod soul promptly snagged the handle of the woman's zanpaku'to. A smirk playing across her lips. She didn't move. Even if Mizu DID keep her hands there and fire a byakurai clean into Lerna's chest, the Mod soul aimed to rip the weapon from where it was pinched, and promptly grab Mizu's face with her other hand. She was fairly durable, but still that spell would burn it's way into her chest. REASONABLY Mizu probably wouldn't be going full blast. Lerna doubted that she was gonna go trying to put a hole in her. But all the same, with one, smooth, twisting motion, LErna aimed to lift Mizu clean off the ground by her facebefore then dropping her HARD. Of course, if the girl was prepared for this sort of thing, and wasn't thrown odd by Lerna's chest, she might have a shot at just zipping away. It all depended on how Mizu reacted to the sudden move.

"Alrighty, first advice: Try to learn how to case Kido one-handed. Im' not very good at Kido in the slightest, but I still try not to take the time to use both hands. If you're at a distance? Sure, but when I'm this close, its a bad idea." She advised. "Plenty of times down on earth some idiot puts down their weapon to do something and that's the end of them. They get shot or stabbed." She noted with a sagacious nod. Potentially with a nice big byakurai-shaped hole in her top.

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Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:39 pm
Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 HEADER_67533998_p0


Lerna quirked a brow as she felt the electrical current course through her arm as well as Mizu's own, the muscles spasming just a little, her grip LOCKING down on the handle alongside Mizu's own because of the spasms, and then a moment later, as she went for the woman's face, she felt that forceful BOOM as the Seki went off. She could have probably avoided it, but she allowed herself to be punted back, skidding a few feet before quirking a brow as Mizu darted back with a shunpo. Hmmm, in terms of shunpo, they weren't to far from eachother. Lerna's general speed was just superior, but Mizu was probably a bit better at using Flash step. Nice. She put on a playful smile and canted her head to the side, flexing her burnt hand and then pausing as her flesh rippled, the burns along her hand vanishing as she healed the "injury".

After all, her " body" was just a gigai that her mod pill was in. And with a bit of adjusting it, she was able to just repair the light damage easily enough. Especially the kind of light damage that would be dished ut in such a light training match.

"Not bad. Quick on your feet too. That's always good." She noted with a light chuckle, humming for a moment and then shaking her head. "Hm, never was very good with spells myself. I think you may have me a little outmatched here." She reasoned, promptly starting to walk toward Mizu. "I'm kinda stuck on options other than just Hakuda and some simple Kido spells. Frankly my Zanpaku'to is a little mean, not really something I'd use on a fellow shinigami. If this were some kinda contest I'd probably just call you the winner this time around. But this match is for training." She grinned, sheathing her Zanpaku'to and then raising up her fists, crouching down and planting both hands onto the ground, a loud crackling noise escaping as a bright glittering sheen covered both of her arms. Absorbing the sand to coat her hands in glass mixed with her own reiryoku, creating a sortof protective armor over her hands and forearms, promptly turning them into weapons.

"Alrighty. Ready to go again?~"

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Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu]

Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:57 pm
Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 HEADER_63081779_p0

Lerna couldn't help the amused smirk that spread across her face as she listened to Mizu's insisting tone. Tch~ How ballsy. But also the girl at least seemed aware of the matchup. To ... some small extent. There was, in fact, a very large number of things that Mizu could likely do to impede her. Especially with the more powerful side of Kido. But she couldn't help but admire the gusto with which Mizu drew her blade and released her Zanpaku'to. A nice, wide smile spreading across her face. "Eh? That's a little bit much. How am I supposed to deal with determination like that??" She shook her head and sighed. She couldn't just IGNORE guts like that. Tch, she could just go with burning. But then again, she really didn't wanna see the girl all burnt up. Or rather, she didn't want any of the spectators seeing that. Nope, seemed she was gona have to go with Yowaseruhime for this one.

"Well, if you're gonna release." She murmured, promptly bringing her zanpaku'to to her lips and gently licking the fluid along it's blade. As her spiritual pressure spiked, it made a sound like the hissing of snakes as her body began to glisten. Not from anything shiny, but because she was suddenly drenched. Alcohol shedding from the pores in her skin as her hair slowly matted down. In the very next instant, she closed the distance between herself and Mizu with a Shunpo, Slashing down with her weapon in a powerful overhead swing that would cause the sand beneath Mizu to crater from the impact. Ånd as she moved, that sake would fling from her body, splashing all around her and starting to aerosolize. Not just where it landed, but in the air around where it did, the smell of STRONG sake would fill the air, and start to get Mizu drunk if it made contact or was inhaled. Not exactly a very fair ability to be using in a normal spar after all.

Immediately following the downward slash, Lerna puffed her cheeks, that sake filling her mouth before she promptly let out a TSSSST! Spitting a spray of Sake toward Mizu. It wouldn't put the woman down immediately, but it would be a hard drunk sensation. Loss of coordination, focus, blurring the senses, it also had a tendency to make people very suggestible. All the ins and outs of getting fuckfaced without actually having to drink a drop. Lerna knew all too well how helpless it could make people. She certainly was curious to see how Mizu would deal with the threat.

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Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu]

Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:46 am
Another Day Another Division [Lerna, Mizu] - Page 2 HEADER_63081779_p0

Lerna smiled a bit wider as she watched that crystal reforming into a blade. Well now wasn't that interesting? Even more, as she prepared to spit that crystaline structure fanned out, forming a big shield to block most of the steam, though the fumes still managed to begin permeating the air around them, a smile flashing across Lerna's face as Mizu darted back and swept her blade upward. Her brows raising just before that hail of slim ice blades suddenly swept upward, catching her a bit off guard as they promptly swept and sliced into her body, peppering her frame, but not penetrating thanks to the hard glassy armor on her body, a few cracks and crisk slithering across her frame, but nothing that compromised enough to let those blades penetrate her body.

"Whew! That's quite the attack you have there!" She pointed out, brushing the crystals from her body and humming. The armor was chipped, having had to thin it out to cover more of her body. Hm. She allowed that glassy Root Shell armor to slowly recede from the rest of her body, focusing on her arms as she then glanced back up at Mizu. Quirking a brow as the girl took a guess at her abilities. She smiled.

"Huh, that's an interesting theory. It'd be pretty pesky if that WERE my ability though, don't you think? Plenty of hollows like to give themselves nice tough armor, or speed about to dodge attacks. But get them a little wasted and they suddenly have all kinds of openings." She ventured, playfully neither confirming nor denying if that WAS the primary ability of her shikai.

She spun her zanpaku'to through her fingers, until finally she gripped the handle in reverse, the blade pointing behind her as she lowered her stance, readying herself for another attack. "So whatcha gonna do now? Think you can risk getting close enough to attack?" She taunted.
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