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God of Love
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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:52 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] JryjPlU


It was one thing to do her best around the Gotei, be a generally helpful shinigami and have peoplea actually appreciate her, but Bambietta honestly couldn't say she'd ever quite expected to have a captain request she teach them kido. Honestly, though, it wasn't entirely surprising. Even if she wasn't necessarily the best at it, her only superiors were Captain Kuchiki and 3rd Seat Ayasegawa. The captain was busy, and Ayasegawa...well, she wouldn't imagine anyone wanting to learn under him.

So, she packed up her books, all her own personal notes from having studied the art of kido, and a few textbooks she'd asked to borrow from Shino Academy. After all, if there was one thing Bambietta didn't want to come off as, it was unprepared.

Knocking on the office to the 7th Division captain's office, Bambietta called out in a polite, but firm voice, not wanting to seem as though she was nervous or unsure about this task.

"Captain Kishimoto! 4th Seat Basterbine, here for our meeting."

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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:34 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red


This is where she is in life, huh? Asking random folks for help, huh? Well, guess she shouldn't complain. It's not like she's getting an absolute jobber to help her out. This is the Fourth Seat after all. That has to mean something, yeah? Though, Elyss always appreciates someone with a go getter attitude. Unfortunately, her door was berated by a soft knock and a sweet voice. There was a bit of gusto, however. That's good.

"Come on in," Elyss invited, sitting at her desk, nothing between her and Bambietta but a wooden piece of furniture. Of course, Elyss stared intensely at the other woman, piercing eyes moving up and down.

"Fourth Seat, Basterbine? Are you sure you're ready for our meeting?"


God of Love
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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:27 am
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] JryjPlU


Bambietta had heard that Captain Kishimoto was fairly intense, but actually meeting her was something else entirely. The way she stared was piercing, and in a way, it kind of made Bambietta uncomfortable. It reminded her a little too much of Abalia, of her time in prison. Still, she wouldn't let that bother her when she was here to do her job, and she spoke with only a faint bit of hesitation as she replied.

"Yes, ma'am! I've brought a lot of resources for our lesson, I wasn't sure how you learn best. If you like to read and then apply the theory, I have a lot of my personal notes from when I was in the academy to go with the texts I've brought. But if you're more of a hands-on kind of teacher, we can go outside and get right to practice."

She was certainly eager to teach, but that was only natural. Having done so much to become a contributing member of the Gotei, it was hard not to be excited about the prospect of teaching someone as important and respected as a captain.

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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:43 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Leave the books here then. I will look over them later. For now, follow me."

Elyss isn't a simpleminded woman, only capable of doing things one way. However, it would be pointless to ask for help and not create an environment that allows for the teacher and student to physically interact. Even if Bambietta's notes proved perfect, a hands-on lesson would always be more beneficial. That is why Elyss would lead the woman to an empty field outside. It wasn't a typical training area, for it was a bit of distance from the Seventh Division. Just a plot of empty space for two to haphazardly throw around Kido in.

"Alright. Let's get things started," Elyss said while stretching. "I want to know the basics of Kido by the end of today!"


God of Love
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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:45 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] JryjPlU



Bambietta's energy picked up a bit at the instruction to come along for more hands-on training, seeing as that was what she herself felt much more confident in teaching. She was smart enough, sure, but a lot of her specialization was more in line with the practical side of kido and the like. Keeping pace with Elyss as they walked, Bambietta nodded in repsonse to her confidence.

"Then we'll get you there! How confident are you in the basics already? I don't imagine a captain needs refreshers on basic stuff like a Sai or a Byakurai, but even something like a Shakkaho or some basic Bakudo can be difficult for people who aren't specialists. Give me your best Shakkaho, right toward me!"

She could have had the captain throw it at a target or something, but Bambietta wanted to get herself more involved here, and directly defending against a spell would give her some good opportunity to get a feel for how Elyss was handling things. Raising her hands, she spoke out an incantation, readying a spell she'd been testing in her free research hours.

"In the thick of the forest, a strange sound rings! A shell breaks and the sea spills its essence! The first sun shines on me, Enkoukai!"

A round shield not unlike an Enkousen formed in front of Bambietta, centered on both hands. Unlike the Enkousen, however, it was a darker shade of pink, and had a faint web of energy pulsing toward Bambietta's hands. In theory, she was fairly certain this would let her analyze whatever struck it, but she'd need to test it here to see if that was true.

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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:44 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Eh? A what? A shakkaho? That's the red one, right? It's like a ball of fire or something? The chant for it went something like- Ah. She's got it. Elyss can do this. She never really paid much attention to any of the kido spells, so she's not entirely sure if her kido's anything to write home about. At the very least she can get something as basic as this down.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"

Yeah. That's it. She's got the chant down. However, her control of the growing ball of energy in her hand proved less than ideal. It seemed to flare and wither at random intervals, Elyss proving incapable of properly controlling the flow of her own energy. The weight of it could still be felt though, the energy of a Captain surging forward.

"Shakkaho," Elyss muttered, firing the orb of energy. Unfortunately, as it flew from her, the disbalance between power and control caused for most of it to fall and sputter off from the attack, leaving energy flying everywhere. The orb still crashed into Bambietta, but it lacked any real threat and blew up against her shield without even denting it.


God of Love
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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:32 am
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] JryjPlU


Well, that was...underwhelming, admittedly, and that was even taking into account Bambietta's fairly tempered expectations. After all, she'd gone into this knowing that Captain Kishimoto wasn't much of a kido practitioner, so it didn't surprise her to see the shakkaho fall a little flat. This, though, wasn't so much a shakkaho as it was a raw expression of energy. Well, it was a good thing Bambietta had already been bracing herself, if nothing else. The actual spell might've sucked, but the spiritual pressure from a Captain's energy flying all over the place wasn't something you just took on the chin no problem.

"Alright, well, at least you got the spell to come out, so it's not the worst thing in the world. But I don't want to lie to you, Captain, that wasn't great. Your form seems kinda sloppy. You'll wanna focus more on the energy you're putting into the spell, think about how it moves. You're pretty good with hakuda, right? It's the same sort of principle."

Hopefully that made sense to Elyss, but Bambietta had already sort of stopped being as formal and polite for the sake of being what she considered a more effective teacher. She didn't want to waste the Captain's time, after all, and she wanted this to be productive.

"Try it again, but focus more on getting the energy stable in your hands. Don't bother firing the spell off until you have it stable. We can take as much time as you need, and I'll keep up some barriers so things don't get too out of control if it goes south."

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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:43 pm
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"H-Hakuda? To be honest with you, I've never relied on the Shinigami arts for anything. I have no experience with it at all."

Elyss could only give Bambietta the harsh truth. The redhead has no experience being a Shinigami outside of the basics of how to do her job. It was that lack of anything that found Elyss even having Bambietta here. It's also why she enlisted the help of Makoto. Though, with that factored in, one may come to reconsider why Elyss is even a Captain.

"I don't know if trying to simply force my energy to abide by my standards is going to be easy. It's always had a mind of its own."

But she tried it again anyway. Like before, she took a stance that felt familiar to what she has seen and been shown before. Her time at the Academy was short, but she did learn a thing or two. Honestly, maybe if she wasn't so busy, she'd have even learned something during her Captaincy, but she rarely even has time for the little lessons she has agreed to take. Nevertheless, she focused her energy again, forming that reddish ball. It seems something as this isn't too hard for her. The next part is.

As she tried to keep that energy stable, its rapid growth from her own reserves made it desire more and more energy than she could control. This caused it to slowly grow unstable until Elyss could barely manage to keep it from getting away from her. Pumping out power doesn't seem the issue here. Reeling it in-

And then she simply exploded on herself. A massive explosion consuming her person.


God of Love
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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:16 am
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] JryjPlU


Bambietta was, in this moment, exceptionally glad she'd made sure to set up some barrier kido before this, and even moreso that she'd had her own defenses at the ready. Her own barrier had pretty much shattered from the impact of all that spiritual energy bursting outward, but it had at least done its job, and kept her from getting absolutely blown to smithereens.

"Captain! You alright??"

Of course, her own well-being wasn't the only thing she had to worry about here, and she'd already started muttering incantations for kaido under her breath as she hurried over toward Elyss, her hands glowing with a calming green light. This wasn't exactly what she'd expected, but maybe she'd expected too much? She'd figured Captain Kishimoto might have a better handle on her energy, but then again, Bambietta hadn't really asked, and she supposed she probably should have done a little more research before she just handed the lady a lesson plan. Damn it, she hadn't thought this through at all.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't think to see what you were familiar with! That's my mistake, I can replan the lesson plan from here. I have other things in mind."

There was decidedly a bit of desperation in her voice as she spoke, both because she wanted her healing to actually work, and because she was terrified that her efforts to teach might have just backfired.

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Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Empty Re: Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta]

Sun Nov 06, 2022 2:27 am
Rise Up to the Ten [Elyss, Bambietta] Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

For one, Elyss is far from injured. Despite it being her own energy, the chaotic nature of how it exploded left her mostly intact. In fact, she barely seemed concerned with the very fact it exploded, focusing intensely on her own hands. As the smoke cleared, she had even taken a seat on the ground, her face stressed with thought. Bambiette's clucking was annoying though, for it kept her from thinking about what just happened, so she began swatting at the woman.

"Don't sweat it. I'm not even hurt, but I think I see how this stuff works now."

Despite not having any particular skill at Kido, Elyss' knack for learning has already brought her to a sort of enlightenment. She just needs a bit of time to think. Feeling her Reiryoku traveling through her body, seeing it flow free from her, and attempting to control it has imprinted a somewhat basic idea of how this all works at least. It reminds her of the times Tenmarin fueled her. Elyss hates the fact that her Zanpakuto is actually helpful, even if in bad faith.

"Pretty sorry for a Captain, but I guess I wasn't given the title because of my efficiency at this sort of stuff. Don't worry though. No need to edit any plans. This just means I have some homework to do before our next lesson."

A little smile should help quell the panicking woman's qualms. Though, Elyss quickly went back to thinking while she sat, her focus back on the ground.


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