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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:14 am
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Header5

Well, that was easy! The best way to ensure that she and her bbff could keep doing fun things together was to look for opportunity and her friend Dorian was real good for that. She'd helped him with a bit of work for deliveries here and there. It was a fun time together but Inanna needed to find something to fill their time in, this magical girl gig was pretty slow lately and that wasn't sitting well with her at all.

So she went in there all sweet-like, gave Dorian her best smile and puppy dog eyes like when she tries to get her mum to cave in to her demands and beg him for to let her and Alex work for him. All for what she considered to be a pretty good deal at her end. She was a pretty good negotiator!

Leaving the restraunt, the exciteable danava (now wearing clothes that were actually her size and not sizes bigger). She couldn't wait to tell Alex that she had found something for them to do after school rather than have to sit around in the house all stuffy and lounging around in comfy clothes. She liked to do stuff after all! Even more so now that she had the person that made it all the more exciteable to do.

It's like they would be back at Vastime helping out Nel but this time it was Dorian and they didn't live upstairs, which was kind of a downside but Inanna could make it work for a while. Up until she got bored and didn't want to be a waitress for Dorian anymore.


Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Gamma_Signature
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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:47 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Somehow Liltotto managed to capture the spirit of 'dragged out of bed and into the street' far more than usual. Even with her best attempt to look proper, her hair was still kind of messy while partially tucked into her hoodie, her face being much droopier than normal. With how hard she was working herself since she got back, she hadn't really been by the restaurant lately, walking that way to at least poke in and say hi to the regulars and her coworkers, and perhaps actually go home with Dorian to sleep in a real bed again. She felt a bit red in the face at that idea... What the fuck was she feeling flustered over?! They're dating! She's known people who would've jumped far past that stage at this point..

Groaning, she'd gently punish herself with a slap on the cheek. Those were thoughts for when she wasn't so tired her body was gonna give out. Though she swore she was seeing things when she saw a light-haired girl coming in the opposite direction of the restaurant with... Animal ears? Hang on...

"Oh, hey kid!" She'd turn her head and called after her, "Are you Inanna?"

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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:25 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Header5

"Huh, who the hell are you?"

How did this woman know her name? Fuck! Her ears stood on end and her garnet eyes looked at Liltotto like she was a doe in headlights. After a small pause she realised that she must look stupid so she shook her head a little bit and recovered her jubilant demeanour that could brighten up the room rather than the startled little animal.

"Y-yeah. I'm Inanna, now what's your name? Do you know my mum?"


Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Gamma_Signature
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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:40 am
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

A look of incredible surprise crossed Lil's face, not at Inanna's reaction to suddenly having her name called out by a stranger, but rather to the ears. Holy fuck from what she heard from Dorian she thought it was just some hip teen cosplay headband or something, she didn't fully believe they actually were REAL ears until now, "..Huh."

She'd quickly move past that reaction and onto answering the clearly freaked out girl, even if she looked like she was putting on a braver look, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. I just heard from Dorian he had some new help. I'm Liltotto, I.. Also volunteer at the restaurant, I just haven't been around much lately. And.. Uh.."

Nobody immediately came to mind who could've been this girl's parent, at least nobody that she knew well. There was a lot of people to remember and she couldn't quite place anybody, much less women who also had ears like that.. "..No, I don't think I know your mom. She work in the Vandenreich?"

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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:34 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Header5

"Okay, Hiiiii Liltotto. So do you also wear a cute maid outfit?"

A fellow volunteer? Excellent. Inanna would be sure to try and do her best as a waitress! It's always more fun with more people, Alex and her needed a big teacher to show them the ropes. Not that Alex even knew her afternoons were going to be eaten up in the name of fun.

"My mum? Oh. Her name's Ninsianna."

She explained with a grin and another flick of her ears to establish in Liltotto's head that these ears certainly were the real deal.


Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Gamma_Signature
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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:45 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She couldn't help but blink twice at that question, a mild look of surprise on her face, "Uh, no, I normally just work in the kitchen. Don't really have much of a reason to dress for much apart from the job."

Was there really any time she dressed all that nicely? All her clothes tended to be more of the comfortable and boring side than dressy or cute... It never really crossed her mind to intentionally look remarkably appealing in her day to day, though she did look at girls dressed nicely with a sense of envy, especially since she was in a relationship. But she wasn't fifteen living in poorer circumstances way back when anymore, she could always just buy better looking clothes... She couldn't help but wonder if Dorian would like her better in a pretty maid outfit, even with her boring face.

"Ah, so it's Director Kishar. Don't know her well but I know of her." She definitely recognized that name; the Director of Albedochiffren. Not like she saw or knew much of her past name, she didn't take her as the most sociable type from what she understood, "Well, thanks for giving a hand Inanna, times have been pretty rough and all he's done is work harder. I always gotta drag em off when he's overdoing it."

She'd sigh, gently shaking her head and crossing her arms, "Love the guy, but he works himself too hard sometimes... Guess he isn't the only one doing that now, though."

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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:15 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Header5

"Huh, well you'd totally look cute dressed up as one I think."

She said with a big grin. Inanna thought maids looked cute, they got to wear big frilly dresses and everything and Liltotto looked pretty good. Rocking her head back and forth while she listened, half-and-half. One ear was absorbing her words and the other half of her brain was still having fun imagining Liltotto going around and taking orders in a maid dress.


"Oh! So you're the girl friend of Dorian? That makes sense, he mentioned you. He said you were super cute and adorable but I shouldn't tell you or else you'd get embarrassed... Wait.. Shit!"

Inanna was humilated! She had just told the thing to the woman that her friend had told her not to tell her. It took her a solid moment to recover as she grabbed her ears and rubbed her head in frustration.


Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Gamma_Signature
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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:43 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"...Yeah?" A light settling of pink emerged on her face, a reaction she wouldn't have had if not for her present track of thought to have been unintentionally validated by the odd kid's compliment. She wasn't entirely sure of the idea of wearing anything too crazy, but maybe dressing a little nicer would feel better... Though one of her biggest deterrent would've been any attention it could attract, but really that seemed to just be excuses cooked up in her head.

Though, her eyes would grow a bit wider and rounder at Inanna's casual revealing of what Dorian thought of her as, rather plain features visibly growing just a few shades redder, even the tips of her ears were flushed with pink. Even if she wasn't physically reacting very strongly, on the inside she was feeling her heartrate tick up a bit. He was being incredibly cheesy when she dragged him away all fucked up from work, but she didn't imagine he'd be willing to disclose that stuff in a not delirious state of mind, much less to who appeared to be a teen.

"Hey, hey... No need to freak out." She'd stiltedly wave her hands in an 'it's alright' motion, still clearly stunned, "It's alright, i'm sure he'll forgive you. I'm just... Being stupid, I don't know. It's not a big deal."

She'd rub her cheek with one hand as if the blush on her face was something that could be wiped off, "..But yeah i'm the... 'Girl Friend' of Dorian."

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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:51 pm
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Header5

She was so dumb! She just blabbered out Dorain's secret that he gave her in confidence and now Lilotto was super embarrassed. How was she supposed to recover this now? Her hands that were frustratingly beating at her ears moved down a little bit to rub her eyes with her palms. This would be like if she just told Liltotto that Alex talked in her sleep.

After a couple moments to recover she stopped rubbing her eyes and looked back up at the flustered Liltotto with a sheepish look.

"O-okay. Are you like his best best friend too? He said you two sleep together so I guess you must be his best best friend, although I guess I sleep with mum as well before and she isn't my best best friend, she's my mum."

Inanna asked it so genuinely that she just assumed that people would understand the context of what a best best friend was.


Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Gamma_Signature
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] CHARACTER_LISTHungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] GRAPHICS_THREADHungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] Empty Re: Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:04 am
Hungry for Fun [Inanna, Liltotto] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Hearing that this girl knew they slept together just made her face grow at least three shades darker, with the additional confusion of her understanding of what that meant. She had assumed the girl was at least a teenager, but even then there was a considerable spectrum when it came to ages, as well as what was appropriate to discuss with what age. Though she successfully kept the brunt of her emotions internal as per usual, she was genuinely uncertain of what exactly to respond with, taking a deep breath to level her tempers,

"Okay it's like... When two people, who aren't related to each other, who meet and grow to... Really love each other, and decide they're comfortable enough to do stuff with each other that they wouldn't normally do with others. And... Sleeping together is one of those things."

She'd bring her hands together, squeezed tightly against each other in front of her, "..So, yeah, a best-best friend, I guess?"

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