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Thu Feb 16, 2023 7:20 am
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] 1ENxkAu

Liltotto Lamperd

Well, it seemed she was off to meet a unique character today - she had been asked to find and talk to some woman named Librea about joining... Apparently very hard to miss, rabbit ears and whatnot. She definitely remembered someone or people floating around with odd traits, but she didn't recall any specific people.

Recruitment definitely wasn't a common job she'd been given, but she managed to catch sight of her after a while of searching. She and her people had been helping out since the disaster, so formally asking her to join in didn't seem too far-fetched or overreaching.

"Hey!" She'd call out, waving to get her attention, "You're Librea right? Can I talk to you for a sec?"

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:00 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] HEADER-Howdy2_8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

It hadn't taken her ... TOO long to get used to the City. The sounds, the smells. All of it meshed together. Even though it still hurt her sensitive ears, she'd founds places of refuge that weren't quite as noisy, didn't quite have the same amount of duress and energy within them. The beach had proven an excellent place, and she'd been able to secure homes along the shore for many of her tribe, though some had chosen to live deeper in the city, while still others still had chosen other homes outside the city of lights. To see their tribe split was it's own pain, but this too was the role of the leader. Not all would be happy, and some were destined to branch out anyway. It sewed pain and joy in equal measure.

However, she still sought more. She wasn't content with simply relocating her people. There was the matter of protecting them, and that is where the Vandenreich came in. She had sensed Liltotto's approach far before the woman had actually spoken up. One of those big ears which made Librea tower over the blonde european sriveled in the woman's direction as Librea herself stared straight ahead. When Liltotto spoke up, both ears swiveled in her direction, as Librea's eyes remained pinned to the coast.

"You may." She noted over her shoulder, taking a full few seconds before finally turning to face the woman. Reminding herself that humans preferred to be stared at . She had no idea why, but she had to kick herself to remember. Librea certainly was a sight. Slim, lighte, with elongated forearms and large hands with pointed claws at the tips of her fingers. Sharp things, but still dexterous. Her physiology and even the large almond shape to her eyes, her reduced nose, all spoke to her ...inhumanity.

"You..... " She paused, looking more closely at Liltotto. Not with her eyes, but with her Reikaku, intrigued at what she ......felt.... and smelled from the woman. What was this? But she did not allow that confusion to linger. "Are from the Vandenrike. Yes?" She finished her sentence, ammending from what had actually been on her mind.
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Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:42 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] 1ENxkAu

Liltotto Lamperd

Wow, when they said they were rabbit people, they really weren't joking. Sure she'd gotten a flash or two of an unusual form, but that was a lot of people going through the city, but being able to be slow and get a good look at the distinctions really made them seep in. Her gaze was full of curiosity... But she quickly corrected herself to stop staring when the overly tall woman addressed her.

"Yeah, i'm a part of the Vandenreich. Liltotto Lamperd, Sternritter." She'd give a slight smile and extend a friendly hand to shake, "Heard you were interested? I know you and your people have been around helping out, and that's been a highly appreciated kindness."

Her eyes drew to the waves of the sea, before she'd continue, "Sorry to ask but, where are you all from? There a reason you came to the city? Doubt you just picked up house and home just to come here to help. Everything alright?"

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Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:02 am
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] HEADER-Howdy2_8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Librea didn't look directly at Liltotto. Sure, she looked in the woman's general direction, but those eyes never truly focused on the woman before her. Those ears, however, remained pointedly swiveled toward the woman, and her nose did twitch now and then, acutely focused on Liltotto. Aware of the sudden attention they seemed to have on her frame. She glanced down at herself, and imagined that it was a shock. Certainly Humans DID seem strange to her. So .... short and stocky. With tiny little arms and stubby blunt fingers.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am called Librea." She noted in soft reply, a gentle dip of her head before her ears twitched a bit as Liltotto held out that hand. She paused, before gently reaching out. Slipping that monstrous hand gently into Liltotto's o reciprocate the gesture. "Yours is a home full of interests. Many of which align with my own." She noted simply. An ear swiveled as if to follow Lil's gaze. Taking note of the sound of the ocean before she smiled lightly.

"That is .... a complicated story. A tale perhaps difficult to believe. But the short of this tail is that our home was no longer safe. Like birds woken early from winter, we could either move and adapt. Or we could perish. This place..... is a suitable for us. Very few Human homes are." She stated simply. A pause was given as she looked to the wman more directly for just a few seconds.

" So, I have naturally wished to protect our new home. Thus, you have heard of my interest." Another pause. "You have also come here from afar. Your song is not that of the city." She observed, certainly she had picked up on Not only Lioltotto's unique qualities, but also had ... a suspicion that the other woman also found the city overstimulating at times.
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Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:05 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] 1ENxkAu

Liltotto Lamperd

Definitely a weird handshake, as Librea's hand didn't quite neatly fit into her's, but she didn't express any form of disgust or bothering, just interest. She's touched bosses or professors with far weirder, actually gross in some cases' hand, this was nothing in comparison. Swore some of those guys she'd worked for or with were bare minimum half reptile, or worse, amphibious.

Taking heed of Librea and her story, she'd nod softly. There was no need for specifics, she could understand what led them here. She found it pointless to speak generic yet courteous condolences, merely giving Librea a soft look of understanding, saying a gentle 'sorry' with her eyes rather than her lips.

"My.. Song?" Sounding unfamiliar, but she put together what the rabbit-like woman may have meant, "Oh, yeah, i'm definitely not a city girl, but here I am. I've gotten used to the noise, sorta. This place is pretty nice once you've let yourself adjust, trust me. It's not the forest but.. Yknow."

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Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:13 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] HEADER-Howdy2_8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Librea was not aware of Liltotto's decision to give her a consoling look rather than do something with her lips, but the alternate timeline Librea was certainly thankful such was a fate avoided. All the same, as Liltotto expressed confusion, Librea smiled gently, a warm little expression as she .... considered. "Your song. Your way. Your... what is it your....Vibe?" She murmured, clumsily trying to express the sentiment. Even so, she was thankful that Liltotto seemed to get her meaning well enough. "Agreed. IT is ... a forest of sorts. One of metal. But no less precious for those that call it sanctuary." She noted before looking back to Liltotto. "As such, I wish to join the Vandenrike. IF it would be permitted." She noted, swinging the subject back to well...why they were speaking.

She was aware that there was a process. Similar to the vows of a Ward, but perhaps something not quite the same. As with everything that the little ones did, it was something that she expected she would simply have to adapt to.
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Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:37 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] 1ENxkAu

Liltotto Lamperd

“Yeah, vibe sounds about right,” She’d nod to the taller woman’s placing of words. Her mentioning of the woods was more from her own experience than believing that to be where Librea was from, but in the end it seemed they had similar roots. She was just thankful it wasn’t taken as offensive or whatever; she wasn’t familiar with this girl or her culture, and the last thing she’d want to do is make someone invested feel unwelcome.

“Well that’s no problem, I can take you over to a center to get the paperwork done. It’s a pretty seamless process.” She wasn’t exactly in a position to be responsible of that stuff, she was just a footsoldier, as much as she contemplated vying for a higher position lately. Always thought she’d be content in the lower rungs like she was in the many jobs she’d had in her life, but this wasn’t exactly just ‘any job’ to her, least not anymore. There was care in being here and taking care of things, after all.

“Formal branches are the Sternritter, Todgestalten, and Albedochiffren. Sternritter’s the branch i’m in; we’re basically the combative units. Todgestalten’s the covert ops guys, but I don’t think that’d be your speed - was surprised when another recent recruit decided on being personnel over there but hey, that’s his pick. Albedochiffren’s probably the most diverse - politics, resource management, research, the like. All depends on your strengths and capabilities, really. So, what can you do?“


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Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:45 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Librea gave a gentle nod of her head as Liltotto explained the process and situation, and if the woman started to lead her off, she'd be more than happy to begin following, her eyes continuing to scan around them, though her ears would remain fixed to Liltotto herself as she gave the explanation on the different branches of the Vandenryke. It was certainly an .... interesting place. Hohwever, there wasn't any hesitation when the woman asked her how she felt she might fit in.

"I have always been a warden. A protector for my people, and my home. My place has been between my home and the dangers that threaten it. IF these ... Stern Written are what you say they are. Then I feel that my place is within their number." She reasoned, her voice lacking any sense of uncertainty or hesitation. It was a role she had lived with ever since she'd the strength to wield a blade, or use the whisper of the wood to change her shape. That she would take any OTHER job simply didn't even register with the woman.
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Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:16 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] 1ENxkAu

Liltotto Lamperd

She'd hmm in agreement with Librea's choice, "Yeah, you seem like the active type. Would be a good fit. I contemplated switching from time to time but... Honestly it's the only branch where i'm sent all over the world for work. Was the closest to how I used to live, and having something new to see was probably where i'm happiest. Sure, with recent events I don't get to chill at home or help with my other's restaurant as much, but... I'm sure it'll be temporary, everything seems to be."

Liltotto would shrug, lamenting on how quickly things felt; was like just the other day she was adjusting to living in an actual house as opposed to an old van, her depression having a tighter grip on her motivations and of course, being tiny. A lot changed in what felt like a blink of an eye to her, yet it felt like an eternity at the same time.

"If you don't mind me askin', but, what was life at your home like? What'd you do normally? I get you were doing protective duties, but what else?"


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Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:27 pm
Hows The Weather Up There? [Liltotto, Librea] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

"I seem active? This is not what has been told to me..." She murmured with slightly furrowed brows. Most seemed to think she moved rather slow. Then again, most did not see her when she was hunting or protecting anyhting. Still, that this woman could so sense that part of her was interesting. Or perhaps did she mean her physique? She was aware that her figure was a bit irregular, far more functionally minded than most humans. But she honestly wasn't bothered enough to ask specifics.

After all. The woman seemed willing to offer her a chance. Though, that question did catch her a little off guard. She paused and turned, looking firectly at Liltotto for a few moments before she tilted her head. "I'm not sure I understand. I cared for my people. I would hunt. I would rest. Sometimes we would sing. Sometimes we would tell stories. Do humans not do these things as well?" She ventured. Indeed they did seem much more ...hurried and less unified in that sense. But still, she was curious as to what Liltotto was looking for.
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