- GammaVeteran Member
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Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:33 pm
Death Template
- Name of death applicant: Gamukira Kurotsuchi.
- Link to the Death Applicant's Character: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t21142-gamukira-kurotsuchi-hazard-rank-a-1-5-shinigami
- Your Character: Gamukira Kurotsuchi.
- Your Character Link: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t21142-gamukira-kurotsuchi-hazard-rank-a-1-5-shinigami
- Death location: Somewhere in Soul Society.
- Extra Information: It was suicide, or she turned herself into a fucked up hollow in a suicide attempt. Idk I might make her an NPC mini-boss sheet for people in a few weeks or so if some captains want the opportunity to flex against a Soul Society threat. That could be cool but character dead anyway.
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