Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Hono's Shikai! Empty Hono's Shikai!

Sat May 06, 2023 12:20 am

I. Upgrade Information

» Character Name: Hono Kaen
» Character Application:

» Upgrade Details:

I. Zanpakuto Information

» Zanpakutô Name: Kazagumowari [風雲裂, Cloud Splitter].

» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary:
Hono's Shikai! NOtlyNR
Kazagumowari takes the appearance of an Amazonian woman. With long white hair and only very simple clothes covering her body. A mechanical looking claw on her right arm. she represents the sheer will to achieve and break through your obstacles. She's quite a "diva" according to Hono. She wouldn't speak to Hono until she promised to get stronger, though Kazagumowari really doesn't speak much in general. She finally unlocked her abilities once Hono vowed to achieve her goals, Kazagumowari is nearly as stubborn as her master and just as determined.

» Inner World: Kazagumowari's inner world takes the appearance of a vast hot dessert, where the sun always shines. Kazagumowai is found training herself here, the spirit punches and slashes through rocks, small structures and just about anything she can train herself on. The general weather is extremely hot, the sun blistering down is something Kazagumowai is use to, but a visitor might find very uncomfortable.
Hono's Shikai! Qoxdb4o

» Zanpakutô Appearance: Already there

» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: N/A.

II. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Break through, Kazagumowari.

» Shikai Release Action: Hono releases her Shikai by Hono dragging her sword against the ground, scraping it, the blade begins to crack and break, leaving behind the jagged edges and poor quality cleaver.

» Shikai Appearance: Her sword becomes a cleaver like blade with a jagged edge, as if the sword has been ground down over a rock and looks pretty poorly maintained. The blade is only 7 inches long with a very small hilt and no hand guard.

» Shikai Ability: A short ranged melee-type Zanpakuto which at a glance does nothing more than trades her sealed Zanpkauto's length for more power which allow her to cleave things in two. That is the superficial aspect of her Zanpakuto, Hono's Shikai has more depth than being a simple slasher.

The jagged edge of her sword leaves tiny fragment of the sword inside targets that manages to slash. By verbalizing the command "rend" Hono causes the Shikai's ability to activate and the fragments of the sword inside all targets will burn up instantly. Anyone which is inflicted with the tiny fragments of the sword inside them will feel their whole body burning before making it as though the target is being attacked from the front and the back with an equal amount of force, increasing the chance of splitting the target cleanly in two as the two cuts will join in the middle and bifurcate them. The more fragments the stronger the attack.

Shikai Weaknesses:
Durability: Hono's Zanpakuto requires that she actually get the fragments embedded in a target in order for the Shikai ability to work. If she cannot physically break through a target's defences then she loses a lot of offensive power.
Reach: Due to her Zanpakuto being a meat cleaver, Hono loses a lot of her initial sword length, her blade only being 7 inches long.
Simple: A simple Zanpakuto which is not incredibly encompassing, it is the single-minded will to overcome every obstacle in front of her manifested. In exchange for utility, it makes up for it with potency.
Indiscriminate: If by twist of fate the fragments end up inside of an ally, she cannot activate this ability without harming them as well as her enemies.

» Supporting Material: Hono has finally achieved her Shikai after training her ass off. Her Motto still remains, "If everyone is ten times stronger I'll need to train ten times harder". On top of this she has mediated and spoke with her Zanpkauto. Training with Yuri , Ari and Elyss working on all of her Shinigami abilities. Yuri beating her really motivated Hono to wanna unlock her Shikai, allowing her not only be stronger but help the Gotei.
Ari Fight
Yuri's Motivation

I. Hazard Rating Information

[Has your character done anything to necessitate alterations of their hazard ratings whether that is gaining greater influence with other characters, acquiring greater resources and equipment, power reflected in this upgrade of their notoriety has increased? Please list a short summary of your character's actions between now and your last upgrade for the purpose of ensuring that they are still up to date or if they should be altered to reflect your character's growth.]

» Power: D

» Influence: E

» Resources: E

» In-Character Summary: Hono is a well trained Shinigami specifically in martial abilties, though her rank is still unseated, as such Hono doesn't have much influence at all, this also translates to her resources, but makes as much as a standard Gotei member.

I. Additional Information

I love Gamma <3 I loved the idea

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Hono's Shikai! Left_bar_bleue0/0Hono's Shikai! Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Hono's Shikai! Empty Re: Hono's Shikai!

Thu May 18, 2023 8:36 pm

Updated Hazards.

Power: D
Influence: C
Resources: E

Overall: D

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