Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Platinum Points:
Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade]

Wed May 10, 2023 12:02 pm

I. Upgrade Information

» Character Name: Kagayaku no Murasaki
» Character Application:

» Upgrade Details:
Focus from Elite to Master.
Spirit Class from 2 to 1.

» Supporting Material: The past year or so in particular has been a pretty radical period of growth for Murasaki outside a combat focus. She's been forced to genuinely apply herself in things like politics, and in doing so I think she's very consistently displayed a level of situational awareness and self-control in tense situations that goes beyond what she's previously shown. She's the friendly Captain Commander, certainly, but I think she's shown that if she doesn't want you to see that side of her, you're just not going to. Her growth has made it to the point that she's finally willing to use Musonzai again, after having not used it for several years, and I believe that in itself also says a lot. In general, I believe Murasaki has very much become a defining metric of Focus as a skill, both in and out of combat.

As far as her Spirit Class, I'll be quite frank. She hasn't seen any change in her energy level in the past 3 years, despite her meteoric rise in power between developing multiple zanpakuto to their peak and growing into an exceptional kido practitioner, and I think it's fairly justified in that respect, particularly given the multiple changes to tier (and then the change to SC) in the course of those years.

A curation of particularly relevant threads:

Between Heaven and Earth

Creeping Darkness

Unforgiveable Sin

Autumn Mists

Does This Look Normal

One Woman's Freedom


I. Hazard Rating Information

» Power: S

» Influence: S

» Resources: X

» In-Character Summary: I don't know if Murasaki's Power rating merits updates, but between the requested increase to Spirit Class and the new zanpakuto she's received since her hazard rating was last looked at, I think it's probably worth looking at.

I. Additional Information

This time there's not another new zanpakuto.

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Platinum Points:
Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Left_bar_bleue0/0Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty Re: Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade]

Thu May 18, 2023 8:48 pm
[adm]First Approval.

Updated Hazards.

Power: X
Influence: S
Resources: X

Overall: X

Veteran Member
Joined : 2017-03-31
Posts : 3590
Age : 24
Location : Wandering The Wastes

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty Re: Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade]

Fri May 19, 2023 9:43 am
[mod]All good, second approval.[/mod]
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Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade] Empty Re: Blade's Edge Enlightenment [Murasaki Upgrade]

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