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Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi]

Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:49 pm
Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 HEADER___lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9b8f46e63e21a3195e393e77a10bb3cd

Edelo certainly did continue to keep an eye on her as they moved. Thankfully, she seemed amicable enough to be guided back to the computer lab. Good, that definitely assuaged a number of his worries. However.... when she shifted the subject toward his watchfulness, he stopped in his tracks and looked at her square in the face. For a moment, he considered addressing just why it was she made him anxious.

But he didn't. She barely bathed, she didn't seem like she'd understand. This group she was making these accusations toward. They made peoples tvs. Their stoves. Their electronics. Almost every part of peoples lives were touched by this group. And this girl was quite blatantly spouting that these individuals were evil. There really wa sno way for him to convey that the people of this city were scared and paranoid, and that regardless of the truth to these words of hers. They were bad for people.

"It's just this way." He stated calmly enough. Neglecting to answer the rest of her questions as he led her to the computer lab. He didn't have high hopes, but hopefully a bit of contact would, in some way, help. It depended on a lot of things. But in any case, it was better than nothing. Perhaps a bit of instruction and guidance with the help of a computer would .....offer the girl some context.

But he wasn't getting his hopes up.
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Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi]

Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:36 pm
Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi went really quiet when Edelo didn't answer. Fine. She just won't say anything now! She followed the man to the computer lab and sat down at the computer. She read what was on the screen and followed directions to get herself logged in. She was a "hunt and peck" typer, having to look from the screen to the keyboard for everything. It was a slow and drawn out process, and any advice Edelo gave would be followed, but not quickly. She had a hard time being able to find what she needed on the screen, and anything that wasn't straight forward stumped her. Finally, they made it to the search engine and she pecked in "Duvalier Group."

When different articles hit the screen, including the main site, Natsumi proved to be an impressively fast reader. She was horrible with computers, but a wiz with words. She ended up finding an article on Vastime and how the Duvalier responded. The public seemed to have a positive view of the company she hated. The next article talked more positivity, in how they helped fund different projects, build different things, and whatever other crap the Duvalier did for the public. As she read on, Natsumi's fist tightened and she leaned closer to the screen. She scrolled and scrolled, trying to find any piece of information, until finally "Claudia Duvalier."

"She's the owner..." Natsumi muttered, staring at this woman's picture. "I don't get it... She looks nice, and all this stuff says... Maybe she doesn't know? Not everyone knows, so..." Natsumi stopped talking and slid out of her chair. Saddened, confused, and frustrated, she hugged herself tightly, wrapping the dirty jacket around her. "It doesn't make any sense..." Natsumi eyed a sign that said "quiet in the library." At a quickened pace, she left the computer area and hurried toward the front door, barely whispering, "I ain't gettin' it. Somethin' ain't right."

End Post
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Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi]

Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:56 am
Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 HEADER___lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9b8f46e63e21a3195e393e77a10bb3cd

Edelo didn't really pay much mind to her little mannerisms. It was kindof what he expected for someone not use to computers. But it was the slow veil being lifted that was really his focus. Watching as little by little, the girl got a feel for what the Duvalier group was to the rest of the world.

"That she does. Doesn't she?" He murmured softly, before turning and promptly snagging the girl by the shoulder once she attempted to start bolding out. A sigh escaping him as he slowly got up from his seat. And walked her out of the library.. Slowly, he would teach this girl not to make a scene.

He'd make sure that the both of them left the library at a steady pace, and once outside, he'd finally speak up.

"I know that you've certainly seemed to have gone through something. I don't know what it is that has you on the path you're on. But you need to be careful about how you decide to go walking it. Look around. Even going about their every day lives, people have developed a tension. Every now and then, the usual citizen of this place will look to the sky, and some small part of them expects to see a monster, ready to end their life. An entire city was swallowed up by the earth. And this place? Was almost destroyed not that long ago. People are afraid. More and more." He murmured before turning to look to the younger woman.

"But they go home... and they turn on their duvalier brand TV. And they forget about all of that fear. With their friends. their possessions. Little things that help them feel normal. I'm not saying you're a liar. I frankly don't know how to feel about all this stuff you've been saying. But you need to be conscious that what you say can cause problems if you just shout it out on the streets." He stated firmly, a sigh escaping him as he looked the young woman over. Trying to ..surmise what a reasonable path of action would be.

"My name is Edelo. I work with the Vandenreich. I'd like you to come with me. You can leave at any point that you like. But I think we should find somewhere quiet and private so that you can tell me what it is that has you so bothered. IT doesn't have to be right now. But you clearly have a lot you need to get off your chest."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi]

Sat Jun 10, 2023 9:40 pm
Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi struggled under Edelo's grip the entire way out of the library. Though it would be more stressful for him, to any onlookers, it would be a teenager, likely his daughter, being walked out of the library for being in trouble or something. She kept trying to pull her shoulder away and walk faster, but he kept up with her. Once they were out of the library, he started talking again. In fact, he finally said more than like... two sentences to her since they had arrived at the library.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no... You listen here now. You listen to me," Natsumi suddenly turned back to him and pointed at his chest and then at herself. "I'm not making things up. You and everyone else are fools to believe anything good about them. It's a... a... what is that word..." She snapped her fingers a couple times, trying to think of the right phrasing. "It's fake... It's a front. Yeah, a front! The last fourteen years of my life are not something I dreamt up. It was real. It was my life."

Something about the way Natsumi was talking probably made it clear that she misunderstood something he said or assumed his actions and words were proof he did not believe her. Either way, there was a miscommunication going on here. She just seemed upset, almost on the verge of tears brought on by frustration.

"I am called Natsumi," she continued, her voice cracking from being upset. "I don't even know if that's real because it's what the scientists called me. Asakura is what I chose as my last name because it was on the top of some list I saw of doctors at one of the labs, and I could read it. So, hello, Edelo of the Van-dam-rakes. I'm me."

End Post
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Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi]

Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:39 pm
Friends in Short Supply [Edelo, Natsumi] - Page 3 HEADER___lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__9b8f46e63e21a3195e393e77a10bb3cd

Edelo simply watched the young woman as she suddenly shifted toward the defensive. A brow raising ever so slightly as he glanced her way. Waiting patiently for her to finish.

"I never said anything about you making anything up. The only one who seems to think what you're talking about might not be real is you." He stated calmly enough, closing his eyes and then turning. A moment of contemplation before he sighed. "I'll be in touch." He stated simply.

He could have just brought her in for questioning, but that would cause a scene, and frankly, he wasn't even on duty. He wasn't even dressed up in uniform, he wasn't going to go pushing anything on the woman. He'd file a report and some Ritters would likely be assigned to check on her for ythe time being. Assuming she didn't cause a scene before then. But in either case, he took his leave of the girl, leaving her to her frantic thoughts and, apparently, self doubts.

Sadly, he had the feeling that they were going to be seeing eachother again.
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