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[Spirit Class 9+] Ryouko Amou
Fri May 26, 2023 7:04 pm
I. Basic Information
» Name: Amou, Ryouko [天羽 涼子].
» Alias:
Princess Aizen.
» Age: 40s.
» Birthday: April 4.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami (Currently?)
» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Association: Gotei United; Third Division.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: In her dreams.
» Special Skill: Glasses never fall off.
» Height: 5'3"
» Build: Slender.
» Hair Colour: Brown.
» Eye Colour: Brown.
» Reiatsu Colour: Red.
» Appearance Written: Ryouko lost a considerable amount of weight following the accident, her body's metabolism went out of control and the attempts to stabilise her in the immediate aftermath saw much of her body being damaged. She still retains her glasses though with her brown hair, glasses, and formerly unassuming appearance it has done poorly to help her avoid the name of Princess Aizen sticking to her in the aftermath of the event.
I. Personality
Aloof and distracted, Ryouko was never anything special. She was plain, unassuming, a nobody among the many faces of her division but curiousity has a way of killing the cat and the worst part is that her greatest achievement wasn't even intentional. If one were to ask how she created this situation then she would not be able to explain it, she created what might be called a magnum opus with the Yakkaisharan only to have to admit that it only happened because of a screw up.
She had never taken a life but her mistake cost three people their's. She is no longer the same as those around her and for someone who was happy to hide amongst the shadows like an awkward weirdo she's lost her sense of privacy, no longer feels safe, and is filled with a horrible fear that she might become something horrible since so many treat her with disdain or fear for what she is now.
It's not possible to smile through it anymore. She begs everything to return to the way it was but there was only one wish that her Yakkaisharan took away from her - there is not enough room in it for two or to change - and that was the simple wish of "I wish I was better".
What that means is entirely up to the parasitic crystal that she made and now shares her life with. In a way, she's the same old Ryouko but given the trials of someone that should be a main character, not some gag background character like herself.
» Likes: Her storeroom. Eating food, usually because she's bored. Not having to deal with socialising, it's stressful pls understand.
» Dislikes: Everything about her life since her big screw up (greatest achievement).
I. History
Ryouko found her way into the Rukongai as a child, she passed away quite young during a time of great discourse and was sent to the Soul Society by a shinigami that had found her before turning into a hollow after saving her from it, though it did leave her quite terrified about the idea of ever facing another hollow. She was told that the Soul Society was a great place and there'd be no hunger, it was like heaven right?
Well she thinks that guy lied to her because the little girl roamed around looking for anyone she knew. There were none, that shinigami had done his job and sent a floating spirit to the Soul Society but as far as what came afterwards she was just dumped in a foreign place with no idea what to do. Luckily some kids were also the same and they accepted her into their group. It was tough living but they made do stealing water and surviving in the mid-range East Districts.
One day she was hungry though and the group kept a bit of food stashed away, they didn't need to eat but it was a nice treat every now and again. In her hungry state she went through the entire stock and they found her sleeping amongst the remains really content. They were not happy about the situation, she tried to explain that she was hungry but they didn't believe her. All she got for her honest attempt to explain was being called a lying pig and the nickname had her flee to try and get away from it.
Alone and confused again, she was able to bargain with a baker that if she helped her then she could have some of the leftover stock at the end of the day. It was a pretty good deal for the hungry girl and she was elated about the idea. For a while she worked really hard but she was always making mistakes and felt like she wasn't really earning her keep, like she was just a nuissance who was messing up the place.
So one day she didn't show up to help, quietly she left the nice lady who did so much for her out of guilt to look for another option. As she got closer to the Seireitei she passed out from her hunger and was stumbled upon by a group of shinigami who deduced the cause of the girl's fatigue. Giving her a small amount of food and recommending that she become a shinigami before she succumbed to it entirely.
After that she did exactly that, joining the Shin'o Academy and limping through the curriculum. Always trying but feeling that she just came short everytime. It took her eight years to graduate and her choice to join the Third Division was met with scepticism. She wasn't the smartest but she liked trying to learn and everytime she'd try her best.
Sometimes her best wasn't enough though when she was competing with actual geniuses so she struggled a bit to ever stand out amongst her peers. Ryouko tried to be first among equals but she always felt like she was last among them instead.
I. Natural Abilities
» Gluttonous Appetite: She can put quite a bit of it away but a lot of it comes down to eating because she's stressed, bored or just feeling like eating. It's definitely a contributor to her being a bit chubby prior to the incident and she's pretty self-conscious as a result of it. She retains her massive appetite though it can be attributed not only to habit but the demand for nutrients that her body is requiring to sustain the parasitic object that has taken root in her soul.
» Beast of Burden: Since her incident, Ryouko has become a host to the subject of research. It has fused and ingrained itself within her soul to the point that it has made removal impossible without serious damage to her soul and wellbeing. Ironically, it is by saving her life that allowed for it to take advantage of her critical state and fuse so deeply with her soul which was only understood after it was too late.
Ryouko's body has become the vessel that it cultivates itself within and as a result has developed an almost unprecedented level of regeneration which borders on a form of immortality. Anything that might kill Ryouko is a threat to her parasitical experiment and so its power is heavily focused on ensuring that her body remain in perfect shape. Even should Ryouko's head be blown off the woman's body will be able to create the silhouette of her missing head before it is filled in like a blank space with the details.
» Expanding Reiryoku: Since fusing with the Yakkaisharan, her reiryoku is notably increased and rather than settle it is further increasing. Ryouko's spiritual class does not represent the limit of the depths of her reiryoku's scale before exhaustion but instead represents how much can be exerted at any one time. In layman's terms, Ryouko's mana bar refreshes at the end of every turn but if the spell cost 70 mana and she only had a cap of 50 mana then she wouldn't be able to perform that spell even with her attribute.
» Koushin Saidan [確信切断, Conviction Amputation]: The means in which the Yakkaisharan grows, nothing is free and for the parasitical creation that has fused with her it cultivates itself through the stealing of convictions and beliefs. The overall ability can be compared to a kind of fullbring which has meant that Ryouko's powers are showing a shift away from being purely shinigami in nature as they adopt a more hollow affinity. Through the usage of Koushin Saidan, she subconsciously dissects and amputates the "spirit" of the world around her. Rather than controlling the spirit (魂, tamashii) Ryouko feeds off it like a leech which is used for her Yakkaisaharan to force her to evolve. This proves particularly true when it works on actual souls than just the residual spirit of the environment around her.
When a soul dies in her presence, Ryouko's Yakkaisharan filters out its "conviction". It's history and its will, scrubbing this soul clean of all that it can for nutrients before it is allowed to pass on. While this isn't a problem for a soul that dies, should a human die in her presence then there is a high chance of that soul losing its identity and suffering from amnesia.
I. Racial Abilities
» Hoho Practitioner: It's not used for much besides getting around quickly. It's supposed to be really good in a fight but Ryouko's more likely to employ it to try and run away at the end of the day if it became to overwhelming for her to deal with. It's not uncommon to see her trip though in the middle of a shunpo to a comical/pitiful display of the skill but she can do it.
» Hakuda Practioner: She knows a few hakuda techniques, enough to pass the Academy and graduate, though nothing that's exceptional. Applications of her reiryoku into the martial arts is lacklustre and she's mostly just doing regular martial arts when she does showcase her hakuda. She's really good at grappling and getting people into locks though but she's convinced she's not good at it.
» Kido Practioner: Showcases enough knowledge to be pretty received for her skills, Ryouko might've considered going into the second division if she didn't like the idea of having to use it in a fight. She's got a lot more technical knowledge than practical knowledge and she could get away with doing a Hadō #88 if she tried but without the means it would surely fail. It's why she doesn't like to boast about her abilities that much because then people will ask her to show them and might fail.
I. Zanpakutō
Since fusing with the Yakkaisharan Ryouko's unknown threat level has meant her asauchi was confiscated for security sake. It is held within the First Division.
I. Equipment
» (Incomplete) Yakkaisharan [厄介者卵, Parasite Egg]: Something created entirely by accident using research notes left by the former Captain of the Third Division. While its nature is entirely unknown to Ryouko, it's regarded as something on par with the hogyoku but differs from its true nature. It has been hypothesised that it is the antithesis of the hogyoku, rather than a wish-granting device Ryouko has instead created a wish-plundering device.
If the Hogyoku is designed to answer people's desires and impart the power onto them but the Yakkaisharan selfishly only responds to a single desire and will fuel itself off other wishes to sustain itself.
Upon the incident which left her in critical condition and in a coma for a few days, the Yakkaisharan fused with Ryouko and attempts to remove the Yakkaisharan from her body have failed. Much like the hogyoku, it exists in an embryonic state and will need to meet conditions to become perfected.
» Kinbakue [緊縛衣, Bondage Garment]: In the aftermath of the incident and Ryouko's fusion to the Yakkaisharan she was provided a special set of clothing which functions more like a prison. It is the elaborate bodysuit that she is seen in which was created by a joint effort of the Second and Third Division. It's purpose is to minimise the risk she might pose and is created to do everything conceivable to limit the development of her Yakkaisharan and incapacitate her if something were to go wrong.
If Ryouko's body attempts to undergo a metaphosis then her suit will inflict severe wounds to her body as a means of forcing the Yakkaisharan to halt development to repair the damage done to her body and continue until such a time that she is subdued. If she is deemed a risk or is out of control then the suit will tighten to restrict movement, smother her reiatsu, and if necessary then a barrier spell and seal will activate with the capability to trap her for an hour.
I. Skill Sheet
(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)
General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Martial Skill: D
Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept
Shinigami Skills
» Hakuda: Beginner
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Adept
» Zanjutsu: Beginner
I. Upgrade Log
OTY Notes: No skill upgrades, if you wanna bump her spirit class you can but overall her OTY is only really aimed to go towards the stuff attached to her parasite egg. The finer details of the "incident" are purposely left obscure to let people investigate (or fill in with their own characters) the missing part of her history that created current situation for her.
» Upgrade 1: Attribute Update.
» Upgrade 2:
» Upgrade 3:
» Upgrade 4:
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Re: [Spirit Class 9+] Ryouko Amou
Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:18 pm
[adm]First Approval[/adm]
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: [Spirit Class 9+] Ryouko Amou
Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:30 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: C
Resources: D
Comments/Notes: We lost some construction equipment, unlucky
Spirit Class: 9+
Hazard Rating: D
Power: E
Influence: C
Resources: D
Comments/Notes: We lost some construction equipment, unlucky
Spirit Class: 9+
Hazard Rating: D
Application Approved
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