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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Sun May 28, 2023 3:07 am
Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Header2
Yugiri | Wandering Vizard


Yugiri called, totally informal as far as this country went. She'd been hanging out in Europe and America so much that her formalities were dropping by this country's standards. She wasn't from here though so she didn't care, just because she came from up high didn't mean that she had any attachment to Japan except that it reminded her of home a little bit.

A little bit though. That's where the parallels ended.

"Whatcha selling?"

She asked the not-so Japanese looking boy who was working in the little hole in the wall. Of course Yugiri could read the menu but life was just too short to waste time reading every single menu. This guy cooked it, so he must have the idea of what's good and not.


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The Cat
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Sun May 28, 2023 3:46 am

Just a Boy

"Hey, welcome in!" The boy called out from his place at the huge pot of broth he and his boss had been working on since last night at this point. At this restaurant, broth was a multi-day process and any form of interruption could mean the whole place was shut down while they made more. It wasn't the most intuitive but it was a part of why they had so many regular customers. They wouldn't get such high quality ramen anywhere else, not for miles, and most especially not on the busy streets so close to where they worked.

"We've got deals on Tonkotsu and Tsukemen today if you're up for it." Although once he threw a look over his shoulder he had a feeling this woman wasn't from around here. Something about the posture and attitude, though not bad, was definitely not like any of the locals. "Ah, anything with pork, really. Though we've got chicken flavor, beef, soy, whatever you want. Just let me know." And already he was pulling out a clean bowl from one of the open cabinets and getting ready to whip up whatever the woman ordered. It wasn't busy right now like it would be for lunch or dinner, so there was still room for him to prepare ahead instead of falling behind like they most likely would come the regular meal rushes.

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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Sun May 28, 2023 4:11 am
Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Header2
Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"Ahhh, how about whatever your most filling meal is. You know like as filling as three jumbo cheeseburgers, yeah?"

She explained. Whatever was good and filling, yeah that did her just fine. Having been secluded in the mountains to try and perfect her Hoho made her work up a mean appetite that brought her back to civilisation. Eating off the land was fine but sometimes you craved some of that good food.

Yugiri looked around, not a whole lot here was there? That meant it would be good. Her travels had taught her that the best food was found in little places like this unlike that stuffy noblewoman she'd been.


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The Cat
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Tue May 30, 2023 1:03 pm

Just a Boy

It sounded like the woman was a big eater, to which Aidan just smiled and turned back around to the wall of pots that were stewing a wide variety of ingredients. "Just one moment, please." Was all he said before Aidan set to work. First the tare, followed by aroma oil, and then plenty of pork broth to match the variety of things he'd be tossing in, to say the least. First the actual ramen noodles, of which they had plenty on standby freshly cleaned and strained. He made sure their newest customer got a double serving of those at the least, followed by a double serving of pork, some sliced green onions, and a spoonful of a variety of veggies that were honestly too many to count, but all diced up nice and evenly so they mixed perfectly together.

It took him maybe three minutes at most to get everything together before he turned back around to reach out and place the bowl and some chopsticks right in front of Yugiri. "There ya go, miss. Hopefully double everything is as filling as you're looking for. Can't remember how much three jumbo cheeseburgers actually is, been a while since I've been to America, but that should be pretty close." Boy giving her a smile and a brief bow before turning back around and tending to the broth once more.
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Tue May 30, 2023 10:16 pm
Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Header2
Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"Aha, this looks great!"

She cheered when she saw the food served up. Her hands quickly getting hold of a pair of sticks to begin picking bits and pieces out to start eating. Man, it was so nice to have actual food rather than have to do all the hard work herself. This was the great thing about having people do it instead, she could really get why those buddhist monks got on so great. Just sit and do your thing all day while people attend to the duties around you sleeping while you pretend to meditate all day.

"Oh, you're American?"

Yugiri asked, not so savage from her time in the wilderness that she had devolved to talking with a full mouth. She guess he did look like he was a bit too pasty to be from around here.


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The Cat
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:47 am

Just a Boy

"Well, for the most part yeah. I'm probably a quarter asian at best. Mom's half and half, dad's from America. I go back and forth between the countries every so often whenever my parents want to take me around."

Aidan's life was definitely a bit messy and he had been from school to school, to the point that the process of knowing what records to send to where was like routine to him. He definitely looked American, was born there, but most of his time was spent here in Japan. Only recently did his parents get the ability to really settle in Karakura, so before that he had been all over.

"What about you? Where are you from?" He couldn't help but wonder since the woman didn't really look like she was from around here either. All while he took a step to the side to wash his hands once more before beginning to wash and strain some noodles for another woman's order.
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:54 am
Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Header2
Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"Soul Society."

She said pointing up to the ceiling lazily as she put another mouthful of the food away. Yugiri's features were still distinctly asian even if her complexion was a bit on the darker side. Regardless of that fact she continued to put her meal away and sipped up some of the broth.

"I don't go up there much anymore, only once a month or so. Haven't been there for a few months though since I've been busy training you know."

Yugiri got a bit impish at that statement. It was like she was inviting him to ask about her training so that she could explain how cool she was. Come on kid, ask about it. It had been months since she had seen anyone other than Fuuen and she was itching to blow some hot air and preen.


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The Cat
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:14 am

Just a Boy

Aidan visibly paused at the mention of Soul Society. This was... someone else with powers? Like Natasha, who he'd met just the other day? Why were they suddenly showing up out of the blue like this? Aidan went back to straining out noodles, but now he was distracted with questions once more. His young curiosity always got the better of him, and with a look over his shoulder at the woman's impish expression, Aidan couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah? What kind of training?" He wondered, setting the thoroughly strained noodles in a bowl while he went to go work on the broth in a separate bowl. Mixing in the tare first, the oils, the broth, and then a few other things in a second bowl before serving both that and the bowl of cold noodles to the other person who'd ordered shortly after Yugiri. After that he was back to the dishes, but at least doing that he could better pay attention to this strange foreigner from... the actual Soul Society, of all places.

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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:19 am
Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Header2
Yugiri | Wandering Vizard

"Intense training to take my stepping techniques to the ultimate form. I'm already in a league of my own you know, my flash step is already well above any of my peers and soon I'll run circles around the Flash Goddess' feats myself. Give me a couple more months and I won't just be flying, I'll be crossing countries with a single step."

Yugiri explained, or rather declared with a smug grin. Oh yeah, she was really cool and this guy should be caught in awe that he might have the chance to be graced by her spectacular appearance as the one who had mastered the art of hohou to its extremes.

"Of course, I'm not there yet but I'm still blooming so don't count me out yet kid."


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The Cat
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Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri] Empty Re: Between Two Walls [Aidan, Yugiri]

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:35 am

Just a Boy

Aidan was listening to what this woman was saying, but he could hardly believe the idea of crossing a country in a single step like that. And what the hell was flash stepping? Hoho? Wasn't that a Pokémon? Aidan let out a little exhale of amusement. This was just some chick trying to grab attention or something, right?

"There's no way anyone could do something like that." He said while hand drying a bowl before reaching out to wash another one. "I know people can like, shoot lasers and stuff, but going that far that fast... What even is a flash step?"

It was obvious he wouldn't know what that actually is, and yet the woman kept on boasting about it anyways. Clearly she was just trying to goad him into asking more questions, but like he already knew, his curiosity always got the better of him. Especially when it came to stuff like this.

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