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- darkfunnelVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:12 pm
Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Yes… Shuten did like headpats in a sense. She would never fully admit it, but telling someone that patting her on the head was fine basically was admitting it fully. However, the hug Shuten had given to Lerna wasn’t allowed to continue for too long. Shuten still knew that this woman, no matter how much she looked like Magnolia, was not Magnolia. She didn’t want to let her feelings of her past love to color a relationship with a different, if identical looking, person.
After a period in which Shuten hugged Lerna honestly, and also squeezed her gently, Shuten finally pulled away from Magnolia, controlling her breathing as the Suika turned away; towards her sake gourd. After pouring a hefty amount of Sake in her dish, and downing the entire dish casually, Shuten let out a soft sigh. She turned to Lerna and gave her a gentle smile, and a very obvious lack of inebriation. Suika had their benefits, and a very strong alcohol tolerance was one of them.
“I’m just glad to be able to help, Lerna. And I’m sorry about the hug… I should’ve asked, but… Well, I think we both needed it, if that’s not too much for me to presume.”
Shuten let out another small sigh, carefully putting her sake dish away, before she once more moved to be closer to Lerna again. Well, closer than she would be by her Gourd.
“Just tell me the next time you could use some help, okay? I’d be more than glad to help out some if I can.”
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:40 am
She didn't know what was going through Shuten's head. She wasn't a psychic, but she could only imagine something WAS. The woman seemed.... close to Magnolia. That much was clear, and she could only imagine how seeing someone who looked so much like her might be difficult after......well..he going off to wherever she'd gone. She still didn't fully understand it, but se at least knew she wanted to get to know this strange woman a bit more. A brow quirked a bit as she watched the woman down a dish of Sake, from her zanpaku'to? Brows perked a little, and she thought of the alcohol produced by her Zanpaku'to's ability. Honestly it didn't do anything, what with it being produced by her own body. Btu then again, maybe the zanpaku'to just stored the alcohol? Questions for later.
" I appreciate the offer. If you don't mind me asking, what Squad are you in?" She ventured out of curiosity. There was a lot of things that she might have asked. About Magnolia, and this woman's relationship with them. But for now, she was more interested in who this person was, after all, she had a feeling they would be seeing eachother again.
- darkfunnelVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:27 pm
Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A
Truly, Shuten was likely losing her composure a bit. But, Sake was a wonderful thing to drink while she collected herself. Not to mention, swilling just a little bit on the sake within that large gourd of hers, not the one attached to her Zanpakuto, certainly helped Shuten calm her nerves; the pleasant flavors were enough to send tingles of pleasure down her being. This was enough to distract her body somewhat and help her relax. Reflecting on those same flavors that still lingered in her mouth was rather distracting as well, which was her own fault. Soon, however, Shuten was returned to Earth with a slight bump, blinking as she turned her head to fully face Lerna.
The question was perhaps a little confusing, if not for how Shuten was partially lost in thought, but Shuten could answer it easily enough. After all, she was once lieutenant and captain of her division.
“Division five, Covert Operations. The modern stealth force, essentially. I’m the fourth seat. And it’s no trouble, Lerna. I’m glad to help somewhat, where I can and if I can.”
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:25 pm
Lerna nodded softly as Shuten seemed to snap out of things, and honestly she wasn't sure how she was supposed to deal with this. Help maybe? She gave another light pat as she gave a hearty chuckle. "Fifth division huh? Covert ops sounds like a fun time. Things get pretty wild in Seventh Division, but I can imagine things get a bit wild for you guys as well. I guess I couldn't really ask what kind of work you guys have been up to. Don't suppose you got any stories that aren't classified?" She chuckled jokingly, pausing for a moment as she imagined what it would even entail.
"So what exactly is it Not like specifically. But in a general sense. Do it in that division? Was it your first Division?" She inquired, perhaps prying a bit more than she otherwise would have. To help get the woman's mind off,...whatever was buzzing around her head.
- darkfunnelVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:25 pm
Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A
"I suppose you could say it's fun, in a sense. Albeit, I don't think I have any very interesting stories at this point... that aren't classified. Regardless, it's nice enough."
Shuten smiled a tiny bit, before she took a small swig of sake from her sake dish, enjoying the pleasant aromas and flavors that gently assailed her senses. However, she soon turned herself to what Lerna said second, uncertain how to answer. Truthfully, she did like it in the Covert ops, but she honestly had no clue what she wanted to do with herself. A recent stagnancy had certainly left her uncertain, confused, and very lost in terms of life. Sure, a talk with her big sister helped, but she still had many issues to contend with; most of which was a lonely heart.
Regardless, Shuten gave Lerna a small smile and a noncommittal jerk of the head.
"Yeah, I do like it in the Covert Ops. It's nice to have my old Captain back, Yuuto. He still needs someone to remind him not to overwork himself, so it's nice to see he hasn't changed too much... Otherwise, I'm not too sure what I want to do with myself. I've considered travelling the world of the living, but I don't think I can do that anytime soon."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Pseudo Familiarity [Private: Shuten/Lerna]
Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:22 pm
"Fair enough, but if nothing else I imagine it's exciting. You'll never be bored." She reasoned, chuckling at the notion of getting to be a ninja and go on all kinds of crazy stealth missions. Her own mind wandering back to her own memories of ...well..perhaps not missions. But stealthily devouring others. It made her shoulders tense for just a moment, catching herself in those thoughts before clearing her throat. The distraction of Shuten's conflicted thoughts was a blessing as she paused and considered the woman's position.
"I can certainly understand feelings like that. But it's not like you're stuck where you are. You don't have to worry too much. I imagine your Captain will have plenty for you to do. And if not? You can find a different Captain who does. I've thought a lot about my own situation, and even though at present I'm a bit locked in. I know that ultimately I don't have to be where I am. I could just as easily join the Fourth Division or heck try to go for First Division or something if I really wanted to. I ....admit that fifth is maybe a bit harder to move out of. But you could still branch out. Try and find someone or something to set your mind to." She noted, her voice trailing a little as she let her own thoughts wander just a little.
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