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The Cat
The Cat
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[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Empty [Spirit Class 6] Lyza

Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:07 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Lyza
» Alias: Lazy
» Age: She forgot
» Gender: Female

» Association: Gotei

» Appearance Written: Lyza is 5'10 with pale skin, golden eyes, and long white hair often styled in a variety of ways. From being tied back in singular, thick braids, to simple ponytails when she's training, to just letting it all hang down as it pleases when she's just not in the mood to fight it. More often than not, she looks rather emotionless, though that isn't to say she's explicitly without emotion, but she's picky about who she actually emotes around.

Her outfits, outside of her shihakusho, are rather ornate. With dress pants, heels, and frilly shirts, or expensive silky dresses all being things she'll wear. There are, more often than not some kind of chains on her outfits somewhere, though. Jewels here and there, sometimes earrings, sometimes no earrings. It's surprisingly variable, more to keep herself entertained than because she truly enjoys dressing up to look as fancy as she does in the eyes of others.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality: Lyza's personality is repressed by a mixture of PTSD, apathy, and hesitance. She does have a personality, but to the average person she interacts with, she is purely stoic, empty, and almost totally unemotional. Asides from a few sarcastic quips here and there, there's not much to Lyza's everyday personality. Her real self is buried deep within herself and only comes out for those she's truly comfortable with being around. Otherwise, she won't even crack so much as a smile.

Years of filing paperwork has ruined what was at some point at the very least Vice Captain material. That Lyza is genuinely gone now, as she transferred to the 1st Division to get away from most combat scenarios after participating in both Quincy genocides, even if the first time was only as a supportive role. The shock of seeing so much death and suffering followed by causing that death and suffering left a very brutal impact on her psyche that she still hasn't recovered from.

In reality, Lyza is a very stern, but caring woman who focuses on proper discipline through action as opposed to babying those in need of help. She'll give them as much help as they need to take the next step themselves, but Lyza will not take that step for them. That's something she makes clear to anyone she offers help or advice.

In a situation where she can truly gauge her abilities and the circumstances she finds herself in, Lyza is both experienced and confident enough to know where she sits on a ladder. She might not immediately be able to fill that ladder up completely, but her sense of judgment is rather strong. Both in regards to judging skill or power, but also the ability to judge others on the merit of their actions. Lyza is, deep down, very concerned with justice and righteousness, but only in regards to the fairness of happiness.

Lyza wants people to be happy, she always has. It's why her most powerful skill is her Kaido. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether or not you can be happy. It doesn't have to last forever nor does one have to be free of suffering to achieve true happiness. So long as a person can enjoy their life, then their life is worth living. Since you only get one shot at it, elongated or not, there is no reason to live if you are not happy. But that doesn't mean you should give up, just that you might need a little help to get back on the right path. Or at least, that's how Lyza sees things.

Outside of this, Lyza likes very few things. Most of her day consists of office work, followed by training which, at this point, is closer to a supernatural workout than actual training. At some point she did train herself and became strong, but now such a time has passed and so has Lyza's will to go back to that. She doesn't want to fight much anymore, after all.

Of the things she does like, she would probably say things that are quiet, the sounds of the breeze through the trees, the scent of petrichor, and gentle music. Those would probably be the most prominent things.

She dislikes needless conflict and only sees violence as a means to a very few specific sets of ends, she does not like reveling in violence, nor does she abide by politics unless strictly necessary. Conflict is meant to be a clash of ideals, but nowadays it's mostly just petty squabbling. A real, proper, good fight has merit behind both sides' reasoning. It is not just a fight for fight's sake.

I. History

» History: Lyza remembers very little about the absolute beginnings of her own history. The most that comes to mind is that she had a different name and was born to a lesser noble family that, as of now, is probably incredibly obscure. It fell out of power sometime during her lifetime and she remains as one of the few living members of that family. Not that it's of any real significance after they've become so obscure, but it's at least worth noting.

Of course being born to a noble family, even as small as it was, meant she could get preliminary training to become a Shinigami. This was followed by time at the academy, and by the time she was in her mid-twenties, she was a proper Shinigami. It wasn't a big dream of hers initially, but during her later years in the academy, she couldn't help but get rather enthusiastic for it. She developed an aptitude for Kido almost immediately, though the rest of her skills fell behind quite quickly.

All in all, Lyza ended up passing and was placed in the Kido Corps as a result. This is where she would personally note just how long ago this was. It was upon her entry into the Gotei that she was immediately bombarded with constant work healing almost endless amounts of injured soldiers, which eventually she came to recognize as just a rotation of almost the entirety of multiple squadrons coming to be healed before going right back to the battlefield. But for what war? Oh, just the first Quincy Genocide.

This was during the earliest of the Gotei's days, where everything was far more strict but a lot less structured. During these first centuries, Lyza was nothing more than a healer. She'd find time to practice Kido with her fellow squadmates, but she never got to go through the real training or get much of the combat experience she wanted. Not for a good long while, that is. These first few centuries were rather uneventful otherwise, but her family did fall out of power during this time. That's really it.

Lyza was rapidly growing disillusioned with the Gotei as an organization, too. To call an organization "unorganized" felt sort of comical to her. It only led to further disillusionment as she realized that the Gotei, in its early days, functioned as a sort of war machine. Even outside of wars, the fight against Hollows in order to preserve the world order never stopped. Even a fairly weak Lyza was forced to fight at some point. She wasn't totally incapable, but with only Kido and a measly asauchi at her side, there was only so much she could do.

Lyza felt hopeless. Was this really her lot in life? To be just some normal Shinigami? Was being a Captain really that special? A very average Lyza wondered that to herself. But being Captain was never her goal. And yet in comparison, she felt like a speck of sand in a desert of average souls all fighting because they had to.

If only because of her seniority, Lyza applied for leave of absence. She did desire power, and she had to achieve it herself. If only because she wanted to be more than a grain of sand, she'd train herself in her leave of absence and come back stronger. This became a process. On and off leaves of absence, several years in the Gotei, several years in the human world isolated in the world while she put herself through increasingly rigorous training regimens. Starting with strength and speed to help compensate for her weak points, she'd eventually become satisfied with her speed and turn back to Kido, keeping her physique well maintained but beginning to further her real strengths.

She would continue to do this for another few centuries. Training her body for several years followed by accumulating real combat experience once she was back to work, she'd keep up this cycle and improve herself steadily. She never truly became Captain material, or even Vice Captain material, but she'd become worthy of a seated position in the Kido Corps one day, just decades before the second Quincy genocide.

Until then, Lyza continued to train, until she was made once again a healer for the Gotei. This didn't upset her at first, but as she was sent out in platoons of her squadmates to butcher the Quincy people. Lyza's job was as a healer, not a killer. She had trained to fight but it was for the purposes of slaying Hollows, not people. To kill this many living beings, regardless of reason, sat wrong with her. She understood why, but that did not mean she had to like it.

At this point, platoons of Shinigami felt more like kill squads, sometimes even being referenced as such by the people in them. The people she was placed with weren't exactly the best either. Some hated it just as much as she did, and some reveled in the bloodshed. Despite her utter distaste for such heathens, Lyza was forced to work with all sorts of friends and degenerates alike.

Eventually with the Quincy groups so spread out, the squads sent to eliminate them grew both smaller, and weaker, until Lyza was forced out of the backlines and into a fresh role as an actual killer. Her laborious days of training were put to use on other people before they were on Hollows. All that work that she had spent practicing to keep others safe and healthy was now being used to rob others of their life. This blossomed the first true hatred for her kind in the woman's heart, and it was that hatred, the feeling of utter disgust, and the distaste for war and violence that flipped a switch in Lyza's zanpakuto.

Taiyo-shin no Utage, Feast of the Sun God, the antithesis to Lyza's morals as a medic, and a being who's mere existence was based solely on the idea that conflict is ever present and unavoidable in the life of a Shinigami, healer or not. It spoke its true name to her for the first time during a particularly surprising fight with a small tribe of Quincies. They had caught the Shinigami coming and launched a preemptive strike instead, killing one of Lyza's only friends and the rest of her squad in the meantime while she listened to the whisperings of her zanpakuto. All she could do was scream its name to the heavens for the very first time and retaliate with ungodly hellfire. After the bloody battle, the smell of cooked flesh still fresh in her mind, Lyza returned as the only survivor. It was a surprise considering their attack was supposed to have been a surprise, but upon hearing the explanation it was all swept under the rug as nothing more than a mishap on her squad's part.

The war didn't end that day, nor would it for a while. Lyza learned to hone her Zanpakuto's powers, heightened her skill with Kido, began utilizing the physique she had to more mercifully kill as opposed to scorching the earth and cremating those still living, both for their sake, and her own. Lyza would get very familiar with her Zanpakuto much to her own chagrin, but she would never truly finish honing her skill with it. Despite this, Taiyo-shin was incredibly satisfied with the results of its timing. It had drank the blood of far more than it could count, and for that, it praised Lyza by refusing to return to its sealed state. Instead, once the war was over, it dissipated into flames that burned Lyza to her very core and merged with her very blood. It would forever be with her as even further reminder of that which she had done. At no point would she ever be allowed to escape the trauma, or her insidious Zanpakuto.

After that, Lyza was properly shook. She had committed atrocities on several levels, had discovered her Zanpakuto's immoral powers, and now had to live with the reality she had just helped the Gotei commit genocide. She did not want to support the war machine anymore, but there was nowhere else for her to really go. Was she supposed to desert them and be hunted down? She couldn't be allowed anymore leaves of absences due to her now perpetual Shikai. Lyza was stuck.

The best compromise that she could come up with was to transfer divisions. For the next few centuries, she would work in the 1st Division. Lyza would become more or less an office worker, as this was around the time that such roles began to become more relevant. More politics, more processing, more things to do that weren't just combat. As much as she detested such measly work, Lyza now preferred it much more to the idea of going back to fighting.

Her 'training regimens' can hardly be called such anymore, and ever since transferring they have done very little to maintain her body. Most of what had been her peak had now atrophied, and Lyza is now significantly weaker than she was in terms of raw physicality. Even achieving Shikai at all, lasting this many years, it meant she had true potential. But Lyza doesn't care. She doesn't exactly know what she does care about anymore, just that it's not... this. She has an existential crisis almost every day about it, but it never goes anywhere. Is she supposed to figure something out? She doesn't want to, because deep down she knows where it'll go. Instead she just lives her day to day life and tries to keep her head down in case another war breaks out. She's missed most conflicts up to this point, outside of it hitting her office job pretty hard, but she's successfully avoided all of it.

Until now, that is.

I. Natural Abilities

» Wizened Eyes, Capable Body: It's through over a millenia of experience that Lyza has become accustomed to all sorts of maneuvers, tactics, and moves from her opponents. Despite her lack of technique when it comes to movement, her overall skill at twisting and turning her body in time to block or intercept her opponent is more or less capable of keeping up with even some of the fastest. While she does lack the entire ability to use Hoho, Lyza is well above the baseline for speed and martial skill. Blocking, parrying, countering, it's all quite literally second nature to her. Instinctual, even. Most of the time she does it without even thinking. Her body is trained well enough to react for her in most scenarios, and her experienced mind fully capable of determining when her instincts aren't merely enough.

» Walking Librarium: Lyza has, ever since she was born, been able to remember things down to the absolute minute details even when she necessarily doesn't want to. The only things she has ever forgotten are over a thousand years old, just like her, or are things she has chosen to deliberately wipe from her memory for the sake of her own sanity. That being said, not everything can be gotten rid of. Lyza remembers the days of the genocide just as much as she remembers the descriptions and diagrams from the medical books she casually reads. Practically everything comes from some kind of immediate offhand knowledge of a subject unless that particular thought or memory is truly inconsequential.

Over the course of a millenia, Lyza has experienced probably tens of thousands of things ranging from everyday happenings to some rare freak accidents. Kido practice and old training sessions, to political meetings and even brutal fights. She's seen more than almost anyone else alive, save for the few living things that are as old, if not older than her. And she still remembers it, whether she likes it or not.

This all leads to her level of general understanding being much higher than other people's. She can look at a situation and deduce what's happening in an instant, save for the truly arcane. Very little, if anything, escapes her perceptive gaze. It would take something genuinely bizarre for her to not understand.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

» Unassuming Presence: Lyza is able to hide her power so well that it comes off as appearing, at most, equivalent to a normal plus. This is assuming she isn't using any of her powers, that is. This comes from needing to hide her presence when not training so as not to attract any Hollows. It takes a minute to calm her reiryoku down to this point from its highest of highs, or more accurately a whole post.

» Professional Mage: Kido is Lyza's main specialty, as well as her ability to manipulate Reiryoku to cast these spells. From Hadō, to Bakudo, to Kaido, she excels in all three forms and uses them to her benefit both in and out of combat. She is able to use any numbered Hadō or Bakudo spell up to 89 and has most of them memorized, often practicing them from memory so she doesn't forget. In addition to this, Lyza has learned the following techniques:

Incantation Abandonment: As a Master of Kido, Lyza is able to simply announce the type of Kido (Hadō or Bakudo), the number of the spell, and its name, and can use the spell with only a 10% loss to power, up to any Kido #89.

Incantation Empowerment: Rather than having almost no reason to use incantations at all, when Lyza uses an incantation, it increases the power of any Kido by 50%. This also increases the power requirement by 50%, and as such, she can only use it on Kido up to 40 and below. While preparing a Kido to be cast this way, her Reiryoku blossoms forth from her body and prepares to be used to cast whatever spell she's using.

Two-Fold Incantation: The ability to cast two Kido one immediately after the other by combining their incantations.

» The Healing Witch: Lyza's most apt specialty is easily Kaido, something she has been practicing for years and become extremely proficient in. From healing wounds both internal and external, to easing illness or even outright curing it in some cases. Lyza's desire is to primarily help others, even if her overall desire to do anything at all has dwindled over the past few centuries. Her knowledge of reiryoku and its properties, as well as the body of the soul, has led her to becoming an apt healer who can help soul after soul all day long and only come out winded. It's only when she's put to almost slavish levels of work healing several particularly wounded people in a row that she actually starts to feel aftereffects.

Small cuts take half a post, deep cuts take a full post, broken bones take two posts and no movement, and internal organs or anything worst can take 3 posts or more depending on how severe the injury is. There are very few things that Lyza cannot heal, such as outright death or terminal illness.

Lyza can also heal herself without the need to place a hand over herself, but it does require focus and for her to stand still.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: N/A

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: E
» Strength: E
» Soul: S

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Advanced
» Zanjutsu: Untrained
» Hakuda: Beginner


Last edited by The Cat on Tue Nov 05, 2024 12:45 am; edited 4 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Lyza

Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:08 am
Initial Check:

Second Check:



Last edited by Lillian on Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:12 am; edited 2 times in total
The Cat
The Cat
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[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Lyza

Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:18 am
Rewrote the second quincy genocide part of her history to more accurately depict things that could happen during that particular time. I still want it that her squad gets fucked and her zanpakuto has her activate shikai, so I just said that her squad gets ambushed and shit on because it's much smaller than it usually was.

Perpetual shikai is removed and replaced with Altered Sealed State but I do not want this character to have an asauchi. I have the image of her asauchi more in the narrative situation that her zanpakuto spirit reverts to it as if to prove some kind of point that I haven't decided on yet, but I still really don't want her to have an asauchi.

Total abandonment nerfed to reduce spell strength by 1/3rd, if it needs to be half or just outright removed let me know.

Touch up was replaced with just a general example of her efficient and skilled use of Kaido.

Hido now requires another source to be dead instead of just ignoring durability, so she just can't use it on anyone unless they're dead. She herself is the only exception now.

I tried to word Hido in such a way that it was applying Kido skill effects based on her Zanjutsu level since there's no Zanjutsu descriptions for Kido effects, obviously, but I guess I did it poorly so I just rewrote it to just Zanjutsu level scaling and nothing more complex than that.

Hidama distance changed to 1 mile at most. Yogan Tanima reduced to 20 meters, Tsumibito Kasojo reduced to 20 meters and buffed to 2000 celsius which is what it was supposed to be, but it was a typo.

Added Walking Librarium to justify elite deduction. Everything else was a push to see how far I could start her with on Kido which I know is probably pretty distasteful, but I do think that I want to push for Elite mental deduction still. If this isn't good enough and needs to be reduced to advanced just tell me.

Kido reduced to Advanced, I won't push that much further. I'll just thread out the rest.
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[Spirit Class 6] Lyza Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Lyza

Tue Nov 05, 2024 12:34 am
With the removal of the Zanpakutou, her Zanjutsu will be dropped to Untrained and the application is re-approved.

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