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Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:01 am
Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Chizuru-banner

The smile on Chizuru’s face widened just a little as Hannah blushed. She was adorable beyond belief and the Vizard was just starting to wonder if perhaps she should try and make a move. Too forward? Probably but it was what it was and the teacher had thoroughly embraced the role that her writing had decided to give her. Chizuru assumed that her new friend probably knew what she was in for, simply by approaching her. Her fiction, after all, had some semblance of truth.

She was rather intrigued by Hannah’s prior interest in becoming similar to herself and Chizuru would have answered if not for a rather unusual plot twist. The cheerful woman had suddenly become unhappy and more surprisingly, a second figure had emerged out of seemingly nowhere. The writer, however, was no fool and she would hazard a guess as to just who this was although she had to admit that the power to summon her own spirit in such a way was beyond her skills. Hannah was far stronger than she appeared.

Her eyes would shift between Hannah and the new arrival, a smile still on her face. “Good morning, Daisy, I’m Chizuru. Nice to meet you. You must be Hannah’s zanpakuto, right? A beautiful spirit for a beautiful Shinigami.”

Chuckling, she’d add. “I'm afraid my spirit isn’t all that suitable for a trip here, even if I could summon her at will. My greedy dragon isn’t always friendly.”


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:50 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Nobody is always friendly. Why, little Hannah-" Daisy started, before there was a subtle pulse of Reiryoku from the blind woman. "Oo, yea. I'm sorry to blather" Daisy would continue, looking to Chizuru. "The Blade Is Me. We are mirrors of our hosts, nothing we have is a fabrication, merely an exaggeration in some aspects. If there is anything you dislike about your Spirit's personality, look inwards. Come wholly to terms with who they are and who you are, and you will be within the realm of calling them here"

Daisy would then blow a kiss, and disappear in a cloud of petals, which then disintegrated into nothing.

"She talks a lot" Hannah muttered, messing with the cup in front of her. "B-But, I study, kido" she would continue, stuttering a bit as she tried to get back into the groove and recover from Daisy spilling beans. In exchange for not spilling other beans. "I've...kind of plateaued recently though..."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:42 am
Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Chizuru-banner

That was certainly true. Daisy was indeed talkative but Chizuru didn’t mind that. She seemed a sweet enough zanpakuto and the writer briefly pined over the fact that her own wasn’t quite so nice. It wasn’t as if she was on bad terms with her own blade but they just seemed to be on different wavelengths sometimes although when Chizuru pondered over Daisy’s words, she kind of saw her point. The redhead herself was rather greedy like her zanpakuto…although what she wished for was’t money as such.

Once the spirit was gone, the conversation returned to where it had been and Chizuru couldn’t help but smirk again at the mention of Kido, her interest seeming to stir in her unusual spiritual pressure. “Always liked Kido. It can be manipulated in such stunning ways and it’s rather handy for reeling in a beautiful woman.” Her tone would be friendly but there was always that devilish hint to it, as though she meant what she said. The truth? Well, that would be spoilers. “You must be incredibly strong if you can summon your spirit like that. Your Kido skills must be awesome.”

Hannah would unfortunately not be able to see Chizuru’s gaze, which might have been a blessing in truth. The Vizard certainly liked her and that wouldn’t have been hard to miss.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru)

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:10 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"Summoning your spirit is something any Shinigami that is on the cusp of their Bankai can do. While Bankai is not exactly an easy achievement, it's not a peak trick to awe the peasantry or anything" Hannah would reply. Vizards, it seemed, had a variable relationship with Shin'o. And then, she would address the second part of the statement.

"That said, humility aside, I am the greatest practitioner of Kaido outside of Cap...Lad.....Mis...? Unohana, whatever title she has these days. And a scant few can even understand my lessons of Kido esoterica, let alone replicate them. I have pioneered multiple new casting styles, and possess a unique eschalon of Kido Spells a league above the normal fare taught at the Academy. I have long since ascended the need for incantations, and can tie multiple Kido spells into one casting to have them activate concurrently or in sequence"

The beaming pride that radiated from the woman as she laid out the fruits of her centuries of practice and experience was clear for anyone to see. It was, quite obviously, her greatest joy.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:47 am
Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Chizuru-banner

“I confess that I haven’t put as much time into my zanjutsu as I should have. We all have our favourite arts and mine seem to involve my hands.” Hannah would no doubt be able to figure out Chizuru’s fighting style just from that alone. When it came to speed and a good punch or kick, the Vizard was well skilled to deliver them although she’d be lying if she said that’s why she learned Hoho and Hakuda.

The blonde’s description of her Kido prowess was certainly something to behold and Chizuru smiled at the pride with which Hannah spoke about her abilities. The Vizard didn’t doubt the woman’s words and the passion that she spoke with was rather awe inspiring. A giggle escaped Chizuru, light and playful. “You must be a master then for sure if you can perform such phenomenal feats. To be able to use Kido as easily as you must be quite a thrill and I hope that you’ll be willing to show off a spell for me sometime. No doubt they’ll be beyond my level of skill but I’d love to see you in action.”

Chuckling again, she’d ask teasingly. “Got any fancy Bakudo?”


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:25 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

In another time, Hannah might have brought up Nine Yin Manual. Most of it was way too advanced for her, but the theory and the gentle stuff was cool to try even with her kind of body. But Chizuru had poked the bear here, and so Hannah was on a complete high right now.

"Ma'am, I have all the fancy bakudo. I can effectively stop time by cutting people's senses off while also paralyzing them. I can bind people with chains that grow in strength the more force you apply on them. I can use a seal that makes people do as they are told!"

Maybe passionately exclaiming that last one to an exceptionally domineering woman who wanted to turn Hannah into her personal footstool was not the smartest thing she'd ever done, but she was in the groove right now, and so thought was secondary, at best.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:48 am
Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Chizuru-banner

It was like a lightbulb had lit up in Chizuru’s head as she listened, her smile turning more devious at the thought of just exactly how such Kido could be used. She couldn’t help but feel her mind drift towards the perverse and the Vizard made a mental note to study up on the subject when she got the chance. The woman wasn’t bad but compared to Hannah, she might as well have been a day one novice. There was another question that began to form in her mind.

“Those sound like incredible spells and I wish that I were skilled enough in the field to be able to use such techniques. I have to ask though what it is that draws you to Bakudo? Is it that maybe you…enjoy casting such spells?” The meaning behind her words wouldn’t be difficult to figure out and the tone of them only made the situation worse. Yet, she couldn’t not ask and as the Vizard folded her arms and watched Hannah, she had to try incredibly hard not to chuckle a little.

The thought of spending some time with a master of kinky spells sounded almost too good to be true although Chizuru pined slightly over the fact that she couldn’t use her own Kido to do such a thing. She always had to rely on her other gifts.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:52 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hannah caught the connotation that Chizuru was putting out, and blushed red. Her hands became pretty fascinating for a while, until she managed to get her words.

"I..actually, don't have anyone to use them on. Or be used on with them. I tied a woman up once, but that was more because she was depressed and I didn't want her to run away before we could talk. Also Shuka, because she was insulting my abilities. I've never done it in the bedroom. Though, to be fair, I've never done anything in the bedroom. The first woman I tried to date turned straight after we started dating, and the first guy has yet to call me back after our first date. I told him that killing him like that was going to suck but he had to macho man routine it. Elyss was never really going to go anywhere, and Hime got thrown back into jail before we could go further than friends. And after all this I just sorta gave up on the attempt because it's reminding me why I never bothered in the first place"

Hannah's rant spilled words all over the table, missing Chizuru's question about why she liked Kido in the face of her doomed romantic endevours.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:24 pm
Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Chizuru-banner

While Hannah was talking, the smile that had been on Chizuru’s face slid off. It was an incredibly unhappy state of affairs and the Vizard was sympathetic towards the blonde woman. Her own lovelife had certainly had its ups and downs and not all of her previous girlfriends had appreciated her rather direct way of going about things. It hadn’t stopped her though and over the years, Chizuru had come to embrace the kinky, devious, perverted lesbian that she truly was. No one was going to talk down to her about that or anything else.

When Hannah finished, Chizuru would place her hand over the blonde’s, her tone rather more serious and less playful. “You just haven’t found the right person yet. I know it’s easy to say but try not to let your past encounters affect you. There are bound to be plenty of people who’d love to be with such a beautiful flower as you, myself included. You’re not the only one who's had a few bumps along the way, take it from me.”

Standing up, she’d lean in close to the blonde at that point, whispering in her ear. “Don’t give up just yet. The woman you’re looking for might be right in front of you.”


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru)

Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:47 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Hollows, Erotica and Everything In Between (Hannah, Chizuru) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"I turned a woman straight by asking her out. How do you recover from that?" Hannah asked, exasperated. Of course, Chizuru wasn't letting the momentum go, and carried on with the uplifting words, sliding in the fact that she too wanted to be with Hannah just, casually into conversation. Hannah was a little sceptical, because Freyja had said the same thing. But...maybe it was time to try again. She'd wasted two hundred and twenty odd years of her life in her room. It was time to be out of it now.

And so, bubbling to the surface, that eternal bratty energy that made her give a shy, but game, smile to Chizuru. Hannah's tone was feeling things out, very cautiously teasing and with the definitive feel that any kind of negative reaction would have her whiplash back to her normal state in record time.

"You know, announcing your interest and then trying to play coy about your interest is not the smartest game plan"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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