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Cows Comin Home [Ehefra, Stella] Left_bar_bleue0/0Cows Comin Home [Ehefra, Stella] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Cows Comin Home [Ehefra, Stella] Empty Cows Comin Home [Ehefra, Stella]

Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:34 pm
Cows Comin Home [Ehefra, Stella] P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra had expected a few things, certainly. Comeuppance was just something that one accepted when you led the life she did. At times she allowed her emotions to get the better of her, and then it would eventually come around to bit her in that awesome ass of hers. And as it so happened, it seemed this was one such example.

Ehefra had been finishing up with maintenence on one of the training areas in the Silbern when she spotted something she didn't quite anticipate. A face that frankly, she probably would have forgotten if not for the fucking oil tanks hanging just beneath it when she'd first met them, no less the awkward interaction that they'd had the last time they'd met.

She found herself stopping in her tracks, a look of confusion on her face as she found herself peering a bit at the red-haired woman she'd met out by the airport. "Ah, sorry, are you using the training area Soldat?" She asked with a tilt of her head as she picked up her things. As of yet, pretending that she didn't recognize them. Curious to see if the woman would say anything. Or maybe she was just mistaken. Maybe this was just some OTHER chick with red hair. Red? Pinkish? IT wasn't like orange red. It was red red. Or something.
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