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Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella) - Page 2 Empty Re: Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella)

Tue Aug 06, 2024 2:22 pm
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Oh Stella….

You poor, sweet girl.

Akira offered a soft smile at the girl, clearly something had changed in his demeanor at the hopefulness she had demonstrated but it wasn’t one of optimism. There was a soft movement that caused him to approach the bed again, sitting down with a clear look of contemplation, in a way to articulate the following words which would leave his mouth.

."You’re not in trouble, I believe having a connection to Kurosaki is merely something worth having. I’ll make a direct report to the Grandmaster, not met him myself but he’s a caring man from rumor. He can offer advice on this but…Hrm…..

He resigned to bluntness.

."That Hero died…Stella…ichigo was something referred to as a Vizard. You might know of them, they often harbor inner Hollows of great danger. It takes everything in their mentality to control such a thing, though once a Vizard loses that fight…Well. They hollowfy. All arrancar are subject by their being to act in accordance to something close to them. I fear whilst your intentions are good, this isn’t a manga where the monster they become can change their ways.

The man exhaled softly, shaking his head. It was the fate of all Vizards, only aware of one in all of history that managed to control theirs to the degree that they transcended into something new entirely. A subject for another time.

."Forgiving him now may not be possible, afterall during the attack he was willing to kill not only Quincy but those civilians living here. We still don’t know why.


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Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella) - Page 2 Empty Re: Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella)

Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:52 pm
"I don't think that's true. I think painting something in black or white is bad and limits what you're able to understand or account for. I know what you're saying about arancar is true, but I've met one that isn't a slave to their aspect. She's able to put it aside."

Stella was thinking about Veralia. To say they probably had a strange relationship in the eyes of someone like Akira was an understatement. Arancar don't have to be all bad, and Stella thinks that the old hero ichigo is still in there somewhere. There just has to be someone who can either pull or beat it out.

"I think the old Ichigo is in there. I never knew him before obviously, but he seemed sad. Having to do what he had to the City. He didn't want to do it. He tried to make the excuse of us not having to fight back, but when I called him on it.... He didn't deny it. Maybe if someone could find his friends in the soul society? Maybe one of them could help us in talking him down. The gotei can't be all bad. If they were this world would have already crumbled long ago before the vandenreich."
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Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella) - Page 2 Empty Re: Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella)

Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:54 am
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There was an air of silence from Akira as he listened to Stella’s rather optimistic view on Arrancar, granted many could demonstrate their aspect in a plethora of ways but they were still enslaved to it. Best not to break that view on everything, it felt like kicking a puppy at this point or telling an excited child santa did not exist. Stella deserved those warm views of this world and it wasn’t his job to be a debbie downer on the whole thing. A moment came to pass before a head shake followed.

Then she spoke about the Gotei.

."The Gotei are power hungry Stella. It can be argued by many that the first attempted genocide on Quincykind may have been justified but the second? They revel in their safety within Soul Society whilst members of the Vandenreich have to handle day to day in consistent conflict and danger. We do not have a realm to coddle us..

He then stood up, brushing himself down a bit.

."The Soul Society has been the dominating force across the world, they have influenced politics, slaughtered and imprisoned innocents…They imprison you for reasons beyond your control. All I offer is caution when dabbling with the Gotei, this…Green haired attacker may very well have been a member of their Stealth Force. Regardless. I shall find out the core of it.


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Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella) - Page 2 Empty Re: Friendly Inquiry (Akira/Stella)

Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:14 pm
"She had said she wasn't affiliated. She didn't wear the shinigami clothing either. Akira, I really don't want this to turn into an us vs them when it more than likely isn't. I know you're distrusting of them, but the most simple answer is they aren't associated. If the gotei truly wanted me dead, do you really think that I would still be here?"

Seemingly having a lucid moment with the conspiratorial shinigami. She knew the gotei weren't always good and they for sure still aren't always good. In her mind she thinks they should be able to protect souls more than they actually do.

"Akira, please don't let your bias cloud your judgement. Could you do this for the other quincy this could potentially hurt, and not for your personal disdain of the gotei?"
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