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Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:23 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The Arrancar was amused by the plainness that the woman spoke with. It was almost as if she was more of a machine than a human although Sabriel of course would not say anything like that. There was more to a person than just their exterior after all and if the dark haired woman had learned anything during her travels, it was that more often than not, the interior was the exact opposite. Humans enjoyed building a wall around themselves, a form of protection from their most innermost thoughts and feelings, to protect them from the harsh realities of life.

“I most certainly hope that what you say is true regarding love and I appreciate you being so open about your own feelings on the subject. Such honesty is rare.” She replied with a slight smile. “I am uncertain as to whether an Arrancar regaining their heart is feasible but I will hold out on the idea that it is. There are feelings that I have towards those I call my closest friends but I am uncertain just what they are. For a creature who spends so much time attempting to uncover the roots of other people’s emotions and feelings, I am somewhat clueless of my own. Amusing if nothing else.”

After a moment, she would reveal a touch more. “For my aspect is desire, you see and rather than growing from wrath or anger like others of my kind, my growth stems from satiating the desires of those I meet, whether it be a shoulder to cry on or something more physical.”


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Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:25 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 J7kzcz5qrj7

Karun gave a dismissive wave of her hand at the gratitude. "There's no need for thanks. I'm simply stating my experience and observations. Its very rare for one to understand their own emotions. Whatever it is you feel, whether or not it is love is up to your own discretion. Eventually, you will find a definition for yourself of love, and you'll find out yourself if you're up to your own expectations. Until then, I would not be concerned." She noted calmly.

Desire? The explanation of her aspect of death. It was something she'd heard of, those places that had encountered arrancar from shadowfall, trickles of information about how arrancar operated filtered about, some of it nonsense, but she did reall hearing something to that effect. "Is that so? And so your interest in humans is in pursuit of this vice. Your aspect of death." She noted and closed her eyes, folding her arms across her chest. The woman didn't seem to sure. But there was something that did pop up in her head. Hmmm. "Then perhaps you have a better metric than you think. Perhaps you should practice suppressing this aspect of yours. I can tell. Do you perhaps... wonder if you would feel the same about these ...close associates if your aspect were something different?" She ventured a guess. The arrancar definitely seemed a bit unsure of herself, it wasn't crazy to think that that very uncertainty might trouble them from time to time.
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Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:41 am
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


There was a refreshing vibe to the woman before her, one that Sabriel could not help but find fascinating. She spoke with candour and wisdom, a combination that the Arrancar could respect well enough. From the outside, it did not appear that the woman was particularly seasoned when it came to age but such things were so difficult to figure out these days. There was a human saying about age being just a number and now more than ever, it could not have been more true.

“I do not think that I would feel any different about them having given it a little more thought.” She mused after a minute or so. “Originally, it was my aspect that drew me to them but over time, I have come to depend on them. I have opened up to them to such a degree that I feel that life would be a far unpleasant place without them in my life. My aspect always drives me into satiating the desires of those I meet but underneath the surface, I of course possess my own too. Even if my aspect were different, I feel as though my curiosity and sociability would remain. A friend of mine has envy for an aspect, one that would be assumed would more often than not lead to conflict and yet…she had learned to temper it, even though it will always be the core of her being.”


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Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:22 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 J7kzcz5qrj7

The woman seemed much more thoughtful than she expected. And she came up with an answer awfully quickly. Which she hardly was perturbed by. Arrancar weren't creatures that seemed without decisiveness. But that also meant that she did not put much stock in what they spoke of. With very little pause, the woman seemed content in firmly asserting something with which she had no experience. "Are such thoughts not enshrined in your need to fill their desires?" She asked simply, but didn't feel the need to press any further. The woman would either explore that thought process, or she would ignore it.

"Regardless. I admit, it is still interesting to hear of those with intentions of improving themselves. And I imagine, that if trouble were to occur. Would you fight in order to protect these favored individuals of yours? Even if it meant fighting other arrancar?" She asked calmly, those icy blue eyes locked onto Sabriel's own. "though they have found warmth and comfort in the presence of others. I can only imagine, with the growing conflict that has caused issues throughout the worlds of the living. Do you feel you could risk yourself for them?"
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Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:40 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“Perhaps.” Sabriel answered simply to the human’s original question, leaving that as the end of that particular thought train. Honestly, the dark haired Arrancar spent so much time musing to herself about such things that she had no idea what she was saying any more. Still, it kept her brain active and maybe one day she would find the answers that she sought. It was a source of motivation at the very least, one that pushed her onwards.

The blonde was rather relentless when it came to asking questions although frankly Sabriel did not mind all that much. Usually, it was her who liked to delve into the minds of others so the change of pace was rather refreshing. “I suppose you could say that I am loyal to people rather than kind so yes, I imagine that I would fight another Arrancar if it was to defend someone I treasure. More often than not, I prefer alternatives to straight up combat but if it was my only option then I suppose so. The more fascinating question I ask myself is what would happen if I found myself in between two close allies and I honestly do not know the answer to that.”


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Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:50 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 J7kzcz5qrj7

"Simple. You stop them from fighting." The answer came as quickly and as effortlessly as could be. The very notion that the woman might be struck by such a conundrum was admirable, but Karin's reply was without hesitation. "I like you. It's not often that an Arrancar cares for others in such a way. While conflict at times is necessary, its still important to avoid it at times. IF you find yourself between two individuals you wish to protect. Then it is your job to STAY between them. To endure the both of them until the fighting can be quelled, and a resolution found. You may not succeed. And in that moment, you might find that one f your loved ones can no longer remain seated in your heart. But such is not a time you can afford hesitation. Lest you may lose BOTH of them to the other."' She spoked with experience beyond her years as she made her way over to the arrancar, and planted a hand firmly on the woman's shoulder.

"You have an interesting heart. If you would like, I can help you. A sense of Justice is important. But killing and violence is not always so difficult. I would not mind tasking you under my wing. Or, if that is not your style. If anyone you know has a strong sense of justice. Please feel free to send them my way. This world has crumbled, and many have turned ... less than human. Even without dying. I wish to assuage that shortcoming."
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Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:13 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The blonde woman spoke with such conviction that it was difficult for Sabriel not to admire her. She was so self assured, so confident in her beliefs. The Arrancar had to wonder just what the justice seeker had been through in order to become quite so steadfast at such a young age. In these times, such determination was indeed needed and the dark haired woman could not argue with the sentiment. The realms seemed to become more chaotic by the day with fewer individuals seeming to wish to stand up and do something about it.

“You are wise beyond your years.” Sabriel eventually answered, appreciating what the woman said. “Justice, however, is not my path and I do not think of myself as a sword of light. I dwell in between the light and dark, forming bonds with all those I meet and I could never guarantee to you that I would always fight for a concept such as justice. That being said, I have a great number of acquaintances and while I cannot help you in your quest, there may be someone I know who can.”

Chuckling slightly, she would add afterwards. “That is if you would honour me with your name. I do not believe you have shared it with me.”


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Wed Oct 09, 2024 4:39 pm
Information Exchange (Karin, Sabriel) - Page 2 J7kzcz5qrj7

"Karin Managakami." She responded promptly, offering a little nod of her head,a fraction of a bow as she folded her hands infront of her. She offered no commentary on the arrancar's assessment of her own wisdom. She did not deign it necessary to explore the subject further. It was, after all, lip service to some degree. Regardless of the genuineness of the delivery, she wasn't interested in encouraging these compliments. Even more than that, though she did seem to tilt her head in consideration of Sabriel's opinions revolving around Justice, it wasn't her place to affirm or deny them.

This was, ultimately, simply how Sabriel felt about the situation. Karin didn't believe it in the slightest. One's interest in Justice was simply an appetite. It was only in its absence that one as typically driven toward a taste for it. As of yet, Sabriel seemed to not have been subject to any injustice strong enough to give her a taste for it. And perhaps that was for the best.

"I appreciate you speaking with me, and look forward to hearing from you if you make note of anyone with the qualities we discussed." She noted, and that blank, empty expression offered the tiniest hint of a smile, probably nothing Sabriel would even notice, brief as it was.

"Now then. You mentioned you're new to the area. Did you want to have lunch?" She offered calmly. No reason to just saddle the woman with her request and not offer anything in return. And should Sabriel accept, then she'd proceed to take her phone out and identify a suitable place to treat the arrancar to a nice meal. If not? Then she'd bid her adieu and go about her business for the rest of the evening.
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