Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:23 pm
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 VjlhJ8E

No hesitation.

No fear.

The wave of flame didn't instill one iota of doubt into Kyo's mind. He simply bolted forward one more time, his spear cleaving into the Hadō to mitigate whatever might be mitigated by strength. It was far from the sort of strike that could split the sea in two; flame washed over the shinigami, scorching away his uniform and his flesh both in short order. The searing wounds that crossed his body were of no consequence right now, however; if he succeeded, he could have them healed. If he failed, then his life was simply at its end. The quickest path was straight forward, and he had no time for anything slower.

Spear at the ready, Kyo struck yet again as his single flash step brought him directly in front of Akira, but his aim was far more precise now. He raised his spear, and all at once struck downward. A strike of such speed, such ferocity, could easily pierce the stone floor below, and that was the very intent of the strike; to impale Akira's leg, and lock it in place on his spear. The stonework itself shattered as if it had been quarried for mere gravel; the strength of a man who had pierced untold stones before, and would do the same to the flesh of a man without a single instant of doubt.

Whether he succeeded or failed, regardless of how skilled in footwork Akira might have been, Kyo knew from his assessment of the fight that he was faster. He knew, just as quickly, that he could not simply rely on that spearthrust's success. That was why, in one swift motion, every muscle of his immense frame tensing, his palm shot forward toward the man's midsection, shouting the technique's name with untold ferocity for the sake of further strengthening it with a kiai.


Kyo aimed for the man's midsection only because he would have liked, ideally, to interrogate this traitorous shinigami if he lived. But the strike was nevertheless made with the full brunt of Kyo's strength. He was not planning to spare the man's life; it was simply to the Gotei's benefit if he did survive.

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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:06 pm
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 EDGYY




Who he fuck walks through a Kido like that?! Had the Gotei gained such strength?!


This rage in those brief moments couldn’t be fathomed as Akira felt so close to his ultimate revenge, the compound was right there! It was then a stinging sensation tore through his back, feeling a sleek blade strike through clothing and flesh as Rei managed to begin her onslaught, though found a salt concentrated lash manifest to assist in parrying other strikes, yet stone below cracked beneath the full weight of Kyo’s spear. It was then he felt that swallowing of panic, staring down an individual gearing up to end everything he had worked toward. He wondered if this Shinigami had something more to live for, an aspect of life that maybe lost to him?

He had always thought coming here meant death.

Only for a flash of memory to run through his system, a grit of the teeth as each hand swiped across his chest and a guttural, pain filled shriek left the Vizards mouth in an almost twisted unification of his hollow energy and own vocal chords.

."Nargh! Righteous Embodiment!

The spur of energy rapidly crafted a ribcage that could take an imploding tank shell that Kyos fist struck into alongside Rei’s blade. The brutal crack of kinetic energy was then met as a pair of spindly arms burst forth at rapid speed, each easily reaching a daunting fifteen foot in length. One as it sprawled forth aimed to backhand Kyo, a little on the sluggish side for speed but held the weight of a tank round behind whilst the other smashed into the surrounding area, swathing debri toward Rei to create overall space.

."Gotei do-dogs! I’ll tear you mutts apart!

The pain through his leg regardless was something he would have to handle, left hand raising shortly a there was an intent to use a brief time to assist with the wound in one way or another.


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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:30 am
Rei would jump back avoiding the arm, but just barely. As she watched the display she readied herself. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, but it still did feel like kido. Rei wondered if she got in close, could she still get ice inside of the rib cage. Rei would rush forward, and she tried to avoid the skeletons arms by flash stepping back in to be close to skeleton. She didn't care if she got injured, the rest of the gotei was putting their lives on the line. Rei and Kyo needed to win here so that they could protect the people who keep everything together.

Even if she didn't agree with how some things were ran. That didn't mean that she wanted everything to crumble. She wasn't that much of a greedy bastard. Rushing forward she'd get in range for her ice to be able to grow inside the skeleton. Or at the very least she was going to attempt to summon a punch of small ice spikes at his feet. Hoping to shed through the man's feet and get him to drop on his knees. Anything that they can do to stop this freak. She would take a hard swing with her actual sword at the rib cage. The sword being caught in the bone as she struggled a bit to pull it back out.

"Kyo! See if you can break through the cage. My sword can't break through it."
God of Love
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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:51 am
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 VjlhJ8E

Kyo was fast, but he had positioned himself at such a point blank range that there was no immediate space on the ground to which he could step, if he wanted to get away from the arms. Still, they weren't so fast that it was impossible to get away from them. There was only one direction to move-

And so Kyo lept into the air, shunpo carrying him upward as his body tensed yet again. He only vaguely heard the words that Rei had spoken out, but he understood her intent. It was, after all, the same intent that he had. Gravity would do additional work in this next impact, his whole body preparing for a single strike as he began quietly muttering an incantation. Undoubtedly, this would be a damning injury not only on this intruder, but on his own body.

"Ye lord. Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man. Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south."

So be it.

Back down to earth, Kyo rocketed down, his palm glowing bright red as he readied another Tessho. Yet it was not only a Tessho this time; he woas prepared to expend every ounce of his strength, every last particle of reiryoku in his body, to defeat this man. As he shot his palm forward, he shouted the finished incantation of the spell he had prepared.

"Hadō 31: SHAKKAHO!"

The spell finished forming at the very same moment that Kyo's palm made its full impact at the top of the ribcage, a combination of impacts so catastrophic in its impact that Kyo felt his own arm break in several places. But that injury was inconsequential at the moment, if it saw them success.

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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:15 pm
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 EDGYY


Each managed to dodge the extended arms? Tsk.

It was becoming more apparent at their tenacity to Akira that a battle between them would begin to sway in their favor, especially if they cracked through the Embodiment spell. To come so close to a victory yet to feel it begin slipping beyond his fingertips but their opponent held one last card in his sleeve.

He was not a Shinigami.

Upon the incantation being started by Kyo, a glance toward it was granted before that icy feeling of smaller spikes managed to discover one of the weaknesses of such a spell, beneath. A shriek of pain escaped his mouth, glancing at Rei as he elected to end this fight between them right now. Kyo would give it his all, Rei was in the vicinity. Very. Fucking. Well. The embodiment spell flickered a little as energy began to resonate violently through the air, two fingers tracing the base of the zanpakuto whilst the moisture enhanced the following Kido.


He managed through panted exhales, then did an ear-piercing shriek rapidly fill both their ears as a Hollowfied mask sputtered across Akira’s features, discordant energy corrupting the energy of spells and anything that came from him alike.

He granted himself in soft sputters as each hand raised, pointed directly at the Shinigami whose intent was to plunge into the Skeletal structure. It was arrogance to believe Akira couldn’t cast Kido within his defense, though staring down such vigor did a spark ignite within each palm, unleashing a devastating beam of energy that rapidly consumed reiatsu within the vicinity to empower such an onslaught. The crackling blue shot before the Kido was announced to increase such horrific energy. The Kido itself felt off, wrong as a cacophonic choir of shrills almost distorted it into an amalgamation of Kido and Cero itself.

."Hadō 88: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō

Only to be modified with the elemental enhancement of water, letting droplets and tendrils of this moisture warp across the beam and creating an electrical current that would violently strike around the base of it. The explosion would be enough to influence the surrounding area, for certain eradicate the Embodiment spell but leave Akira semi intact. Those external however? That remained to be seen….

He could atleast claim he met the tenacity and responded in kind.


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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Thu Sep 05, 2024 8:49 pm
Rei felt the build up of energy as she tried to increase the size of the ice in the cage. Trying to bury the ice deeper into his feet, but feeling the energy she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop whatever was coming next. Unless she was able to fully kill him somehow there was nothing stopping it. She wasn't sure what was about to happen, but feeling worried for Kyo. They had really tried their best, but there wasn't alot they could do to the scaredy cat in the skeleton.

"Kyo, we have to get away"

She screamed out before flash steeping as far as she possibly could from the ribcage. Feeling the pressure increasing drastically as he was getting to casting his kido. There was nothing they could do to stop it. Or at the very least, there was nothing she was able to do about it. The explosion she ended caught in was not nearly as bad as the epicenter, but she found herself being shoved hard into a wall. Being shoved through it at the fource, Rei spits up blood before finally crashing into the debris. Taking a minute she tried to move her body but it just wasn't.

Her shuhakusho was shredded and damaged as well as her skin battered and bruised. She felt deep gashes all over her body as her lungs burned. She was having difficulty breathing as she looked forward. Trying to spot kyo or the man they had been fighting. She has to find some success in this situation. She has to.

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God of Love
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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:01 pm
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 VjlhJ8E

Despite his best efforts, it seemed that Kyo had not had enough to give. He had committed too much to this forward assault to evade now; he could do little else but simply face down the spell as it shot toward him. Even as he braced himself, Kyo was simply ill-prepared for such force.

The spell's power scorched his flesh as it simply barrelled over him, the shearing power of water ripping skin from flesh, flesh from bone. Even bone gave way, after a few moments, and as Kyo fell to the floor, blood seeped out from the lost arm that had been all but wiped away by such a disparity in raw spiritual output. He was fairly certain that he'd only avoided simply dying on impact, but that felt like a small mercy.

He could feel his consciousness fading, as the weight of such a wound fully settled upon him. Kyo desperately wished to simply stand again; he wished to get up, to fight regardless of what he had lost. But he could hardly see, his body having simply been outmatched by the intensity of a kido at that caliber, empowered all the more by a Hollow mask.

There was nothing left to do.

He couldn't stay awake.

Kyo closed his eyes, and all that he wished was that he would wake up again. Despite knowing, all too well, that such a wish was remarkably unlikely to come true.

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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:43 pm
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 EDGYY


The explosion tore through the area before unleashing violent arcs of sapphire that sizzled, a twisted distortion of the energy seeing it something more before the kinetic energy shook the surrounding area, sending chunks of debri and those about flying. Righteous embodiment? Well it didn’t last too long, such intensity flinging Akira off the soles of his shoes and ragdolling him across the area, skeletal structure cracking, sputtering and tearing through buildings before finally faltering.

He coughed violently, feeling pain ringing through his body alongside trickles of vermillion drip down the forehead whilst his left hand grasped the hilt of Rivu tightly, using one of the two remaining watery orbs as the others were vaporised outside the spell. A wobble of the left leg following, as he no doubt held bruised bones, maybe a fracture or two yet his eyes granted him visibility through thick smog that coated the impact zone.

They’re alive? Barely…

It was then he began to hobble, a soft yet pained chuckle leaving his throat, husky from injury and irritation whilst the Vizard began to drag himself toward the compound. Part of the mask was undone, and so he elected to allow those floating orbs of oceanic water to stay close by him.

."T…They fought well….

It was a statement more to himself than anything, acknowledgement given but the prize was in view….


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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:23 pm
Rei found her ears ringing, but she looked up. The blood running down her forehead and getting into her eye. Wiping it away as she looked forward, she was filled with resolve. She couldn't just allow him to fully walk away like this. She had to atleast make sure he had to have an injury to show they hadn't completely failed. Perhaps she could stop the asshole from using anymore of those shit eating high level kido. The ones that only those book loving nerds know. Using the energy thst she had remaining, she began to speak an incantation that was broken up and barely above a whisper on the wind.

"Ye lord.....Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings..... ye who bears the name of Man"
Struggling to get the rest out as she fought with her conciousness. She had to try to atleast keep him from causing anymore damage. She needed to do this. Finding the rsolve, the next bit came out much more fluid despite her voice faltering in and out. "

Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws, Hadō #33 Sokatsui"

As a pale blue fire launched from the woman's hand. Shooting rapid towards the man who was limping away. Rei was barely able to keep her eye open as she saw the flames moving forward. That's all she had left..He'd sword would return to its asauchi state as Rei found it increasingly difficult to keep her head up.
God of Love
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One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 Empty Re: One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei)

Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:10 am
One obstacle in the way of revenge. (Akira/Amaranta/Kyo/Rei) - Page 2 VjlhJ8E

Ho, now is this any way for a man to behave?

That damn spirit.

What a grating voice.

Scorched, bloody fingers gripped the ground, every muscle in Kyo's lone remaining arm tensing as he pushed himself up from the stonework floor. It was agony to even move. Blood dripped from his lips, from the arm he'd lost, from his smaller cuts and wounds. But he stood, even so. He used his zanpakuto as leverage; most of the time, it might have minded, but this was the behavior of a man.

"Hadō... Number four..."

He lifted his hand, index finger outstretched even as his blade fell to the ground. Kyo doubted that he could stand for much longer than it took to cast this spell. He didn't even have time to give an incantation. It didn't matter.


The moment the beam had burst from his fingertip, Kyo's legs failed him, and he fell to the ground once more. He had given his very best, and in spite of his wounds, in spite of the splash of blood as his body fell again, he smiled at what he had achieved.

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