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As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Left_bar_bleue0/0As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Empty As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou]

Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:14 pm
As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Myd5cnb3wj4

She knew she was too late by the time she'd even cleared where the Sereitei's wall had once been. A twinge of annoyance coursing through her body, but also a slow building pit in her chest as she saw that final burst of energy. A mesh and mold of energy that no doubt would evade the notice amongst all of the chaos.

When at long last, she arrived on the spot. The other Captain was nowhere to be seen. The locale had been devastated, and where once the roar of spirit energy and pain had made this place unbearable to inhabit, now hung an eerie and solemn silence.

She hardly made a sound as her boots landed on the broken earth, and with her good eye, Lilynette glanced down to what was left of the man that had almost taken her out from across the soul society. There wasn't any doubt or uncertainty. Some might wonder why the hell she was doing this. But Lilynette knew very well why she had. Shifting her frame, she lowered Rio's half-limp frame down onto the ground beside the man. The hole in her gut had stopped bleeding for the most part. And well, with how well the woman had taken a shot straight through her gut, she didn't imagine Rio would have lost consciousness during the journey.

She didn't offer any taunts or coy remarks. Nor did she say anything of comfort.
This was simply where Rio needed to be.
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As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Empty Re: As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou]

Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:51 pm
As Colors Fade to Gray [Lilynette, Rio, Hakuyou] Banner-Rio2

Rio Shihoin

Even now, Rio could not discern why Lilynette had brought her here. What was the purpose? Did she wish to torment her captive? Play a cruel game at her expense? Like a whirlwind, a myriad of questions filled her dazed mind. Receiving little answer, Rio simply offered little else in the form of dialogue. There were no words to be spoken, nothing to be shared.

As they drew closer to the energy signature, Rio grew lucidly aware of Hakuyou's demise. In the end, it didn't matter. They were too late. What met her gaze was something closer to a corpse - truly a far cry from the stalwart man she remembered. The proud warrior who spoke of his dreams to bring the Shiba back to their former glory, was now little more than a bisected corpse, one that appeared to be close to its expiration.

Indeed, there was no saving him now. This curious arrancar's expedition proved futile. Multiple thoughts passed through her mind at once, each a little more bitter than the last. At once, there was regret. At another, a profound sadness, one that singlehandedly brought her ironclad will to its knees. When her body was tossed forward, she looked at the man with a somber expression, as solemn silence set in. Forcing herself to maintain some semblance of composure, she weakly gazed at the man beside her.

"Hakuyou... I'm sorry."

END POST | Goodbye, Halcyon Days
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