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Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] Empty Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro]

Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:52 am
Quinn gazed up at the sky grinning into the warm sunlight that beamed down. While his eyes were blindfolded, joy was clearly painted on his face. After basking in the heat for a bit, the lad continued on his walk. He sped up to a jog. And hanging from a short rope on his hip, his Zanpakto hummed with a gentle constant tone. The blonde Vizard continued his jog enjoying the soft thrill of running. Quinn sped up a bit more as he neared his newly found spot.

The spot was atop a tall hill with a few large trees and a lot space.

Running uphill added a slight burn to Quinn's legs. He stopped in the center of the hill drew his Zanpakto before sitting under the largest tree. Even sitting and his eyes covered, his senses allowed the boy to see far. Especially without the maze-like walls surrounding him. Quinn turned his attention to his blade. Calming his mind, the new graduate sank his mind into his inner world. When he opened his eyes, Quinn sighed happily. The vast space spread out all around the boy and he relaxed. The Quinn enjoyed the soft eternal music in the air. He focused on the massive tree in the center of his inner world, studying its branches. However, in mid-step, he froze at a familiar, aggravating voice.

"Oh, hello there. Welcome back, you weak pansy." Said a deep, raspy voice from behind Quinn.

Immediately, Quinn drew his Zanpakto and spun, slashing out at Ekiga and prepared to stab him. But, Quinn saw Ekiga landing from a lazy backward dodge. The boy's inner hollow had an almost permanent smile. Ekiga's gaunt form shown with white light from the cracks all across his obsidian body. Quinn glared at the creature as it began laughing. "Come now, Quinnie. No need to glare. Being angry won't help a worm like you.

Quinn's grip on his Zanpakto turned white-knuckled. The lad warred with himself. I want to cut him, cut him to bloody chunks. But, he grows as I do. Damn do I wa-" Quinn parried Ekiga's thrust and moved right. His Echo-Reikaku sent him the sudden attack just in time.

Quinn saw his corrupted hollow copy in his echolocation and felt the creature's spirit. Ekiga mocked Quinn and faked a lunge before laughing again at the boy's flinch. You want strength. My power is right here."

Quinn had wanted to commune with his Zanpakto spirit but his unwanted soulmate loved to barge in. Quinn growled in rage before sheathing his weapon and made to leave his inner world.

"You won't grow if you always leave...pathetic pus-"

Quinn opened his eyes and his spiritual senses echoed out showing him the hill again. Quinn yelled in rage as he leapt up to his feet. The furious Vizard began jogging around the top of the hill with anger-fueled energy. He had to move. To do something.

Last edited by AnubisRat on Fri Sep 20, 2024 9:24 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updating the Title)
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Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] Empty Re: Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:10 pm

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 220

Well, today was pretty tough for Hono. People around the Rukongai were doing stupid stuff, people stealing the most minimal stuff, not enough to be thrown in Jail, as such Hono had to speak to them about it. She hated that, stupid people doing stupid things and SHE had to deal with it. While it sounded negative, Hono did love her job, she got to see her family while keeping people safe. Now that she was done with patrol, she would head home and cook dinner. But what? Lot of options, she was always expanding her cookbook and trying something new.

However, as she walked back to the sixth division, she heard some shouting from a hill. It was a pretty remote spot so the last thing she expected was some shouting, it was weird. So she decided to peek in and see what all the ruckus was about. The pink haired woman would slowly find herself looking at the hill from a bit away, she saw a figure moving running near the fourth division. How… strange.

Soon enough, the shinigami would walk over to this hill, walking up she would speak out to the figure. “Sooo any reason you’re screaming like a crazy person?”

She placed a hand on her hip, looking around for whoever was making the noise

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Tue Sep 10, 2024 10:52 am
Quinn fast walked around the large tree a few times before he growled. Moving away from the center of the hill, the blond boy began stretching. Quinn settled his breathing, inhaling the gentle scents around him as he flowed through his yoga. Even after the relief of stretching, the blindfolded Vizard still felt his muscles yelling for more. So, Quinn drew his Zanpakto and exhaled a slow breath. With his spirit constantly scanning the area, Quinn swung his blade and stepped, continuing on with a spinning slash. The lad focused his mind, creating a mock enemy to fight. This let him truly enter his battle dance, gliding from a lunging thrust, into sweeping slice before spinning into a feint which had him stepping away.

The imagined target blocked and countered Quinn's flowing stye, pressing him to bend away, drop down and deflect all the while his feet danced across the ground. Though, he stumbled and Quinn's heart spiked against his rips. Then, he felt someone walking up the hill with his echolocation bringing more details. With Hono joining him on the hill, stopped his exercise. Quinn spun back to his feet and sheathed his weapon. The lad listened to her question respectfully. Quinn rubbed his head and grimaced.

"Sorry about that. I was trying to commune with my Zanpakto spirit but my unwanted guest interfered again...I should have fought him..." The last bit was said to himself.

Last edited by AnubisRat on Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:10 pm

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 130

Well, it seemed he was training, for something so Hono couldn't be too annoyed about it, she did the same thing. The pink-haired woman spoke quietly in response to his struggle. "Unwanted guest?" She couldn't say she knew what he was saying, the Shinigami would tap her chin. "But I know how annoying Zanpakauto spirits can be sometimes!"

She glanced down at the Zanpakuto on her hip. "She wouldn't even speak to me for a while. She was such a diva..." She used the word Murasaki used, back then. "Well, she still is..." She sighed. Despite all of that, she was closer to her Zanpakuto than ever.

"Can't say I know who you are. Hono. And You are?" She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. Ready for his answer.

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Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:02 am
Quinn bowed to Hono and answered, "Quinn, I just joined the Fourth Division not long ago. Nice to meet you."

He chuckled at the news of someone else having similar trouble as he had. Quinn imagined having a diva as a spiritual partner and hummed with annoyance. "That sounds annoying. I'm not sure whether I'd want a diva or my rude snob of Zanpakto spirit..." The lad thought about it for while before shrugging.

Then he remembered Hono's first question and the blindfolded boy grimaced. He replied with a aggravated tone aimed at himself, "It's not a secret, but still painful to even think about," he pulled part of his shoulder free of his Shihakushō revealing a large bite scar from a hollow, "due to my weakness before training to become a Shinigami, I was attacked and infected by a hollow. Now, he torments me everyday. I'm here to learn how to control that bastard."

Quinn fixed his uniform again and his shoulders slumped. He focused both echolocation and Reiryoku on the large tree nearby, letting the softly waving leaves take his mind off of his inner thoughts.

Last edited by AnubisRat on Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:16 am

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 199

That explained a lot, he was a new member. However, Hono wanted to understand more about him since he seemed interesting enough. "A diva isn't so bad, now I know what she's like it's easier to talk to her." She laughed. "Your Zanpakuto reflects yourself or so they say... Guess you just gotta punch your spirit right in the face and put him in his place!" This was partially a joke, but the comment about putting him in his place was genuine.

A scar? That was pretty nasty-looking. "Sheesh. So you're one of those Vizard? Can't say I have much experience there..." She tapped her chin, come to think of it she never had a conversation with a Vizardbefore. "You could ask Rose." She thought about it, and that was the only vizard she knew of. "He's got a hollow in him as well or so I heard"

Hono shrugged. "I'd offer more help, but I don't really know much about your Vizards so sorry about that" Was he blind? She didn't want to ask about the blindfold, but it reminded her of someone she knew, a really weird blind woman.

"So what exactly pulled you into the fourth?"

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Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:13 am
Quinn thought about Hono's words and chuckled. But he shook his head, "I could never attack Reitōri. She's friendly and helpful...when she doesn't ignore me. She wants me to get stronger before she will let me commune without sass. Now, Ekiga....he I could punch all day.

Seeing her reaction to the large bite scar, Quinn rolled his shoulder with the memory. He grumbled under his breath and confirmed her question. But he smiled at the news of another Vizard, the boy's interest piqued. "Rose. I'll remember that. I knew I wasn't alone, but I don't know many people yet. Thank you. He shrugged at Hono's apology, "No worries there. I doubt Vizards are common."

The blindfolded lad grinned at the inquiry for his division choice. Resting his hand on his Zanpakto's hilt, he answered, "I joined Squad Four for three reasons. One, so I could get stronger, so I can gain control over my tainted guest. And so I can defend myself. Two, even as a mortal, I found myself drawn to blades. Thanks to the academy, I've grown even better. Lastly, I like training and fighting. It's thrilling to test myself and learn from others."

Last edited by AnubisRat on Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] Empty Re: Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:46 pm

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 144

"Exaclty~ Make sure they know you're in charge." She wasn't sure how good of advice that was, but Hono was never the best when it came to advice. "I've never met Rose, but he seems like a pretty tough Captain if not a little eccentric. But you're best bet would be to chat with him."

One of his reasons caught Hono's ear. A mortal? So he wasn't born a Shinigami. That was interesting, Hono hadn't met someone like that before, this Quinn guy was getting more interesting. Hono would chuckle a little. "I like fighting, but I went with the sixth!" She explained thinking about her division. "I like it, but it can be pretty stressful at times"

Hono sighed thinking everything happening recently. "But I'm sure you'll get stronger and be able to control that stupid evil thing inside of you or whatever..."

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Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:58 am
Quinn smiled at the confirmation of his thoughts. Should his unwanted guest attack him again, he would fight back. Quinn hadn't liked even looking at Ekiga but it seemed he wouldn't master the hollow without conflict. Next time, I won't fight to escape. When he attacks me next time, Ekiga will taste my blade."

The boy grimaced and acted like he felt a spider crawling up his neck, You'll have my steel first, brat, the hollow said in Quinn's mind. The young Vizard seemed like he wanted to hit something. But, he calmed down a few seconds later.

A Vizard Captain. That's awesome, the thought had him grinning with anticipation.

Hearing about Hono's division had Quinn focus on her again. "Oh, an law enforcement. One of my first acquaintances is a police officer. Hmmm, could be useful." he joked. With that, he pulled down his blindfold to look at Hono with his eyes, to take in her true appearance and not just how her spirit felt. Quinn's blue eyes shone with interest as he studied her as respectfully as he could.
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Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] Empty Re: Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:46 pm

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono/Junichiro] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 105

Hono nodded and gave him a thumbs up, really encouraging Quinn. "Don't let him talk you down~ Kick his teeth in!" She smirked, putting her hand on her hips and standing proudly. It seems stupid things like entertained her.

"Law Enforcement is one of the things I do. But it's a little bit more than that" She explained. "Right now it's a lot of calming the public down. I try not to arrest the Rukongai folk, but give them a warning. I act all scary"

"Intimidation is a very helpful skill to have" She tapped her Zanpakuto. "Flash a sword and they usually give up"

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