Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
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- Frost_ReiSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:01 am
Senna nodded as she waited to step into the garganta. She was a little skeptical about how easily they are able to go through the dimensions. However, she guessed if small trash hollow were able to do it then arancar should be able to do it without issue. So she simply waited to step through.
"So am I going to need to create my own path?"
Her curiosity was there. She was okay at using her energy, but this path thing was going to be a first. She wasn't sure how good she was going to be at it right away. She thought about it, but she waited patiently for the arancar.
"So am I going to need to create my own path?"
Her curiosity was there. She was okay at using her energy, but this path thing was going to be a first. She wasn't sure how good she was going to be at it right away. She thought about it, but she waited patiently for the arancar.
- AshaiyaSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Sat Nov 02, 2024 9:17 am
“If you feel comfortable with manipulating your spiritual energy then you can do so.” Jaesa answered, turning back to face Senna again. “The more control you have, the easier and stronger your path will be when we go in there. If you’re a little uncertain about creating your own, you can just follow me and use mine, it won’t affect the amount of energy that I need to harness. The last thing I want is for you to create a path and have it break and crumble, after all.”
The mouse was genuinely concerned for her new friend's safety when it came to that and soon enough she added. “You don’t want to find yourself stuck in there, believe me.”
- Frost_ReiSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Sun Nov 03, 2024 8:31 pm
Senna nodded as she had pretty good control of the reishi that she was able to use. She didn't have alot of it, but she had always been good at controlling the flow of her power. Since her fullbring relies so heavily on area attacks she had to learn how to control herself so she didn't cause a bunch of damage or hurt bystanders. She may not be a hero, but she still didn't want to cause unnecessary issues for people around her.
"Lead them way, Jaesa."
"Lead them way, Jaesa."
- AshaiyaSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Mon Nov 04, 2024 7:52 am
“Let’s go then.” The mouse answered with a smile, pleased that Senna was willing to accompany her despite the potential danger.
Turning forwards again, she’d run into the garganta, quickly taking a left rather than going forwards since it was travelling in the same realm. No sooner had she entered the strange place, a red path would begin to appear from her feet, a rather well made path that had come from many years of practice and experience. Jaesa had no issue with traversing the oddly looking place, she just hoped that it would be the same for Senna too.
“Are you doing OK?” She’d soon ask, looking back towards her new friend as she ran. “It shouldn’t take too long since we’re just travelling to the Capital but it’s important to stay focused anyway.”
- Frost_ReiSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Mon Nov 04, 2024 9:31 pm
Senna stepped from the human world into the garfanfa and instantly felt out of place. However, the path under her was a perfect light blue. It seems she was a bit of a natural when it came to controlling her energy. There may not have been alot of it, but she did have good control of her power. As she made her way over the grab she spoke to the mouse more.
"This doesn't seem all that hard."
"This doesn't seem all that hard."
- AshaiyaSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Tue Nov 05, 2024 7:19 am
Glancing down at the blue path that the woman was creating, Jaesa would smirk, complimenting her. “You seem to be quite the natural at this, Senna, not everyone is able to pick it up quite so quickly. I’ve had a guest or two who couldn’t last five seconds and it certainly was an unpleasant sight.” She was glad that her new friend was so skilled and the mouse had to admit that she was rather curious about Senna’s skills. When she thought about it, Jaesa realised that she hadn’t even asked about her powers, a thought that annoyed her.
Taking that as a sign of where to take the conversation, she’d run with it. “What kind of powers do you possess if I might ask?”
- Frost_ReiSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Tue Nov 05, 2024 9:18 pm
Senna continued to focus on making her path as she realized the arancar had asked her a question. She felt bad she had slipped and wasn't paying fully attention but she had to make sure her path was good. The space below them probably wasn't the best thing ever to fall in so she was side tracked. Answering the question after somewhat of an awkward pause.
"Uh I'm a fullbringer. If you know what that is."
"Uh I'm a fullbringer. If you know what that is."
- AshaiyaSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Thu Nov 07, 2024 7:22 am
“A Fullbringer, hmm? Quite a rare bunch as far as I know.” The mouse replied, jogging along easily as her path continued to form. “I admit that I haven’t met many of your kind during my travels although I’ve heard a fair bit about them. You guys can use some of our powers if you’re trained well enough, right? Not like a Vizard but you dip into our skills?” She was rather curious and if Senna felt like sharing then she’d happily listen.
As they continued to travel, Jaesa started to have a bit of an inner battle with herself again. A part of her was quite happy to just have a conversation and hopefully have some more fun in Tokyo, while the more devious side wished nothing more than to scoop the woman in her arms and take her elsewhere for a different form of fun. It was quite the dilemma and Jaesa found herself somewhat at odds.
- Frost_ReiSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Sun Nov 10, 2024 4:15 pm
"Uh I think so. I remember the guy who taught me about my powers saying something about hollows. I dont really know any other fullbringers either so I don't really have direct access to knowledge."
She continued to walk along the path she kept made. It wasn't taking as much concentration now as she got used to the feeling. One step after the other as she continued towards the city. Wow if she could figure out how to use gargantas shed never have to use air planes again. That would be an incredible feeling if she was able to do that.
"You think i could use gargantas for traveling like you guys do?"
She asked genuinely wondering now. She knew that her powers were related to hollows in some way but with her luck it was probably at surface level and none of the convenient stuff.
She continued to walk along the path she kept made. It wasn't taking as much concentration now as she got used to the feeling. One step after the other as she continued towards the city. Wow if she could figure out how to use gargantas shed never have to use air planes again. That would be an incredible feeling if she was able to do that.
"You think i could use gargantas for traveling like you guys do?"
She asked genuinely wondering now. She knew that her powers were related to hollows in some way but with her luck it was probably at surface level and none of the convenient stuff.
- AshaiyaSeasoned Member
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Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)
Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:03 am
“I wish I could give you a proper answer but I don’t know enough about Fullbringers to give you one.” Jaesa replied with a sigh. “The fact that you can tap into our powers means that you might be able to when you’re strong enough. Being able to create one of these would certainly make life easier for you I’m sure, so could skills like regeneration I guess. All I can advise you to do is to keep training and if you can, find a powerful Fullbringer to learn from.”
A light would start to emerge through the darkness, directly in the path of the two women but a fair distance away. “There’s our destination coming up. All we have to do is head towards it and we’ll be in Tokyo.”
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